Frozen Flame (Male Child Read...

By ChrisReiniger

264K 3.7K 3.6K

Good or evil. Life or death. Light or dark. Living or dying. None of those mattered to (y/n). For as long as... More

Prologue: Meeting her
Chapter 1: New home
Chapter 2: Mother's gambol
Chapter 3: Setbacks
Chapter 4: Changes
Chapter 5: The vacation
Chapter 6: Transfer
Chapter 7: Mine
Chapter 8: Ice cold
Chapter 9: Liar liar slutty dress on fire
Chapter 10: The festival begins
Chapter 11: The fall
Chapter 12: Moving on
Chapter 13: Armed and ready
Chapter 14: My kitties
Chapter 15: Haven
Chapter 16: I like trains
Chapter 17: Advent of death
Chapter 18: Welcome to Argus
Chapter 19: The misadventure of (y/n)
Chapter 20: Atlas
Chapter 21: Choices
Chapter 22: Mommy
Chapter 23: Home
Chapter 25: Is it bad to be good?
Chapter 26: Is it good to be bad?
Chapter 27: Mommy part 1
Chapter 28: Mommy part 2
Chapter 29: Blake's big day
Chapter 30: Cinder's day part 1
Chapter 31: Cinder's day part 2
Chapter 32: The end
Chapter 33: Extra

Chapter 24: Broken

5K 82 35
By ChrisReiniger

Cinder POV

"Mommy someone's at the door looking for you, she said you owe her." (y/n) said, "And what did you do sweetie?" I asked, "I did what I do best...I made her my pawn." He said, "And how did you do it?" I asked, "By making her love me, people are easy to manipulate when they think they're doing it out of love." He said, "Oh sweetie...I'm so proud." I said as I hugged him.

Yang POV

"I still cant believe he actually went with her!" I said angrily, "Yang stop it. He's just a kid, and she's his mother no matter how much we hate it." Blake said sadly, "I knew he would be just like her!" I said as I punched a statue, "Is that what you're going to do to him if you ever see him again?" She asked, "If I have to yes." I said, suddenly someone slashed at me from behind, "WHO'S THERE!" I yelled, "Oh come now Yang is that how you greet your mother?" Mom said.

"You threatened (y/n) a defenseless child. Honestly where did Tai go wrong with you!" She said as she punched me, "YOU CAUSED THIS!" She said, "YOU CONVINCED HIM HE WAS CAPABLE OF NOTHING MORE THAN BECOMING EVIL! A MONSTER WAITING TO BE BORN!" She said as she continued to punch me, "N...No I..." I said, suddenly she kicked me into a wall, "Face it dear there's only one monster here, and it's not me." She said as she held her sword to my throat, "Do you even feel any sort of remorse for how you made that poor little boy feel? Did you even know that he tried his hardest to prove you wrong and be a good boy?" She said, "I...I. N...No, I didn't mean for him to...I." I said, "Pathetic. To think my daughter couldn't even realize that a child could hear every single word she said to her uncle about him. I have half a mind to kill you now just for how pathetic you are, but I'm going to let you live and repent for what you did to (y/n)." She said as she opened a portal and left. "What did you say?" Blake asked, "Blake I..." I said, "WHAT DID YOU SAY YANG?!" She shouted, "I said he's just using you to get close to us so that when we trust him it'll be that much easier for him to kill us all." I said sadly, "HE'S JUST A KID YANG! THE LAST THING HE WANTED TO DO WAS HURT ANYONE AND YOU SAID THAT!" She yelled, "What else did you say,W HAT ELSE!" She said, "I called him a monster worse than any grimm, a devil, and a demon." I said as I began to cry, "Yang how could you say anything like that about him, you didn't even know him! He just wanted to be happy and look at what happened thanks to you." She said, "He was going to pick me to be his new mother, and I was going to give him a good and happy life, but now." She said, "Blake that's enough." Ruby said as she put her hand on Blake's shoulder.

(y/n) POV

"Did you do it?" I asked, "Yes, I told her exactly how she made you feel and that pain will just keep coming thanks to that faunus girl having heard and seen Yang's reactions to everything I said." Raven said, "She always said I was that's what I'll be." I said coldly.

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