sweet - jaedo

By justletmebemyself

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"and he also likes sweets." the school heartthrob is finding his way back after breaking the heart of his no... More

thanks ❤🔥


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By justletmebemyself

"im sorry .."

its already the nth time jaehyun apologizing but it only result to doyoung not responding to him. in fact, he's crying. 

they are inside the car. jaehyun packed his stuffs in his backpack while doyoung got questions from jaehyun's parents.

he's frustrated and embarassed. jaehyun used him and introduce him to his PARENTS as his BOYFRIEND.

"im sorry, i really did not mean to do that ," said jaehyun.

well i guess he didn't want to get married yet ..
but still he used me.

doyoung sighed.


lets go for dinner

"i think imma cancel to go to taeil's .." said doyoung.
"is it because of me ?" jaehyun asked.

half is because mom asked me to go for dinner, and the other half is yes, because of you.

"no, not you .. my mom suddenly asking me to go for dinner." said doyoung as he scrolled his phone.


bring jaehyun with you

doyoung freezed at the text. HOW THE FUCK MOM KNOWS ABOUT JAEHYUN.

what ?

just bring him :)


mom is offline.

"what the fuck." he muttered.
"what's wrong doyoung ?" jaehyun asked.
"so my mom want you to come for dinner," said doyoung.
"oh are you fine with it ?" said jaehyun.
"i cant deny my mom, how about you ? are you fine with it ?"
"as long as ur fine, im fine." said jaehyun.

that sounds kinda fishy yet flirty .. whatever.

jaehyun swept away that thought and head to doyoung's.

"so where are we going to eat ?" jaehyun asked. "my dad's restaurant i guess .. my mom haven't text-"


im at dad's.

"-okay yeah there. trilogy." said doyoung.
"oh that is-"
"the one that has a partnership with your family's company, yes i know .." doyoung continue. "i bring some clothes in case we go to taeil so, lets go to trilogy now."

jaehyun stepped on the gas pedal. the distance is not too far. after 20 minutes drive, they arrived at the restaurant. it has monochrome theme with modern-minimalist interior inside.

two recognizable faces.

"my mom with ?" said doyoung. "wait- is that your mom ?"
jaehyun sighed, "yes."

doyoung never felt this defeated his entire life.

"hello ma'am," doyoung greeted jaehyun's mom with a bow and kissed his mom's forehead. "hi mom."

"how's your day ?"

doyoung glanced at jaehyun who is sitting next to his mom. "im fine," he smiled.

"okay, what do you guys want to order ?" doyoung's mom asked.
"anything but not your food," said doyoung as he chuckles. "alright picky bunny." said his mom as she pulled doyoung's ear. earning a chuckle from the boy.

"you often do that with your mom ?" jaehyun's mom asked. doyoung flinched.

"oh im sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but yeah .. that is how i usually interact with my parents." said doyoung with a smile. "would you like some drink ? i will take it for you,"

"sure, i will have a cup of tea, unsweetened please." said jaehyun's mom.
"what about you jae ?"
"i will help you." said jaehyun as he stands and approach doyoung.

"why .." doyoung whispered.
"im bored .. come on .." said jaehyun as he push doyoung by his shoulder.

doyoung makes tea for jaehyun's mom and his mom. and pour two can's of cola for him and jaehyun.

"let me bring those." said jaehyun. he retrieve the tray and it almost fall because he wobbles like A LOT.

"GOD JAEHYUN BECAREFUL." said doyoung holding jaehyun's hand. he immediately take the tray and bring it to the table.

jaehyun in the other hand is lowkey flushed. his cheek heated,
only because doyoung hold his hand.

he shook his head and followed doyoung.

"here you go ma'am." said doyoung as he serve the tea.
"thank you," she answered. doyoung smiled, "i will help my mom in the kitchen, excuse me-"
"no stay there bunny. dont you dare step to this kitchen." said doyoung's mom.

earning a laugh from both jaehyun and his mom, doyoung sighed. "im sorry, she's like that all the time .."

"dont worry, i've been enjoying this," said jaehyun's mom. "have a seat."

"so, how long have you been dating." jaehyun's mom asked. making doyoung almost choke on his cola. she immediately hand doyoung a tissue.
"its only a week mom, dont surprise him too .." said jaehyun.

"im sorry i-"
"no dont be .. i was the one who surprised you doyoung," said jaehyun's mom as she smiles.

oh god that smile felt so genuine, i dont have a heart to actually tell her that his son is lying to him.it'll break her heart.. doyoung thought

"be right back," said doyoung as he rushed to the kitchen.

a bowl of salad is on the floor upside down and all doyoung do is stare. after a split of second, he is back in his mind and immediately take the tray. again. bringing it to the table and serve it for jaehyun, jaehyun's mom,and his mom who is following behind him.

"you should be more careful mom," as doyoung pulled the chair for his mom to seat. "im sorry honey, im trying to adapt with this," his mom caressed her hand.

seeing what supposed to be doyoung's is vacant, jaehyun's mom asked, "where's yours ?"

"a small accident happened ma'am, don't worry about me, i'll be back with the main dish." said doyoung as he smiles. he went to the kitchen and calling one of the maid there to help him clean the mess.

"jaehyun, go help him." jaehyun's mom whispered.

actually no need to remind him. he already want to go at the first place, he only hesitated. he enter the kitchen, finding doyoung's back quite appealing.

"i love your back," said jaehyun. sending shivers to doyoung's body. he clicked his tongue. "i do this because of you jung, because of your stupid act," doyoung trying to sound angry.

"come on, im just trying to lift up the mood," jaehyun scowled. "and im not in mood to be happy now jae," doyoung sighed.

"i know you dont like it, but just think of it like friends .. ?"
"god jae do you even know how i feel ? i really thought that you change, that's why i dont mind being friends with you but you suddenly do this like, i cant trust you anymore,"

jaehyun is speechless.

"i really want to trust you but-"

jaehyun's body heat crept to doyoung's as he hugs the smaller's body. "im sorry, but please .. bear with me."

doyoung hugged jaehyun back. jaehyun hear small sniffles from the latter and guilt start to crept into him, like two years ago.

doyoung pulled out. his face looks damp and his hair is messy even though it looks so soft. jaehyun swept his hand through doyoung's hair.

soft. he thought.

"let me help you with this, i can handle this." said jaehyun. doyoung step aside and start to working on other things.

15 minutes.

doyoung washes his hand and bring the food to the table.

"im sorry it took a long time, something happened," said doyoung as he serve the food.
"wait, as i remember you have shift today," said jaehyun as he positioned himself to sit. doyoung nods. "i'll work later, i texted the owner already." said doyoung. "how's the taste ma'am ? do ypu like it ?"

"yes, its so flavorful, its a great food." she smiled. "thank god," doyoung whispered.

finally dessert course. jaehyun's mom is talking to doyoung on and on and on, starting to knowing the man.



nice attitude


basically all nice stuff you can find on a person.


"well thank you for the food honey," said jaehyun's mom to doyoung. "you are very welcome ma'am." doyoung smiled.
"not ma'am, call me mom." said jaehyun's mom.

doyoung and jaehyun stare her in disbelief.

what the fuck just happened, doyoung thought.

"i'll drive you back home." said jaehyun. his mom stopped him.

"no, you drive him to his office and dont come home." she said. "what-"
"oh my car is coming, gotta go bye." she smiled and head to the black mercedes arriving.

"you can just drop off at taeil's." said doyoung.
"you'll drop at taeil's too ?" jaehyun asked.
"i guess," said doyoung. "then imma wait for you,"

"you sure ? i probably work past midnight .."


"no you dont need to work today," said lucas.
"hmm ?" doyoung raised his eyebrows.
"there is a new employee dont worry," lucas smiled.

"um okay .." doyoung carressed his nape. he sighed and enter the car again.

"why are you in ? i just want to go out .." said jaehyun. "someone is doing my shift," said doyoung. "uh i have a bad feeling somehow .."

a hand landed on doyoung's head. jaehyun's. and he start to ruffle doyoung's hair.

"dont worry, everything will be fine," said jaehyun.

doyoung feel his cheek heated but he swipe away the thought and told jaehyun to go to taeil's immediately.

a quiet but comfortable ride. except that sudden brake because the car in front of them got so fast and also do a sudden break since the light turns red. thank god jaehyun didn't crashed.

"you okay ? im sorry," said jaehyun.
"dont worry," doyoung smiled.

they stopped at in front of a big house – not as big as jaehyun's.

"what if we go somewhere else ?" jaehyun asked.
"y-yes ?" doyoung got choke on his own saliva.

"like, not to taeil's .. other place instead," said jaehyun.

doyoung's mouth was eager to say no but his heart says the opposite. well, he kinda wants it.

"what do you think ?" jaehyun asked.

"mm.. kay," doyoung mumbled.


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