If you are not the one

By Maieltawil

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And since that day, i knew it, i am in love. More

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By Maieltawil

"Sa..sasuke..." hinata stuttered
"Hinata..." sasuke said as both eyes locked.
The children looked back and forth at their mother and the old man that asked them to lead him to their okaa san.
Hinata felt someone tugging her legs she looked down, to see her little daughter stretching her hands for her to carry her up, Mikoto was like hinata at old times before she changed.
Hinata leaned over and held up her little daughter.
Still keeping her gaze over to sasuke, who was glaring at hinata.
Sasuke was really pissed off, he is sure that these two are his children, why didn't hinata said anything to him. Everyone made fool of him...she did that so he can't reclaim her again.
Sasuke's rage was beyond anything. He took few steps towards the hyuga who took few steps back.
Eiji looked at how the man approached his mother so he stood between them.
"Whose children are they hinata..." sasuke said in malice tone.
Hinata bombard with a question
"Why are you here now?" She said in a low tone.
Sasuke approached hinata, he stretched his hands and slightly gripped her arms tightly, pulling her to him, mikoto's eyes filled with tears and then she buried her head into hinata's mother while Eiji furrowed his eye brows and grinned his teeth.
"Let Okaa  san go" he growled as he started to punch sasuke's legs.
"Whose children are they...hinata" he said in a low defying tone.
Hinata gave him a defying look, as he tightened his grip on her arms.
"The children sasuke are afraid of you..." she said, sasuke snapped from his rage, as he looked at the young boy hitting him as much as he could, and mikoto's shivering and crying.
He let go of her arms.
Hinata gave Eiji and Mikoto a gentle smile assuring that everything is fine.
Then all of a sudden someone came, resting his hands on the hyuga's waist.
"Hina-chan...is everything all right..."
sasuke's eyes widened and he grinned his teeth at such sight.
He called his wife 'hina chan' and he put his hands around her.
Sasuke glared at the man, he had black  silky hair and black eyes.
"Matsuda-kun.... " hinata smiled widely at the man.
"Matsudaaaa saaaan...." the twins squeaked and Eiji jumped up, so Matsuda leaned down and held the little boy up.
Sasuke's rage still building up, is hinata dating the guy? Why are his children so acquainted to that man.
And why is he so familiar with his wife.
"Umm...matsuda kun...this is...uh..sasuke uchiha... an old friend of mine.." hinata said as she looked at sasuke who had his sharingan activated now.
"Oh...pleasure sasuke-san..." matsuda stretched his hands to shake it with the uchiha, who closed his eyes and rejected the hand shake.
Matsuda felt embarrassed so he pulled his hands back.
"Welcome back sasuke-san..." hinata said then she looked at matsuda who smiled at her and said
"Shall we go..." resting his arms on her back and turning her, at this point sasuke couldn't hold anymore, he found himself gripping hinata's arms pulling her near him.
"You are coming with me..." he snorted
"Let me go sasuke..." hinata said as she tried to get her arms back.
"Excuse me... sir..." matsuda said as he put down Eiji and grabbed sasuke's hands that were holding hinata.
Sasuke glared at matsuda, He knew that he wasn't a ninja but a normal citizen, so he activated his sharingan and growled
"You should go, or i swear i'll make you suffer" sasuke said in a defying low voice.
Matsuda furrowed his eyes brows, then he said
"I guess you are the one who is unwelcome." Matsuda said.
While sasuke still pulling hinata towards him, mikoto hide behind Eiji who started growling at sasuke
"Let Oka san go...let go" eiji was terrified from sasuke, and mikoto started weeping at the sight of her mother being pulled harshly.
Sasuke closed his eyes and then he landed a punch on matsuda's face, send him flying.
Mikoto and Eiji along with the pedestrians mouth gaped in awe.
Hinata furrowed her eye brows, she activated her byakugan and stood in-front of sasuke, her face was inches away from his.
"You are making a big mistake...Uchiha" she said in malice tone.
"You lied..." he snorted
"No i didn't... i didn't mention it...its not lying..." she countered back
"How dare you..." he defied
"You are the one who cheated not I..." sasuke grinned his teeth, he clenched his fists, and bite his lips until they bled.
Hinata pushed his hands away, and as she started to march away again, sasuke gripped her hands again tightly pulling her up, over his shoulder, and summoned a shadow clone, holding his two children's up, they were yelling and struggling saying let go but no avail.
All of a sudden, Neji appeared with his byakugan activated glaring at sasuke.
The children said
"Papa..." and by this sasuke's fury was beyond anything.
Neji took his fighting stance.
"Let her go sasuke"
"She is my wife..., and i do as ever i want with her..." he snorted
"Then you left me no choice"  neji growled and sasuke let hinata go and both started battling, throwing punches here and there, hinata looked at her horrified children..she felt her tears falling, she didn't want the first encounter with their father's to be like that, she was selfish hiding his identity and hiding about being pregnant but she was so fury for him to cheat.
She doesn't want her twins to hate their father.
"Eiji...take mikoto and check matsuda san...i'll be back" she said as the twins nodded, eiji took his sister's hands and ran off to matsuda.
Sasuke was beating neji to pulp, as he was pointing his last hit, hinata blocked sasuke's attack, she still got it, she was the only one yet still to beat sasuke's up, she blew a punch in the middle of his chest, sending sasuke's away.
Sasuke grinned his teeth, he twisted his body, landing on his feet, he saw as Hinata supported neji's up,  he gathered his Chidori and marched to give a final blew, when naruto and shikamaru appeared holding him.
Hinata took Neji and walked away.
Shikamaru and naruto straddling sasuke who saw as hinata was walking away with neji, she turned her head to him for last final eye contact.

"Argh..." sasuke growled as a nurse was attending his bruises while naruto and shikamaru where standing with him.
"Sasuke..you shouldn't have lost it." Naruto said.
Sasuke kept stoically.
Naruto sighed as he closed his eyes, he said
"We will wait outside..come shikamaru" naruto left the room followed by shikamaru.
"Is it hurting you...sir" the nurse said as she applied antiseptic to his puncture cut over his forehead
Sasuke kept his face stoic and didn't give an answer.
All of a sudden another nurse came inside and summoned the nurse
"Yuno... Hinata sama is calling for you..urgently, they said Matsuda san has jaw fracture and needed help..." the other nurse said, sasuke flinched at the name then the nurse said
"I'll finish off and come" yuno said.
The nurse nodded and left.
Yuno focused again on the uchiha's wounds
Then sasuke decided to ask
"Is this hinata your boss..." he asked
"Hai...she owns the hospital now.." yuno with a smile.
Yuno was a loud mouth, she loved to speak
"Hinata sama is the best..she is so gentle and helpful, i owe her many things..." yuno said
"Hm" sasuke hummed
"So bad her husband left her with her twins...she is such unlucky girl when it comes to relationships..."
"Why?" He asked
"None knows, i heard many rumors but hinata sama doesn't talk about him much...only one knows"
"And who is that"sasuke's rage. Built up.
"I think he is her boyfriend...she is always with him, she doesn't smile around anyone but him, he always come to pick her up and drop her...he is a hyuga as well, with those pale orbs." Yuno said
"I hope he loves her deeply...she is a broken hearted girl... even the children call him papa...better than that asshole who left her...such a cowering guy..." yuno said
Sasuke bite his lips again.
"I guess she is lucky also having matsuda...many had offered her dating but she rejected... but only she goes out with Neji...i guess they are so in love..he even brought her flowers..." yuno's eyes started glowing, while sasuke's jealousy started burning too much.
"Finished...you can leave now....hokage sama is waiting for you down.. " and by that yuno exited.
Sasuke stood up, he decided to check for such things.
He followed yuno silently, until he saw her inside a room.
Sasuke sneaked and looked inside and his rage filled up, when he saw neji holding the hyuga who was crying in his arms.
He saw how both looked at each other...maybe same look both used to at old days.
And the children are hugging them.
It must be right...
Hinata is dating neji..but for sasuke...he never takes no for an answer.
Sasuke crashed inside the room, he opened his rinnegan, both neji, hinata and the children gasped.
Sasuke punched neji, sending him flying, he gripped hinata's hands roughly who was struggling, he straddled his children then opened a black hole.
Neji stood up running towards them but it was too late, sasuke has taken hinata along with the twins.

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