Borderlands x Reader : Headca...

By Miss_Dead_Inside

14.8K 184 74

•1st In TalesFromTheBorderlands 9-15-19 I made this because of Borderlands 3 coming out soon to help with my... More

How you met
Second meeting
Being Friends
You realize your feelings
New Character: Fiona
They realize their feelings

New Character: Zer0

1.4K 39 31
By Miss_Dead_Inside

(A/N Sorry for the wait. Honestly I was playing Borderlands 3 >_>)

Requested by: Natalie_Teal
(Thank you for being so sweet!)

•How you met(In BL2):
You were a citizen of Athena, you've lived there all your life. You loved the planet and it's people, but it's ways were not for you. You're parents were monks like most of the planet. They expected you to 'become of age' and pick what you'd devote the rest of your days to. You wanted to experience so much more than just the simple ways of Athena. So one late night you gathered all of the belongings you could fit in a bag, and the only gun your dad had, then left.

You wanted a new start and a place like no other. After much construction you went for the one place your family wouldn't look, Pandora. Your family would look for you, their sweet tiny child who was weak, and who could get hurt out in the real world. You needed to prove them wrong.

You stepped off the rocket and the first thing you see... is a man getting ran over... Yep this was the best place to learn.

You've been on Pandora for about nine days now. A part of you regretted the choice of coming here, mostly because you hated the taste of the wildlife. You were doing pretty ok for yourself, of course you haven't made human contact in days and it was starting to get lonely, but that's ok! You didn't come to Pandora to learn to live, you came to learn to survive.

Nightfall arrived on your ninth day, so you began to set up camp, high in the desert area you were in. You found a cliff that had an overhang, perfect for hiding from the racks that were around. It was a small set up, but it was perfect for staying the night.

You layed in your makeshift blanket fort with your gun close by your side. The wind blow through it moving the sheets, filling the fort with a faint sound. You smiled, it wasn't as loud and crazy as other nights, you thought. You closed your eyes to let yourself fall asleep, but you were interrupted by sword cutting through the side of your base.

You jumped as it cut like butter through the 'wall'. You grabbed your gun and crawled to the other side of the tent, where you crawled under the blankets. Once outside, you pulled the rope holding the fort up, hoping it would stop you attacker; instead the stranger stood perfectly fine on the far side of it away from you, holding their sword.

"WHO ARE YOU, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" You yelled, aiming your gun at them. But they didn't move, they didn't even react. You were about to yell again, but paused as you realized that the person wasn't real, just a hologram or something. Confused, you went to step back but stopped as you felt a blade against your neck.

You thought this was it, you were going to die here, after everything you'd die by a stranger; But the blade never touched you. You felt it move away slowly, and once it was gone, you turned around to see your attacker. There was the person you had saw before, only they were a really this time.

"My apologies/ I thought you were a different person/ Have a good night (Miss/Sir/Whatever you like)."
with nothing else to say they vanished, but he didn't walk away, he just faded away like a figment of your imagination.

You stood there for a second just staring at where he had been, questioning everything that had just happened. You then looked at your destroyed camp and sighed.
'Great now I have to rebuild it... No, it doesn't even matter, I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight anymore anyway.' You thought, as you walked over and just fell back onto the pile that was your tent.

•Second Meeting:

You were tired of staying outside, tired of going hungry, but most importantly, tired of not getting any sleep after the attack by that mysterious... person? So after many, many days, and many moons; You made it to your new home, Sanctuary. You had heard about it over the radio, and knew it was your best option.

It was full of crazies, it was filthy, it was smelly, but it was home. You started in a holding home; A place where the people who didn't have homes yet, stayed. They gave you a single bed and a single chest. After getting comfortable in your new home, you lock your belongings in the chest and began to look around the town.

The town was pretty good size with many places to see and go. You started with a gun stop, or Marcus's place. Your dads gun didn't do much damage, he bought it mostly to scare people honestly, so an upgrade would be nice.

You stepped down the stairs slowly, hoping not to make a commotion. When you got close to the bottom, you were able to see into the shop. But that wasn't the only thing you were able to see; there by the window with bars was, your attacker. The unknown person was having a friendly conversation with the owner of the store, and a much shorter men with black hair.

It didn't take long for the three to see you.
"Ah welcome, you must be new! Could I interest you in my wears?" The owner said, waving his arm to the side with a large, almost fake grin. You stood in fear just staring at them.
"... So did I accidentally try n' kill you or something?" The shorter man said in a gruff voice, crossing his arms.
"No, that would be me./ I mistook them for someone else./ Again I am sorry." The tall, thin man spoke, showing a red sad face on his mask.

You found yourself smiling slightly at the little face and replied,
"It's ok... I-I ah forgive you." The sad face was replaced with a happy one making you giggle shortly. The shorter man rolled his eyes, and started walking to the door saying,
"I'm going home, see you there Zero."
You watched him leave, then your eyes pan up the 'Zero.'
"I guess it's nice to meet you Zero."
You got another smile in return.

•Being Friends

The two of you ran into each other quite a lot. You'd see him in shops, in the streets, at Zed's place, everywhere. You'd be lying if you said in the beginning you were completely fine with the whole 'him trying to kill you' thing, but you weren't; Until one day.

You were on your way to Moxxi's to grab a pizza for dinner when you were pulled into an alleyway. A woman with her face hidden held you in a corner with her knife pointed at you.
"I know you took my money! Where is my money!" She yelled in your face.
"I have no idea who you are! I promise!" You yelled back at her, fear filling your mind. It was the first time in months you didn't bring your gun with you, only because you finally felt safe here, and now look at you. Defenseless.

"Don't play dumb with me! You are three beds away from your me! I saw you-" She was cut off as her head exploded, covering you in blood. You watched as her body fell, and with her dropped Zero from the roofs of the houses holding a sniper rife.
"I saw her take you./ Are you ok

You nodded at wiped some of the blood from your face. He walked closer and placed a hand on you shoulder. You ignored in and wrapped you arms around him giving him a hug. With a shaky voice you looked up at him and said a quiet,
"Thank you.."

The two of you were inseparable after that. He saw it as a mission to keep you safe, and he won't let a single mission go unfinished. If he was in town, he was with you. On off days where he was home for the day, he'd take you outside the city to show you the proper was to protect yourself. He became someone you trusted very much.

•You realize your feelings:

Zero taught you how to survive the right way on Pandora. He taught you how to use a sniper rifle, how the hide and how to throw a good punch. He always protected you, always put you first. So much so that he moved you into his home with the other Crimson Raiders.

The more time you spent with him, you slowly started to feel something. Something you never thought you'd feel for him... Love. You indeed loved him to the point where you'd stay up thinking about him at night, worried he may not come home from his mission.

You fell for him because of all the times he's had your back. He stood up for you and made sure your opinion was heard.
But at the same time, he didn't underestimate you. He knew you were capable of many things, all you needed was a push in his opinion.

The day you truly knew you loved him was the day he brought you to the highest building in town. The two of you just sat there, talking every so often. You were talking about your past while watching the sky. You turned to find him watching and listening to everything you had say. You never thought he'd have so much care for you, but you were now of his list of people he truly trusted.

•They realize their feelings:

It didn't take him long to start caring about you. Your safety was very important to him. He'd asked about you all the time, check up on you at the holding house, he even made you move into the crimson raiders base just to keep you close. He saw nothing weird about it until his friends brought it up.

"Has anyone seen,/ (Y/N)? I can't find them anywhere./" Zero said walking into the up stairs room.
"Ughhhh, just like, are you two ever going to get together?" Gaige said, spinning in her rolling chair.
"What do you mean Gaige?" He asked her.
"Zero, the two of you are closer than me and my clothes! And I think they might have a thing for you... (Y/N) not my clothes." Axton said.

Maya rolled her eyes and said,
"What they mean is, we think you should date." Zero not being a fool understood what his friends were hinting at, he just never thought of
(Y/N) that way.
They were sweet and kind, and after some training very good with a sniper. They made him smile and laugh, and feel so happy when he was with them. He cared for them so very much, but did he love them?... Now that he thought about... Maybe.

If he was going to love them, he'd love them all the way. He'd give it his all to make sure that they were loved, another mission if you will. If he was going to love you, he was going to be the best boyfriend you'd ever had!

(A/N I hope you have a good day and again sorry for the wait. Lovvveeee youuuuu <3 ) ~Missdeadinside


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