5 seconds of summer Preferenc...

By catthood

29.5K 222 26

Basically preferences but, I"ll aware you when its a fandom or my own writing ❤️ enjoy! More

Prefrences and Fandoms
Car Rides
Holding hands
You make up after a fight
Cheesey pick up lines he uses on you
The other boys find out about your secret relationship
Your in love with him but he gets a girlfiriend (part 2)
Your in love with him but he has a girlfriend (part 3)
Your in love with him but he gets a girlfriend (part 4)
He does the Boyfriend tag
You take his phone
Your famous
First "I love you"
He asks you to prom
He tries to steal your food
Your his bestfriend on tour
He gets jelous of your best guy friend
How he likes your hair
He meets your younger brother/sister
A fan asks about you
You catch him cheating on you with your bestfriend (part 1)
You catch him cheating on you with your bestfriend (part 2)
You catch him cheating on you with your best friend (part 3)
Silent treatment
Scary Movies
Your sick and he takes care of you
Goodnight texts
The song he sings you to sleep with
Please come home
Father moment
First date
Late nights
He talks about you in his sleep
He protects you
You sneak into his bed
It's your birthday
You play spin the bottle
He crashes your slumber party
Good Girls
He cheats
One of the other boys hits your butt, he hets jealous
Truth or dare
What he tweets when you get hate
He walks in on you changing
He over hears the boys talking about how hot you are
You meet during the holidays
You live next door
You like him but one of the other members likes you
You like him but another band member likes you part 2
One of the boys checks you out and he gets jealous
How he wakes you up on Christmas Day
You catch him...
How he gets your attention
Being approved; They just don't know you- Little mix (song pref)
the power goes out
Your daughter dates another members son
your a sister of a band member and you date another band member
You're best friends and his girlfriend hates you| Part 1
You're best friends and his girlfriend hates you | Part 2
You're best friends and his girlfriend hates you | Part 3
You're best friends and his girlfriend hates you | Part 4
Luke Song Imagine
You Guys are Best Friends but He Likes You
You Have a Child From a Previous Relationship
He's Your Brothers Bestfriend
He's Your Brothers Bestfriend Part 2
He's Your Brothers Best Friend Part 3
He Comes Home From Tour

Your in love with him but he gets a girlfriend (part 1)

790 5 0
By catthood


"Another round?" you asked lifting up your controller in an attempt to pursuade him. You looked up into his eyes and you couldn’t help but feel your chest ache at the perfection of your best friend. "Sorry Y/N, I can’t, I’ve got to go." Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "But Mikey you don’t have anything to do with the band today." You stated looking round at the other members of the band still lying on the sofas."I’m sorry but this isn’t to do band work, it’s to go on a date" he began, you felt your heart break, you tried to speak normally hoping Michael wouldn’t notice the shaking in your voice "A date? With who?" You looked around the other boys were now staring at Michael too. "With my girlfriend, Elinor." That hurt even more, shattering your already broken heart in to smithereens. You just looked at him in disbelief for what seemed an eternity "How long have you been seeing this girl?" Luke asked, you looked at him and smiled weakly, thanking him for breaking the awkward silence. "About two weeks now." Michael said casually pulling on his coat. You snapped "Two weeks Michael, two fucking weeks and you didn’t think to tell me?" You fumed, blinking back tears "Look I get that I’m a girl and you might not have wanted to discuss this with me but we’re supposed to be best friends and friends tell each other stuff." He looked at you unsure of how to reply but you spoke again before he could string a sentence together. "Fine you didn’t tell me but you could’ve told the boys, god you’re so infuriating!" You couldn’t hold back any longer and two tears came sliding down both your cheeks. "Wow Y/N you don’t need to get that upset because I didn’t tell you something, as you said, I didn’t tell the boys either and they’re not fucking crying." Anger rolled through your veins, anger that you loved him, anger that he was dating someone. "You just don’t fucking get it do you?" You screamed at him, he just rolled his eyes "Wow, nice one Y/N I’m going to be late so I’m leaving but hopefully you’ll be over all this by the time I get back." He turned and walked out the door barely catching you scream "I didn’t ask to feel like this you inconsiderate dick." As you shouted you fell to the floor thinking how you wished you could get over him.


You got dressed into sweat shorts an oversized jumper and put your hair into a messy bun, well after a couple of attempts, but it looked okay. You grabbed the snack bag and headed to your red Seat Ibiza. You put the keys in and started driving to your best friend Ashton’s house. Every Thursday night, in which the two of you had jokingly nicknamed ‘date night’ you two would get together and have a movie night and spend the evening playing games and eating junk food. This week it was your turn to pick up the food and decide what kind of take out you wanted. You arrived at his house and started walking towards his door. You knocked and waited for him to answer, you had learnt it not walk straight in to his house without knocking after the incident you’d encountered previously. “Y/N?” He asked apparently shocked upon opening the door. “What are you doing here?” You laughed thinking he was joking and then took in his appearance, he was wearing a nice suit and he looked very formal. “Ash, it’s date night remember?” You thought for a second before adding “I’m sorry, do you have a meeting or something?” He bit his lip clearly thinking “No, Y/N I have a date, a real one with my girlfriend.” Your mouth fell open. You couldn’t speak for several moments, you felt like you’d been hit in the chest. Yeah sure you had a thing for Ash in the early stages of your friendship but you decided that you’d rather have his friendship than nothing and over the years you’d tried to bury your feelings but you knew that they’d never go completely away, especially when you got to know him better. “Oh, um okay.” You mumbled, still unsure of what to say. “Yeah, I’m sorry, I guess I forgot to tell you Y/N. And can I ask a small favour?” You nodded silently “Do you think you can leave before she gets here? It’s not a good sign if you turn up to someone’s house for a date and see him there with another girl, maybe we can reschedule?” That’s when you found your voice “Ash, I’d understand if you had something important to do and that’s why you’re cancelling on me but this is to just fuck some random girl and you didn’t even give me any warning, do you know how many times I’ve cancelled plans or turned down evenings out with my friends because it was our night? Clearly not, and now you want me to just leave so she doesn’t get the wrong impression. Maybe I should stay so she knows how much of an arsehole you are, friends are for ever, you’re important to me Ash and I thought I was important to you, but I was obviously wrong so I don’t think we should reschedule.”


You giggled as Luke picked you up at twirled you around. He joined in your laughter and he put you down. He placed his arm around your shoulders as he usually did, you knew deep down you loved him and secretly hoped that he would reciprocate however, you were too nervous to bring up this subject. You made your way to the coffee shop and smiled as the bell above the door rang, signalling that customers were ready to be served. You went and sat at a table whilst Luke went up and ordered. You smiled when you saw your phone light up with a twitter notification and smiled even more when you saw that Luke had tagged you in a picture of your coffees. He walked back over to the table with your orders and sat down. “Here Y/N.” You thanked him and he shot you a toothy smile which you found to be contagious. “So remember we can’t stay long because I have to get to an interview with the rest of the band.” He then continued the conversation. Talking with Luke was easy, comfortable and natural, you knew every thing about one another and you could talk for hours. You finished your coffee and made your way out of the cafe. You started spinning around and giggling, to start with Luke stood there laughing at you then joined in, you both twirling like ballerinas. He picked you up and spun you around making you feel dizzy and collapse onto his shoulders. “Luke, dizzy.” You said and he carefully put you down, “Sorry, ah come on.” He pulled you into him and walked you home, his arm draped around your shoulders. You felt that familiar fluttering feeling you got whenever you made physical contact with Luke and as usual, you tried your hardest to ignore this feeling, you would rather pretend you didn’t feel this way than lose your friendship with Luke, anything was better than losing him, you knew that you wouldn’t be able to cope with that. You reached your front door and turned to face Luke, “Thanks for walking me home, as usual.” He licked his lips before replying “And as usual, you are very welcome, I enjoy the scenery, it gives me nice memories.” You bit your lip trying not to laugh, “Thanks again Luke.” You turned and walked into your house resting yourself on the door as you shut it. You decided to spend the rest of the afternoon just watching tv, after deciding nothing good was on you tuned into the interview with Luke and the other boys from 5 Seconds of Summer. You weren’t really paying attention as you were multitasking, you were checking twitter simultaneously. “So Luke, what’s going on with you and Y/N, are you guys together?” You turned and faced the screen and saw that Luke was just as surprised as you were, “You seem to be spending a lot of time with her recently, in fact you were with her this morning weren’t you?” Luke ran his teeth over his lip piercing before speaking “Yeah, we were together this morning but just as friends, Y/N is a good friend, but we’re not together because I have a girlfriend.”


"Alright Calum, truth or dare?" Michael questioned. "Well seeing as I’ve already been made to eat a whole stick of butter, order a tampon from the front desk of a hotel and eaten a whole chilli, I’ll stick to truth." You laughed thinking of how funny it was to actually watch all of these events happen. "Okay, suit yourself, who do you fancy?" He chuckled nervously, shifting and crossing his legs "Michael, man you know please don’t make me say it." You looked at Michael and saw him sigh dramatically "Well Mr Hood, I do know, and luckily for you, I am not going to make you divulge that information, I just needed to hear you admit it." You were confused but unfazed as you turned to face Luke continuing with the game. "Y/N, truth or dare?" You were adventurous and thought that nothing really bad could come out of it so you picked dare. Luke rubbed his hands together whist looking around for inspiration. His eyes lit up when they focused on Calum "Y/N, I dare you to kiss Calum, and none of this pecking crap, real, full on kissing, for a whole two minutes." At first you were hesitant and you noticed how the blush had creeped up into Calum’s cheeks. Yeah sure he was your friend and it was awkward but it’s a dare and surprisingly to yourself, you wanted to kiss him. "Come on Cal, we’re only friends and it doesn’t mean anything because it was a dare, let’s prove to the boys that we aren’t chickens." Calum laughed again and you began to notice more and more how every time he was nervous he laughed, his way of coping you guessed. "Get the timer ready boys." You looked directly into Calum’s eyes and you felt your cheeks get hot, you ignored it as you leaned in. Your lips made contact with Calum’s and you gasped, his lips were so soft, just as you’d imagined but you still felt the heat and passion, Calum lead you, deepening the kiss, but varying the pressure on your lips. Fireworks didn’t even come close to what you were experiencing with Calum. The timer went off and you broke away from Calum, looking sheepishly at all the other boys who were looking shocked and a little bit uncomfortable. You sat back down and looked up. You cleared your throat and spoke up "Ash, truth or dare?" Ash looked relieved at some kind of change to the situation. "Dare" You looked around thinking of a good dare to remove the awkwardness from the group.

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