Spiders Mark [discontinued]


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Jade Rose lived a peaceful life with his family. There was only one danger and that was they lived on the out... Еще

bank robbery
The beginning
Beacon pt.2
Dying star
Unusual snow
Snow fall
Speacial surprise
On the other side
A talk before the trip
forever fall
Following the trail
Even more complicated
The day (volume 1 end)
Best friends
Another escape
defeated by cookie
The dance
Golden Rose
field trip
the first day
All aboard
ice cream problem
A Grimm situation
a new gem
start of the Festival
Winter is coming
a bird came to visit
crime decrease
the return
A single choice
beginning of the end
A slow destruction
A blinding white end
Without a doubt in the world! (Volume 3 end)
A big reunion
Back in action
Moving on
A hard encounter
What're you doing here?
Taking things apart
Oniyuri Pt.1
Oniyuri Pt.2
The Rose curse (Volume 4 end)
Back in the saddle again
A very random set of events

An Experience (volume 2 end)

32 1 1

Jade wakes up his head in Pyrrha lap. He sits up and looked around to see everyone sleep.

Jade: what happened?

The lights were off so it was dark in the room but he could still see. All the people in the room were in their pajamas excluding him.

Jade: I'll just let them sleep.

He used his webs to stealthily move upstairs and got two blankets from a closet and went back downstairs. But, he gets an idea out of nowhere. He grabbed Pyrrha and moved her upstairs and put her in his bed then went back downstairs.

Jade: this is a lot of work.

Jade moved Ruby and Yang to a guest room that was downstairs and put them in the bed. He looks over them sleeping peacefully.

Jade: perfect. I'm glad we have hardwood flooring.

He turns around and left the room then returning to his own room.

Jade: shes not woke?

He peeks in the room to find Pyrrha still sleeping peacefully.

Jade: great.

He walked in the room and got in the bed as well. Once he closed his eyes he felt something on him.

Jade: what?

He opened his eyes to see Pyrrha sitting on him.

Pyrrha: you may be sneaky but I noticed you moving me.

Jade: sorry about everything.

Pyrrha: what?

Jade: I don't remember the last three days. The fever I had really messed me up and the last thing I really remember was getting blown up in a warehouse.

Pyrrha: Jade. We're alone in a room and the first thing you do is apologize? This is so like you.

She smiles.

Jade: is that bad? I came up with this but didn't follow through properly.

He starts mumbling about different things.

Pyrrha: Jade, calm down.

Jade: huh, .....yeah. I do need to chill.

He takes a deep breath.

Jade: now, let me follow through on the reason I brought you up here.

Surprising him Pyrrha was the first to act with a kiss.

Jade: oh!

He flipped her off him and pinned her to the bed.

Jade: shall we?


The next day Jade wakes up with Pyrrha on him neither wearing a shirt.

He sits up and puts the blanket over Pyrrha.

Jade: well. That was great!

He flipped over to his closet and got out stuff for a shower.


Once in the bathroom which was bigger then it needed to be. He walked passed the mirror and noticed the necklace he had one.

Jade: hot damn? What's this? Is this a choker?

He gets closer to the mirror to see his spider emblem on the middle bead.

(Author: I've been completely ignoring the fact he should just about be wearing just about nothing when he puts on his spider suit. But now I'm actually gonna make sure it's a c c u r a t e.)

Jade: what...?

He touched it and it starts to turn into his iron spider suit.

Jade: oh that what it is!

He retracts his mask.

Jade: when did I get this? Mina!

Mina: yes, Jade?

Jade: I am surprised you are actually in the bathroom.

He nods his head a little.

Jade: but this bead-

He felt his neck only for it not to be there.

Jade: of course it's not there. I'm wearing it!

He takes the whole thing off and it returns to being a necklace.

Jade: nevermind, Mina. I'll see you later. Oh fuck, I have school!


One school day later and Jade was sitting on a bench spacing out. He's been thinking about pretty much nothing until he got a text.

He squints and got out his scroll.

Jade: who dis?

He opened his scroll to see a text from Lily.

Lily: Ozpin wants to ask something. come on up to his office.

He puts it away and got a move on to Ozpin's office.


The elevator opens up and Jade steps into Ozpin's office to see Lily looking out the window.

Ozpin: Hello, Jade. Take a seat we have things to talk about.

Jade takes a seat in front of Ozpin him drinking whatever he has in his mug.

Ozpin: Lily explained everything to you already. Correct?

Jade: yeah? if you mean Salem, magic, and the maidens than absolutely. Pretty scary if you ask me.

Ozpin: did she not tell you about- nevermind. I have an offer for you.

Jade: yeah?

Ozpin: you do realize you cannot participate in the Vytal Festival, correct?

Jade: yeah. I knew this already.

He leans back in the chair.

Ozpin: but the other you can be cut a deal to participate. It'll be an experience, to say the least.

Jade: a deal, you say?

Ozpin: interested yet?

Jade nods his head and leaned forward.

Ozpin: we would like Spider-Man to have a role in the Festival.

Jade: I'll do it!

Lily: you haven't heard the catch yet.

She didn't even look away from the window.

Jade: what is it?

Ozpin smirks.

Ozpin: it will be you and only you in your matches. you'll also be there as extra security.

He leaned on his desk.

Ozpin: how do you feel about that?

Jade: you've got yourselves a deal. Spider-Man will be making an appearance as a combatant/guard at the Vytal Festival! a one V four, I've handled larger groups.

Ozpin: I'm glad to hear it.

Lily: I'll get it started. Oh yeah.

She turns around.

Lily: I won't be here the entire time. I'll be over in Atlas for awhile. Those scientists over in Atlas are so useless so they want me to help them out. Also, you know Winter right? She's coming for you just so you know.

Jade: you think you would be a little more panicked that your brother is being hunted by an Atlas specialist.

Lily: eh, you can take her.

She just shrugged then went back to looking out the window.

Ozpin: you can go now, Jade. We'll see you on a later date.

Jade: alright Ozpin sir.

He gets up and leaves the room using the elevator. Ozpin seconds after he couldn't see Jade he turned to look at Lily.

Ozpin: you told him everything except for his eyes?

(Author: I mentally cannot remember if I had him already know about his eyes or not. I think I did but let's change it up for story reasons.)

Lily: hey, wouldn't it be better if he figures it out by himself?

Ozpin: hm. He's your brother I'll let you decide what's right for him.

End of volume 2...

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