Gay For You ✅

By Kpop_Trash_04

131K 4.2K 5.6K

In which Taeyong is straight and Jaehyun is the new gay kid (terrible description I know 😂 I suck at descri... More



6.2K 230 256
By Kpop_Trash_04

The movie had ended and the two boys were in the taller's car heading back to Jae's house. They sat mostly in silence, the only sound coming from the radio that played softly in the background. Jae stared at the window, thinking about his time with Johnny at the theater. At first they just sat quietly and nibbled on popcorn, enjoying the movie. But halfway through Johnny had reached over and laced his fingers with Jae's, making the younger flustered and shy. Something Jae usually never was.

When they pulled up to their apartment building, the two went upstairs, Johnny following Jae to his door. The boy was confused.

Jaehyun stopped in front of his door, key in hand, and turned shyly to Johnny. The taller stood there, hands in pockets with a soft grin on his lips.

"I had fun," he said. Jae blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Me too. Thank you," he replied, successfully not stuttering.

Johnny suddenly stepped closer to the boy, making him nervous as he lay a gentle hand on his cheek and leaned in for a soft slow kiss. Jaehyun kissed back, his mind completely going blank.

The taller pulled back a few moments later, his perfect lips still barely touching Jae's.

"U-um, I'm gonna go... we have school tomorrow," Jae said in a panic, watching Johnny lean back and smile.

"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow ok?" Jae nodded and watched Johnny walk as away, wishing he could have the older's lips on his again.

The next day Jae sat with Sicheng at their usual table, just quietly talking about random things. Jaehyun's mind kept playing back to last night over and over again, wondering if it was all a dream. He still hasn't told Sicheng anything, and yet again the boy hasn't asked either. Jae let his eyes lazily scan the lunchroom, instantly falling of Taeyong of all people. The boy looked tired, worn out. His hair was a mess, his head in his hands, his eyes closed. He barely nodded to whatever Yuta was saying, not seeming to care. Jae didn't either, tearing his gaze from the boy and looking elsewhere.

Suddenly an arm slipped around his shoulders as someone sat down next to him, nearly scaring the shit out of him. Johnny chuckled and pinched his cheek, making Jae brush and look away.

"What's up guys?" he said, setting his bag on the ground and stirring his food with his chopsticks.

"Nothing much," Sicheng said, giving Jae a look that made him even more shy. He just continued to eat his noodles quietly.

"Hey Jae you busy after school?" Johnny asked, glancing at the younger.

"N-no. I'm off today," he answered.

"Cool, wanna go get ice cream or something?"

Jae nodded and smirked, not knowing how Johnny made him so easily flustered. Made seem so much like a bottom. But he wasn't. How is that possible?

"I'm gonna go talk to a teacher. See you later," Sicheng said, leaving Jae to deal with the awkwardness of being with Johnny.

"Wanna go walk around the school? It's beautiful outside and we have plenty of time," Johnny suggested.

"Sure," Jae replied. They cleaned up their trays and grabbed their bags, walking out if the cafe together. Johnny sneakily grabbed Jae's hand, lacing their fingers and feeling satisfied.

Taeyong was beyond tired, he was exhausted. Tired of all the gay thoughts he's had of Jae, all the times he's jerked off to the younger. He couldn't sleep, his mind keeping him up all night. Yuta was starting to get concerned. His parents were starting to worry. His brother... his brother tried to comfort him when he could, when Tae would let him. He loved Mark with all his heart, but this wasn't something he wanted his baby brother to know about.

Taeyong opened his eyes and just let them lazily roam the lunchroom, Yuta just playing on his phone while eating. Tae's eyes landed on two boys walking out of the cafe, almost not recognizing them. Soon he noticed Jae, surprised at how small he looked compared to the guy next to him. Who was he? And why did he just grab Jae's hand? Why was he ok with it? Taeyong suddenly became jealous. He signed and stood, packing all his things and starting Yuta.

"Bro what's wrong?" he asked.

Taeyong shook his head. "I don't really wanna talk about it dude. I don't even know myself right now. I'll see you in class."

Yuta watched his best friend walk out in a rush, so confused. He decided he would go to the boys house later today, see if he couldn't get a straight answer from him. For now, he just left the boy alone.


Small update before I go to school 😄 hope you enjoyed!



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