Lost in your love

By Annettaj

146 5 0

Navay who's in high school, tries to stay out of trouble and not date any boys. She's tryin to stay on track... More

There goes my baby
A shoulder to cry on
Niggas aint shit

I Call it how I see it

42 1 0
By Annettaj

****Ring Ring Ring****

Ugh! I hate waking up so Damn early, I swear I be counting the days down until it's Friday.I flung the covers off of me and put my spongebob slippers on, I grabbed my towel, and headed to the bathroom. I took a 20 minute bath and started doing my hygiene. I put on white high wasted jeans, a black crop top with my taxi 12. I did my make up then took the flexi rods out of my hair, did a part to the side so that I had a bang and finger combed my hair. I was looking flawless. Yes I was. After gathering my bag I went down stairs to get some breakfast. My mama always made sure her kids eat something before living the house. I fixed me a plate and ate it on my way to school, which is 15mins away minus the traffic on 54th ave. I finally got to school and parked in the students parking lot. I now had 5 minutes to get to class and Mr.Flanagan always locked his door Two.minutes before the bell rang. His ole muffin head ass always tryna make ppl get caught in hall sweep. When I finally made it to his classroom I seen a sub, thank God. When I got inside I seen Terrekah sitting in my seat. Me and her never got along , she always tried to compete with me in everything knowing I was gone slay her ass. I walked up to her and Tyrique. Hey Navay. Tyrique said while Smiling. Hey Tyrique. I said back smiling because he was doing a goofy face. Um Terrekah you're in my seat. I said with attitude. Oh I know. She said with an attitiude. Okay then get your ass up df. Um don't come at me like that Navay you think you the shit. Look Terrakah I'm no pussy but ima spare you ass this time, but don't let me catch yo ass out of school or that flat ass is mine. I walked off bumping her causing her legs to uncross. Tyrique was dying in his chair. She got up and left the room. Lol bitches feeling some type of way? He said.I just laughed. It was now 12 and I was heading to my car in the parking lot. I had OJT. I had most of my credits and only had 2 classes today. I didn't want to go straight home so I decided to go to the mall on west avenue they had everything I liked at that mall. As I got out the car I got a text from my best friend Asia. She act just liked me. She's Black mixed with Hawaiian. She is my baby. If one fight all fight. She always had my back and I always had hers. If you seen me you seen her.

****Text Convo****

Mookie:HEY baby girl

Me: hey love, why you didn't come to school today?

Mookie: my bad Girl I wasn't feeling good, but I feel Much Better now I'm at the mall

Me:Me too bitch which one West Avenue?

Mookie: Duhhh! Lol

Me: I'm at the front entrance by Macy's

Mookie: Okay, bitch the mall is packed with babies. I'm by Nordstrom.

Me: Okay I see you.

****End Convo****

Hey mamas you look good. I said snapping my fingers. Girl and what about you she said raising her eyebrows. Girl I know, this ain't nothing new I been at this since I came out the womb. I said flipping my hair. Lol girl you messy she said grabbing me to walk into H&M. Oooo Yass bish this look good, bitch this skirt slaying these hoes BOL! We looked around and bought almost the same outfits as each other. Mookie I swear I can't never go shopping with you. I said laughing. Un un bitch that's you jocking my swag. Yeah whatever, and Mookie what swag? I said laughing. Umhuh shut up wit yo hat in ass. After shopping from 8 different stores I was ready to sit down and take a break. We went to the food court Sat at this table next to a group of boys. I only recognized two of the boys from the group and it was Marcel aggy but fine ass and Tray. We ordered our food and sat down. Navay girl Marcel is staring you down. He so fine idk why you playing and won't give him a chance. She said getting on my nerves. Un un Mookie he ain't my type. Yeah right you just scared of the D. She said teasing me. Yeah I bet that's why. I said making her laugh. It look like I'm not the only one they looking at. I said teasing her. Girl shut up. She said hitting my arms. Ouch Mookie. He look fine girl I said looking from the corner of my eyes. Oh shit they coming over here. Act like you don't see them Mookie. Hey Navay. Marcel said licking his lips. Damn he was so fine. Hey Marcel. I said dryly. Damn ma it's like that he said holding his chest. Like what? I said shrugging my shoulders. Like we can't have a friendly conversation like my boy and your girl. I guess. I said smiling. You see there it is that beautiful smile I've been waiting to see. I covered my face because I was blushing. You don't have to hide you're cute ma when you blush. Thanks I guess. No problem ma. We should hang out sometimes he said holding my hands. Um I'll Think about it. Can I have your number he asked then licking his lips again. I swear that's a turn on for me. Um Idk can you? I asked smiling. Yeah he said. I gave him my phone and he gave me his. I put my number in and saved his under Marcel with the heart eyes emoji. When I got my phone back I looked at what he saved his name was Saved as future with all type of love emojis. I raised my eyebrows with a half smile. He smiled and took my hand and kissed it. Bye beautiful. He said before leaving. This boy think he cute lol. after they left we left and drove to Mookie house because I still wasn't ready to go home yet. I got there and We met in the drive way together. I got out my car and helped her carry some of her bags inside. When we got to her room we Both fell on her bed in unison, today has been a long day I said smiling. Why you smiling for Navi (na-vee), Marcel must've told you something. Girl shut up I said tapping her thighs. She got up smiling and telling me about the boy that came up to our table with Marcel. Navi he is so fine and he's so sweet, his name is Anthony girl. I gave him my number and he gave me his and We been texting ever since. Girl I guess y'all cute or whatever, but Mookie remember what I told you about moving so fast to be in a relationship. Yeah Navi I know I promise I'm not this time. I think i might like this one a lot she said nodding her head. Aww Mookie baby I hope this one is the one for you. I know Navi me too. She said. I gave her a hug. So tell me about Marcel she said dragging his name lol I swear best friend crazy. Honestly Mookie I actuall ynever gave him a chance when he tried to get at me before I thought he was one of them you know. I know navi. I was just trying to keep my guards up cause we Both know I don't got no time or day for these players. Yeah girl I feel you on that. But now how you feel about him? She asked me. Um he's actually a cool person and he's a charmer and he is cute. Girl let me show you what he saved his name as I said showing her my phone. Bol he sounds so s

Confident though she said laughing. Girl he's brave to do that. I give him props for that she said Clapping and laughing like the shit was hilarious. You so Damn goofy Asia. Lol what? That's cute though. She said ceasing her laughs and smiling. I could picture y'all together y'all would be cute. Yeah yeah yeah idk about all of that I'm going to give it some time. Okay Navi I really hope this would be the one for you she said mimicking me from earlier I just laughed and got my stuff together to leave. We said our good-byes and left.


When I got home I seen two cars in the drive way, my mom's and step dad. He gave me this funny vibe every time I get around him. I would catch him staring at me like I wasn't my mother's daughter. I be wanting to tell my moms, but I know that she really loves him and if I would tell her She would leave him quickly, because she was molested by her stepfather when she was 16 and she don't want the same for her kids. I got out the car with my bags and he was on the front porch on the phone snapping on sound like a women. He is so suspicious. He couldn't be arguing with my mom cause she in the house and they could talk face to face duhh lol. But like for real I don't like this man. When I got in the house I greeted my mama, hale (little sister) and Jerrod (little brother) at the dinner table placing tonight's dinner on the table. Go wash up. My mama called to me. K ma be down in a min spare me 5. When I got up the stairs and made it to my room I placed my bags on the table next to my tv. I got in the shower and did my hygiene. By the time I was done everyone's food was half eatin. Girl that was more than 5 minutes. I know ma I was in need of a bath I've been out All day. I know I smelled you when you walked in. She said making everyone at the table laugh. Whatever ma you not even funny though. Yeah I bet. But any who how was school? School was school I said shrugging my shoulders. How was y'all day I said asking the twins. It was aight said Jerrod. School was school for me too Said Hale. But Navay how about marques came up to me snapping saying how you need to go out with his bog brother Marcel so that he could shut up about you already he said all he do is talk about you. She said smiling making googly eyes. Ohhhhh seems like navay got a crush mama said teasing me. No Mama it's not like that. I said trying to cover up my blushing. Then what its like then cause the way you blushing over there looks like you feeling him too. Whatever mama I said laughing. I got up cleaned up my mess and headed to my room. I went in my bathroom and when I got out I saw my phone ringing saying I had a text and guess who it was? Marcel.

******* Convo**********

: Hey Baby girl

Me: boy stop it hey

Future: stop what ma ?

Me: nothing your good but what you been up too?

Future : getting to know my soon to be wifey

Me: Bol and who may that be? Hmmmn! Lrrhfrol y

Future: Damn ma it's like that sheesh and I can show you better than I can tell you

Me: Show me what

Future: just chill ma wait on it and I don't chase after females but you ma you beautiful and be on yo school shit, and be bought yours and I like that

Me: I hear you you saying all of that but you got hoes all on you I can't deal

Future: Listen ma that can stop any time and they around when I need a quick but honestly . I'm being real

Me: listen I'm feeling you and I think you cute or whatever but you just seem like the bad boy type and I can't have that fucking me up you know.

Future: yeah but hear me out I can't Change who I am if you really like me you'll take me as I am and change me ain't that's what wifey material woman do?

Me: yeah I guess I can do that Mari lol

Future: Un un hell naw don't call me that ma

Me: Bol why :-( :-( :-(

Future: because I said so Lil mama

Me: Ain't nothing little about me hunny

Future: Mmmm I'll be the judge of that ma

Me: yeah whatever lol but I'm funna hit the shits now I guess we'll see each other 2marro

Future: Good night beautiful

Me: night Future lol

*********End Of Convo********

I woke up the next morning feeling happy. I took a shower got dressed and grabbed something to eat on my way out. I looked at my phone and saw 2 new text messages one was from Asia and the other was from him. It read Goodmorning beautiful. I smiled and didn't even reply back only because I was in a rush. The traffic was real today on Collins Ave. When I finally made my way in the student parking lot my whole attitude change once I saw Marcel Toungin it down with Terrekah. I passed them and kept walking. I heard him calling after me but I ignored his dirty lying ass. He could have that scrawny hoe. Its not like we were together though right. No idc idc he should've never told me all that shit he told me last night about how he want me to be his wife and how he feeling me. Two words Bull shit. I made my way to my Home Ec and Marcel and Terrekah had that class together with me. So yeah I was pissed. I took my seat and there they came in through the door together. Terrekah was all over him but he looked unfazed. I could see the guilt in his eyes when he looked at me as he took his seat I just shook my head and put it down. The whole 90 minutes I was in class I kept receiving texts from Marcel saying that he was sorry and how she came on to him. and how he played no part in that kiss, but I didn't believe his playing ass. As the bell rang I made my way to my next class and it wasn't no help to notice that he had all my classes today. As I made it to my seat in physics I felt an arm wrap around my neck and a soft kiss on my neck. Whoever it was gave me chills. He whispered in my ears I'm sorry and that he want to start all over, from there I knew who it was. Naw I'm good it looks like you got your hands full already I said while he was still holding me. Naw ma its not like that I swear that kiss between me and Terrekah wasn't nothing she know I'm feeling you cause I'm always saying how I'm gone wife you one day and when she saw you pulling up she just started kissing me by the time I pushed her off you had already saw what was done. And I know it looked as if but I promise I won't never do you like that ma.


After I explained what happened between Terrekah and I to Navay. She gave me another chance and now we're at chilies getting lunch. The day couldn't get any worse when I seen my Ex Lavaya sitting across me and Navay table staring us down with her friends. Navay peeped them so she asked me did I knew them. Um yeah only one though she's my ex I said saying it low. So she won't hear me. Oh why you whispered the last part? She asked raising her eyebrows and crossing her eyebrows. Cause I thought you would get mad ion know. Naw I'm cool one thing about me hunny is all you have to do is keep it one hunnit wit me and we'll be gucci. Well since she and her Lil crew wanna stare and shit let's give em a show. She said winking at me. She grabbed me by the collar and we started swapin spits. I grabbed her chin and I kissed her so passionately. When we pulled away from what felt like 2 minutes, she looked at me in my eyes and smiled and I could tell she felt some type of way for me. I kissed her forehead and hugged her and I could see her sticking the birdy at Lavaya and her friends. Quit it i said putting her hands down. What? She said acting like I didn't see her. Nothing ma you ready to go I asked her. Yeah let's go she said getting up. I was standing behind her and she backed up on me on purpose causing me to rise. Watch yourself baby girl you don't want to start something you can't finish. I said whispering in her ear while hugging her from behind. Um we'll see she said while smilimg. Alright now Marcel let go she said pouting. Un un you got to stay in front of me until we get to the car. I said with a serious face. Why? she asked turning to face me looking confused. Look

Down I said pulling away from her. She looked down and started bussing out laughing. You see what you do to me girl. She started blushing. Un un boy you do that to yourself ain't nobody tell you to think that way. She said with a playful attitude. Alright let's go i said. I wasn't on hard no more so we walked hand and hand out the restaurant. We looked like a happy couple but only thing is we weren't a couple yet. She the type of girl to rake things slow, but I like that though because all the girls I've talked always rush things and I'll end up hittin the same night. But Navay she not for that she's different and that what makes her special to me. For a thug I have a soft spot too but not for niggas who steal from me disrespect me and try to run my shit you could believe that. I'm really feeling Navay though maybe she could be the one to change my ways and my life. Who knows ?



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