The Lady of Rivendell

By hamhamilgay

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Lord Elrond x OC It's the third age, and the battle for middle-earth is about to begin. The council has been... More

Chapter 1 - The Council
Chapter 2 - Goodbye Rivendell
Chapter 3 - Pass of Caradhras
Chapter 4 - The Mines of Moria
Chapter 5 - The Woods of Lothlorien
Chapter 6 - The Fellowship Of The Ring
Chapter 7 - Fangorn Forest
Chapter 8 - Edoras
Chapter 9 - To Helms Deep It Is
Chapter 11 - The Battle for Helms Deep
Chapter 12 - Saruman's Tower
Chapter 13 - A Longing Celebration
Chapter 14 - Minas Tirith
Chapter 15 - The lighting of the Beacons
Chapter 16 - Forging of New Paths
Chapter 17 - Army of The Dead

Chapter 10 - Calm before the Storm

787 25 1
By hamhamilgay

Aloryssa's POV:

I ran down the side, running onto the gravelly beach, towards the water. I heard a loud whinny, looking on in shock, as a large brown horse walked towards me. I saw a large shape on the back of the horse.

"Aragorn!" I lifted his head up gently. He let out a laboured breath, and nearly fell off the horse.

I caught him, fixing his position, before heaving myself up onto the horse behind Aragorn. I kicked it into a fast trot, not risking a gallop in fearing of Aragorn falling off. 

We ran past the battle field, towards Helm Deep. The man in front of me started to stir swaying slightly. We arrived at the tip of a hill, looking onto a large stretch of land. I had to quickly guide the horse away from view, out of the sight of the thousands and thousands of orcs marching to Helm's Deep. Aragorn lifted his head at the sight.

"We have to hurry," He said.

I pushed Brego into a gallop, flying across the plains. Riding hard till we reached the gates of Helm's Deep.

Elrond's POV:

Arwen looked back at me one last time, the company leaving for the undying lands. The lanterns lit their path, as they left Rivendell. There were still a few hundred elves left in Rivendell, mainly soldiers aimed to protect the last standing entrance to the undying lands,

"I amar prestar aen... han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae, a han nostan ned gwilith." Lady Galadriel's voice echoes, as I watch the company leave.

"The power of the enemy is growing. Sauron will use his puppet Saruman... to destroy the people of Rohan. Isengard has been unleashed. The eye of Sauron now turns to Gondor, the last free kingdom of Men. His war on this country will come swiftly." I took a deep breath, wishing Aloryssa was with me now, so we could sail to the undying lands and leave.

"He senses the Ring is close. The strength of the ringer bearer is failing," I felt a pang of empathy for the hobbit, before pushing it down, "In his heart, Frodo begins to understand, the quest will claim his life. You have forseen it. It is the risk we all took

In the gathering dark, the will of the Ring grows strong. It works hard now to find its way back into the hands of Men. Men, who are so easily seduced by its power. The young captain of Gondor has but to extend his hands, take the Ring for his own and the world will fall. It is close now... so close to achieving its goal. For Sauron will have dominion of all life on this Earth... even unto the ending of the world. The time of the over."

I closed my eyes, imagining the face of Aloryssa, she was still here, battling for the lives of men.

"Do we leave Middle-earth to its fate? Do we let them stand alone?"

I have seen the will of men fail time and time again, what makes this time any different? My question is already answered, as soon as I think it. Because they have Aloryssa... And with her, they have hope.

I quickly strode out of the room, there was going to be an eventful few hours ahead.

Aloryssa's POV:

We soon come across the view of Helms Deep, nestled into the crook of a mountain.

"Mae Carnen, Brego, mellon nin." Aragorn says while weakly petting Brego. 

We gallop up the path to the gates, right into Helms Deep, the people parting as we enter. Just over the crowd I can hear a familiar voice as someone takes Brego's charge. 

"Where is he? Where is he? Get out of my way! I'm gonna kill him!" I move to the side as Gimli makes it through the crowd.

"You are the luckiest, the canniest and the most reckless man I ever knew!" The Dwarf brings Aragorn into a tight hug.

"Gimli, where is the king?" The Dawrf nods to the hall, and I race off after Aragorn as he swiftly jogs over, despite just falling off a cliff. He is near the entrance when I catch up, speaking to Legolas.

"Le ab-dollen." The elf looked up and down the Ranger. "You look terrible."

I moved past them, towards the doors, turning at their absence. I can see Legolas pass Aragorn something, the look on the rangers face clear relief as he looks down into his hand. It was the Evenstar. I smiled slightly, as he joined me, before tossing the door open and entering the room. 

Theoden stood up in surprise, staring at the man he believed to be dead. 


"A great host, you say?" The King looks at us, as I nod in confirmation.

"All of Isengard is emptied."

"How many?" Aragorn looked down.

"Ten thousand strong at least." Theoden turned, looking incredulously at the Dunedain. 

"Ten thousand?"

"It is an army bred for a single purpose..." Aragorn started.

"To destroy the world of men." I finished.

Theoden stands still in shock, trying to process the information we were delivering. I look to Aragorn, letting him deliver the final blow.

"They will be here by nightfall." We wait for his response, nearly jumping at his sudden, resolute walk out of the hall.

"Let them come!"

We race after the king down the stairs, as the King barks orders to Gamling.

"I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready for the battle by nightfall. Gamling nods, before heading to enact his King's wishes. We soon stand outside the gates, Theoden discussing his plan of action. 

"We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the Deeping Wall or set foot inside the Hornburg!" Gimli, looking nearly bored, speaks up.

"This is no rabble of mindless Orcs. These are Uruk-Hai. Their armour is thick and their shields broad.

Theoden stands taller, shoulders puffing out.

"I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own keep." He walked inside the gate, up onto the walls, leading us across to look at the vast expanse. 

"They will break upon this fortress like water on rock. Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn. We've seen it before. Crops can be resown. Homes rebuilt. Within these walls, we will outlast them."

"It is not a matter of outlasting them!" I say,frustrated at his naivety.

"They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages. they come to destroy it's people... down to the last child."

Theoden turns, walking into Aragorn's space, whispering harshly.

"What would you have me do? Look at my Men. Their courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance."

Aragorn steps closer to the King, his face desperate.

"Send out riders, my lord. You must call for aid."

"And who will come?" He lashed out, "Elves? Dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead."

I stepped forward in protest, but Aragron interrupted before I could begin.

"Gondor will answer."

"Gondor?!" The King questioned lowly. "Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell? Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us? Where Was Gon-!"

He takes a deep breath.

"No, my Lord Aragorn... We are alone." He turned walking off, towards Gamling who was waiting in the hall. "Get the women and children into the caves."

"We need more time to lay provisions-"

"There is no time. War is upon us." He turned back to the group of the fellowship that was present, his eyes focusing on me.

"Please, my Lady, go into the caves. I cannot spare any men protecting you in battle." I looked at him, feeling a sense of defiance.

"If I wanted to be sent to the caves, I would play the act of Damsel in distress. But I am not a damsel, nor am I distressed. I will fight, like the rest of the Men." He nodded stiffly.

"Your death will not be on my conscious." I looked back at him, my stare hard. 

"It will be on nobodies but my own."


I stand behind Aragorn and Legolas as they talk. 

"We'll place reserves along the wall. They can support the archers from above the gate." Legolas placed a hand on the rangers shoulder.

"Aragorn, you must rest. You're no use to us half alive." I heard a voice calling Aragorn, turning to see Eowyn battling the crowd.

"Aragorn! Aragorn!" She looks annoyed. "I'm to be sent with the women into the caves." Aragorn nodded.

"That is an honorable charge." Eowyn looks up at him, eyes filled with protest.

"To mind the children, to find food and bedding with the men return. What renown is there in that?" 

Aragorn gently takes her hands in a comforting clasp.

"My Lady, a time may come for valor without renown. Who then will you people look to in the last defense?"

She pleads to him.

"Let me stand at your side." He shakes his hand.

"It is not in my power to command it."

She stands still, tall and unwilling to move. 

"You do not command the others to stay! They fight beside you because they would not be parted from you." Her eyes looked to me, and Legolas standing away from their conversation, but still listening none-the-less. "Because they love you!"

There is a moment silence, as Aragorn looks at her, and as she averts her eyes.

"I'm sorry." She pushes past him, and through Legolas and I, to follow the people into the cave. We walk to the armoury, looking on as swords and shields are passed out to the pitiful army. Aragorn examined one of the swords, before tossing it back to the table.

"Farmers, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers."

"Most have seen too many winters." Gimli says.

"Or too few." Legolas added. "Look at them, they're frightened. I can see it their eyes."

The elf turns. 

"Boe a hun... neled herain... dan caer menig!"

Aragorn steps into the elfs face.

"Si beriathar hýn. Amar nâ ned Edoras."

"Aragorn, Men i ndagor. Hýn ú-... ortheri. Natha daged aen!"

"Then I shall die as one of them!"

The two look at each other, staring angrily, before Aragorn turns and leaves. Legolas goes to follow him, but Gimli stops him, a hand on the Princes arm. 

"Let him go, lad. Let him be."

I set out to start putting my chain mail on, setting in place despite it being ill fitted in some areas, before throwing the rest of my leathers on. I attached the scabbard to  my waist, with some of my daggers finding a place there too. Then my bow, with a quiver of arrows. I heard Aragorn besides me, also preparing. He has just attached his dagger, when he was handed his sword.

"We have trusted you this far. You have not led us astray." Legolas says, "Forgive me. I was wrong to despair."

I smile, thankful in the trust and hope Legolas had in Aragorn. Without it, our chances of surviving the night were slim.

Aragorn smiled back at the Elf"

"Ú-moe edhored, Legolas."

"We had time, I'd get this adjusted." An amused smile comes across my face as the Dwarf drops the rest of the chain mail to the ground. "It's a little tight across the chest."

I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sudden sound of a horn. One familiar to point of near comfort. 

"That is no Orc horn."

I race out of the Armoury, Legolas and Aragorn trailing behind me, as I make my way to the gates of Hornburg, looking on as an army of Elven soldiers and archers march into the causeway, led by Haldir.

Theoden walks towards the Army in awe and surprise.

"How is this possible?"

Haldir steps forward from the Elves. 

"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell." His eyes meet mine for a small moment, shining warmly. "An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together."

The Elf looks at Aragorn Legolas and Gimli as they appear at the steps, descending while he continued.

"We come to honor that allegiance."

Aragorn walks towards the Elf.

"Mae govannen, Haldir," bringing the surpirsed Lothlorien Elf into a hug, "You are most welcome."

Haldir greets Legolas, before turning to Theoden.

"We  are proud to fight alongside men once more."  

Finally, he turns to me, gesturing another Elf forward.

"My Lady, I bring a gift from your Husband." He took a large package from the other Elf, and presented it to me. I pulled the cover off, and saw underneath Elvish armour, far better than the chain mail and leathers I had on currently. But underneath that, is what really caught my breath. I pulled the sword out, unsheathing it in wonder. It was light, but incredibly sharp. I twirled the blade carefully before placing it in it's scabbard gently. Then I saw the note.

To be there, while I am not.

I smiled  gently.

"Hannon Le." I whispered to Haldir.

I took the package, and went to really prepare for the coming battle.

------ ----- ----- ----- -----


I amar prestar aen... han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae, a han nostan ned gwilith. - The world has changed... I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air.

Boe a hun... neled herain... dan caer menig - And they should be...Three hundred ...against ten thousand!

Si beriathar hýn. Amar nâ ned Edoras - They have more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras

Aragorn, Men i ndagor. Hýn ú-... ortheri. Natha daged aen! -   Aragorn, we are warriors. They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die! 

Ú-moe edhored, Legolas - There is nothing to forgive, Legolas

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