The Night Children

By Leahwhitefang

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She was breaking, he was broken. She was misinterpreted, he was recognised. She was a nobody, he was everybod... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Authors Remarks
The Hunted Children
Reviews + Awards

Chapter 46

76 10 4
By Leahwhitefang

People burst from their seats on seats, running to every exit they could find. Several people tripped, skidding to a halt in the walk way. Some old locals begged for the mercy of God, while mothers pushed their kids closer to them. Mr Harrington made a run for Isaac, his eyes maddened with grief but not before an officer jumped from the bar, colliding into him to stop him from reaching Isaac. Pincel was staring dumbfounded from the broken cuffs to Isaac, his eyes narrowed in sudden suspicion. However, no one was paying attention to the discarded cuffs but more towards Isaacs confessions. Harry grew pale from the side lines while the Judge only swallowed loudly.

"Kill him!" Yelled a local from the back row, their face streaked with tears.

"Kill him for what he did to my daughter!" I spun to see an older woman scream from her spot, pointing a dirty finger at Isaac.

I whirled around as an older man rose from his seat to shout across the room. "He killed my son!"

Soon everyone was shouting furiously, swear words tumbling into each other while accusations and harassments echoed around the room. But then a sound louder than all the noises combined jolted everyone into silence. We all turned to see Miss Anderson holding the judges hammer. He was glaring at her, clearly appalled at her behaviour but she ignored him entirely.

"LIAR!" She spat, her eyes on mine as she waved the hammer. Her irises were wild, her hair flying out into a frizz as she turned to address the shocked crowd. "Can't you see what she is doing?"

No one answered, however a few people glanced anxiously at each other. I noticed Ambers father breathing heavily, one of the officers I didn't recognise restraining him.

She pointed a bony finger at me that wavered as she breathed heavily. "She has manipulated all of you." She yelled, her face twisted with anger. She turned back to the judge and bowed her head at him. "Your honour, Renee is a con artist. I ask you to hear me out and listen."

The Judge studied her, his pen clutched in his hand. His gaze flickered to Isaac who remained motionless beside me and to Aaron who looked like dessert had been taken away from him.

"Go on." He finally said with a sigh after some time. Miss Anderson cracked him a relieved smile before whirling back to the startled crowd.

"My dear friends, Renee has managed to get away with several murders." She nodded at Coltons mother who was dabbing a tissue to her eyes and then to Mr Harrington who stood tensely beside the officer. "She has wormed her way out of every situation and has managed to threaten Isaac into sacrificing himself for her."

Isaac opened his mouth to speak but Miss Anderson didn't let him.

"A murderer always has a plan B." She continued, her eyes like a vulture as she stared hungrily out towards the crowd. "Isaac uncovered Renee as the murderer and in response, Renee has clearly threatened him to make sure he lies to the court."

Several people gave each other uneasiness looks however some people nodded.

"People of Brookefield," She rose her voice to address some people who remained whispering to each other. "Can't you see the murderer is standing right here in front of you, while we turn a blind eye and pin point a boy who has no record of suspicious behaviour?" There were a few murmurs of agreement however others still looked doubtful.

"Can't you see she clutched the very dagger that was left in the woods, stabbing the hearts of children one by one?" Her voice boomed again, echoing in the silent room. Everyone gazed up at her then me, fear evident in their eyes. I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to stay silent before I could come up with a plan.

"Can't you see this very girl has manipulated all of you to put the blame on a boy who deserves so much better?" She was yelling now, her voice risen with confidence and with dread, I realised that more heads were nodding. "This very girl tore apart Amber Harringtons body." She whirled to Mr Harrington before turning to Chelsea and Izzy in the jury stand. "This very girl took the life of Hannah Stocking." She then nodded towards Coltons mother, her lips pressing into an act of sadness. "This very girl cut off the air ways' to a fourteen-year-old boy."

Some voices began to float towards me again and I heard whispers of 'she must be the murderer,' 'I let her borrow one of my pencils' and 'and here I thought she was different to her mother.'

I opened my mouth to retaliate but once again Miss Anderson cut me off.

"So tell me Renee," Miss Anderson paused in front of me, addressing me only but making sure her whole voice could be heard. "What did you do with the bodies?"

I felt her gaze bore into mine as she stared at me. I examined her carefully, trying to identify any weakness. She was an incredibly good liar to her credit but every liar had a loop hole. I stood up from my seat slowly, causing a few people behind me to stiffen. Isaac studied me, his eyes swimming with thought. He seemed to want to say something but was still holding himself back again, his veins risen along his neck.

I looked to the crowd, taking in each frightened face, every pain stricken emotion, every clenched fist. "People of Brookefield," I began, my repetition of Miss Andersons words causing a few disapproved frowns. "I have not ever committed a crime. I have never laid a hand on any of these children and I have certainly never taken a life." No one seemed to believe me, their eyes still narrowed with suspicion. I took a deep breath and forced myself not to shake. "Isaac is protecting me from the consequences of manipulation." I gave him a quick glance but he had looked away to stare angrily at the far back wall of the court house. "He admitted he was the BrookeField murderer to me in order to stop me from getting involved. Aaron overheard the conversation without any previous reference to the truth."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aarons hands clench into fists as he gritted his teeth but I chose to ignore it. "Isaac showed me Ambers body after he had found it in an attempt to scare me." I turned to the Judge, forcing myself not to flinch from his stern eyes. "I asked Isaac to prove he was the murderer by driving that very dagger through my heart," I paused to take another shaky breath, the weight of truth finally setting in. "But he couldn't."

The Judge watched me silently, obliviously thinking hard.

But then Pincel stepped forwards, his face reddening. "This girl is a straight liar your honour." He hissed madly, his eyes ablaze in frustration. "Why would the boy admit he was the BrookeField murderer in order to protect her?" He spat the word 'protect' out as if it an evil thing. Something so evidently pathetic that it wasn't worthy of doing. "Her story makes no sense; she has to be lying."

Miss Anderson joined his side, brushing his hand with hers in the slightest of gestures. I saw Isaac stiffen beside me. "She has so clearly forced him into admitting he is guilty when he is so evidently innocent."

Colton's mother rose from her spot on the jury stand, followed by Mr Osmin. "She killed my son!" She suddenly yelled, pointing a dirty finger straight down at me. Mr Osmin shot me a disapproving glance before addressing the Judge.

"I believe the Sheriff and Miss Anderson." He said sternly, his voice low but loud against the hard walls around us. "Her story just doesn't add up."

Coltons mother was staring at me as if her gaze would suddenly make me burst into flames. I stared back at her, searching for any sign of pity but there was none. All she had left was two empty pits for eyes.

The Judge looked around him, once again taking in the scenario before turning back to Isaac. His eyes skipped over mine, as if reluctant to look at me too closely.

"Mr Jackson, have you given the court inaccurate information?" His voice boomed with authority but Isaac didn't flinch from it. Instead he held his head higher, tilting his chin to create a determined expression on his face.

"No." He said simply. I glanced at him, uneasiness shooting through me but he continued to stare at the Judge. Pincels gaze kept flickering between the broken cuffs and Isaac, suspicion causing his eyes to narrow.

The Judge looked unimpressed, arching one eyebrow. "Mr Jackson, do you understand that giving the court false information can lead to jail time?"

Isaacs eyes were like the desert. A touch of golden separated the green from the brown in his irises, causing a horizon like effect through his eyes. "I understand."

The Judge leaned closer in his spot, tilting down to peer at Isaac in more depth. "So I ask you again, have you given the court inaccurate information?"
Isaac didn't blink against the Judges eyes but instead managed to crack a small smile. It was a cocky smile, full of confidence and sureness. "Why would I have the need to lie?"

Now was Aarons time to stand, his eyes surging with open anger. "Because that's what your good at!" He yelled from the pew, glaring down at Isaac. "You lied to Renee about who you are and nearly got her killed for it. You lied to Miss Anderson about your whereabouts over the school term. You lied to all of us."

Isaac was like a statue; the only source of movement was the throb of his heartbeat in the vein down his neck. He nodded carefully, as if ensuring he needed the time to think through his response. After a few deliberate seconds, he turned to Miss Anderson, casting his eyes to watch her. "Miss Anderson, during the term I never attended the camp for problematic children."

Miss Anderson blinked, clearly shocked that her favourite student had lied.

"I took the time off to take the life of more students."

Now more gasps went through the crowd. The Judge was looking more and more pale as the minutes counted on.

Isaac scanned his eyes across the crowd, his lips tilting into the beginnings of a smirk. His trademark, the trademark of cockiness and fuckboy material. I hated it. But I also knew it was a façade. "It's interesting to think that a court house full of adults can be so easily manipulated by a nobody. Renee is not the murderer and never was. It was me from the beginning and all of you are too naïve too admit it."

There was silence before Miss Anderson spoke again. "Melissa should speak her mind; she knows Renee the best after all."

All eyes turned to my mother who remained watching the scene with a frown. She hadn't spoken a word the entire case and now that all eyes remained on her, she paled. The Judge nodded at her to speak but she only pressed her lips together. She gazed at Miss Anderson, a message seeming to pass through her eyes before she stood up from her place. Her balance was unsteady but she took a step forwards to kept herself upright.

"My daughter has changed in ways that I to this day don't understand." Her words were only slightly slurred as she spoke but her eyes shone with the expression of seriousness. "She disappears most nights with Isaac and comes back early in the morning." Gasps went around the room but no one interrupted her. "She repeatedly ended up in hospital without any legitimate reason why." Her voice was beginning to clear despite her drunkenness as she spoke, her voice drilling into my brain. "She grew distant from me and her best friend. She lied about her whereabouts and the nurses discovered blood on her hospital gowns and clothes."

No one uttered a noise, however Isaac was glaring at Melissa as if he might snap her neck. I felt the same way. I didn't recognise the level of betrayal that was coming off her in waves. Nor did I recognise the hostile look she quickly flashed me. Hurt overcame me and I stifled saying anything as I listened.

"She lied in the questioning room, exclaimed that the Sheriff was threatening to kill her in order to get out of further questioning and was the main reason why Aleena is in a coma."

Ethan paled in the far corner, his lips tightening into a frown.

My mum finally turned to me. I stared at her, taking in her knotted hair, smudged makeup, untidy clothes and messy updo. Her eyes used to hold the spark of life and the hope of a new day. But now they had dulled significantly. Just like blank lamps that flickered half-heartedly in the shadows.

"She is not my daughter anymore." She said, her voice laced with bitterness. "She is guilty."

Miss Anderson cracked a smile but quickly hid it with the shake of her head. She went back to addressing the crowd, a new ring to her voice. "Her own mother looks at her as if she is the murderer." Miss Anderson concluded, gesturing to Melissa with a point of her finger. "Now we must do the same."

More people began to nod and I looked to Aaron. He was biting his lip as he sat down, looking utterly confused while Ethan was watching me with wide, petrified eyes.

"My daughter spoke of Renee," We all turned to see the Mayor speak, moving his glasses to let his gaze fall upon mine. "Renee always had suspicious behaviour at school the moment Amber went missing."

The Judge wrote something else on his paper before looking back to the locals, his lips beginning to turn blue from pressing them together so firmly.

"Renee accused my staff member of purposefully hurting her." Mr Osmin spoke from the jury bar. He swiftly glanced at Miss Anderson before looking back to the Judge. "It seems that this is a repeated action with the Sheriff as well."

A few murmurs of agreement travelled across the room but I refused to listen to every individual comment.

Chelsea stood up from her place again and swerved to finally watch me. There was something so clearly open in her gaze but it was so raw that I glanced away, trying to understand the level of anger she had in his eyes. "Isaacs blood was on that dagger because she tried to use it to stab him." She yelled, her eyes like green fiery pits of hell. "She attacked him but he got away and she said she would let him live if he testified as guilty."

Now that caused a commotion and people were blinking at me in sudden realisation. I went to speak but Izzy stood up from her place. "She killed Hannah!" She yelled, her voice ricocheting around the room.

Another man stood up from the second back row. "She killed Gabriel!"
Two people stood up from the left of the room. "She killed Francesca!"
Four more people stood, calling out names of Stephanie and Daniel.

A woman from the front row stood up, her face dripping with tears. "She killed Claudia!"
More people began to join them, their voices drilling into my mind as I stood there, watching them with a feeling of pure dread.

"She killed Quin!" One shouted.

"She killed Anna-Rose!" Another screamed.

Harold, Wendy, Willow, Kit, Jillian, Georgia, Jayli, Annastasia, Lachlan, Francis, William, Christopher, Kelsey, Elizabeth, Sarah.

Names were thrown towards me, each one like a stab to the heart as I took a shaky step back. People were bounding out of their seats now, attempting to reach me the way they had tried to reach for Isaac only a few minutes ago.

Security was trying to keep them back while news reporter camera flashed towards me, illuminating each face of anger with a flash of brilliant light.

"She's the killer!" Yelled Miss Anderson above the commotion and a roar of agreement followed it.

"She was among us the entire time!" Shouted Pincel, his face reddening from the loudness of his voice. More shouts answered, as Mr Harrington bounded towards me, pushing past the security. The Judge stood up from his place, calling for silence but no one was listening. They were all pointing fingers at me, shouting my name and accusing me of taking the life of their children. Ethan was attempting to get to me but Colton's mother pulled him back, swearing at him to stay away from someone so obviously dangerous.

Out of nowhere I felt Mr Harrington grab me, ripping his nails into my arm as he yanked me backwards into his grasp.

"How could you kill my daughter?" He screamed into my ear as he clawed at me, crushing me against him as I wheezed for breath. "How could you!"

But then a whisk of silver caused everyone to pause as something drove itself into the court house clock on the far side of the opposite wall. The clock made a whirring noise before stopping. A throwing knife was driven into its middle until the hilt, it's blade evidently stained with blood. A memory stirred from the knife but I couldn't pin point it, but what I did know was the knife had been thrown by Isaac.


We all turned to Isaac who was breathing heavily amongst the chaos. The whole room seemed to hold their breath with people glancing from the dagger to Isaac.

"If you do not believe me, check the blood on the dagger." He didn't need to raise his voice; the entire room was silent enough. "I think you will find that it is Francesca's."

A woman started sobbing into her hands, a man gripping her firmly with reddened eyes. No one dared to move. Finally, the Judge spoke to a security guard near me.

"Take the dagger to the station to get it DNA checked." He said, his voice cracking unsteadily. Everyone stared up at the Judge. He had never shown any signs of distress on any case before, and hearing his voice shake was enough for anyone to realise how traumatic this case was. The guard moved towards me, pushing Mr Harrington off me before dragging him towards the clock. Everyone turned away as he called for a ladder on his walkie-talkie.

Isaac finally turned to me, his eyes softening. "Stop trying to save someone you barely know." He whispered but I knew everyone could hear. I only stared at him, my thoughts escaping me. There was so much genuine misery in his eyes, I couldn't help but stifle a sob. I didn't know how he got the throwing knife, but what I did know was that it wasn't his. There was something about it that I should know. Deep down it felt like I knew the owner of the knife, but I couldn't pin point who's it was. I said nothing, and with a blink of the eye, Isaac tuned back to the crowd.

"Is that enough evidence for you?" He called, causing more voices to shout towards him. But then a voice I so easily recognised rose among the others.


We all turned, including Isaac, to see Harry stand up from the prosecutor's bench. Isaac's eyes narrowed as I stumbled with my thoughts. Maybe Isaac was truly the murderer. Maybe that knife he threw was his, and he was the reason why Francesca's blood stained the blade. But Harrys voice interrupted my thoughts. "As someone who was in your situation once, I am asking you to stop."

Everyone looked at Harry in confusion, including both Pincel and Miss Anderson.

Harry made his way down the bench, pushing his way through the narrowed gazes of other officers. He finally reached us, stepping towards me, but far enough away to acknowledge that I was still considered a criminal.

"Isaac has fooled all of you."

Isaac opened his mouth to speak but Harry interrupted him. "He is lying to protect Renee from a crime she has never committed."

Silence stretched through the court house so he continued. "Isaac isn't standing here lying for the sake of it, he is lying because he cares for her."

Now more murmurs once again went through the crowd, with several people arching their eyebrows in disapproval.

Isaac only snorted roughly, a careless action for a careful boy. "I think its best if you leave your romantic opinions to yourself."

But Harry only shook his head. "I know exactly what you are doing." He turned to the audience, his face set grimly. "Isaac never hurt anybody, this is all an act to ensure Renee doesn't get put behind bars."

Isaacs smile faltered but he hid it well by ducking his head. After a few moments of containing himself, he then looked up to stare at Harry squarely in the eyes. "If this is your random act of kindness for the day, it is pitiful."

Harry took the comment with a faint smile. "Sarcasm, your last defence before the truth comes out."

Isaac glared at him, his eyes icy with spite.

"I was exactly like you when I was your age." Harry continued, as if oblivious to the fact that Isaac was staring daggers at him. "Young, impulsive, devilish, chaotic."

Isaac only snorted again, but his whole body had stiffened and the charismatic gleam in his eyes was distinguishing.

"But then I fell in love, and that impulsive, devilish, chaotic boy began to understand the importance of protecting those you love."

Pincel opened his mouth to interject but the Judge held his hand up to silence him. Biting his tongue, he refrained from speaking.

Isaac blinked and studied Harry, as if deciding something. "I didn't come to court to hear about your love life."

Harry ignored this comment, his eyes soft against Isaacs narrowed ones. "I loved a girl who threw herself into danger the moment she got the chance." His gaze flickered to me as he angled his head in my direction. "In the same way Renee does."

Isaacs gaze flickered to mine but the moment our eyes met, he glanced away back to Harry.

"So trust me when I say I know what position you are in right now."

But Isaacs lips curled into a snarl. "You know nothing of the situation I am in."

Harry only nodded slowly, his expression one of thought. He studied Isaac, taking in his ruthless expression, his wild eyes and tangled hair.

"That's where you are wrong Isaac." He said gently, but I could tell his words hit Isaac like a bullet. "I know exactly what it's like to love someone so fiercely that you would do anything to protect them, including risking your own life."

But Isaac only turned to spit on Harry's shoes, his cheeks blossoming red with anger. "I do not love her." He spat the word 'love' out like it meant nothing to him. As if he despised it so much. I felt myself shrink but I remained silent.

Harry chuckled, and a few whispers of how this was relevant to the case ran through the crowd. "I know what love is. I see it in the way you look at her; as if she was your world and you would do anything to keep it that way."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aaron flinch, rage written all across his face. I glanced away with a frown to watch Harry.

Isaacs fists tightened and I worried if he would take a swing at Harry.

"Standing in front of dozens of people, willing to sacrifice everything for the one girl your heart beats for." Harry continued, his voice soft and almost smooth like compared to the previous booming voices. "That's love."

Isaac only gritted his teeth harder, however, I didn't recognise the look beneath his eyes. It was as if the truth was coloured in his irises. Almost as if he could no longer look at me because too much of the truth would slip out. But he turned to the Judge, ignoring Harry completely.

"Your honour, I don't see how this is relevant." He said stiffly but the Judge only frowned in response.

"I would like to listen to all parties."

Isaac pressed his lips together in a firm line for response, his eyes blazing.

Harry turned back to the audience, his body language open and welcome, like he was a book that anybody could read.

"Love is so important in a world full of hate." He said, addressing the rows of people in front of him. "I see love in the way that Mr Harrington wanted to justify his daughter's death. I see love in the way that Miss Roselyns daughter clutches at her hand. I see love in the way that Miss Bland cries for Colton." He paused to let his preaching's sink in before he continued. "And yet, when it comes to love in a teenage boy, we are all oblivious to it."

Isaac ducked his head, his skin red but I wasn't sure if it was out of anger or embarrassment.

"Isaac is willing to risk his name, his soul, his life despite the fact he has never confessed that love."

Isaac managed to cut in quickly, his voice harsh and tense. "Do not speak of me like I am not here. I can speak for myself. I don't need some cop telling me what I feel towards someone."

Harry once again ignored him but his eyes diluted a bit, and a small smile touched his lips, as if he was thinking that he, himself would react in the same way Isaac was. But he slowly turned to him, and his face slackened with ease. "Isaac, I see it in the way you look at her. I see it in the way you clench your hands into fists when she flinches in fear. I see it in the way you force yourself to remain silent when she was being accused. I see it in the way you used a dagger to stop Mr Harrington from harming her." He gave him a faint smile, one that tilted his lips and flashed his dimples. "I see it in the way you look at her when she looks away."

No one uttered a word, however the Judge was writing furiously on his paper, his eyebrows drawn in thought.

Isaac levelled Harry with his gaze, his lips pressed in a thin line. His eyes were ablaze with fury, swirling with the golden essence of anger. "This case has no relevance to my love life."

But Harry only shook his head again. "This case has every bit of relevance to your love life and you know it." He then went back to looking over at the audience, his gaze skimming across. "People of Brookefield, take a moment to look at us."

Everyone glanced to one another, their gazes sceptical.

"Take a moment to look at what we have become." Harry continued, his voice low in seriousness. "We are tearing ourselves apart, hate has overridden love and now we are a town of anger and superstition."

A few snorts of disbelief went through the crowd but still no one spoke.

"Murders have caused us to turn a blind eye to what is so evident in front of us." He looked back to Isaac, swallowing loudly. "We turn a blind eye to forbidden love."

"Your honour, I apologise," Pincel stood forwards, speaking to the Judge. "My Deputy doesn't know what he is talking about. I-"

"Sheriff, I ask that you remain silent when Deputy Koda speaks." The Judge interrupted. Pincel clamped his mouth shut, the only change evident in his face was the jump of a muscle in his jaw. If looks could kill, we would all be dead.

"There is no evidence to explain what the Deputy is saying." Isaac snarled sharply, his gaze flickering between the Judge and Harry icily. "It's all romantic bullsh-"

"Then here." Harry walked to Isaacs side and reached into his pocket. In a matter of seconds, a gun was clenched in his hands. He held it out to Isaac while a gasp of shock went through the court house. "You said you would kill her. Do it now."

The Judge looked like he would faint while protests went through the room. Isaac's face slacked slightly in shock but in one swift movement, he had snatched the gun from Harrys hand and gripped it tightly. No one dared to move, their eyes widened with utter shock as every face grew pale in the morning light of the courthourse. Isaac seemed to be debating something, his eyes narrowed in thought. He bowed his head, causing his curls to fall loosely over his face as he clutched the gun. I could see his jaw clench with frustration, his fingers tightening over the hilt of the gun but his index never met the trigger.

I expected the Judge to say something but he remained silent, his gaze set on Isaac. But then I knew immediately why. He already suspected I was the murderer. He already believed Isaac was innocent. He knew based off professional opinion that Isaac was of sound mind, and never would pull the trigger at me.

But then Isaac rose the gun, pointing the barrel directly at my heart. His hands shook as he clutched it, causing the barrel to wobble. He gritted his teeth harder, forcing his eyes to meet mine. I froze, the barrel of the gun like a laser beam against my skin. Utter silence went through the crowd, with the guards and officers frozen with fear.

"Nobody move or I will press the trigger to her heart." Isaacs voice wasn't light and careless like I was used to it being. Instead it was deepened with darkness, a tone similar to the one he used in the forest. Everyone responded by doing as they were told, and even Pincel looked shocked, his face open in the expression of astonishment.

Isaac continued to point the gun at me, his other hand held loosely by his side. But even from my spot a metre away from him, I could see each individual fingernail print embedding his palms.

"You think you're so smart trying to protect me." He spat, his fingers curling around the gun like the way his lips curled around his words. I said nothing, forcing myself to remain still.

"You think sacrificing yourself would do me good?" He took a step towards me, his eyes blazing. They were darkened with brown, his irises suffocating his flecks so he looked empty and soulless. "I am guilty, I used that very dagger to stab Francesca. My very hands that clutch this gun have been drenched in Colton's blood. Those foot prints on the edge of town were from Gabriel, attempting to dodge my bullets. The night you came across me bleeding in the street was from Claudia's struggles." His eyes were like a sun, blazing with the fiery prosperity of rage, fury and manic. "Do not try to protect someone you barely know. Do not try to protect the guilty when you yourself are innocent."

No one said a word, however everyone's gaze remained on the gun, as if expecting it to blow up at any second.

"You never laid hands on anyone." I said softly, attempting to ignore the gun that remained pointed at my heart. "I know you Isaac."

But he only shook his head, his lips tightening into a scowl. "You know nothing about me." He spat angrily. "You know nothing of my intentions for you. You know nothing of my murderous fantasies. Every night I dreamt of coiling a rope around your neck. Every night I dreamt of driving a dagger through your heart. Every night I dreamt of feeding you to the wolves." His eyes flashed as he took a step closer. "Every night I brought you closer to death."

"No." I said firmly, my gaze unwavering against his. "I know who you are Isaac. I saw the way you looked at Fin when he ran up to me earlier this morning. I saw the way you watched him as if you would do anything to protect him from the cruelty of this town." Harry saw the way you looked at me.

I quickly swallowed the thought and continued with a steady voice. "You never would harm me, let alone innocent people. You couldn't even stab me when I asked you to, you wouldn't ever do it to anyone else either."

His eyes steeled over in agitation, his hands clenching to whiten his knuckles against the gun. "How did I get the dagger Renee." He said roughly, his gaze as edgy as his voice. "How did I find the dagger stained with the blood of a dead girl if I wasn't the murderer?"

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I didn't know how to respond because the truth was I didn't know how he had retrieved the dagger. The hilt was made out of bone when I had looked at it from afar and there was writing on the side but there was no other indication of where it came from.

But then I knew the truth. He was the Parade member. His duty was to protect the innocent from the Forsaken, and maybe his weapon was a dagger and in an attempt to save Francesca, her blood was spilled. That was the only explanation I could acquire but I couldn't speak my mind. If I told the court that he was supernatural, he would be killed by Pincel almost instantly. They were both Parade members, even if Isaac was one of the only good ones.

"You don't know because you don't know me." He hissed. He cocked his head to the side, watching me with a cruel like expression. "You have managed to fool this court with your pitiful attempts of saving me, when in reality you should be the one who needs saving." He gestured to the gun in his hand, a faint smile touching his lips. "I hold a gun to your heart and yet you still believe I am innocent."

"Because I know you." I repeated with an edge of annoyance however it was rinsed with fear. "I know who you are truly. I know you won't pull the trigger and I know you would rather sacrifice yourself then see me jailed for something I never did."

He titled his head towards me, his finger moving to the trigger. "How do you know?"

My gaze flickered to the trigger before meeting his eyes. I expected to see a slight bit of recognition in his eyes, or at least a small amount of remorse but he was watching me as if he never knew me.

"Because you care."

Now he faulted, his smile slipping from his lips the way his finger slipped from the trigger. His eyes lightened significantly, a flash of green enveloping the brown. But then he blinked it back, setting his jaw.

"I do not care for a girl as stupid as you." He snarled icily. "Nothing is stopping me from pulling the trigger. You are oblivious to think feelings would stop me from killing you this instant."

I swallowed numbly then took a step forward. "Then do it."

Everyone stiffened even further, and the Judge was looking like he was going to faint.

Isaacs face changed for a spilt second and I saw an emotion of fear pass through his eyes. I narrowed my eyes to stare at him closely but he blinked, the emotion gone in an instant.

"What's stopping you from pulling the trigger Isaac?" Harry said softly from the side, ensuring his voice was lowered with little expression.

Isaac only shut his eyes against the noise, his shoulders arching as he took in a deep breath. The gun shook harder in his hands, his finger carelessly sliding over the trigger.

"You had so many chances to kill me." I said, ensuring my voice was as light as air, forcing it to stay even despite the millions of nerves that travelled through my body. "You saved my life over and over. When I had alcohol poisoning you went with me to the hospital and performed a miracle when I was having seizures." I bit my tongue from refraining to say anything about Isaac saving me in the warehouse. I couldn't call Pincel out for being a Parade supplier without letting out Isaacs secret as well. I also knew the community valued Miss Anderson and nothing I could do would change that. I had no evidence. "Why not end it now?"

Isaac was shaking hysterically now, his back arched so his spine jut out against his T-shirt. His eyes were lowered to the floor. His hands were clenched hard enough on the gun to make his veins outline the underside of his wrists.

"Press the trigger." I continued, my voice laced with urgency. "Listen to my cries of mercy as my blood spills across the court house. That's what you want isn't it? Your murderous fantasy could come true."

Isaac said nothing, his head still ducked. Everyone was looking at him with wide eyes, some filled with fear and others pity.

"Kill me the way you killed all those other children." I finished, my voice lowered in softness so it was barely above a whisper.

He finally lifted his head, and I blinked in shock when I saw the redness of his eyes. They were rimmed with glassy tears, however none of them fell. His gold flecks were back but they weren't dancing beautifully, instead they were dull and speckled dimly. His lips were downcast in a sorrowful frown. With his curls swept over his forehead and his freckles dusting his face, he looked like the young boy he truly was. Except this young boy had a gun pointed to my heart. His eyes were full of such self-loath and grief, so much to the point where I was no longer looking at the boy who held a weapon, but the boy who was in the car. The boy who saved me. The boy who sat with me in the hospital. The boy who visited me and asked if I was okay. I was lost in the sense of little hope in his eyes. I was drowning in his sadness; in the way he saw no way out. I blinked against his gaze, feeling my heart shatter into a million pieces.

"I – am – guilty." He croaked and then in one swift movement he turned the gun to point to his heart, pressing it hard against his chest. Gasps went through the room as Harry made a jerky movement to reach him. "Charge me guilty!" Isaac roared, his sudden change of voice startling those around him. "Charge me guilty or I will force this bullet through my heart!"

The Judge made an effort to talk but no words slipped out of his open mouth.

"Isaac no-" Harry began but Isaac cut him off, his eyes on the Judge.

"Your honour, charge me guilty now or I will be forced to kill myself!" He yelled, the tears in his eyes unshed but yet still remaining as his hands shook against the gun.

"There is not enough evidence-"

"I am guilty! Do not make me take my life at the foot of your stand, it would only lead you to having no job." Isaac hissed, interrupting the Judge completely.

I saw out of the corner of my eye as multiple police officers reach into their belts, grabbing whatever weapon they could find. Guns, tasers, blades, they had them all at the ready.

"If any of your men try to touch me, I will pull the trigger faster than they can blink." He added to Pincel. Pincel remained looking red faced, his eyes bulging from his ugly face as he stared.

"Let him kill himself!" A voice rose above the commotion and we all turned to see Aaron standing up from his position beside Ethan. "One life for many!"

Numbness seeped through me but not before Miss Bland stood up as well. "Kill yourself!" She screamed, her voice nothing in comparison to Isaacs. "For my son I beg you please, wipe yourself out of this earth!"
More shouts went through the room, each one significantly more hash than the last. It was unbearable to realise how quickly the locals in Brookefield changed their opinion.

"I'll shoot him for all I care, just get it over and done with!" Mr Harrington yelled from beside the officer restraining him.

But then, finally the Judge spoke. "There will be no more killing in this courthouse or Brookefield for that matter." He said loudly, his booming voice sending everyone back into silence. He then turned to Isaac, his eyes lingering on the gun pointed into his chest. He ripped his gaze away to look back at Isaac, his eyes reflecting his regret. "Isaac Cole Jackson." He said grimly, his eyes flashing with instant guilt. "You are charged guilty of murder in accordance to the belief of the Jury."

The sound of his hammer rung across the room, its echo silencing after several seconds but still no one spoke. Isaac turned to me just as a single tear slid down his cheek. It symbolised the last drop of his innocence, sliding from his truthful self before dropping to the ground in a matter of seconds. He didn't wipe it away, as if he couldn't wipe away the last trace of of the truth. His eyes were shinning with hurt and loss, his flecks disappearing.

'I'm sorry,' he mouthed, before the guards dragged him back to the cell he had come from. 


Hey Guys, sorry for the insanely long chapter but I couldn't split it up :)) I have to admit that The Night Children is slowly coming to an end so stay tuned for more before the Epilogue!!

Happy Reading!

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