
By mahomie_le

721 12 7

Kidnapped and held captive on an island for three years is not pleasant. Being experimented like a lab rat be... More

Take a Chance
You've Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me
Ava Green
Midnight Coffee
Max Green
Kill to Survive
The Text
Wiped Memory
Part 2
New York and The Suprise Encounter
.Since Forever
Easy or Difficult
Wrong Decision
At Fault
The Plan To Take Action
To Live
Saving Max
Losing Him
Saying Goodbye
The End

Arguments and New Greetings

21 0 0
By mahomie_le

"I've never had a gun held to my head before," Anna laughed weakly with no humor at all.

I handed her the cup of coffee and sat down across from her, "Sorry, but it wouldn't have happened if you had informed me first."

She pursed her lips together, "Thank you for your sincere apology."

The sarcasm in her voice made me roll my eyes.

"So what are you doing here anyway?" I asked.

She set the cup on the table in front of us and leaned forward, "Well, I decided to have a couple of sessions with you face to face. The talking to each other through the phone method didn't seem to be working."

"How long are you staying?" I asked, hoping that it wasn't going to be that long.

"A month or so. It depends on your progress," she said like it was no big deal.

To her it wasn't, but to me it was. There were things that I was doing behind Nick's back, and Anna reports back to Nick. If she knows what I'm doing, then Nick will find out too.

"A month or so?!?" I exclaimed, "You just said that it was only going to be a couple of sessions!"

"Then what I said was an understatement," she frowned, "Is there a problem Miss Waters? You're acting like you're hiding something. Are you hiding something?"

"No, I'm not hiding anything," I sighed tiredly.

"Miss Waters, withholding information that could affect you mentally and physically is not recommended. Everything you tell me is confidential, I want you to know that."

"It's not confidential when you have to give your notes to the Director," I reminded her.

She raised an eyebrow, "So you're hiding something from the Director."

Of course, the nosiest person in the room would get something out of that.

"Look, I know your job is to cure people who has been traumatize or is conflicted, but I can assure you that I am perfectly fine. I have all of my limbs and my head is in the area where it is supposed to be, which is work. I don't need a shrink, so you can go back to New York," I stood up and she did as well. My eyes shot to the door and back to meet her eyes, suggesting her to leave.

"Being stuck on an island for 4 years is not exactly what I would call perfectly fine, Miss Waters," she stated, "You're just trying to cover up some things, and I can already tell that one of them are your emotions."

I scoffed, "You should get some rest."

"I'm serious about this," she stood there defiantly, "You've spent most of your life masking your emotions that it has become a necessity for you. You make yourself to appear emotionless to hide your conflicts, and it has fooled many people because you've become great at it after doing it for so long."

My back straightened up and I became rigid.

"Are you done?" My voice came out sharp and icy just as I intended it to be.

She didn't flinch though but sighed, "Yeah I'm done."

"Then please get the hell out of my room," I said, ending our conversation.

Then she left the room without another word, only a sad glance before closing the door.

I sat back down on the couch and slouched while heaving a sigh. Her words played itself in my head.

What she said was true, but I can't have the possibility of opening up my heart and sharing my weakest moments at this time because it will make me vulnerable. I hate vulnerability, so that's why I just don't like to share it with the entire world.

That makes me seem cold in the eyes of other people, and I'm fine with that. It's just my way of showing people that they won't be able to take advantage of me.

There is just a part of yourself that you don't want people to see, I guess. I pushed all of it it into the back of my head.

Yawning, I stood up and walked over to the coat closet. Yes, the hotel room has a coat closet.

It was filled with my clothes that was hanging down to cover up the things I had behind it. I pushed the clothes to the side and it revealed my hidden notes and pictures of Max. There was also a large map of the city. There was my luggage containing my weapons and other items that will be useful to me if I need it, like fake passports. A large black blanket was draped over it, and the luggage had a fingerprint scanner to open it.

Technology seemed to grew while I was away for four years.

I added in new notes from the dream I had last night about Max, and read it all over again to see that I hadn't missed anything. My eyes scanned everything on the wall, trying to catch anything that would lead me to Max. This didn't seem like a CIA operation anymore. It was becoming personal.

I heard a loud thud as something banged against the front door, and I immediately reached for the knives under my sleeves.

"Shit Niall! Someone lives there for god's sake!" I heard the familiar voice of Louis outside my door. My heart started to slow down and I removed my hands from the knives.

I yanked the clothes back and closed the closet, making sure to lock it securely. They were whispering loudly to each other until I opened the door. My eyes landed on Louis, who had a soccer ball in his hands, and the rest of his friends who were standing next to him.

"Whoa," The guy with the overly curly hair widened his eyes when he saw me. In fact, all of them were staring at me with widened eyes, except Louis of course.

"Hey.." Louis greeted awkwardly with a small smile, "Naomi, these are my friends and band mates."

He pointed to the curly hair guy first, "This is Harry."

"Niall," he pointed to the pale skin guy with brownish, blondish hair.

"Liam," he pointed to the guy with light brown eyes.

"And Zayn," he pointed to the guy with dark, black hair.

"Guys, this is Naomi, a friend of mine," he introduced me to his band mates.

"Hi," I greeted them politely, snapping them out of their stare. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Louis stifling his laugh.

"Hi, I'm Harry," The curly haired guy stepped up and held out his hand. I put my hand in his to shake, but he surprised me when he brought it up to his lips, "Harry Styles."

I pulled my hand back and pushed it into my jean pocket awkwardly when he let go. I cleared my throat.

"It's nice to meet you guys," I said and they smiled.

"We wanted to apologize for the noise. We didn't think anyone was living up here with us since Louis never told us anything," Liam apologized with an apologetic smile.

The others nodded while Louis rolled his eyes.

"It's fine," I lied. I could have killed them if I hadn't heard Louis's voice.

"You look familiar," Niall noted.

"I was the girl who argued with Louis over ice cream," I told him.

Realization hit them and they turned to glare at Louis.

"Of course, you wouldn't mention something like that to us!" Liam exclaimed.

"I forgot," Louis shrugged.

"And you both just instantly became friends?" Zayn spoke up for the first time.

"Not at first," Louis smirked, "but then she fell for my charms."

I scoffed, "Yeah right."

Instead of replying, he just grinned instead. The guys glanced at the both of us and shared looks with each other.

"What?" Louis and I said in sync.

"We were just tal-"

Before Niall could finish his sentence, Zayn thumped him on the back of his head to make him close his mouth.

"What Niall meant was that we were just going to leave now," Liam shot Niall a glare.

They slowly turned around and began walking to their rooms.

"She's hot," Harry whispered not so quietly. Liam smacked Harry on the back of the head.

When they were gone, Louis turned to me, "You hungry?"

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