(Percy Jackson Fan-Fiction) E...

Wynter-Song tarafından

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There is a girl of the night Her hair as dark as coal For her mother she will fight The others that take her... Daha Fazla

1. My science teacher makes himself an enemy

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Wynter-Song tarafından

1. My science teacher makes himself an enemy

Well life at Hindsville High was going well... until I blew up the science lab.

I thought I was really settling in well with the crowds. Apparently I always had to be wrong. It was Monday morning and we were seated in the science lab. My lab partner was a bit of a, you know, and she always had to fuss around making everything perfect on our poster. She had gone totally overboard with information, but with my dyslexia I couldn't read even a quarter of what it said. Mr. Lambert kept telling us facts about bugs and how gross they were when you look at them under a microscope. After that we were going to be looking at making a model volcano. I wasn't looking forward to that. I was ready to slap Britney in the face until Cam interrupted.

"Hey Mr Lambert, who's older- you, or the universe?" The apparently 'hot' Cam laughed.

"Huh?" the poor man mumbled as he finally lifted his head out of his novel and stared at the class.

I shook my head and glanced over my shoulder to find Cam and his other air-head friend, Sam. planning to fill their volcano up with random chemicals that they pretended to know how to use. My eyes wandered back to the black board, before he interrupted.

"Hey honey, just checking me out?" he said smoothly.

"Don't call me that, jerk face..." I snapped back, drawing my attention back to the book I was supposed to be studying.

"You know you want me." I turned and shot 'are you serious' look at him. He just winked.

"First of all, I am not some blonde just swooning over you, two, encase you haven't noticed: I. Hate. You..."

"Damn," Sam and Cameron said in unison, "Harsh, babe!"

"Ugh..." I sighed and turned my attention back to Mr Lambert.

"Now, thanks to that little outburst by little Ebony, you will not be choosing your own pairs for your assignment."

The whole class groaned.

"And, boys pick girls." The stupid teacher added/

"No!" all the girls cried as the boys high-fived on another idiotically.

"No moaning girls, it's proven that boys do not have 'cooties'." Mr Lambert laughed.

"Cooties? Where?" Melissa, a complete empty-head, cried.

"NO WHERE, I assure you, Miss Donovan."

"But how can you be sure?" Britney demanded.

"OMG shut up Britney." I said, mimicking her tone.

"Now class, enough, or if you want something to talk about, maybe you can come and join me after school, eh?" No one objected and boys started asking girls to be partners.

"Oh great..." I murmured under my breath as all the girls started freaking out about which boy to pick. I instantly glanced over to my right to find my friend, Ben, poking his finger back and forth to suggest we would be paired up. Boy, I wish.

"So... Ebs, wanna partner up?" He said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Oh, well, I was planning to go with her..." saved Ben, my half crippled friend.

"She doesn't want to go with a loser like you!" Cam said as he murmured some joke to Sam. He laughed, and I shot the same glare at him. "Come on Ebs."

He grabbed my hand, dragging me along to his desk, smiling at me. I must admit, Cam was hot, no wait, really hot. But the appreciation you have on his looks is thrown away as soon as he opens his mouth. A waste really...

"Get lost Cam." I tried to shake my arm out of his firm grip.

"Don't be like that, baby." Again with the words of endearment.

"Just leave me alone Cam, go back to Sam and play with your Barbie dolls!" I ordered pointing at a blonde girl who was eyeing him from across the room.

"I only have eyes for you, Ebony..." Cam said seriously. I rolled my eyes.

"Just go away Cam, before Ben has a brain haemorrhage from loneliness." Ben shot me a thankful look from a dork who was suggesting all these crazy ideas.

At that moment, the bell rang.

"Okay everyone, time for break- we'll work on this first thing again tomorrow morning." Mr Lambert cried as he rushed out the classroom. Probably to get a coffee from down the road.

I stayed behind to pack up my desk and collect my books. Ben left after I told him I wouldn't die from telling Cam I wasn't going to be his partner, Man I wish I'd got him to stay...

I was about to leave when Cameron ran in front of me and blocked my entrance to freedom.

"Do you love me?" He asked me abruptly. I stared at him in shock, before rolling my eyes. .

"What? No way! I loathe you, if that what you really meant to say, jerk..." I tried to duck under him as he pushed me back onto the window.

"No, that's not what I said, do you, or do you not love me?" I felt a certain push to tell him yes and be off, but I had to tell the truth, I could never hurt someone's feelings, knowing what happened to me.

"Well then," Cam posed in a evil tone, "We're going to have to get used to it then, aren't we?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling totally confused.

"You are her aren't you? You're a night girl."

"What are you talking about?" I said taking a tiny step back as Cam followed my movement.

Then he did something unexpected, he grabbed me.

"LET ME GO!" I screamed in pain as he pushed down on my collar bone.

"Oh, I love this one; I made the right choice..."


"Nope. You're coming with me, down under..."

At that moment I was so angry, I felt a tugging sensation in my gut. I felt different, struggling under the pressure of his hands. I summoned all my strength, using all my will power to stay alive. For a second, I felt power, before a huge lightning bolt came out of nowhere and struck Cam in the head, its heat singing of part of my hair.

"You've blown it now sweetie..." He chanted as he lunged towards me.

I barely escaped his grip as I threw a plastic chair at his head. He was dazed for a moment, still probably getting over the shock of being struck by lightning on a day without even a storm, and charged again at me.

My back hit the edge of the classroom and I fell to the floor, exhausted. I staggered my way back up as Cam hit the fire alarm button. Loud screams pierced the once silent air.

"Now all I have to do is start the fire..." he laughed as he revealed the real him.

He grew several feet taller to form a blazing, fiery demon.

I screamed the sound so loud it was ear-piercing. So loud that a sheet of darkness spread over the class room. I quickly ran and tapped on what I thought was the window for help. I could hear the faint cries of Ben down below.

Cam walked towards me.

"It's no use now, you're stuck with me, or, you can plummet to the ground and meat death. Either way, you'll find me."

I then did the most stupid thing: I ran through the window.

I felt the glass shatter around me, and the roar of laughter from the demon behind me. The room exploded in a fire-ball of red and purple, filling the sky with ash. This was my fate, how I was going to die. I fell three whole stories before willing my body to stop.

And I did.

There, floating in mid-air was me, as Ben watched in amazement as I slowly dropped to the floor. He caught me in his arms and told me we had to go and fast. I watched in amazement as he ran with me. The last thing I remembered was the look on people's faces as their school melted into oblivion.

That was before my whole world turned black....

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