Swiftstar's Prophecy - Unfini...

By AmbiguousPierogi

14.3K 713 970

Swiftpaw is prophecied to be the "peacemaker" between the clans and the rogues that threaten the clan territo... More

Important Information Before you Read
Allegiances 0
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one *SPECIAL*
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight *SPECIAL*
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
(Q&A) Chapter Fifty-four
Q&A + Facts + HINTS
Allegiances 1
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Facts + Hints 2
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter Sixty-two
Chapter Sixty-three
Chapter Sixty-four
Chapter Sixty-five
Chapter Sixty-six
Chapter Sixty-seven
Chapter Sixty-eight
Chapter Sixty-nine
Chapter Seventy
Hi guys!

Chapter Twenty-nine

172 7 4
By AmbiguousPierogi

Muddy paws carried Swiftpaw into TideClan camp. The apprentice's once muddy pelt was now clean from the harsh rain, washing her clean. Only her paws her muddy. She carried a huge bundle of wet moss, and some dry moss tucked under her neck for the elders.

She hesitated when she reached the flattened, grass entrance. I feel so out of place... She thought, her tail lashing uncomfortably, but she exhaled steadily. I'll be alright.... Never before has she ever felt so alone as she stepped into camp.

It was teeming with her clanmates, for they were making sure no leaks were in any of the dens. Thankfully, the nursery was made out of stone, so the kits were safe.

"Look, Lichenface, watch me!" Swiftpaw could hear Flaxkit, as the small tom leapt from puddle to puddle. His gray mother watched happily. Swiftpaw examined them, and it made her heart stir sadly. Her chest hurt, but the calico apprentice looked away. She realized how much she envied Flaxkit; he had a mother to be loved by, and Swiftpaw and her siblings were just left aside. At least I have lovely siblings, and we have each other. She thought in relief, before the apprentice made her way towards the Elders' den. It was constructed of tightly bounded twigs, reeds, and a holly bush. From where Swiftpaw was, she could already see someone inside the den.

"Swiftpaw, you're back!" Maplepaw called from inside of the den, and his green eyes glowed happily as she entered. A purr rumbled out from her throat, and she set down the wet moss ball in front of both Mousetail and Fogstorm. "Are you okay?" Her brother asked, brushing up against her even though she was wet. Swiftpaw chuckled, and dug her nose into her brother's shoulder. "I'm fine! Trust me," she replied gently, before Fogstorm nagged, "Swiftpaw! You're soaking wet! At least shake yourself by the entrance first," the tom meowed, his thin tail lashing angrily.

She flushed underneath her fur and put down the dry moss, before the apprentice went to shake her fur at the entrance. Maplepaw then asked her teasingly, "So, about Acornpaw..."

Both elders heard them, and Fogstorm bickered, "Ah, young love! Only annoying now."

Swiftpaw shook her fur, her long hairs now drying a bit. "What about him?" She tilted her head. Her brother snickered, his red tail lashing, "Do you like him back?"

"What?" Before she gave her response, her brother's ears perked up, and he whispered to her, "Oh, and speaking of him, there he is!" They both ducked their heads to look out from the den, looking past the draping vines.

A hunting patrol had just returned, each warrior carrying a fish, at least. "Good catch, Acornpaw," Mothnose told her apprentice once they reached the fresh kill pile. Acornpaw had a squirrel in his jaws, proudly dropping it into the pile.

Swiftpaw narrowed her eyes. Acornpaw seems like a good warrior... But I don't feel the same way to him, she thought, her tail wrapping around her lower legs. I'm sorry, Acornpaw.

"Swiftpaw, dear, can you fetch us something from the fresh kill pile? My legs are numb," Mousetail murmured, her tail tip flickering enticingly. Maplepaw snickered to his sister, "Yeah, go get something from the pile. Hope you don't get stopped by Acornpaw~" Swiftpaw gently hissed at her brother, before she dipped her head. "Of course! I'll get the biggest prey there!"

She hurried out of the den, and her pelt instantly became soaked once she stepped outside. I've got to hurry up before Acornpaw notices me... She wasn't in the mood for interacting with him.

"Swiftpaw! Acornpaw! Come here," Blizzardtail's voice called them, and the apprentice lifted her head. Her mentor was at the fresh kill pile, his fur soaking wet, but two large fish were dropped at his paws. "You're back!" Swiftpaw sighed in relief. Acornpaw let out a small purr, and made his way over to Swiftpaw and Blizzardtail.

"We're going on a border patrol, north of the Grand River, with Lionstripe and Tortoisetail. Come on," Blizzardtail beckoned with his tail, but Swiftpaw intervened, "Wait! I have to get some prey for Mousetail and Fogstorm!"

With a flicker of his tail, Swiftpaw scooped up Acornpaw's squirrel and bounded over towards the Elders' den. After dropping it off to Maplepaw, she hurried back to Blizzardtail and Acornpaw. Already, she could see Lionstripe and Tortoisetail waiting for them at the entrance of camp, the stone arch providing some cover from the rain. The mottled tom then led the two apprentices over to the two awaiting warriors.

"Is this your first border patrol?" Acornpaw finally asked Swiftpaw, as the two walked in unison behind Blizzardtail. "No," she replied shortly, again, not wanted to engage any conversation with him. Their pelts brushed, and Swiftpaw slightly side stepped to avoid anymore brushing. This is so awkward...

Lionstripe led the patrol, as the golden she-cat began her walk towards the Training Clearing. Blizzardtail and Tortoisetail remained behind her, then Swiftpaw and Acornpaw at the rear. Swiftpaw didn't want to be with Acornpaw, but she bit her tongue and kept walking.

"Did you see the squirrel I caught earlier? It was such a hassle getting it, and especially running up the tree to get it!" Acornpaw boasted to her, his pale eyes lighting up. Kindly, she let out a small chuckle, "It must've been really tough," Why does he have to have a crush on me? It only causes problems between us, especially making things uncomfortable for me. Swiftpaw glanced down at her paws nervously.

Blizzardtail then slowed down so that he could walk beside Swiftpaw briefly. Her mentor lowered his mouth to her ear, "Don't make things awkward, talk about something. He may like you, but he's also your clanmate. You don't have to like him back to talk to him." The white tom then sped up slightly to walk beside Tortoisetail, the two exchanging words of wisdom.

Acornpaw lowered his head slightly to match the height of Swiftpaw. "Yesterday, you caught that rabbit, right? How did it feel, running after it?"

"It wasn't too hard. The rabbit was kinda slowed from going uphill, and I had the advantage," Swiftpaw lied, "I've never hunted a rabbit before, so when I did, I felt a bit like DriftClan."

Without Swiftpaw noticing, they had already walked past the Training Clearing, and they were now at the BoulderClan border. "The rain is washing away the border. Let's remark them," Lionstripe informed the patrol, "Just in this general area. The other areas are just fine..." After remarking the border, Lionstripe was about to continue their stroll to the other ends of the BoulderClan border, before the golden tabby she-cat narrowed her eyes. "Good afternoon, Frostfang." Swiftpaw held in a gasp, and her nose finally scented the BoulderClan patrol, for it was shielded from the rain and mud. Acornpaw tensed slightly beside her, Blizzardtail lifted his muzzle, and Tortoisetail struggled to let her pelt lie flat.

A large, white tom was leading the patrol, with some over warriors and apprentices. Swiftpaw felt a bit intimidated from the much larger patrol, but her beating heart calmed when her eyes met Stonepaw's.

They both shared the same relief, and the handsome black tabby tom flickered his ear at her. Swiftpaw blinked slowly at him, her tail lashing. "Hello, Stonepaw." A short growl came from Acornpaw, and Swiftpaw looked over at the brown tom. His fangs were bared, and his eyes held a hateful look.

"Hi, Acornpaw and Swiftpaw," Stonepaw replied, his eyes constantly looking back at Swiftpaw. For some reason, Stonepaw didn't return the hateful presence as Acornpaw presented. Why does Acornpaw hate him? The handsome BoulderClan tom narrowed his eyes at Acornpaw, before he looked over at Swiftpaw.  The only thing that separated the two cats was the border. Stonepaw opened his mouth to speak to Swiftpaw, but Acornpaw intervened, "Come on, Swiftpaw, we don't need to talk to scum." His tail rested on her shoulder, and his glare never left Stonepaw.


When you're able to find time to update on your story~~~

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