The Bachelor: 10 Men 1 Stark...

By cooper992

2.6K 74 217

Tony Stark is looking for love but when 3 of his exs show up, and the mistress, will it be happily ever after... More

T is for Trauma!
Nothing Good Happens After 2am
Pluto was involved.
Tea Leaves n' Cotton Candy
one condition.
Fucking Ferris Wheels.
A Study in Love.
Potions & Pill Bottles
beautiful magic and a sad beautiful tragic love affair
Drowning In Jupiter.

Tea leaves, Lollipops, and Cotton Candy Teardrops

78 5 6
By cooper992

i jUsT dId A bAd ThInG 

i ReGrEt ThE tHiNg I dId

i got new slippers and theyre littt i can like slide around in them around my house so well bc i like to just slide around instead of walking bc im dumm which is not the bad thing that i regret i cant remember what i did i think it was something with bleach but not on my hair cuz i aint no bottle blonde (ehem opal) my blonde is all natural anyways on we go

"I can't believe he rejected both of us," Rhodey scoffed.

"I know. We're totally catches," T'Challa said.


Rhodey and T'Challa were sitting on the couch in the living room, drinking coffee and discussing the confidentiality that was Sam's love life. They couldn't figure out how he wasn't into either of them, now that they thought about it, neither of them had even heard him talk about any of the guys in the house, or any guy, in a romantic way. 

"I wonder why." 

"Who knows, he's weird. The man dresses up as Icarus and takes pride in it."

"Whatever, at least I'm not this concerned with someone else's love life," Sam said nonchalantly as he walked out of the bathroom and into the living room, still in his pajamas and grabbing a cup of coffee. 

"Oh, hey Sam. What were you doing?" Rhodey studdered nervously, wondering how much he had heard.

"What like a number?"

"Uh- sorry that's not what I meant. We were just talking about uh-"

"My love life?"

"Yeah," Rhodey admitted.

"Rhodey!" T'Challa snapped.

"What? He already knows."

"Fine, fine," T'Challa said as he rolled his eyes. Sam sat down on the large footstool on the side of the coffee table across them, receiving two very questioning looks. 

"What?" Sam asked, feeling very judged by the looks he was receiving.

"Why are you here?" T'Challa asked, annoyed.

"Dude, you can't say that," Rhodey said, turning to T'Challa and rolling his eyes at his defensive look and turning back to Sam. "Okay, but why are you here?"

"What? I can't talk to you guys?"

"Well we can't talk about you if you're here," T'Challa remarked as if it was normal conversation. 

"Dude... you can't say that," Rhodey said, turning to T'Challa again, T'Challa just rolled his eyes. "...We can't talk about you if you're here." He said, turning back to Sam once again. 

"You guys are weird."

"We are weird?" T'Challa said, offended, "You're the one who rejected both of us."

"What's your point?"

"His point is that we're lit and you rejected us both."

"Modest," Sam laughed. 

"You have a point," T'Challa admitted, "but you've never shown any interest in any of the other guys in the house or ever pointed out anyone out on social media or hit on anyone even outside of the show like at the fair."

"I was with Peter, that would have been inappropriate," Sam argued.

"He's literally an adult," Rhodey snipped. 

"He's 17."

"In a month he'll be 18," Rhodey said dryly, calling out Sam's bullshit. 

"Fine," Sam reluctantly agreeing. 

"So what's the problem? Why are you a freak?" T'Challa said bluntly. 

"Dude!" Rhodey exclaimed, turning to T'Challa with a mortified look on his face. 


"You can't say that,"  Rhodey said, staring at T'Challa with wide eyes.

"Why not?"

"It's mean."


"...What the fuck man?"

"Uh hello? Still here." Sam cut in.

"Oh right," Rhodey said, turning back to Sam. "Why aren't you into people?"

"I am."

"Why aren't you into us?" T'Challa asked.

"I'm straight."

"You're what?" they both said in unison. 

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies," Sam said dryly, taking a sip of his coffee. 

"So why are you here?" T'Challa asked.

"Dude, you can't- actually in this context you can. Why are you here?"

"They said they'd pay me."

"So you just-"


"So you're straight?"

"Yeah, I'd tap Bucky though. The dude's hot.(tru)" Sam said drinking his coffee. Rhodey and T'Challa gave each other bothered looks realizing that Bucky had managed to win the bet that he wasn't even part of just by making one sly comment. 

this is the epidemy of crack but i had to bc it was too sad also no one understands my love for darren criss (my third husband) and also opal made me watch gifted with her and i asked if it was gonna make me cry bc i cant handle that rn bc im not emotionly stable and she said no like a liar I started crying like 25 minutes in and then never stopped.


Steve was curled up in the blocky chair next to Bucky's bed, wrapped up in Bucky's brown leather jacket and staring at him. He almost couldn't decide if he wanted to curl up in the bed with him or never touch him again for fear of breaking him. He decided upon just holding his hand, fingers laced together. He shut his eyes, not able to look at Bucky like this for too long. The guilt was too much. 

 In case you didn't know
Baby I'm crazy bout you
And I would be lying if I said that I could live this life without you

Steve didn't sing often but he found it therapeutic sometimes. 

Even though I don't tell you all the time
You had my heart a long long time ago

Bucky loved it when Steve sang.

In case you didn't know

Steve didn't love country music (iS THERE A PROBLEM?)but Bucky did. And this was Bucky's favorite song.

You've got all of me
I belong to you
Yeah, you're my everything

Steve didn't hear the door open.

In case you didn't know
I'm crazy bout you
I would be lying if I said
That I could live this life without you
Even though I don't tell you all the time...

"You always were a great singer. I don't know why you never believed me."

"Yeah, my trust issues with you sure are a mystery," Steve sarcastically remarked as he looked up at Tony. He saw Tony look at their clasped fingers but didn't drop Bucky's hand. 

"I'm sorry." Steve was silent. It's not like he could forgive Tony but he also didn't really... care. It hurt that he had been cheated on but he never wanted to be with Tony anyways. 

"What do you want Tony?" Steve asked after a moment of silence.

"I wasn't sure where our relationship stood." 

"Well, I think our relationship's pretty damaged. I don't think there's any chance of it surviving this." Steve said, tracing his thumb over Bucky's hand but turned towards Tony by the door. 

"Should we break up?"

"What do you think why should do?"

"I think you need to be with him," Tony said gesturing to Bucky. "And you can't be with him if you're with me."

"Let's go for a walk," Steve said, securing Bucky's hand back on the bed. He walked to the door and opened it for Tony. Tony walked out and waited for Steve to shut the door behind him. They had only gotten to the next door over when Tony slowly and lightly laced his hand in Steve's. He was a bit timid in doing so, afraid of rejection but Steve just tightened his hand around Tony's hand. They were halfway across the floor before Steve spoke again. 

"I don't deserve him. I put him in that bed he'll never love me after that."

"That's not true-"

"Yes it is Tone," Steve calmly cut Tony off. "Don't try and say it was his fault. If I hadn't been so dumb he wouldn't be in there."

"Well then I guess you could say it's my fault too then," Tony said, knowing immediately after he said it, Steve also blamed him for what happened. Tony wasn't mad, he knew Steve was going to blame him as well, he just had to accept it. Neither of them looked at each other. Steve was silent for a minute, both of them thinking hard and planning their words carefully.

"Do you really want me to say that?" Steve asked. Tony just sighed. 

"You deserve him. And he deserves you. I've seen the way he looks at you, the only one who can't see it is you. He loves you, Steve. A lot. Just tell him how you feel okay?"

"I can't, I-"

"Well just stop being so afraid of your feelings for him. Can you do that?" Tony cut off Steve, not needing to hear his 'I don't wanna ruin our friendship' speech again.

"I can try."

Tony smiled and Steve turned towards him as they reached Bucky's room. 

"So we're finished?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

Tony reached up and put a hand behind Steve's neck, slotting their lips together for one final kiss.

"Good-bye Tony," Steve smiled as Tony pulled away.

"See ya heartbreaker," Tony laughed as he walked away. 

Steve walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. He picked up Bucky's hand once again, wanting to anchor himself to him as best possible. He leaned down and kissed Bucky on the forehead lightly holding it for a second. 

In case you didn't know



Thor heard a faint knock on his door, 5:30 a.m. His alarm had rung seconds earlier. He always liked to be up earlier than others. For one, he liked to drink his coffee and watch the birds. And two, it gave him that 'I'm the only one alive right now' feeling, without staying up late and wasting the next day sleeping. 

He stood up and walked to the door, very confused, only having just rolled out of bed and wonder who on earth had the balls to knock on his door at such an hour. The only person who knew he was up this early was-




"Hey..." Thor stood there, slightly terrified. 

"Let me take you to breakfast. Please." Thor nodded and the two made their way to the Jeep. Bruce hopped in the driver's side and drove to the docks. The drive was mostly silent except for the light hum of the radio that had been left on. It wasn't awkward, it rarely was with them, but it was tense. 

They made their way back to the little neon blue restaurant with the boat lifts outback. Bruce opened the door for Thor, both boys still looking timid. They wandered inside where the walls were still a faint bubblegum pink. Bruce led him to the same table they had been at before.

Maybe it was a bit awkward but more or less, Thor was just confused out of his mind. First, Bruce kissed him, and then he said he didn't like him like that. Then, he kissed Bruce and Bruce was unresponsive and now they're acting like it didn't ever happen. Bruce was in the middle of rambling about something nerdy that no one but Tony could understand when Thor cut him off.

"Bruce, why are we here? What are we doing?"

Bruce sighed and grabbed Thor's hand and briskly pulled him through the restaurant straight to the back door and out to the dock, hanging a right and going halfway down the dock to the spot where Thor told him the story about going out on the boat with his family and the dogs.

He stopped and turned around, his hand still in Thor's, causing him to turn around closer to him than expected. He let go of Thor's hand and stumbled back for a second, trying to keep himself calm. 

It's just Thor. Just Thor. Just Thor. Just Thor. Not-gonna-hurt-me-Thor. Loves-me-Thor... In-love-with-me-Thor. Thor. 

"Hi," Bruce said shyly, looking up at Thor. Thor quietly chuckled at Bruce's shyness and awkwardness. 


"Ifellinlovewithyourighthere," Bruce blurted out. Now Thor was the one who was frozen.

"You what?"

"Oh fuck, no, I didn't mean to say it like that. I had this whole speech planned out. Crap. I meant to- I mean it was probably stupid. This whole thing is stupid. I mean not the us part just the me bringing you here and-" Bruce was cut off by Thor's lips on his. He smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Thor's neck. 

"Third times a charm?" Thor joked as he pulled away and leaned his forehead against Bruce's. Bruce giggled slightly and leaned back up to peck Thor on the lips quickly. Thor smiled and wrapped his arms around Bruce's waist. "So what was this speech you had planned?"

"Noooooo," Bruce laughed and hid his blush in Thor's chest. 

"Oh why yes, let's hear it."

"Can I just give you a summary?"

"Of course not. I need to hear the whole thing."

"Uhh. I hate you." Bruce whined and tried to pry himself from Thor's arms. 

"I don't think you do," Thor laughed and tightened his grip on Bruce, pulling him flush against him. Bruce stopped struggling and looked up at Thor. His eyes wandered down to Thor's neck and lingered for a minute before he leaned forward and started kissing along Thor's neck. Thor laughed again. "Babe, that's not going to distract me, it just tickles."

"Fine," Bruce sighed, pulling away. "What I was going to do was drag you out here and say something along the lines of, 'A few weeks ago you took me out here and told me a story about your family. You told me about the boats and as I was watching you ramble I fell in love with you. I didn't realize I was in love with you until a few days later because I'm dumb. I decided to bring you to where I fell in love with you and not where I realized it because I felt like this was more romantic than my room.' I don't really remember. It was dumb. I had it all planned out and then I turned around and you were really close to me and you were smiling and it threw me off."

"You're so cute."

"Shut up."

"I love you."

"I love you too."


ok i gave the people what they want and by people i mean opal so now im back on my bullshit

Quill sat by the pool, burrowed in Loki's sweatshirt with his legs kicking lightly in the water as he watched it ripple across the blue light of the pool. It was late and he couldn't get his thoughts together. Did he love Tony? Did he even like him? Well duh, of course he did. But looking back he didn't have a reason but no one ever does. He just liked him. That's how it always is. 

But Loki. Loki was different. 

Loki was funny and understanding and loving and suggestive and beautiful and perfect. Perfect? Perfect. Yeah, perfect. Or pretty damn close. But Quill just didn't feel that way about him. Quill just wanted to sleep with him. And he didn't hate it when he would hold him afterward. And he didn't mind when Loki stayed or when he came into his room to just watch a movie. Or when Loki brought him tea or memorized his coffee order. 

He didn't know why; Loki was just Loki. He was him and to Quill, that was everything. That was all he wanted. 

Wait, what? No. He didn't want Loki. Why did he think that? Did he? No, of course he didn't. He wanted Tony. Loki was great but this wasn't just a second best. He wasn't going to use Loki as his 'good enough' because Loki was better than good enough. He was perfect just not for Quill. Right? 

Quill didn't love Loki. He wasn't in love with him. That wouldn't make any sense. He loved him as a person but not romantically. 



Steve picked his head up to see if the if it was the nurse who had knocked, in which case she would just walk in. When the door stayed shut, he decided it was not Katherine.  

Ooh, who is it?

Steve shimmied off of Bucky's arm and walked to the door.

Wait, no, come back. I'm cold. (hi cold im dad)

"Stephen? Hi, what are you doing here?"


"I just wanted to come in and see him while visitor hours were still open."


"And I brought Peter."


"Hey, Mr. America," Peter said sadly. 

"Hey kid," Steve said, wrapping an arm around Peter's shoulder's and giving him a light squeeze before standing back and letting the two come in. Steve looked a wreck. There were bags under his eyes and his posture was distorted from sleeping in a chair for 4 days. 

Why does everyone sound so sad? I don't like it. Stop it. 

"How you been?" Stephen asked, sounding genuine. He might have hurt Tony but neither Stephen nor Peter could care about that right now. Steve had been through enough already. 

"I've been better," Steve sighed.

Yeah, no shit. You've done nothing but cry it's causing me to feel like the worst person ever and I can't even comfort you. 

"How's Mr. Bucky?" Peter asked still hugging Steve. 

"Peter, honey, we've been over this, you don't have to call any of us Mr." Steve laughed lightly. 

"Okay, Mr. America," Peter said, still not letting go.

"Can you fill him in on Bucky's state outside? I would like a minute alone with him." Steve and Peter shared a weird look but nodded and left. 

Aw, Stephen, I knew you loved me. 

"Hey Buck," Stephen said, sitting next to Bucky in the armchair Steve had claimed. "Wow. Steve sure has made this his spot huh?" Stephen said, readjusting in his spot. 

Yes, yes he has. I'm very aware. Can you please tell him to stop freaking out.

"Okay, I thought it would be therapeutic to come and talk to you but it just feels weird. But I'm here so I might as well continue. I'm upset with you Bucky. I knew you probably thought I hated you but we were friends. Are. Are friends. Fuck we are friends. Sorry."

I'm not dead Stephen, get a grip. I know Steve's emotional but you're not and this is weird. 

"I can't believe you didn't come to me. That's why we're friends in the first place. We both needed someone to go to. And then you didn't come to me."

Wait, no shit Stephen you're right, I'm sorry. I  should have come to you.

"I don't know Buck. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make myself seem like the victim."

No no, you are. This must be so scary for all of you. I didn't think any of you would care this much. I mean I didn't mean for this to happen in the first place.  

"Anyway, I guess that's my rant. Sorry, I just read somewhere that it would help."

Please hug me. Please hug me. Please hug me. Please hug me. Please hug me. Please hug me. Please hug me. Please hug me. Please hug me. Please hug me. Please hug me. 

Stephen got up, and did indeed, hug him. 



Loki looked up at his door in confusion upon hearing the knock at 1 in the morning. He got up and opened the door. 

"I need you to do this for me no questions asked." Loki was immediately met with a pair of lips on his. He stumbled backward a bit but eventually responded to the kiss and rested his hands on Quill's hips. 

Quill kicked the door closed behind him and walked Loki towards the bed. He pushed him down and crawled on top of him, still heavily making out. Quill pulled himself off Loki, both men gasping for air.



"What the fuck?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm sorry."

"No. No, no complaints here, don't worry. Just confused." Quill laughed and rested his head on Loki's shoulder. 

"Shut up."

"Make me-" 

Loki was cut off by Quill's lips attached to his once again. He groaned as Quill worked on sucking angry red marks on his neck. Loki moved to peel Quill's, or his, sweatshirt off. 

"Wait wait stop."

"What? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

"No, no, honey you're fine. I'm fine. I just- are you- are you sure you want to do this? I mean it's not playing with your emotions?"

"If you need this, if you need me, if you need this with me, I'm here. It's okay, this isn't about me."

"But you're involved. Are you sure it won't toy with your feelings?"

"It's fine. We've done this before when I had feelings. I'll live. You seem like you need this more than I shouldn't do it."


This time it was different. This time there was love. 


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