By gailrunschke

114 22 50



114 22 50
By gailrunschke


This limerick is a surprise 60th birthday tribute

to my very special cousin, Phillip.

My cousin works his farm in St. Helen’s. 

He grows cherries, apricots and melons. 

He sheared enough wool from his llamas 

To make the world’s winter pyjamas.

His life is idyllic in St. Helen’s. 


Dear Phillip is a most gentle fella, 

Adored by his doting poodle, Bella, 

Lovingly cares for his mum and dad 

Who have aged and their health is now bad; 

In summer they must cool  in their cellar. 


Their son, Phillip, was their dear little prince 

From birth through adolescence and ever since. 

He moved with them from Sydney to Perth.

That seemed much like the end of the earth. 

Took a trip to Tasmania to convince 


The family to retire to the isle 

Where all three would reside in royal style. 

Phillip could work a little on the side, 

Mum and Dad’s yacht would come in with the tide, 

They’d dump oysters on the deck in a pile. 


He gave up his practice as a masseur. 

He’d been a successful entrepreneur.

His cat is happy to have him  home, 

No longer has a tendency to roam 

But wants to stay on his lap and just purr. 


Phillip will never choose to leave Tassie. 

His band is in demand and it’s jazzy. 

He is my most loyal boy cousin, 

More so than the other half dozen.

Birthday wishes, dear Phillip, in Tassie. 

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