Are You The One?

By oosawnt

29.4K 674 232

16 single women hoping to find love by going on a reality tv show. They go through intense examinations befo... More

Episode 1 - Insta-nt connection.
Episode 2 - Once Upon a Kelley.
Episode 3 - Loose Lips Sink Ships.
Episode 5 - Five To Tango?
Episode 6 - Leave Me Lonely.
Episode 7 - Sway With Me.
Episode 8 - Under Your Nose.
Episode 9 - Reckless Behaviour.
Episode 10 - Kiss Me Twice.
Episode 11 - A Change of Heart.
Episode 12 - Lust and Fire.
Episode 13 - Fight or Flight.
Episode 14 - These Four Walls.
Episode 15 - Cruel Irony.
Episode 16 - The Final Act.
Episode 17 - The Explanation.
Episode 18 - The Reunion.

Episode 4 - Killing Me Softly.

1.4K 38 28
By oosawnt

***NOTE: tierna and sonnet won the votes by 62%! they're going into the truth booth! ***


While Our two couples were on their date, let's take a look at what happened inside the house.

Tobin leaned against the counter drinking her coffee, as she does every morning. She was cut off by Kelley marching towards her.

Kelley: You fucking asshole!

Kelley pushed Tobin by both her shoulders, Tobin was taken aback. She backed away from the counter with both her hands up.

Tobin: Chill, what the fuck dude?

Rose and Crystal catch up to Kelley and hold her back. Kelley tried her best to get out of their harsh grips.

Kelley: You think this is funny?! Get away from me! You think you can fucking come in here and fuck with our hearts like this?!

Christen and Alex rush over after hearing the yelling. Christen pushes Kelley back. Tobin gulps looking around, she doesn't say a word.

Christen: Stop. Kelley. Calm down.

Kelley: I'm not calming down. Make up your fucking mind Tobin. Don't fuck over everyone like this.

They all drag Kelley outside, away from Tobin. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed in relief. She got out of that way too easy and she knows it.

**Tobin: Here's the thing, if i find a connection with someone, of course i'm gonna pursuit it. No relationship is gonna stand in the way of that. I'm not scared of Kelley, she can yell all she wants. I'm gonna play with my heart.


Away from all the drama, Abby and Ashlyn cuddled under the sun next to the pool. They were on the same page, they were thoroughly enjoying it.

Abby: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Ashlyn: I want be married of course, i want to have a plan for kids in the near future. I want to open my own store where i design the clothes. I want a house by the beach

Abby: hmmm... A house by the beach sounds good...

Abby looked up at grinning as Ashlyn blushed.

Ashlyn: It's a done deal then, isn't it...


Lindsey and rose sat with their coffees in the living room, and talked the morning away.

Lindsey: I think i've always known i was somewhat interested in girls, Amber Heard... oh my god. She killed my 13 year old gay heart.

Rose: I think i was more into Phoebe from friends.

Lindsey looked at Rose confused.

Lindsey: You were... attracted to Phoebe from friends...?

Rose: Hell yes. That episode where she almost sleeps with chandler and opens up her vest to reveal her bra... THAT was what killed me.

Lindsey: I thought you said you weren't into blondes though?!

Rose: i guess brunettes we're a phase



Our couples come back from their dates. Everyone at the Villa is ordered to get dressed for the truth booth in an hour, and the match up ceremony in three.



It's truth booth time, that means nerves are on an all time high. Premeditatedly, They sat Kelley as far as possible from Tobin and as a sign of respect - for once, Tobin doesn't sit next to Alex nor Christen.

The monitor slowly goes through everyone's pictures, then reveals TIERNA & EMILY are votes into the truth booth. They walk out side by side to the truth booth.

Emily: I don't know what to say before we go in, but i do want to say that if you are my match then i'm so happy, if you're not then i really wish you the best in this villa and hope we can maintain a friendship.

Tierna agreed completely as they walked in. The truth booth scanned their bodies, they were both intimidated as fuck. They both nervously took a deep breath - orders of Tierna.

Seconds pass and the fate of this game in revealed in the next few seconds. The answer comes up on the screen. Tierna and Emily are a NO MATCH.

Emily groans in frustration as Tierna rolls her eyes. Both of them were annoyed at the fact they have to start from square one now. They both exit the truth booth and walk into the villa. The others were they for support, everyone hugged them.

**Emily: It's quite terrifying, but now that i know me and Tierna aren't a match, its like "what if Sam and Alyssa are and we just robbed them", i really don't know if this is gonna help us in the long run and i think that's what scares me the most in this game. I think me and Tierna were very realistic when it came to our relationship, we didn't dive in too fast.



Its match up ceremony time!

Sam comes up first and picks out Naeher with full pride. They lock in. Next up is Ashlyn, to no ones shock, she picks Abby.

Tobin is up, she walks incredibly slowly down. She can't fuck this up any more than she already did right?

Wrong. She picks out Christen, leaving Kelley fuming. Alex held all her emotions back, she can't do much, they're a confirmed no match. Christen walked up nervously, this was the last thing she expected. The way Tobin after this morning - flirting with Alex right in front of her, reassured her that last night was nothing serious and probably just the alcohol.

Sonnett, our first half of our second no match is up next. Who could she possible choose? Kelley. That's who. Everyone looked around confused, but it made logical sense, Kelley was with Christen, now they're not. Emily was with Tierna, now they're not. It only makes sense to put together the odd ones out.

That's why Tierna chose Alex, this seemed to be the worst match up of the night, They barely spoke a word to each other that's for sure.

Ali came up and picked Mal. Julie picked Crystal. Therefore, by default... however, definitely not surprising, Rose and Lindsey were put as a match.

They all take their seats next to their picks and face the beams of light. They all pray for progress, to give them a sign that at least some of the drama and pain they've endured would pay off.

The engines of the lights go off, most of them hold on to each other nervously. The first beam of light turns on, they all cheer then go silent again. They await another beam to appear, and they get it, a second beam appears and they cheer harder.

They wait for another one as they all whisper under their breaths. However, seconds later they engines go off. They have only reached 2 beams.

They all groan. They aren't disappointed because they've improved, they just expected a little more. They all made their way back into the villa.

Crystal goes up on the couch and gives out one of her pep talks.

Crystal: alright guys, i know tonight didn't go as well as we wanted, but its progress! You guys need to open your hearts more. No more pain, no more settling, no more diving into relationships. Only dive in if you're a confirmed match. Now everyone go get some rest, it's been a long tough day.


Tobin sat next to Alex on the couch.

Tobin: Dont take tonight too seriously. You know how i feel about you, i'm just trying to play the game. Last night, it was nothing more than a drunken mistake.

Alex rolled her eyes as Tobin took her hand.

Alex: You could've just given me a warning at least.

Tobin: I know, it was just an 'in the moment' thing. Come on, you can't get mad at this face right?

Alex: You know, that face would've gotten you in bed last night.

Tobin: What about tonight then?

Tobin grazed her hand on Alex's thigh. Alex caved in.

**Alex: You know... a woman has needs, i needed to fulfill mine. When i saw Tobin with christen, of course it made me jealous. And since Tobin isn't my match... it made me want her more.

They ran into the boom boom room, and like last time, took their clothes off and made out. Tobin ground her body against Alex, leaving Alex moaning loudly in pleasure. At this point, the rest were all asleep - or so they thought?

In the bedroom, Mal, Lindsey and Emily were still wide awake.

Mal: Oh my god. Guys. Noise inside the boom boom room.

Lindsey: Who the fuck?! We have to go find out.

They all stand up and tip toe to the boom boom room. The plan was to try and figure out who they were by their voices. Not following protocol, Mal busted the door open and ran in, they all ran in behind her.

**Emily: We walk in and of course, it's Tobin and Alex, but didn't get away with it that easy... Me, Mal and Lindsey wanted in on that fun.

**Mal: You know what they say... if you can't beat them... join them ;)


YOUR TASK: go on my insta @ oosa.wnt & answer the questions on my story! i love you all, this episode is spicy.

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