a day in falsetto land


52 1 0

one shots about falsettos,,, you'll laugh cry and probably be confused Еще

the game

do i love him...no

13 0 0

Marvin was watching T.V. because he had nothing else to do. Whizzer was gone and Jason was at Trina's. He heard the mail come a while ago and decided to get it. He picked it up and started shuffling through the pile, when something caught his eye."Save The Date" Marvin was furious Trina was still his no matter how much that asshole loved her. As Marvin started drinking his feeling away his thoughts got more and more... unusual,"go look for Whizzer" "go to Trina's" "pick up Jason". Marvin didn't want to go anywhere but he went to Trina's, and he was going to cause a scene. He shuffled to the car and drove to her house and welcomed himself in "Really Trina?!" he yelled making the "family" jump. he stomped his way to couch as he yelled and yelled at his ex wife "This is ridiculous, why would you send me your goddamn "wedding invitations"?" he asked ripping up the save the date while failing to realize the heart break and fear in his sons eyes. "Mendel is warm and sweet, and.. and your mean and cold" Trina explained as Mendel shielding her. Suddenly Marvin broke he went to the one moment that hurt him more than this whole situation, the last words Whizzer had said to him "do i love you, no" it felt as if he was shot " I am so dumb" it felt like the walls were collapsing and the space got some the people he felt somewhat safe around were chanting dumb he panicked not knowing what to do as he frantically looked back and forth walking around the sofa " why!". It happened so fast as Marvin felt his hand collide with Trina's cheek his mind cleared as he realized none of it was real, no one was chanting, the walls were still where they were, but one thing that he noticed was Jason. All went quiet, he no longer heard Mendel trying to comfort a sobbing Trina. All was silent as he realized that Jason didn't feel safe anymore and why should he, he just witnessed his father hitting his mom. Marvin tried to explain himself "Trina i swear i didn't mean to I-" he was stopped, and slowly his world fell apart as he heard the words " I never wanted to love you".

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