Captured and Tortured:In the...

By AutumnYT

721 25 5

The 7 friends still on their journey this time they need to find their way out of the kidnnaper's basement an... More

Austin's other side
Max's game
His past
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy New Year's
In the Shadows
Remembering the Past
A Helping Hand

The Truth

60 0 0
By AutumnYT

(Austin's POV)

My dad kept looking at Autumn and asking her questions. Like how do you know my son, who is your family, what's your last name, who's your father, and lots more.

"Alright I have another question" he said.

"Ask away" Autumn giggled.

"Who is your mother."

Autumn stop and almost cried. I looked my dad.

"I think that's enough question for now" I said trying to go around the question.

"No Austin it's alright. My mother died when I was very young."

"I'm sorry I asked" my dad said patting her head.

"It's fine. I heard a lot of good things about her."

"You really remind me of her. You even look like her."

Me and Autumn looked look at my dad.

"Maybe I said too much" he said laughing nervously.

"Please tell more" Autumn said giving my dad the puppy eyes.

"We should go. The portal can't stay open forever."

My dad started walking away and Autumn grabbed his arm.

"There is a chance if we fight Michael we could die. Please if I die I want to die knowing who my mother was."

He sighs and looks at Autumn.

"Autumn if I tell you this it will change your life forever."


"Autumn your family is not really your family. Autumn you have a different father."

"What?!?! WHY! So my dad is not my dad and my brother is not my brother."

"Autumn it was to protect you."


"Your father. Your real father."

Autumn looked surprised and calmed down.

"Autumn your father wasn't human. He was a demon."

"So she's half demon" I said.

"Yeah. The reason your mom kept you away from your father is because of your powers. Your powers can be a blessing and a curse. Your dad wanted to use you for your power so it would be easier to take over the world."

"So I can never use my powers."

"If you learn to use your power you can use them whenever you want if you. If someone finds out who you really are and know how to use you then your power can be used as a weapon and they would be unstoppable."

Me and Autumn looked at each other. I could tell she was trying not to cry.

"I think that's enough for one day" she said. "We can't leave Julia there forever."

She was smiling but I knew she was faking it. Me and my dad got up and started walking to the portal.

When we got there my dad went first. Autumn was about to go after him when I grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a hug. She blushed.

"You don't have to fake that smile for me."

She giggled. "Hey I'm trying not to."

We started lending in for a kiss we Julia said.

"Guys hurry up I can hold it for much longer."

"Ok we're coming" I said.

I whisper in Autumn's ear one day giggling and she smiled.

We both went through the portal and it closed behind us.

"So what is the plan" Julia said.

"Wait we had a plan" Autumn said.

We all look at each other.

"Well I guess it would be a good time to make one" my dad said.

We spend a couple of minutes making a plan.

"Ok everyone knows our parts right" I said.

Everyone nods

"While you and your dad fight Michael, me and Julia get James. If James is on our side we all fight Michael" Autumn said.

"Alright." I took a deep breath. To be honest I was really scared. We had a powerful group but was it powerful enough. This plan could go horribly and it could kill one of us of all of us. Autumn walked over to me and started leaning on my arm.

"Hey what's on your mind. I can tell that you are really worried. You want to talk about it." She looked up at me and smiled.

"What if I lose you Autumn."

"You won't."

"You don't know that. Autumn you're my one and only. You're my sun on my darks days. I don't know what I would do without you."

"A-Austin." She blushed.

"If I die I want to die by telling you something."

I took a deep breath and looked at Autumn.

"Autumn I like you... No I love you. I want to tell you but then all this happened and I-."

Autumn put her finger on my lips and just smiled.

"I love you too and don't worry you'll never lose me."

"Autumn I know what Michael will do to you and I wanted to do this."

I pulled Autumn to where my chest was against her. She blushed.

"It's now or never" I thought.

I quickly pulled Autumn into a kiss. Autumn's face was burning red.

Julia giggled. "Alright lovebirds don't fall for each when we fight Michael."

We both pulled away blushing.

"Is everyone ready. Once we go out of this cell there is no going back" my dad said.

I looked at Autumn. She nods with a confident look. I smiled softly and nod.

My dad used his powers to break down the bar and we started walking around looking around for James and Michael.

When we found them it seemed like they knew we were coming and were just waiting for us.

"I guess you guys found away out. No matter I'll just end it here once and for all" Michael said.

"Why" I said

Michael looked confused.



I look at him confused. How did I ruin his life? The last time I have seen him was when I was seven.

"How did I ruin your life?"

"My father never cared for me. He always looked down on me. I was always you're not good enough, you'll never be good enough. So I decided to prove myself. That night I kill your mother I didn't want to kill her but I had to."

I just looked at him in shook. I knew he just wanted to feel loved but how he was trying to do it was wrong.

He laughed. "And now I'm going to finish what I started."

"Michael there is another way you don't have to do this" Autumn said.

"Yes I do and soon you'll agree with me" Michael said chuckling.

It felt like we fought for hours and we were all exhausted. Michael got me when I was off guard and pushed me to the ground. My eye widened when I see what he had. He had a sword.

He chuckles. "Any last words?"

I close my eyes. I wish I could've done more. I wish that I didn't let everyone down. I wish I didn't let her down.

Before Michael could kill me I heard Autumn scream no and I sound like she ran in front of me. I open my eyes to see Autumn in front of me with angel wings. I look in shook.

Michael laughed. "Babe can you move."

Autumn didn't say anything and she didn't move.

"Did you hear me. I. SAID. MOVE."

She still didn't move. Michael laughed.

"If you won't move I'll have to kill you. Sorry it had to be this way love."

"Michael don't" James yelled.

"I thought you were on my side" he said.

"Do you really think I would betray my friends?"

Michael laughed and slashed Autumn with his sword cutting her chest. Suddenly Michael got blasted towards the wall.

I quickly ran up to Autumn. Her chest was bleeding bad. We need to do something before she started losing a lot of blood. Her wings disappeared.

Tears began to stream down her face. She looked at me then fainted. I slowly put her on the ground and started to cry.


My dad walked over to us and touched Autumn.

"She's still breathing. We can still save her."

Julia went to go call the police and an ambulance. When they finally came Autumn was still breathing but barely and they arrested Michael. My dad pulled me into a hug.

"She is a strong girl. I'm sure she will make it."

Julia walked over to us.

"Look on the bright side."

"There's a bright side" I said looking at her confused.

"You have your family back."

I smiled softly. She was right but I was still worried about Autumn. Autumn met more to me than anything.

The offices pull us in for questioning and we told them everything. Well not everything just everything they need to know.

After being captured and tortured we all decided to take a break from all the magic stuff.

And after 15 years I get to spend time with my family.

My real family.........

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