Eden's Love

By _Grantgust_

180 5 2

Dreams can feel so true. More



19 1 0
By _Grantgust_

At first, I thought that it was a silly dream because the day before, I had watch a show about angels but after two weeks of dreaming of the same thing every single night, I couldn't stand it, I went straight to the church and looked for a priest or even a nun.

They would know what to do since they have practically studied this religion.

As I waited by the door of the old cathedral of our small village, a petite figure popped out, her crinkled face smiling lightly at me.

"What is the matter child? It's raining heavily and you are standing in this awful weather. Come in!" She ushered me in and I covered my head tightly with my caftan as she lead me in.

We were not suppose to show our full face in front of men because it was a sign of disrespect, of indecency and in front of nuns too.

"I was looking for someone to advice me about a matter" I muttered quietly and she muttered something under her breathe before leading me in a small room, behind the stairs leading to the big bell up the church.

As she closed the door softly behind her, I pulled my caftan down and passed my hand through my straight raven black hair.

"So what is bothering you on a Sunday just after lunch?" She asked amusingly and pressed her palms together, watching me carefully.

"I have been dreaming" I started and she nodded her head slowly, "About an angel. His name is Cassiel" I said but stopped when she dropped her eyes to look at her hands which was tattooed with the cross of the Christ.

"Since when?" She whispered.

She looked like she wanted me to stop but something dared me to carry on.

"Since two weeks. Every night" I said and gasped when she stood up, glaring at me.

"This is impossible!" She snapped at me.


"Cassiel visits for three days straight, not two weeks. What makes you lie so much? What an awful child!" She chocked out, her eyes blurred with tears.

"If I was lying, would I be here trying to figure out what is happening? Or just be carefree?" I snapped back, standing up and pulling my caftan on again.

"What is your name?" She asked me slowly, an emotion crossing in and out of her eyes.

Something that was familiar but I couldn't put my hand on it.

"Gabrielle" I said back almost proudly.

She chocked on her tears one more time before rushing through a shelf filled with books. She pulled out several ones with different languages but this atmosphere made me shiver. Scared and reluctant about staying here.

Once she found out the book she was looking for, she came towards me and handed it to me.

"What am I going to do with this?" I asked her quietly as I sat back down on the wooden chair in front of her.

"Read. Page sixty four, sixth paragraph. Read it all" She said stiffly.

As I opened the book, something inside, like a hand was squeezing my heart. My throat tightened and my stomach hurled. I was nervous.

'As he sat down next to the river of the Indian palace, Cassiel could only stare at the water gazing back at him. His reflection the same. His Gabrielle was gone. She was the one who pulled him back in this misery world of mortals and she was the one who left before him. Injustice had been done on his beloved and he ought to come back one day to look for her among the de-'

"That's enough." She snapped the book shut and placed it on the desk.

"Who was Gabrielle? Is that me?" I rushed questions out of my mouth like vomit but she stopped me quickly.

"You must leave child before they find you" She said quietly then placed her cold palms against my shoulders, her wet green eyes glaring at my own.

"Who?" I whispered out, my voice cracking.

"Their names are not to be said aloud or you are cursed. Pack your bags, go to Rome and ask for purification, they will let you in" She persisted.

"But what about my family? What about Pierre?" I asked incredulously.

"Pierre will be fine! He is a grown man. You are his little sister, he is the one in charge to protect you" She reminded then guided me out, slammed the door in my face.

I stood there, shocked and completely paralysed.

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