Volume 1 ~ Major and The Morn...

By AR_Winkelman

51 5 0

When a lonely boy makes a wish on a star, he doesn't quite get what he wishes for. Instead, he gets a tall gl... More

Author's Note
A Fallen Star

A Lone Swan

5 1 0
By AR_Winkelman

They had been walking for awhile, and Major had remained silent so as not to be a nuisance by asking so many questions. But , questions did burn through his mind, and he knew he would have to ask them. If Major did not, he felt as if his head might explode. Of course, she didn't seem to mind answering his prying questions.

"So...in space. What is it like?" He finally asked, walking up beside her. She smiled at him and adjusted her straw fedora, almost like prep to answer the question.

"Major, I am from a place called the astral realm. It's different from your realm of course. And well, yes, stars are merely burning balls of gas in your realms. But in our realm, those burning balls of gases become people, like me, and our houses too. We look out our windows at night, and watch your planet for those who want to make wishes. And it is our job to grant them. I have an easy job comparatively speaking, because I am only visible on earth for about an hour before the sun rises. So I only have to work for an hour." She explained thoughtfully, looking up into the trees. The sun shone brightly through the green leaves of the trees, making the forest gleam a beautiful green as they shone. The light reflected off of her glasses making them flash light (as if she weren't already bright enough). Birds twittered and bugs buzzed making a forest song of its own. But aside from those sounds, it was silent. Just Major and The Morning Star alone.

"What about the sun? Is it a person like you?"

"Yes. He is our boss. And a bit of a jerk too." She replied, sighing a sigh that seemed to be a cross between amusement and irritation.

"The evening star?"

"My brother." The Morning Star said with a roll of her eyes, "any star is a person."

"What about shooting stars?"

"Yes. Though some of them aren't stars, some of them are—". They were interrupted by the sound of an overhead creature. They looked up, but the leafy canopy blocked their view. The sound of it's heavy beating wings stopped them in their tracks. But the sound retreated into the distance soon after they stopped. Something large had flown above the trees. Major assumed that is was perhaps a dragon, as they were not all that uncommon. He exchanged glances with The Morning Star, and they continued onward.

"Some of them are what?"

"Other creatures live in the astral realm," She began, pulling an oddly shaped fruit out of her pocket and examining it, "creatures that you know by different names."

"Like what?"

"Comets are space dragons enveloped in ice and fire. Meteoroids are in fact...just rocks. Asteroids too. But we also have phoenixes, little creatures called Moon Men, and a dying breed: The Jupilones." Morning Star replied with a wave of her hand. Major tried to imagine what the Astral Realm was like. Perhaps, since The Morning Star hadn't granted his wish as of yet, he could wish to go there instead at some point. The ultimate adventure.

He watched as she took a bite of her fruit thoughtfully while they walked. The fruit was yellow and it's juices gleamed in the green sunlight that filtered down through the trees.

"What kind of fruit is that?"

"Starfruit. Originally it only grew in the astral realm, but somehow some seeds made it to your realm. So they grow here too."

The two kept walking through the forest until they made it to a side path. This took them to a clear blue lake, idyllic scenery all around. Waves lapped at the soft sandy shores, and lilypads floated not too far from land. A few shells littered the beach, and gleamed beautifully in the sunlight. It was here where they decided to rest awhile and enjoy lunch. The two sat down on the plush grass, which was not too far from the shore, and began to consume a lunch of cookies, bread, cheese, and starfruit. Once finished with her lunch, The Morning Star took out some metal parts from her small bag and began fitting them together nicely. They turned out as a sturdy makeshift chair. So she proceeded to unpack her cello and begun to play it.

The first thing Major noticed about her playing was that the feeling in it was very solemn, yet adventurous at the same time. She was very talented at it, and the instrument she played on, he could tell it was high quality. Not to mention how it made you feel things. It reminded you of places, times, and people. Some from a time you knew, some from a time you never knew. Memories real, and fabricated. A musician she was, indeed. She could make big money with such talents. She could play in a grand music hall, and millions would come to hear her. To see the glory that was The Morning Star.

So she played on for awhile, and finished with flare.

"What song was that?" He asked, watching as she packed her instrument and chair away.

"It was a sonata by a composer on another planet in your realm."

"What planet is that?"

"Earth I suppose. It's not too far from here."

"So there are people out there like us?"

"Yes, Major. Your planet isn't the only ones the stars serve. Thankfully for me, your planet is the only one I serve."

"So, Morning Star, where did you learn to play like that?"

"When I was born, the first person to wish upon me wished for the creation of complex music that tugs at the heartstrings, so to speak. A lot of stars get caught up by the first wish they make. It often defines them, as they are so young when they grant it. The first wish really makes an impression on us." She explained, taking apart her makeshift chair and sitting beside him once more. Major's glance caught something white on the lake in front of them. A creature close to the shore.

A swan had been there, listening in the whole time.


"I know a few pieces about swans, I should've played one. Would've been fitting." The Morning Star said thoughtfully as the creature padded onto the shore. It approached them slowly, a gleam in its eyes. That's when Major noticed a small silver crown upon its head.

"It's a white queen swan." He stated to The Morning Star, who nodded as it approached them.

White Queen Swans and Black King Swans were a tribe of swans whom had renowned mating dance rituals, as well as recreational dancing capabilities. They lived even further north than the village of Pulaski. Up so far north were mines of precious minerals, gold, and diamonds. But most important to the swans was silver. Silver was what gave them the ability to use magic. So they wore crowns of silver.

The King and Queen swans could speak to not just to humans, but other animals as well. They could use telepathy and had the ability to read minds to a small extent. It was rumored that some of these swans could turn human at will, the ones with the biggest crowns.

"Good afternoon Major, Morning Star." She greeted, a little swan-like curtesy following her words. Major looked at The Morning Star to exchange glances, but the glowing companion did not exchange any sort of surprised look with him.

"How did you know our names?" He finally asked, though he felt stupid for asking as he realized she probably had the ability to understand one's thought process.

"I heard you calling each other that. As for me, you may call me Odette if you should ever need to address me."

"You're a little far from home. Has your bank migrated? Ah but, King and Queen Swans do not migrate." The Morning Star pondered intelligently, watching as Odette took a seat on the border between the lush grass and the sand.

"No, I was cast out because I do not dance very well. And seeing as that is a natural skill of our kind, I was only ever given a small crown, because I was not seen as deserving of a large one. When it came time to mate, I could not dance properly even still. So I was thrown out as punishment."

"Well that's rude! We all have strengths and weaknesses." Major responded with a huff, but the swan shook her head.

"No, no! See, I have no purpose if I cannot dance. Just like a fish that cannot swim. Therefore, it's only natural my magic is weak and that I do not live amongst them." She explained, a bit of grief hidden away in her voice. The Queen Swan seemed to be trying to assure herself more than she was trying to assure them them.

"How strong is your magic?" The Morning Star asked, curiosity sparking in her gleaming eyes, which the swan met bravely.

"I can guess what someone is thinking. But I don't ever really know exactly what. Sometimes I can use telepathy with a willing party, but only if they know I want to communicate with them."

"So are you just out doing what you like now?" The Morning Star prompted, resting her cheek in the palm of one of her hands, sitting cross-legged.

"I'm going somewhere I suppose. I don't quite know. Vagabonding is not something a Queen Swan does. She stays with her bank unless she is cast out. Which I have been. It is a depressing prospect, isn't it?" She replied, her words turning on a lightbulb in Major's head.

"Well, you could always come with us I should think! We're going to the city of fireflies."

"Dear, really? We've only just met. I am afraid you do not know me too well—are you sure that would be ok? What about your companion?"

"I'm just here for the ride." The Morning Star responded, typical nonchalant tone. Major nodded at this and stood up, helping the Morning Star pack everything else back up. Odette got to her feet and followed them once they started moving. The forest seemed to be more alive now that it was midday, the trailed becoming less treaded by humans as they moved along. Odette glowed just about as much as The Morning Star in this bright forest, white feathers reflecting the light. Major chuckled at the thought of having two glowing companions instead of one. He had attracted a lot of light somehow, like a moth attracting light instead of the light attracting a moth. Now he needed to light up a little bit to fit in.


It was night now, and Major had set up camp with Odette while The Morning Star temporarily returned to her realm for the night. As of the current moment, they sat around the campfire, consuming a late evening meal together. Quiet conversation took place among the two of them while Major cooked a can of beans and some of the fish they had managed to catch earlier in a stream. Odette had found fresh greens within the growth of the forest, and while they waited for the meat and beans, that was what they ate.

"So your friend...she really is a star? 'The Morning Star' isn't just some nickname?" Odette asked, her voice silky and feminine. Major nodded, stirring the beans.

"It was hard for me to believe...but she came from the sky when I tried to make a wish on her. When she appeared before me, there was no morning star left in the sky. Stars don't just vanish like that, I should think." He replied, looking up at the sky. It wasn't anywhere near morning time, however, so it was the evening star that glinted back at him. In fact, the evening star seemed to shine rather brightly this night, furious flashes emanating from it.

And to think that within a days walking, they were in a completely different forest than the one near home. This one had no canopy, and the rolling hills of trees ahead could be seen. Steep hills, which signaled to Major that these were the foothills of the nearby mountains. Major had always known that there were mountains near Pulaski, but he had never known exactly how close. Now he was here, at their foothills. If not for Odette, he would have had a taste of pure isolation and loneliness under these stars, and he was grateful that they had found her.

"What do you suppose traveling with us will do for you?" Major asked Odette suddenly, catching her off guard.

"Well, I'm afraid I don't know. Seeing how I don't have a purpose as a white queen swan because I can't dance...I guess I will find a purpose." She responded, blue eyes gleaming in the fire.

"We could enroll you in some dance classes." Major suggested jokingly, lighthearted. Odette only shook her head sadly.

"Maybe I should explain. There's something wrong with my spine. It's nothing that will affect how I survive or how long I live...but I will never dance pas de deux with anyone because of it. I end up hurting myself if I try. When I was young I used to walk with a limp because of it, you see. I can walk normally now that I am a little older." She explained, an air of despair in her voice. There was a quality to Odette that Major could now sense, it slept underneath the swan's skin.

Her life had somehow been a tragedy in someway or another. But it was none of Major's business to ask how.


The Morning Star returned whilst the two slept in the little grey tent. She woke them up opening the front flap and letting the sun shine inside on them. Groggily, Major sat up and met with The Morning Star's eyes.

"Good morning." She said simply, proceeding to step back to allow the human and the swan to emerge from inside. Odette gracefully stretched to wake herself up whilst Major took down the tent. There was a little mug of coffee in The Morning Star's hand. And it brought with it a strong scent of fresh coffee beans. The Morning Star was drinking the bitter liquid with a pleased look on her face.

"I do rather enjoy the bitter flavors in life." The Morning Star shrugged, helping Major fold up the tent.

"But bitterness won't get you anywhere. Sometimes you have to be sweet." Major said jokingly to which The Morning Star quirked an eyebrow.

"I wasn't trying to be philosophical. And I like sweet things too, but if it's too sweet I can't stand it."

"Always be suspicious of those who are too sweet." Odette added unexpectedly, fueling Major's joke fire. The Morning Star, however, never let anything get under her skin, and merely nodded.

"I didn't peg you for a joker." Major smiled, swinging his backpack onto his shoulders.

"I am not, not really. But good humor is essential for happy travels I suppose." She replied, spreading her wings in the sunlight. They began walking in the direction that The Morning Star lead them.

"There's another village ahead," she began, taking a sip of her coffee "we shall make a stop there, replenish any supplies we need to replenish, and depending on what time we get there, you two will also spend the night there. Naturally I'll get my fair share of a human meal, which I will be my treat, I will pay. I think that is satisfactory."

They continued on the path, which was clearly traveled upon often. Yet, they had never seen anyone else traveling along it just yet. Just the three of them walked in silence as of now. Major let his mind wander, at peace with the world. But as his eyes searched the forest around him, he caught the eye of the swan who waddled beside him. Her gaze was intense as if she was trying to tell him something. So he opened his mind to her to see if she was trying to communicate.

'Do you think...she would grant me a wish? I've wished upon stars before...my wish has never been granted.'

Major had no idea what he could say to her. He tried conveying this, but it seemed only Odette could communicate to him and he could not communicate with her.

'I wished my spine would be fixed, with no such luck. I wished upon the North Star, and got nothing.' She continued, looking down at her webbed feet. This prompted Major to look up to the glowing girl in front of him. Perhaps Morning Star could explain that.

"Morning Star." He called, Odette watching him in surprise. The Morning Star glanced over her shoulder at him expectantly.

"What do you know about the North Star?" He asked, to which the Morning Star stopped walking, a tremor beginning to take hold of her body. She turned around to face him, the most serious look he had ever seen on her face.

"Though beautiful, so up high,
The Northern Star possesses a passionless shine.
If you fabricate a wish to fly,
A flawed flying contract you will sign.
A wish you make on the Northern Star,
Will tear you apart and make you weep.
And the dream you had will seem too far,
The Star's end of the bargain he will not keep.
He will burn you up and break you down,
Helpless a dreamer cries.
Looking down with his wicked frown,
The helpless dreamer dies,
Because the Northern Star eats hearts,
And he finds the ones within wishers be the most tart." The Morning Star recited, danger gleaming in her eyes, fresh and big. An ominous feeling filled Major, and shivers went down his spine.

"That guy is a monster, just as the sonnet says. Those who wish on him...suffer. Bad luck comes to them, many have even died. When they die...The North Star comes down...and tears his victims' hearts out. Consuming them ravenously." She continued, shocking Major and Odette. All three of them were shaking, fear in their eyes.

"He eats...their hearts out?" Odette questioned, flaring her wings. Major couldn't even speak. Living beings made harmless wishes on stars, not even expecting them to even come true. Just a playful thing that they do to pass the time. Yet, if someone makes the small mistake of wishing on the North Star...they are painfully drawn to their peril. What a horrible prospect!

"I don't know why he does it...I think it was the first person who wished on him, they made him that way. But he makes his victims sign a long contract, one that no one has anytime to read or consider. It is, however, filled with horrible stuff, if one could find the time to read it. He promises the best, and give you the worst."

"But...I have survived. I made a wish upon him, and he did not grant it." Odette uttered fearfully. A saddened expression took hold of The Morning Star's face.

"Then...you are lucky you have found me. You signed the contract, and so he still can come for you when he likes. You getting kicked out of your bank might have even been his doing. Come on. We have to reach the next village." The Morning Star said quickly, turning around and leading them forward at a fast pace.

I wish to murder the subjects of my kingdoms, for I cannot have their hearts. That is what he said to me, I think. It was a long time ago of course...What about you Major? You have a lovely heart. I think I should like to consume it. A quiet whisper in the back of his mind spoke, leaving Major to tremor just as The Morning Star had.

It was just his imagination. Nothing to be feared.


The group arrived in the evening. It was a village was amongst the forest. Houses were both on the ground and in the trees. Carefully covered fires lit up the village. Flowers and other beautiful plant life grew everywhere. It was like something out of a fairytale. Unlike Pulaski, the village had a lively market with people buzzing about to buy their goods, though they all seemed frantic for some reason or another.

"Let's go, my friends. Hunger is heavy in my gut." The Morning Star said enthusiastically, leading her companions in a beeline for a ladder. A sign pointing upward read 'The Treetop Cafe'. Major and The Morning Star made their way up the ladder whilst Odette flew up at a slow pace so they would meet up in time. At the top of the ladder was a wooden patio, and the cafe, nestled in the branches at the top of the tree. The three of them entered the quaint place, and were greeted with a happy atmosphere. An enthusiastic, talkative waitress met them and led them to a place to sit, menus in hand.

"Well, I've never had a Queen Swan for a customer, welcome! Or maybe I have and they were in human form....ah well. Oh! Well I've certainly never had a customer so luminous before either, you're quite curious! You shine like a star. Ah...anyway, what can I get you guys to drink?"

"Er...a strawberry smoothie?" Major requested awkwardly, to which the waitress nodded enthusiastically.

"Mmm, good choice, always good to have a nice and simple smoothie. And for you?" She added, looking over to Odette whom exchanged glances with Major.

"I'll have a bowl of water if I may." The swan said slowly, causing another bout of nods from their waitress.

"Coffee. No sugar, no creamer." The Morning Star said next, causing Major to chuckle as the waitress left in a frenzy.

"You're drinking coffee this late?" Major teased, to which The Morning Star playfully rolled her eyes.

"And you're forgetting that I am a star. I do not need sleep."

"Can you sleep?" Odette asked curiously, The Morning Star nodded.

"I can sleep, I just don't need to. What is most important, is now I can have some nice human food." The Morning Star mused, looking around at the happy restaurant atmosphere and examining the faces of all the strangers.

"You said you have starfruit in the astral realm. What else do stars eat?" Major asked.

"Really...just starfruit. Well we have starfruit smoothies, and some low-quality star coffee. But we only really eat starfruit. It's quite boring. Human food is so much better I think, than just eating starfruit meals all the time. We have spices, so we also make spiced starfruit or starfruit jam. But if there's more astral realm cuisine out there, I'm not sure what it is." She explained, with a smile. Major figured that The Morning Star enjoyed imparting knowledge on others from the way she talked when she was explaining. He also figured that that was a good thing, because if a star-person comes to this realm, they're getting a lot of questions to go with it.

They later ordered and consumed their meals before heading out to find a place to stay for the night.


Of course, Major had forgotten that he had no money. So they camped out near the village under the stars again. The Morning Star had disappeared again to the Astral Realm, and Odette had gone to sleep. Only Major sat alone outside his tent. Awake and looking up to the sky curiously. The Evening Star was shining brightly again, and Major wondered why it had been so bright in the last two nights. He brought his eyes to the north and dared to gaze upon the North Star. If he hadn't met the Morning Star, he would never have looked upon the Northern Star with fear or distrust. He would never have thought any different, had he not known that stars are people. And the North Star a horrible one.

YOu HaVE A lovElY hEArT, MaJOR. I tHInK I ShOUlD LiKE tO CoNsuME IT.

Major put his hands over his ears and clenched his eyes shut. It was just his imagination, making up silly stuff. Major had never wished upon the North Star. He wished upon his new friend, The Morning Star. It was just his imagination right?

The Morning Star was his new friend, right? And Odette too?

The sound of approaching footsteps snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see a group of four villagers, torches in hand and sheathed swords at their sides.

"Good evenin', young chap. I don't suppose you've seen anyone suspicious lurking around 'ere, 'ave you?" One of the men asked.

"Like what?" Major asked curiously. He waved at the space around him, allowing the men to take a seat with him for a brief moment.

"You're from out of town. Our village 'as been attacked on and off by a strange creature. With wings of white feathers, and a lion's tail. But it's body is human, and when it flies, flames engulf it. We ain't sure what it is, but it gave us a name one night as it attacked in fury. The posters around our village, they depict 'im and 'is name." Another man said, handing Major a poster.

"I haven't seen a fellow like this at all, I apologize. Do you know why he's attacking you guys?" Major replied, taking the poster for himself.

"We 'aven't the faintest idea. But we best be goin' to look for it. You stay safe out 'ere, and if you see 'im, let us know." The first one said. And with that, Major was alone once more. He looked down at the poster, and stared at the curious face.

Perhaps he would ask the Morning Star if she knew of such a creature.

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