Frozen Flame (Male Child Read...

By ChrisReiniger

264K 3.7K 3.6K

Good or evil. Life or death. Light or dark. Living or dying. None of those mattered to (y/n). For as long as... More

Prologue: Meeting her
Chapter 1: New home
Chapter 2: Mother's gambol
Chapter 3: Setbacks
Chapter 4: Changes
Chapter 5: The vacation
Chapter 6: Transfer
Chapter 7: Mine
Chapter 8: Ice cold
Chapter 9: Liar liar slutty dress on fire
Chapter 10: The festival begins
Chapter 11: The fall
Chapter 12: Moving on
Chapter 13: Armed and ready
Chapter 14: My kitties
Chapter 15: Haven
Chapter 16: I like trains
Chapter 17: Advent of death
Chapter 18: Welcome to Argus
Chapter 19: The misadventure of (y/n)
Chapter 20: Atlas
Chapter 21: Choices
Chapter 22: Mommy
Chapter 24: Broken
Chapter 25: Is it bad to be good?
Chapter 26: Is it good to be bad?
Chapter 27: Mommy part 1
Chapter 28: Mommy part 2
Chapter 29: Blake's big day
Chapter 30: Cinder's day part 1
Chapter 31: Cinder's day part 2
Chapter 32: The end
Chapter 33: Extra

Chapter 23: Home

4.9K 81 80
By ChrisReiniger

Salem POV

"I thought I said I didn't want to be disturbed." I said as someone entered my room, "hi Mama Salem." (y/n) said as he hugged me, "Welcome home sweetie." I said as I hugged him, "Did you miss me?" He asked, "More than you will ever know." I said, "I have a gift for you darling." I said as I carried him off.

(y/n) POV

"M...Mama Salem it's too big!" I said, "Nonsense darling there's no such thing as too big. "Mama Salem said as she pulled the large sword out of its display case.

"I cant lift it." I said, "Oh well then pick out whatever you want my darling I made all these just for you." She said as she kissed my forehead. I looked around for a bit until I saw it.

"This one." I said, "Absolutely not, that is the one blade meant only for someone like me." She said, "Please Mama."I said as I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, "N...No the Black Lotus will kill you." She said as she turned away from me, "Wait what?" I said as I took the sword out of the case, "You didn't." She said as I dropped the sword, "Jaune did it!" I said, "What's a Jaune?" She asked as she looked at my hand, "Amazing, sweetie do you feel any pain?" She asked, "No, why?" I asked, "Sweetie that sword amplifies it's user's power to near god like levels, but at the cost of their life. I actually used it to create your mother's grimm arm." She said.

"Mommy." I said, "Don't." Mommy said as she pushed the tip of the sword away, "But I wanna heal your arm! Mama Salem said I could do it after I told her about my semblances." I said, "Honey Mommy is taking a bath now we'll talk about this later." She said, "Too late it's already done." I said, "Sweetie if I look to my left and see that I don't have an arm you are going in big trouble." She said as she looked at her new arm, "Come here." She said, I walked over to my mother and she pulled me into the large bathtub with her, "Sweetie you did good, but if you ever try to cut off another one of Mommy's body parts I'm going to lock you in a room with Port so you'll be forced to look at his mustache." She said as she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "Come on sweetie let's go see the new house." She said as she got out of the bath, "Wait we're not going to live here with Mama Salem?" I Asked, "No I had Neo go find us a new house, she gets to pick it out and buy it, but the house itself is ours darling." She said, "Oh and leave the sword here ok sweetie." She said.

"Neo I said a house, but apparently you took that as get us the most conspicuous, attention drawing mansion possible!" Mommy said angrily, "Well I like it." I said, "How much did it cost?" She asked as she pinched the bridge of her nose, Neo just shook her head.

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