🌻Buttercup🌻▪[Freddy × Bonni...

By Goatsyy

163 8 4

Freddy's next message snatched the thoughts right out of Bonnie's head. "I can't wait till September," The tw... More

⚠️ Info and Warnings ⚠️
🌻 Chapter 1 - Shoulder to Cry On 🌻
🌻 Chapter 2 - A Silent Drive 🌻
🌻 Chapter 4 - Paper Pals inc. 🌻

🌻 Chapter 3 - Good Omen 🌻

25 1 1
By Goatsyy

The overlook of the city was Bonnie's favourite part of his attic room, especially because the house sat on a hill outside the bustling city centre, giving his room a perfect view of the city without the constant noise of traffic and bustling people.

On this particular evening, he was sprawled along the large windowsill-bench, an A4 sketchbook balanced precariously on one knee of his dull, torn jeans as he tapped the knawed end of his black and yellow striped pencil against one of it's pages absentmindedly. It was a bit hard to tell apart the sketch from the rough scribbles littered across the paper, but among the cluster of lines was the face of a boy with mussed-up curly hair, freckles coating his full cheeks and a goofy grin. It was a face that was familiar and comforting to Bonnie. It was Freddy's face.

The pair of friends, although they hadn't talked face-to-face, had video called often, sometimes even talking into the early hours of the morning about the kind of things dumb teen boys talked about while sleep deprived. Bonnie had come to know Freddy's face so well now, it was no problem for him to recall even small details on the other boy's face. The lock of hair that covered his left eye, the heavy dusting of amber freckles wherever they could possibly be seen, and the way he squinted when he grinned.

Perhaps it was just Bonnie that remembered such insignificant things, but it came in handy for him when he had slow evenings like this. The sun had just dipped beyond the horizon, and the dark haze of night chased the warm sunset back with it. There were a few clouds hovering over the city's faint glow, but the sky was still clear enough for a sprinkling of stars to show.
Soon there wouldn't be enough natural light for Bonnie to see what he was drawing. Not that it mattered though, as he was about to take a break and let his hand rest.

He repositioned his legs to bounce down, landing with an exaggerated thud on the bland grey carpet beneath him. He flipped the cover onto the sketchbook and set it down in it's regular place; the top of his dusty bedside table, then tossing the dulled pencil down onto it. Bonnie promptly plucked his phone up from the desk and hit the home button as he sat on the edge of his soft, squeaking matress. The screen flared to life, but there were no notifications displayed other than the ever persistent Email offers, which he swiped away dismissively.

Bonnie idly hummed to himself, no messages? That's odd. By now, Freddy would have normally sent him a text or two, but there was nothing. It was stupid to be overthinking about something so trivial, but that was the thing. To Bonnie, it wasn't trivial.

Nevertheless, he set down the mobile on his bedside table alongside the art supplies. There wasn't much to pass the time. He had already gotten tired of drawing, and nothing else posed much entertainment within his room, or the house for that matter. That seemed to be a reoccurring issue recently...boredom. For the first four weeks of the summer holidays Bonnie's usual hobbies; drawing, playing video games, listening to music and scrolling through countless articles about the wonders of the wider world had satisfied his need to be preoccupied, but the last few days had stretched on much longer than Bonnie would have liked. Minutes seemed like hours, and hours seemed even longer for every passing moment when he had nothing interesting to do.

Just as Bonnie's thoughts spiralled into a tangent, a sharp buzz sounded from his left, making him jerk his head instinctively towards the noise. It was his phone, which he had set to vibrate.

A spark of hope flickered in Bonnie's eyes as he grabbed the phone and hit the power hastily. There was a new message from Freddy!

"Dude we need to talk NOW!!"

Huh? Bonnie stared dumbfoundedly at the words on the screen. Whatever it was sounded urgent...he just hoped it wasn't anything bad.

"What's wrong? Please tell me it's not something I need to call 911 for.."

"Lol nope, nobody's dying this time,"

Bonnie released a breath he didn't even realise he was holding and chuckled nervously to himself. He was glad for that, at least.

"Well thanks for the free heart attack Freddy, now what's really up?"

"Ok ok, what school do you go to?"

This puzzled Bonnie, because he knew he'd already told Freddy which school he attended, and it was decidedly strange he should need to ask the question again out of the blue like this,

"Afton Public High School, I told you this ages ago,"

Freddy's next text was just as strange as the last,

"You're sure?? Definitely Afton High???"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure I know which school I go to, are you gonna tell me what in the hell is up yet?"

In that moment, a fleck of time, Bonnie had to do a double take at the words typed on his screen. He even turned the screen off and back on to make sure he wasn't tired and seeing things. No, he wasn't.

An expression of joy spread itself on Bonnie's face as clear as day. He was grinning like an idiot, sat up straight in his bed, and he could barely believe his own eyes!

"Oh. My. God. I'm transferring to Afton High in September!! That's so awesome!!!"

It seemed better than he thought it could get, Freddy at his school? Freddy in real life? Bonnie didn't know whether it was dumb luck, or some sort of pre-decided fate, but he thanked whatever it could have been as he frantically typed his response,

"You're kidding? Really?? That's insane!"

"Not kidding, I swear,"

Bonnie was nothing short of absolutely ecstatic as he let his body fall back against his springy matress and plush duvet, letting out a hushed cry of happiness.

It seemed like his luck was finally turning around, in the best possible way. He raised the luminous screen like a beacon above his head and read the block of messages through once, twice, he hadn't misread a word of it.

"This is the best!!"

"Ikr? Hey, Bonnie, call me ok?"

Bonnie did. He was in some sort of happy, peaceful daze, like a wave of warm water had washed away the worries and anxiety, like he could forget about anything wrong.
Freddy's familiar, and similarly joy-filled voice was loud against his ears, but that didn't really concern him right now.

"This is so great, right Bon?"

"Yeah no joke it is, Freddy!"

"Aha, see I knew you would be happy,"

He was right. Bonnie really was happy, and he didn't know what to call this turn of events, but a good omen sounded just right.

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