mixed love

By malak_styles

27 1 0


mixed love

26 1 0
By malak_styles

Salwa's Pov

Its the first day of school and im starting highschool. Im somewhat nervous and somewhat not. I'm only nervouse about if I would make any friends or not. But I shouldn't over think about having any friends, people barly like me. It's 5:30 in the morning and I should get out of bed. I should get ready the bus comes in an hour. So I get ready and put on some new clothes I bought for the first day of school. After I'm done changing I straighten my hair. The overall time took me about 30 minutes. I go eat some breakfest, I dont see any point in eating because there is nothing really good to eat, so I'll just skip breakfeast today.So I brush my teeth and put on my shoes. Its 6:30 am and the bus comes in about ten minutes. I grab my backpack and go. I leave the house telling my mom a goodbye. I start walking to the bus stop and I start to see a few people. I spot a few people I know that went to middle school with me. They are somewhat my friends but I would say that they are fake friends. I stand with them tell the bus comes. So we are talking about how big the school is going to be and how there are going to be alot of super cute guys. The bus comes and we all get in. So now im in school and I dont know were to go, I dont even know were my locker is. So I go find a teacher to help me out. While I look for a teach to help me I see lots of cute ass guys but there was one who caught my eyes. So I was walking to the office and I saw my best friend angel and so we ran up to each other and we starts talking about the cute guys we saw and witch one caught our eyes. Angel said that she saw a cute blond irsh boy in her bus and I told her that this one guy that has some really nice bright light brown eyes and very flawless hair, words to be unknown of his cuteness. So angel and I decided to go to find our lockers and classes togther. It's lucky for us because we have 2 of the same classes togther and our lockers arent that far aprart from each other. While angel was taking me to my locker I saw that cute guy that caught my a little while ago, and I told angel. And as we all know how angel is, she likes to talk to everyone. And thats what I like about her, she is super confident and she isnt afried to go up to someone and say what she is thinking. But as for now she is emberssing me. So she decides to say ''Hey my name is angel and this here is my friend salwa. whats your name.?' while she said what she said she brought out her hand for a hand shake to seem all proper. ''HI my name is zayn malik. Nice to meet you angel and salwa.'' he said and gives angel her hand shake she wanted. I find my self blushing a bit because his brittish accent. So angel kept going with the queastions like how she always does. ''so zayn what grade are you in and how old are you'' angel asked. Zayn replyed '' im in 12th grade and im 17 years old'' . I feel super attacked to him because everything about him is perfect so far. He had a British accent witch is like ugh. And is face is far to perfect to be on this planet. And his sense of clothing is very nice. And he looks like he could be some nice guy. While is 3 stand here all awkward the the bell rings. Seems like angel left me behind with zayn so is just me and him left. "So zayn I don't know we're to find my class and can you please help me if you don't mind" I said in a very shy tone, "yes love I don't mind at all" zayn said. I blushed a little. Did he just call me love. Omg I'm having a mini freak out and we just met. So while he takes me he asks me "so your name is salwa?" he said. "Yes it sure is" "so salwa your in 9th grade am I right" "yes I sure am" I stutter a bit. We arrive to my class. "Thank you zayn for taking me to my class" I said I was blinding so hard. "Your welcome love. May I ask you if I can have your number please. It would be a pleasure to be your friend" zayn said. I don't know if he just asked me that or is it just in my dreams. I guess it's something in real life. So I give him my number. "Thank you love you'll be expecting a text from me during class." I smile and give him one more thanks and we both leave to class.

btw ik zayn finished high school/ secondary school and i also know that he's 21 years old. but in this story im going make them younger. so dont spred hate

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