Suicide King || S. Todoroki x...

By putmebackinthefridge

261K 9.9K 17.7K

Quirk: Living Voodoo Doll With a goal to prove everyone wrong about you, you set yourself off to become a pro... More

Prologue- The beginning: Can I become a hero?
i. How Will You Live In This World That Humans Manufactured?
ii. You Must Know All About It, Seeing As You Were There
iii. Annoying Child No Better Than Blooming Flowers
iv. The Other Part Of Me Fears You Might See My Heart Race
v. Back To The Part When This Story Started Really Getting Gorey
vi. Try To Keep My Cool But My Life Turns In Slow Motion
vii. No Matter What I Do I'm Never Feeling Like a Grown Up
viii. It Happened Right In Front Of Your Eyes So You Know The Answer
ix. We've Grown Apart This Time I Can't Figure Out The Reason Why
x. Repeating it, Saying I'm Only Haunting You
xi. I Know You More Than Anyone So Leave It To Me
xii. I Lost The Guide To My Mind But I Still Get By
xiii. And Again The Story Goes On!
xv. Crowning This Whole Town With Hues Of Color
xvii. If I'm All Alone I Might Melt Away Into A World Of Solitude
xvii. As We Keep Trying We'll Find, We're Always Singing The Same Tune
xviii. Moving Onto Far And Beyond While I'm Standing Left Behind
xix. Kick The Dick From Out Your Mouth But Do You Even Understand?
xx. Making A Wish For A Dream Inside That Summer Glow
xxi. So Take My Hand And Let's Jump Out The Window
xxii. It's Funny How Freedom Can Make Us Feel So Contained
◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡The End: No, you can't♡⋆♡●⑅◌
Long Live The King; notes

xiv. In a Tear Soaked Room, A Knock Is Being Transmitted

8.1K 309 437
By putmebackinthefridge

A vocaloid song that I rlly love but is.... Also rlly fukin weird is probably adolescence by Rin n Len cuz it's like....... "secret unknown to mommy and daddy" or someshit like.... Hey...... How about don't????? But the music slaps ngl


Laugh Maker - .......Bump of Chicken???

"TO BE HONEST, when you said we had plans, I wasn't aware that we actually would," said (Y/n), "you know, have plans."

"Isn't that the point of making plans?"

"Well yeah, but wouldn't it have been helpful to give me a heads up?"

"Are you saying you don't want to, then?" He glanced at her.

"Hey, don't twist my words, Shou-Chan!" She admitted, she didn't actually know why he suddenly bust in with that we have plans, but she thought he'd spend the weekend doing other things instead of with her. Now that she said it out loud, she felt foolish.

It was a Sunday, and she wanted to sleep in and play video games, but there was also a twinge of guilt saying anything against hanging out. Unfortunately, she woke up a little late and her bedhead was still there. Thankfully, she decided to wear her binder because something always seems to fucking go wrong when sje wanted a break.

"I haven't hung out with a friend for non-academic purposes in a while though," the (h/c)nette realized. (Y/n) turned to Shouto and smiled at him energetically. "So it's nice to be with here with you!"

His mismatches eyes seemed to have an unidentifiable glint, and he responded by just turning away. "Yeah. It's the same for me," he said a little quietly, then faced forward, toward the shopping district. "What should we do first?"

She hummed, scanning the area in thought. "Do you have any clothes you need to buy? We could check out those first!"

"No-" Wait. He had to remember what Fuyumi taught him.

"I don't understand boys, but they're complicated! You're a boy, so you know the most about them! Just do whatever you'd want if it were you!"

That was what he'd been instructed with after seeking advice. But being one of the few who knew her secret, he couldn't blurt it out to anyone. Thus, the advice was deemed virtually useless.

He had to pause to think about it. Right now, Shouto was on his own.

Actually, now that he thought about it, he didn't plan that far ahead. Hell, he didn't know why he'd blurted that out back then. It was the first thing that came to mind when Momo was going to ask (Y/n) to hang out, so it was on a whim. He was starting to regret it now though.

Another moment of hesitation. "Suuuuuure," he stated awkwardly, slurring with uncertainty. When the girl looked at him, he tensed up, pretending he wasn't about to shrivel up with this unknown nervousness.

He was sweating buckets with a very stoic face. Crap, did I mess up?

"Alright! Let's look around then! I'm getting tired of just borrowing old clothes from Aizawa-Sensei when I'm not in my uniform," you admitted.

Shouto breathed out a sigh of relief. Oh thank god. But he noticed something. "You call him Aizawa-Sensei outside of school?"

Shoot, now it was her turn to freeze. But being taught at home and having nothing but time for a few years, you had a lot of time to think. This was the kind of student who'd prepared back up scenarios and excuses, more out of the fear of getting found out and ruining somebody's life on accident than anything else.

That's when quick thinking came to play, which was actually just picking out a file from her internal folder of excuses on why she said a dumb thing that could end up costing her everything if someone looked a little too into it.

"Of course, out of respect!" she grinned smoothing, putting a finger gun under her chin admirably.

"It didn't sound respectful when you insulted his clothes," murmured Shouto, sweatdropping slightly. But now that he actually looked, it didn't look half bad on her.

He scanned her, now noticing the dark, baggy graphic tee shirt under a (f/c) jacket with some blue jeans. It was a nice style, even if it juxtaposed her outgoing and slightly flirty personality.

"But if you're going to find more outgoing clothes, I know the place we can go to," he suggested.

It was a sunny day, with a very clear sky and a bustling shopping district, or however Japan works. It looked like summer was drawing nearby, soon it'd be like that everyday.

Aizawa hated it.

From a distance, his dried eyes peered over a wall, hidden from sight. A phone was clutched tightly in his hand.

"No, not yet. . . Yeah, it's one of the boys that knows," he mumbled into it, not daring to blink in case he missed something. A dark aura radiated off of him, and the people nearby walked around him, holding their children's hand nervously.

A brief reply was heard on the other line.

"Of course I trust her, I just feel odd about them being alone, together," he snapped, crouching into his v cut, long sleeved black shirt. It was dark, so was his pants. With just a short glimpse, one might believe he was evil incarnate with his beady, tired eyes and resting bitch face. "Plus, last time, she got discovered like a moron. Someone outta make sure that doesn't happen again."

Yeah, that's right, he reassured himself. I'm looking out for her. Going out of my way to do so. Just for that. Hmph.

Still, he frowned when they stood a little too close to each other.

I feel like I'm being threatened, thought Shouto, looking around a little anxiously.

"Is this the place?"

That voice snapped him back to reality. "Oh, yeah," he said. They looked up at the sign. "Twenty One Forever is supposed to have up to date clothes. . . I know my sister shops here," he explained. Not that he'd ever shopped there, his father's credit card could afford way more than this. "But the name feels wrong for some reason-"

"Let's not get into that, how about we go inside, Shou-Chan?" she cheered, and dragged him inside by the wrist.

Shouto glanced at her hand, the fingers wrapped around his skin, and blushed slightly, just slightly, but thought nothing of it. Despite this, the physical contact was oddly satisfying.

The two teenagers explored every nook and cranny of the store, one much more enthustiatically than the other. "Wow! Look at this!" cheered (Y/n).

When Shouto turned from looking at some uninteresting pants, she was holding up checkered black and white overalls. "Please tell me you're not getting that."

"How rude!" she huffed out childishly. "I'm not, but doesn't it stick out! I didn't know they had these kinds of styles nowadays!" she exclaimed, eyes shimmering with fascination.

Shouto furrowed his eyebrows slightly. "When was the last time you were at a clothing store?"

She hummed. "I haven't really had the need, you know! I have everything I need back with Aizawa, so why should I?" she answered.

The bi colored haired boy stared curiously for a few moments, before (Y/n) got distracted with other miniscule things. I wonder how close she is with Aizawa, he wondered. Oh, actually. . .

"Say, (M/n)," he said, interrupting her from examining a scarf covered in orange and black sequins. She turned to him, with a gentle smile.

The tips of his ears warmed up.

"What's up, Shou-Chan?"

"Can I ask what your real name is?"

• • •

NEWS ABOUT THE practical exam being against robots again spread fairly quickly, and the majority were somewhat relieved.

Which is why it was a surprise when their teacher suddenly announced that the exam would be against the teachers.

"Of course, it's possible to fail this exam," informed Aizawa. "If you want to go to the training camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes."

(Y/n) jolted when he suddenly glanced at her direction, and resisted the urge to yell at him for it. He noticed the slight glare of disappointment from her, but continued anyways.

"I expect you all have gathered information ahead of time and have some idea of what to expect."

I would if SOMEONE would give me something instead of just refusing and calling it cheating!!!


"Fireworks! Curry! Test of Courage!" cheered Mina, celebrating her early camp victory.

"Too bad!" said a muffled voice. Something shuffled underneath Aizawa's scarf, and out like a weasel, Principle Nezu popped out. "For various reasons, the exam will be different starting this time!"

Not everyone was on board, but the news made a half and half haired boy glance at the (h/c)nette for a moment before focusing his attention back to the teachers.

Surprisingly enough, she was put on M*neta and Sero's team. Sero had a cool far range quirk, both of theirs relating to stickiness. Midnight also had a useful quirk, the teacher they'd be going up against. It was a big disadvantage to her, who needed to be close range to use her quirk.

They really knew how to pair who up with who, even if I'm the odd number, huh?

By the time Todoroki and Yaororozu or however the fuck you spell its name's fight was over, they had succeeded. And as someone that accompanied Uraraka and Midoriya in the room to watch the battle, she was quite sure that Aizawa had lost on purpose.

"Oh, I'm gonna go see what they're up to now! See you!" she winked to the pair and ran off to search for her friends. They were just returning to the building, and spotted her right away.

"Oh, (M/n)," he noticed.

"Shou-Chan, Yaomomo-Chan! You guys did amazing, I'm so proud of you!" she beamed, taking them both by the hands, oblivious to the heat rising to their faces and Shouto staring at her hand awkwardly. "Especially you, Momo! It's incredible how well you took initiative even after that, and utilized your quirk against Aizawa-Sensei!"

Momo's heart jumped to her throat, and she had trouble forming words. It was no small deal to be complimented by such an attractive and kind boy. "H-Huh? O-Oh, it's-it's nothing, no big deal, you know?" she stammered, sweat forming on her forehead. "Thank you though, um, (M/n)-Kun, I really appreciate it!"

She smiled, happy to provide support. The ignored Shouto stopped staring at (Y/n)'s hand, still squeezing his own with pride, and peered to the blushing noirnette beside him. In a slightly irritated tone, he stated, "Look, there's Iida. Maybe you can join him in heading to Recovery Girl's Temporary Nurse's Office, Yaomomo."

"What? Oh, of course," she nodded, then smiled at (Y/n). "Do you want to come?"

"Actually, I was just there, so I wanted to talk with Shou-Chan a bit," she replied. "Sorry, Yaomomo-Chan."

"Ah, it's-it's alright," she said. "Good luck on your next battle!"


"You're going with Mineta and Sero-Kun, right?" asked Shouto once Momo was gone.

"Yep! Though I'd rather be in a team with just about anyone but Mineta, Hanta-Kun's pretty skilled! I believe we'll be able to take on Midnight!" she said enthusiastically.

That was ten minutes ago, now Mineta and (L/n) are running for their lives away from Midnight, with the unconscious Sero in her lap.

"Shoot, I didn't realize how quickly she'd be able to outdo us," (Y/n) murmured while running. "Mineta! Let's take a break from running or we'll use up our stamina!"

Midnight giggled. "Grape Juice, Suicide King, the gate is in the other direction you know."

Mineta turned back towards Midnight, practically crying tears of blood at the position Sero was in. "DAMMIT! I WON'T FORGIVE YOU!"




"Rodent," echoed Midoriya thoughtfully, watching the screen.

"(M/n)-Kun really doesn't like Mineta, huh?" pointed out Uraraka.

"Is there anyone that does?" asked Asui.

No one thought the two polar opposites would make a very good team, side by side. Surpassing everyone's expectations, the two ended up coming with a plan to take down Midnight and escape, (which I don't wanna get into detail because I'm so tired.... Wahh......hndndnj. ).

However, those two weren't the only ones that had a hard time cooperating in their exam.

• • •

Bakugou didn't open his eyes at first when he first gained consciousness. He lied in bed for a couple moments, trying to remember that he was alive and existing.

Then he remembered what happened.

"FUCKING DEKUUUUUU-" he screeched, bolting up from the bed.

"AHHHH-" screamed a terrified student sitting next to him on the bed, who jumped up from the chair, hair raising like a cat.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Bakugou's eyes widened, scanning (Y/n), who was still in her male school uniform. She briefly rubbed her eyes, having just fallen asleep minutes prior. The angry blond pointed a finger at her. "ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!"

His anger did nothing to ease her. "Wahhh, everyone told me you got injured after fighting in the exam, so I wanted to see what was wrong," she explained, stressed from his yelling. "But you were resting and I felt rude leaving you-"

"What the fuck does it matter to you?! Why would you even care, fucktard?!" he snapped at her. She took a step back from surprise.

"I care because you're my friend!?" she replied, genuinely shocked he would insinuate something like that.


Bakugou grit his teeth, and furrowed his eyebrows. "Why don't you just be a good little cross dresser and get the fuck out of here?!" Bakugou made a shooing motion, the same you make to a mosquito that won't stop buzzing in your face.

(Y/n) was fuming. Her eyes faced the floor, shoulders tense and hands clenched. She couldn't keep pretending nothing was wrong. "I was hoping you'd be feeling better by now! I have no idea what's going on with you, but you're-"

There was a brief pause between her words, now being spoken with full volume. Bakugou glanced towards her, and when she looked back up, his ruby eyes widened to make contact with tearful (e/c) hues.

"-you're being really mean, Katsu-Kun! You jackass!" she cried, and ran outside Recovery Girl's room, shutting the door closed somewhat harshly.

Bakugou blinked. He sat in the bed, dumbfounded at what just happened. That person from now didn't look like the male student with perfect grades everyone loved and girls swooned over (for some reason), (M/n) Aizawa.

In that moment, (Y/n) (L/n)  looked like a child. Face flushed and eyes full of tears, and for what? All because she couldn't handle someone telling her to get lost?

No, it was more than that, and even Bakugou knew it. He was aware of his behavior, but didn't think into the consequences at all. He never does with these sorts of things.

But that wasn't what baffled him the most.

"She's never called me that before," he murmured to himself, staring at the door as if the (h/c)nette would come back at any moment.

He was distracted until an awkward cough came from the desk a few feet from his bed.

"Ahem. . . Um. . . Are you ready for your physical check up, Young Bakugou?" asked an uncomfortable Recovery Girl.


Yeah, I thought I'd get this out earlier but like a fool, I failed. I was just rlly lazy but when I start writing I'm like hey this ain't bad but then I have to follow the anime and I'm like dgrhdjjd

Anyways if you like superheroes, male reader inserts, and adrien agreste, read my adrien agreste x male reader dhdhjdj Aquatic Dreams ndnndbnmsk

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