My Ninja Way | Naruto | DISCO...

By yukki-kouhai

137K 5.7K 2.1K

Noriyuki was part of a clan that had no actual goals, always fighting because they felt it was their duty. No... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Pre-written Scenes


7.4K 348 100
By yukki-kouhai

 My Ninja Way
Extra #1

                It was almost summer, so the days had been getting warmer and warmer. This day in particular was extra warm, and Nori found that her long sleeved black shirt should have been switched out with her short sleeved one, seeing as how summer was just right around the corner.

                Not making any noise as she walked up the small hill decorated with flowers, Nori took notice of the birds sitting on a tree trunk that lay on its side at the top of the hill. A few minuates after she started picking flowers and placing them carefully in her basket, she heard whispering.

                Turning her head to the side, she pushed a small lock of her hair behind her ear and found some of two of the boys from her class straying off to the side.

                Inuzuka Kiba and Nara Shikamaru.

                “Kiba, let’s just go…” Shikamaru drawled out his words however his request went unheard of as Kiba marched past hi and straight towards where she was kneeling in the grass.


                Meeting his eyes, Nori blinked with the dog lover suddenly slowed his steps, the determined look on his face disappearing as his cheeks went a deep red color. Stopping in front of her, Kiba shoved the paper in his hand in her face, his other hand clutching some plant.

                “W-we have to find these plants and check it off once we found them for class, but we can’t find t-these two…” He said, pointing to two of the points on his paper. Frowning at the fact that the boys got to hunt for dangerous plants for awareness, and the girls had to do flower arrangement for the split class, Nori reluctantly leaned forward to read what he had trouble with.

                Poison Ivy and Yar— Nori’s eyes widened and she leaned backwards, staring at Kiba in surprise.

                Kiba blinked. “What?” He asked however she remained silent causing his face to turn redder than it already was. “Do you not want to help us, is that it?”

                “Kiba—” Once again, Shikamaru’s words went unnoticed by the boy as he continued yelling at the small red head.

                Jerking his hand that held the plants in her face as he pointed at her, Kiba glared. “You think just because you look nice with your hair down that you can ignore us?!”

                Resisting the urge the raise her hand to her hair, which had been getting a little too long to place into her usual two buns, Nori leaned further away from Kiba’s hand opening her mouth slowly. “Uh—”

                Kiba continued. “See! She’s still ignoring us, why don’t we go and find these damn plants and—what is it?” He demanded instantly as Nori slowly raised her hand to point at the plants he was holding. Leaning over with a raised eye brow, Shikamaru’s eyes landed on the plant he was holding.

                “What is it?” He asked calmly, not sure of why Nori seemed so horrified.

                Gulping, Nori licked her lip slowly. “P-Poison Ivy…” She trailed off quietly and after a few moments of silence, Shikamaru and Kiba finally comprehended what she said and instantly threw themselves backwards, yelling out in shock.

                “P-P-P-P-P-POISON IVY!” Kiba screeched loudly as he let go of the Poison Ivy he’d been holding for quite a long time. Watching as the 8 year old freaked out and quickly ran away, Nori tilted her head before turning to Shikamaru.

                Jumping when an unusually cold hand touched his, Shikamaru glanced down at Nori in surprise. “What is it?” He asked after seeing a handful of small white flowers placed into his palm.

                Nori pointed at the first point on the paper which had been trusted into his hand by Kiba before he ran off.

                Yarrow: Can be used to stimulate clotting on bleeding wounds.

                Shikamaru blinked before turning back to Nori. “This is Yarrow?” He asked in surprise and Nori nodded silently, not bothering to look up at him as she continued gathering flowers for her flower arrangement class. “Thanks, see ya around!” The Nara boy called out as he ran off.

                There were another few minutes of silence and Nori had finally finished her job of gathering flowers she thought pretty enough and turned to pick up her basket.


                Turning to the side, Nori stiffened when she saw a flash of bright yellow as Naruto came crashing out of the forest like bull, leaves and branches sticking to him as he rolled down the hill after tripping over his own two feet.

                He must have been in Kiba’s and Shikamaru’s group, averting her eyes away Nori picked up her basket and tried to silently walk away, however—“HEY! You!”

                Freezing Nori glanced over her shoulder but didn’t meet Naruto’s eyes. “Did you see Kiba and Shikamaru?!” He practically yelled as he pushed himself from the ground, leaves falling out of his hair. “Are you ignoring me?!”

                Nori blinked, tilting her head.

                Didn’t this already happen?

                “Ah! You’re just like everyone else, aren’t ya?” Naruto questioned, leaning in towards her face. “Just because you have a pretty face and a good background doesn’t mean you can look down on me! One day I’m going to become Hokage and you’ll have to look up to me!” Turning around Naruto stormed off.

                What just happened? Nori was going to turn around until—“Oh yeah, by the way…!” Naruto had stopped for a moment to glance over his shoulder at her. “Stupid Kiba likes you! BLEH!” He stuck out his tongue and continued to run, leaving Nori wide eyed and red faced as she watched him in surprise.

                Gluping, Nori clutched her basket a little tighter as she turned to walk off and head back towards the area where their class was being held at.

                Boys were weird.


SURPRISE! I updated two days in a row, sorry for not updating sooner than expected but ever since school started I’ve been desperate to keep my grades higher than 80, because last year I didn’t do too well. However, last week my school burned down (kinda exaggerated, my school did not burn down there was a fire though) so classes are cancelled until further notice.
So yay, updates!
Anyway, thanks to everyone who’s commented, voted, and read my fanfic so far and I’m SO happy that everyone like’s Nori’s character!

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