Old Friends (13th Doctor X OC)

By Fangirl_For_Life123

12.8K 301 54

When the Doctor smashes through a train's roof in Sheffield, an old friend just happens to be there. Problem... More

The Woman Who Fell To Earth (Part 1) Rewrite
The Woman Who Fell To Earth (Part 2) Rewrite
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Exploring the Tardis
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Rosa (Part 2) Rewrite
Rosa (Part 3) Rewrite
Arachnids in the UK (Part 1) Rewrite
Arachnids In The UK (Part 2)
A/N Important
Arachnids in the UK (Part 3)
Arachnids in the UK (Part 4)
The Tsuranga Conundrum (Part 1)
The Tsuranga Conundrum (Part 2)
The Tsuranga Conundrum (Part 3)
A/N Very Important!!!

Arachnids in the UK (Part 1)

755 14 1
By Fangirl_For_Life123

A/N there is a bit of blood mentioned but it won't be a lot.
*Imogen's P.O.V*
We were all hanging onto the console for dear life as it flew through the Time Vortex.
"Nearly there!" The Doctor yelled.
"Are you sure you've got this under control?" Graham asked the Doctor unsure if she really did.
"Totally. New systems. Just running them in." She told him as the Tardis was finally close to landing.

The Tardis materialised outside of a modern block of flats.
Everybody stepped out side the Tardis and looked around.
"We're home. We're actually home!" Yaz said excitedly.
"Yes. Result. See? I told you I'd do it." The Doctor told us, very proud of herself.
"We're at Park Hill." Ryan states after looking around.
"That's my flat, there." Yaz said pointing at the block of flats.
"Wait, you live at Park Hill? We're just up there." Ryan asked as he pointed somewhere else.
"And I've got mobile signal again. But no messages." Yaz said as she pulled she looked at her phone.
I looked at my own phone and saw that I had received no texts.
"I never really got the hang of phones," I whispered to myself as I scrunched up my nose.
"But to be fair, it's only half an hour since you left." The Doctor said matter-of-factly.
"What, half an hour since we were with you were in that warehouse?" Graham asked confused.
"Yeah." She replied.
"So... I suppose this is it." The Doctor said trying to hiding her sadness.
'No' I thought. 'I want to go with you'
"Yeah, I suppose it is." Ryan said looking at all of us.
"Got you back. Guess we're done. Nice having you aboard."
'She doesn't like goodbyes. Neither do I.'
"Thanks, Doc. It's been a blast, truly." Graham told her.
"What're you going to do now?" Yaz asked her.
"Oh, you know. Back in the box. There's loads to see." The Doctor told Yaz as she stood awkwardly.
"By yourself?"
"Yeah, I suppose." The Doctor said at the same time I said
There was silence for a second before Yasmin spoke up.
"Do you want to come for tea at mine?"
"Definitely! Yes, I would. Thanks. I love tea. Tea at Yaz's? Amazing. Are you coming? Are we all going for tea at Yaz's?" The Doctor said as she closed the Tardis door and followed Yaz before stopping to look at the rest of us.
"She didn't invite us." Ryan said simply.
"Don't be daft, course you're invited." Yaz said as if it was obvious.
"All right, then."
"Graham?" Yaz asked as she looked at Graham.
"I think I'll nip home first, Yaz. Maybe join you later, if that's all right?" He told her.
"Shall I come with you?" Ryan asked him.
"I'd rather do it alone. Don't go without saying goodbye." Graham said before heading to his.
I looked up in surprise.
"I didn't think I was invited," I said before continuing, "I'm not really a people person anyway,"
"Course you're invited!" Yaz stated again she looked at me as if I'd lost my mind.
"I'm suppose to go to see my dau... my..." I stumbled on my words. "It doesn't matter. Sure! I'll come,"
"Tea at Yaz's. I've never been for tea at Yaz's." The Doctor said excitedly as we followed Yaz to her flat.
When we were outside Yaz's flat a worried woman was knocking on a door and she looked through the letterbox.
"Can't believe you live here." Ryan said to Yaz.
"Anna!" The woman shouted through the letterbox.
"I can see this block from my window. Almost neighbours, all this time." Ryan laughed.
"I know. It's cool." Yaz said smiling back.
"Everything all right?" The Doctor asked the woman.
"Fine, thanks." She replied before talking on the phone. "Anna, it's Jade McIntyre, I'm outside your front door. Are you in?"
As we walked in to Yaz's flat she yelled so that anybody in the flat could hear.
"I'm home! Got a couple of mates with me." She yelled before turning to us. "They're probably all out."
"You've brought friends back. Sonya? Yaz has brought friends back. I'm getting food." A man, who I assumed to be Yaz's Dad, said.
"What, you actually have friends? She paying you?"
I rolled my eyes slightly. 'I'm guessing that's Sonya then,' I thought.
"Look at your views. Never had a flat. I should get one, I'd be good in a flat. I could get a sofa. Imagine me with a sofa, like my own sofa, I could get a purple one and sit on it." The Doctor rambled as she walked around a bit. "Am I being weird?"
"A little bit, yeah." Ryan told her.
"I'm trying to do small talk. I thought I was doing quite well."
"Needs work." I said letting a small laugh come from my mouth.
"Maybe I'm nervous. Or just socially awkward. I'm still figuring myself out." She said before turning back to Yaz's dad. "You really like junk. Are you collecting it, like stamps?"
"Let me tell you about this mess." He replied.
Sonya could not stop tapping on her phone and I was starting to wonder if she ever stopped.
"Don't get him started." Sonya said with annoyance.
"Dad, we keep telling you. Stop picking it up. Mum's going to go crazy when she sees you've brought it home again. It stinks." Yaz complained.
"I can't just leave it there."
"Why do we have to have it?" Sonya groaned.
"Well, I thought maybe that as your sister is a policewoman..."
"Police officer." Yaz said correcting him.
"And she said she'd do something about it." Her Dad said trying to prove a point.
"I did, and they're looking into it."
"Well, not fast enough. It's a disgrace."
I rolled my eyes and got up to look around a bit. I'm nosy what did you expect.
"Don't keep it in the kitchen. Put it down the chute." Yaz told him.
I rubbed my temples lightly.
"Hey Yaz?" I said before her Dad could say anything else. "Where's your bathroom?"
"Down their to your right," She said pointing in the direction of the bathroom.
"Thanks," I said before walking in.
I leant against the door after I locked it.
"I have to go and see her," I whispered to myself. "I promised,"
I looked down at my hand as a glow emitted from it.
"She can't stay there forever," I mumbled as I hit the side of my head lightly. "She's different and if she's there too long they'll notice,"
My nails dug in to my palms as I balled them up tightly. A bit of blood was drawn from both of my hands as I balled up my fists tighter.
I blinked away tears as I looked in the mirror. I turned on the tap and washed my face before starting to heal my hands.
"Do you want me to go get it while you make your terrible pakora?" I heard the Doctor say as I came out of the bathroom, my face slightly red.
"Oh great! Imogen!" The Doctor said excitedly. "Do you want to come pick the parcel up with me?"
"What?" I said confused. "I... I... What?"
The Doctor and Ryan looked at me in concern.
"Mate, are you okay?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah!" I said faking happiness. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Cause you don't look well," The Doctor said as she pulled out her sonic.
I grabbed her wrist quickly before taking the sonic from her hand.
"I'm fine," I said clutching the sonic to my chest. "Let's go and get the parcel,"
I left the flat without giving the Doctor her sonic back.
"Can I have my sonic back?" The Doctor asked as she put her hand out.
I still held it against my chest.
"If you scan me I will break your sonic," I said as I placed it in the Doctor's hand.
I walked away from the group and towards the flat that had the package.
The Doctor put her sonic away.
"Hey Doc?" Ryan said quietly. "Have you noticed that Imogen keeps changing clothes somehow?"
The Doctor looked at Ryan confused before looking back at me. She stared for a second before replying to Ryan.
"She probably found out that the Tardis supplies clothes," The Doctor looked back at me. "She chooses very nice clothes,"
"The Tardis?" Ryan asked. "Well the Tardis is a Time Machine and all..."
"Well yeah," The Doctor said rolling her eyes. "But I meant Imogen, she has a specific style she goes for. Normally black. But it looks good on her,"
Ryan raised his eyebrows before looking at me.
"You're in love Doc," Ryan teased.
"What!? No!" The Doctor shouted a bit too loudly.
I turned around at this looking confused.
"No word from Graham?" The Doctor asked Ryan trying to hide something.
"You think I should've gone with him?" Ryan replied playing along.
"You know him better than me." The Doctor stated.
"Not much."
"Still no answer? We've got a package to pick up for number 34. Think she took it in. You a friend?" The Doctor asked the woman called Jade from before as she stood next to me.
"We work together at the uni. She hasn't been in for a few days. Didn't call in sick, isn't answering her messages. Thought I'd drop by, see if she's okay. I'm Jade." Jade explained looking quite worried.
"I'm Ryan. That's the Doctor. And that," Ryan started as he pointed at me as I crouched down the Doctor also bending over to see what I was doing. "Is Imogen. Don't do anything stupid. She's in a bit of a mood at the moment."
"Shut up," I said smacking him across the back of the head lightly after moving so the Doctor could see through the letterbox.
"Hello, Anna? It's next door but one. Have you got a parcel for us?" The Doctor shouted through the letterbox before standing up. "I mean, I could open the door." The Doctor said turning to Jade.
"What, like, break it in?" Jade asked.
"No, just sort the lock. If you thought it was appropriate. If you're worried about her." The Doctor replied trying to get approval.
"I am." Jade said worry showing on her face.
The Doctor pulled her sonic from the 'bum bag' fastened around her waist, and opened the door.

When we walked into the flat it was covered in cobwebs.
"Anna?" The Doctor called before turning to Jade "How long did you say it'd been since you'd seen her?"
"Power's out." Ryan told us.
"A few days." Jade replied.
"Lot of cobwebs for a few days." I replied moving past them.
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Oh." The Doctor said
"Whoa. This is proper weird now. "

Jade studied the silk used to make the cobwebs.
"Did Anna ever mention she had a problem with spiders?" The Doctor questioned. "Let's take a look downstairs."
We all walk towards the bedroom, the Doctor entering first.
"Anna?" The Doctor said looking at the bed.
"Is she in here?" Ryan asked.
"You okay?" I said standing beside the Doctor.
The figure on the bed was very still, and I noticed it was covered in something.
"Anna?" The Doctor asked again.
Ryan pulled the curtains open and turned to see her.
"Oh, my days!" Ryan yelled.
"My God, Anna." Jade gasped in surprise.
I stepped back slightly, wrapping my arms around myself in fear.
'Happy things' I thought before accidentally speaking quietly. "Think of Happy things,"
"I'm sorry." The Doctor said sincerely.
"Spiders don't do that. Do they?" Ryan said scared.
I back in to the door as I start to shake.
"Wrong question, Ryan. You should be asking where's the spider that did this?"
"You think it's still in here?" I reached for the door handle in fear.
"Maybe. Three, two..."
They pulled open the wardrobeand only clothes were inside. Ryan looked under the bed, and something moved.
"Look at the size of it!" Ryan yelled as everyone stood near the door as I tightened my grip on the door handle.
"No sudden moves." The Doctor said as she moved everyone further back.
"It's domestic but it's way too big. It's not harmful." Jade explained.
"It suffocated your mate." Ryan said not believing her..
"Let's put a door between us." The Doctor said as she placed her hand in my arm, silently telling me to slowly open the door. "When I say now, quick as you can. Go, go, go... Go!"
We all ran out of the bedroom, the Doctor slamming the door shut.
"Ryan, keep it in there. Back in a sec." The Doctor said before running off.
"We're out, it's contained. Only a spider. Big spider, but only a spider. Not mad keen on spiders." Ryan rambled.
My breathes got shorter and faster as I looked down at Ryan's feet.
The spider's legs poked through at the gap under the door. Jade ran to where the Doctor was.
"Doctor, it's coming through!" I shouted as I stood stuck to the spot.
"Can't keep it in the bedroom. Rubbish chute. Maybe that's how it got in. Could we drive it out through there?" I heard Jade ask the Doctor.
"And set it loose across the city? No, we need to keep it isolated here. Ryan, Imogen, get up here!"
Ryan ran off as I didn't move.
"Oi, you just covered me in vinegar." He yelled.
"Spiders' feet are their noses and they hate the smell of garlic. And the acetic acid in the vinegar means it won't come any further." The Doctor said before noticing I wasn't there. "Imogen! Get up here!"
The sound of the bedroom door being broken down made a scream erupt from my mouth.
"Imogen!" The Doctor shouted again as she saw me come round the corner
"Where is it?" Ryan asked.
I pointed at the ceiling just before the spider appeared in front of us.
It let itself down on a piece of silk, and recoiled from the line of puree.
"Hi. We don't mean you any harm." The Doctor said pulling me towards her and across the line of purée. "You're not supposed to be this big and you're definitely not supposed to attack humans. You stay here, until I figure this out. Deal? Let's go."

A/N I'm not sure if this is a good chapter but I hope it's mediocre. I was going to try get it posted tonight but I thought I'd stay up all night and post it at like 3 am. Thanks for reading this! Love you guys!! Bye!

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