بواسطة HemeiMari

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A young lad who is traveling from the past through the element of water finds himself in a world different fr... المزيد



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بواسطة HemeiMari


Note: Warning strong used of words here... This part is kinda boring but crucial part of the story.

After recuperating and gradually recollecting his memories. He remembers what happened to him. Prince Gu Yuan telepathically communicated with all the members of the royal family to be present in his palace to tell them something important.

"Everyone, please be here tomorrow because I will tell you something I remember. This is really new to me and it never happened to anyone in the imperial royalty before." Prince Gu Yuan said.

"Shut up, Gu Yuan. This body is not only owned by you but to us" Shadow Ghost said in his thoughts.

"Deal with it you asshole. When I get hold of this body I will take revenge on Geming Kang for what he did to us." The Shadow Ghost added.

"Whoa! You don't do that. You can't do such thing to Geming Kang. I may not know him personally but I have no grudge against him." Prince Gu Yuan said in his thought.

He's talking to himself to let his other personalities know what he felt about such thing particularly the Shadow Ghost.

"You stupid fool. You don't get to command me to do something that I don't even do. I'm your other personalities. We have one body and mind but I only exist when you're too weak to handle things." Shadow Ghost talking to Prince Gu Yuan in his consciousness.

"Fortunately, you're other personalities Bai Ling was the one who suffered the full brunt of the torture by Geming Kang so he won't be around for just a while. When he does come around and takes over your body. You can't do anything about it for we can understand each other. You got it, Prince Gu Yuan?" Shadow Ghost added.

"But...but...but..." Prince Gu Yuan said.

"Shut the F*** **. Find a way to control us and your body when you time travel because we're really assassin by nature if the price is right...You have your gifts. You can cast a spell and have magical creatures with you but you can't use them unless you do something about it. We both know your capabilities but you're a weakling. Your physical strength and spiritual strength is not enough. Think about it. You pampered weakling bratty Prince." The Shadow Ghost talking to him in his thought.

"Shadow Ghost is signing out." He added.

"May I add that your other personality name is Bai Ling, stupid Prince?"Shadow Ghost said.

The next morning all the imperial family were already in the receiving area in the Palace of Prince Gu Yuan to know what really happened to him. They really wanted to know that truth as to why he suffered such horrible wounds. It almost saps out his life.

"Listen this is really important to all of us. This is even new to me how much more is it to all of you. I have been experiencing time travel twice now. The second time travel I had was when I got seriously injured because I was tortured by one assassin name Geming Kang. He was jealous of me."Prince Gu Yuan said.

"Why the hell did you allow that a**hole to torture you? You can certainly cast a spell or used your magical creatures. Why didn't you a make counter attack? This is pissing me off." Crown Prince Wang Shu said.

Prince Gu Yuan, "Listen first, Wang Shu ge ge"

"When I fell in the pond I was able to time travel and arrived in the future where I was hunted by men which I don't know why so I was running away from them. At that time, I still don't know yet if I can use to cast a spell or my magical creatures. I was not able to get hold of myself because I wasn't the person. How do I explain it to all of you?" Prince Gu Yuan said.

The Emperor Feng Longwei and Empress Luli Mei were just listening and trying to comprehend this difficult situation. (A/N: At this point, they seem to be not panicking on the situation.)

" if I have this double alter ego or personalities...When I travel time travel it was Bai Ling who got hold of my body He is no weakling like me but he or we're caught off guard. The other one has very dark personalities and he is called Ghost Shadow. I feared what I might be doing if he gets to hold my body."Prince Gu Yuan continued.

He was interrupted by his sister Princess Zhao Jin.

"You mean to say you've got two more of you in your sub-consciousness that can take over your body when you time travel? Where would you end up when you time travel? Do they get hold of your body when you're here? Why would you fear that Shadow Ghost thing/person whatever it is? What does he do that you fear him most? Princess Zhao Jin said.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! One at a time for I discover it myself yesterday that I'm the Top one assassin in the future but if the price is right. Shadow Ghost kills people if the price is right...He even told me that if I could get hold of my body from them. I might be able to stop them from what they're doing." Prince Gu Yuan said

"To answer your queries, Princess Zhao Jin."Prince Gu Yuan said..... (A/N: Pausing for a moment.)

"Yes, they can take over my body without me knowing or giving them permission. They just appear to control my mind and body. I end up time traveling in the future. Third, they can't control my body when I'm here but they can communicate with me through my thoughts. Fourth, I fear Shadow Ghost because he has no remorse in what he is going to do. In short, he has no control. He will do what is being tasked to do with the right price. He is a paid assassin. He kills people for a living. Shadow Ghost is at top of his game..." Prince Gu Yuan said.

"What else does this Shadow Ghost said? Prince Weizhe said.

"Well, I can get hold of myself unless I'm much stronger physically and spiritually that's what he told me." Prince Gu Yuan said.

"You stupid fool you tell your family that they don't need to do anything for we are part of you. We are you. We just manifested to do what you can't do." Shadow Ghost said in his thoughts.

"There he goes again."Prince Gu Yuan said.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about? Prince Yuan Xinpei said.

"He's talking to me harshly again and I can't do anything about it. He is me." Prince Gu Yuan said.

"Stop it. Shadow Ghost. Your hurting Prince Gu Yuan." Bai Ling said in his thoughts.

"No. I will not stop unless he stops being so emotionally brat Prince. He is overly pampered by the imperial family that is why he is a weakling."Shadow Ghost said.

(A/N: They are talking mentally here while Prince Gu Yuan is in trance state physically and listening to both of them.)

The Empress walks towards Prince Gu Yuan and said...

"Snap out of it while clicking his fingers." Empress Luli Mei said.

Prince Gu Yuan did snap out of his trance. Blinking a lot of times before looking to all his families who were there listening to him.

"Well, we can only help you to strengthen you physically and spiritually here as long as you won't try to get yourself falling into any of the pond here or a body of water for a while." Emperor Feng Longwei said.

"I will do that for I still need to recuperate from the injuries I endured from the torture when I time travel." Prince Gu Yuan said.

"You better do that stupid fool. I promise you when I get hold of this body you will not be able to stop me for a while until you become stronger than me so kiss my f****** ass." The Shadow Ghost said.

"And oh! May I add? Don't give me that crappy overreaction of yours." Shadow Ghost added.

"Shut up. I own this body your just my f****** alter ego."Prince Gu Yuan said while he covers his mouth for speaking those curse word in front of his imperial family.

"What was that Prince Gu Yuan?" Emperor Feng Longwei said.

"Nothing at all, Bi Xia (Your Majesty). I was talking to one of my alter personality. The Shadow Ghost who has been talking to me and a pain in the a**." Prince Gu Yuan said.

"You better start your training again with your mother Prince Gu Yuan because your situation is not that easy having such personalities is really rare in this world. It is really unusual." Emperor Feng Longwei said.

"I will do that, Bi Xia (Your Majesty). I really need to train hard in order to control the two personalities in me. Xie Xie."Prince Gu Yuan said.

"I'll probably need to enhance my spiritual core to strengthen me physically and mentally so I would be able to always take control of myself." Prince Gu Yuan added.

Prince Gu Yuan spend a lot of time cultivating his spiritual core, chanting a spell, and working with his magical creatures to help him out when he does time travel again in order to avoid his horrendous situation back then.

Everyday Prince Gu Yuan trained hard in his incantations three days a week and four days a week with his magical creatures. He is not letting up and slacking off on his training to gain control of Shadow Ghost...His other personality. He was really worried if he can't control the Shadow Ghost. He doesn't what would happen if the situation arises.

Meanwhile, he constantly avoiding as much as a possible body of water in all forms... He is afraid he might fall and time travel again when he is not ready yet to face his enemy. Unfortunately, his already uncomfortable because he was not able to talk a bath for several days now...His body is itching to wash the dirt stuck on his body...

"Wo gai zenme ban? Wo hen xiang xi ge zao. Wo de shenti fa yang. Zhe rang wo tongku bukan."Prince Gu Yuan said in his subconscious...

Prince Liu Chengyang said. "What is Cuowu, Prince Gu Yuan?"

"Wo haipa xizao. You know my predicament. I do not want to time travel so I'm avoiding water but my body is itching from not taking a bath for several days I feel so dirty inside out. Ugh!" Prince Gu Yuan said

Prince Gu Yuan endure for four more days without taking a bath just to avoid any water at all. Scared to time travel again when he is not ready and prepared but within those days... He was itching all over his body. Scratching and crying for he could no longer endure it. He asks his maidservant. "A-Jing, go get me lukewarm water and pour it into the tub. I want to take a bath...I can't take it anymore...I'm already so dirty. Just stay outside if ever I won't come out for one and a half hour tells Jie jie Xi Feng at once to look for me in the bathing room."

Inside the bathing room...A huge tub is so inviting and alluring but he keeps on staring at the water afraid of going in to take his bath. "Should I go in or not? Oh! I'm not sure. This is so hard and my body is itching from not taking a bath anymore." He slowly inching his way to the huge tub. "Whatever happens I must take a bath." He took off his outer and inner garments so he can soak in the tub. Immediately his body felt the refreshing feeling to finally clean himself up using a loofah. He used a lavender scent liquid poured it into the loofah scrub his body incessantly from his neck, chest, both arms, abdomen, all the way to the sole of his feet...

He was happy that nothing happened so he enjoys taking more time in the tub...splashing water to himself...until...he was dragged down and lose consciousness. He woke up on a modern tub as huge as his tub in the imperial palace. He struggles out of it and feels groggy and dizzy, he went up to the mirror and look at himself naked and he looks so different...He has silver hair, red eyes but a small stature...Like the delicate body of a girl. He can see the scar that was made by that asshole Geming Kang.

"Is he Bai Ling? One of the three personalities I have? He looks so fragile like a glass that can easily be broken into small pieces..."Prince Gu Yuan was thinking about it.

He walks slowly to fins clothes to what seems like a huge walk-in closet and found a different array of clothing that he could wear. While doing such a trivial matter Prince Gu Yuan notice that his body moves on its own as if he knows every inch of this place. Is this my home as Bai Ling or the Shadow Ghost or a Prince?

"Ah...!?", "My head hurts so much by thinking about it. He grabs his head with his two hands and massaging his temple. It probably is me...I mean our home." Prince Gu Yuan said.

He forces himself to wear anything comfortable from many choices in his closet. He chooses a sweatshirt and workout pants and walks back to a king-size bed to sleep. He took a nap for almost five hours before he was awoken by a loud bang on his door.

"Who could that be? I never invited anyone and no knows my place except me unless someone must have found my place." Prince Gu Yuan said in his thoughts.

The doorbell keeps on ringing nonstop...The person behind the door keeps slamming his fist on the door as if it's about to give way. At the same time, Bai Ling switches with Prince Gu Yuan instantly...

Prince Gu Yuan didn't know what to do. He doesn't even know what to do with the door that is locked by electronics...His been into this for almost twenty minutes but still, he could not open it...

"Who...Who's there?" Prince Gu Yuan said.

"Who could he be that he knows this place? I did not tell anyone of my this place. It's my own secret hideaways from the rest of the world." Bai Ling thoughts but Prince Gu Yuan saw it too mentally since they share one body. Fortunately, Shadow Ghost is nowhere to be found in his subconscious...Is he does all hell break loose...

Suddenly, someone opens the door from the outside. Prince Gu Yuan was so shocked that he could not react standing in front of a door seeing the most gorgeous and yummy man in front of him. "How does this man know how to open the door?" Prince Gu Yuan thoughts. They both said in unison.

"Who are you.?"

"No..." "I ask you first." Who are you?" "You answer my question." "Where is Bai Ling?" " Why are you here?" Ying Qiang said.

Prince Gu Yuan stammers in answering a lot of questions... "Wo...."

"What?" Ying Qiang sai

"I'm Gu Yuan. People call me Yuan or as they please." "Bai Ling went away so he let me stay here for just a while but he will be back soon. By the way, I'm his cousin." ..." Did I answer all your queries Xiansheng?" Prince Gu Yuan said.

"Yes, if you say so." "Why did you use his clothes?"

"He lends it to me. He said that I should find a job sooner so I can move out here." Prince Gu Yuan said.

"May I ask a question Xiansheng?" "What are you to my cousin?"Prince Gu Yuan said.

"It's is none of your business. If you really wanna know I will tell you. He serves me everything thing I need as in everything that includes sleeping with me in our bed." Ying Qiang said.

Prince Gu Yuan was coughing as if choking because he could not believe it. "What the H*** did Bai Ling do?" "Why did he do such a thing?" "Is he in love with his guy?" "I even don't know his name." "I don't even wanna know." in his thoughts.

"Ni hai hao ma?" Ying Qiang said.

"Wo hen hao, Xiansheng."Prince Gu Yuan said

"Tonight you will prepare for our dinner in lieu of your cousin. Oh! Don't worry you will not be sleeping with me. You sleep in the guest room. Bai Ling is my wife."Ying Qiang said...

Prince Gu Yuan was shocked for just a little bit. After all his father and mother are both males...I mean my mother is both male and female. I would not be here without him...It's very rare indeed... I didn't know that in this modern time...People are so frank and vulgar with their words.


"Wo gai zenme ban? Wo hen xiang xi ge zao. Wo de shenti fa yang. Zhe rang wo tongku bukan." (What do I do? I'm dying to take a bath. My body is itching. It's making me miserable.)

"Wo haipa xizao." (I'm afraid to take a bath.)

"Ni hai hao ma?" (Are you Okay?)

"Wo hen hao, Xiansheng." (I'm fine, Sir.)

A/N: Shout out to all my readers and for those encouragements to continue writing. This chapter is dedicated to you. Thank you. Credits to the owner of the photo that I have been using for this story. Please do comment, vote on my stories. I feel rejuvenated after watching 42 Episodes of #UNTAMED going for 43 and 44 tonight... All of the chapters I have written is not yet edited. The photo above is other than Ying Qiang.

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