Female-Creepypastas X Male(Dr...

By Dalkoron

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I wanted to take a swing at this and why? Because I feel like there could be a few where you actually work fo... More

Intro + Info
Chapter 1: Small beginnings[Re-written]
Chapter 2: A Gentle hand, to a scarred mind.[Re-written]
Chapter 3: Complicated living conditions[Re-written chapter.]
Chapter 4: Bizarre House Guests[Re-written Chapter]
Chapter 5: A delicate situational choice[Re-written chapter]
Question time
Chapter 0-1: The start
Chapter: 0-2 A New Life
Chapter 0-3 Training for whats to come
Chapter 6: The Ultimatum
Chapter 7: Forgive and Avenge
Chapter 8: Appeasing the people
Chapter 9: An unexpected new guest(NSFW - Lemon?)
So. True vote and debate time!
'I'm back!'
Chapter 11: To love the killers
Chapter 12: The Two Demons
Chapter 13: The 7-Hour Nightmare War
Chapter 14: Reconciliation with Demons
Not a chapter - Announcement
Chapter 15: A Dragon's Misfortune
Chapter 16: Prelude Before the Journey. A Dragons Heat?
Chapter 17: A Dragon's Heat(NSFW Included.)
Chapter ??: The Dragon's bloody return
Chapter ??: A Hyper Recollection
The Newfound Purpose(+Special Crossover Addition)[Chapter: ? ?]
[Chapter: ? ?] When reality meets Myth
Well. Hello. [WARNING: May be rather sad. Not a chapter.]

Chapter 10: Forget how to duck?

712 7 27
By Dalkoron

As a new guest arrives. Everyone is curious about how she knows Sevria. Sevria however only explains it to (Y/n) And from there. He remembers who they were and how they knew him. But to really say that he knows them is a stretch. However. They are still a loved one alongside Sevria now. But with this in mind. He wonders just how many people will pursue him. Her words still ringing in his ears as he prepares for the upcoming events in the mansion. And a combatant that he did not expect to come around.


[Also. The song at the top has become the theme song of the character of this book. Also. Intro music.]

**3rd person pov**

(Y/n) was preparing breakfast. He had gained that job a while ago when he first arrived here, being both chef and resident guardian. While also being the resident snuggle pillow apparently. Once he finished preparing breakfast he grabbed his plate, which was of scrambled eggs, bacon, and rice.

Jackie's plate was a specially seasoned and nicely arranged human kidney of course. The others he got creative in their meals in a way that fit each of them, however for now he kept to himself on that. Speaking in even a mutter or whisper meant he would probably give something away. So for now he kept his claws sharp.

As he ate however he felt a weight on his back and looked back slightly to see a friend from earlier. Noticing it was Scaria, he sighed and finished chewing his bite of breakfast and then swallowed, BEFORE talking. He then finally decided to bite. "Scaria, why are you on my back right now?" He inquired and then Scaria just shrugged. "It just feels comfy." She stated simply and (Y/n) sighed. That always seemed to be the answer so he just relented into it honestly. His scales were honestly fairly smooth, but really? Sleeping against something that can take a bullet without even being phased? That's comfy? (Y/n) Just shook his head and was about to take another bite till the others all came over as well, he was sitting on the couch with Scaria on his back, Jane on his right and Jackie on his left. Jess was close to the right, so was Benny and then Angel, Slenda and Zalga were on the left. Sevria and Sherika were in front of him.

He sighed before he just relented into this now and continued eating but then a question came up from Slenda. "So, (Y/n). Have you decided who among us you like the most?" She asked in a teasing tone. And (Y/n) Nearly choked on his food before he once again finished chewing then swallowed. "Okay. First up. I am not picking favorites, we all know how that ends up." The others aside from Slenda and Zalga, all nodded their heads.

When no one objected he continued on. "Plus, it's not my place to say. You girls are all really nice in your own ways. Jess is cute with that smile of hers and the pale skin adds a nice touch." Jess immediately blushed at the compliments. "Then there's Jane with the really beautiful way her eyes compliment the rest of her. Plus the style of clothing really goes together well." Jane giggled nervously as she ate. Then he looked to Jackie. "And Jackie. Seriously, what's not to love? She's nice, she's caring, and the best friend anyone could ask for. Plus kinda envy how her eye sockets are." (Y/n) finished and then gestured to everyone as Jackie as well was blushing behind her mask.

"Everyone has their own appeal. So I would gladly say that you all are my favorites. Equally." At this he didn't realize he had sealed his grave. He finished his food and looked to all of them as they stared at him and he blinked. After a few minutes he spoke up. "What?"

At that they all seemed to smirk and then giggle as he then quickly got up and walked to the kitchen. But he didn't notice Scaria still on his back. He walked over to the sink and set his plate in it. Then when he went to turn he took note of it. He put his hand up to his neck but felt her arms around it.

"How the fuck did I not notice you on my back?" He asked in a bewildered tone. Scaria simply laughed as she looked at him. "Probably due to how you've lifted heavier things. And I'm fairly light." (Y/n) simply blushed and tried to pry her off but couldn't.

But as he was busy trying to pry her off someone shouted from the living room. "Incoming!" He turned just too late as a water-balloon hit him in the face. He slowly opened his eyes to see everyone standing perfectly still as the culprit who threw it. Was none other than Benny, he noticed how Ann was stepped to the side to avoid it.

(Y/n) gritted his teeth and opened the cupboard beneath the sink before grabbing a rather big water gun, but this wasn't filled with water. This was filled with the grey slime from before, he took aim towards them. And then Ann just turned to them all and spoke one word. "Run.."

And run they did as he chased after them, the water gun landing a hit on Sevria first who looked at it and sighed. "Well..guess that counts me out of that game early. And Sherika snickered a bit as she looked at Sevria. "You always sucked at this game." She bluntly STATED to Sevria. And Sevria tackled her which resulted in a play fight.

**Timeskip while (Y/n) Goes around the mansion, rather expertly stealthing through it and getting the others one by one. But also remembering how the slime affects people. He then prays that it doesn't really work and only lasts short term if it does work.**

(Y/n) was wandering the forest now with his greatsword on his back and adorned in his armor, the armor he originally had made for combat against the mansions. What he hadn't expected was that in doing so, in being as he was alone. In the middle of the two. He had created a bridged divide.

He looked over his right hand briefly, clenching it shut and then flexing the claws slightly. As he did this he noticed he wasn't alone. He slowly turned around and grabbed his greatsword, getting into a ready stance.

The creepypasta were the tip of the iceberg in the secret world which lead him to believe that they weren't alone in being real. As he took note of his surroundings he knew now what he felt was off. He whirled with his greatsword in hand, catching a glancing strike on a rather tall humanoid with a machete and wearing a hockey mask. As well as a thick jacket and cargo pants and what he assumed as combat boots.

As he looked about though he noticed that wasn't the only one. "Meeting of the slashers it seems..ah well. Bring em on. I'll kill em all!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as a taunting challenge.

Once he did so he got ready in his stance and as Jason charged him he readied a wide arcing swing. 

[3:00 in the song for this part]

As he swung time slowed for him as he struck and the machete clipped his head, just barely glancing across his nose as he then slowly maneuvered to then uppercut Jason with his shoulder out of the way to get in the way of freddy as he then lunged for the next killer who was wielding a standard knife and really couldn't defend from this as the greatsword ran them through, he then ripped it free and then whirled about to watch as another knife struck for him but instead embedded into Michael.

Once he was out of the way of it he then quickly grabbed the wrist of Jason whom then tried to punch him but (Y/n) Then quickly slammed his knee into Jason's gut, a loud sound of bones snapping as he did this, he then rolled back as Freddy Krueger's claws lodged in the dirt.

The injured ones got up while Myers was well and truly down for the count. For now at least. As they circled each other, (Y/n) was working up the rage within him now. Gritting his teeth and growling as more began to surround him. But as he did this. Someone, somewhere. Was watching him with envious eyes.

[Author here. No they can't hear me once again. But I would like to say this. I may crossover a bit in this book come the next ten chapters and then some, depending on how you guys enjoy this. Anyways. I'll touch more on this at the end.]

[3:37 in the song]

(Y/n) Charged forth and now was in a berserker state as Jason slashed across the chest of his armor but it barely did any damage. (Y/n) then quickly slammed his fist into Jason's head, the mask shattering and revealing the mangled features beneath as he then followed up by a upward cleave, leaving Jason bisected on the ground, blood spraying into the air.

-{(Y/n) pov}-

I was bewildered. This was what was dormant? All this power, this fury. This anger...

I couldn't help but chuckled madly as I then looked to all those who surrounded me. Letting out a deafening roar heard from miles around as I then whirled with my greatsword in a arced slash across Freddy Kruegers chest and then quickly followed up with a raking slash from my claws in my free hand as it sliced Kruegers head and ripped off their jaw. Blood spurting onto the ground and my armor.

As they all continued to strike and move in on me I had enough. The strikes were making nicks and superficial damage into my armor and I could feel the pain stacking up. It wasn't enough. I. NEED. MORE. BLOOD!!

Once Scream tried to attempt a slash for my back I whirled about and sliced my blade across their front and used the momentum to then make a upward corner slash from the bottom, a rising slash which severed their left arm and upper body from their right arm and lower body. And once they were down I immediately turned and formed a sidearm that felt familiar to me. But I know I've never wielded this before.

Once the rounds left the sidearm I then tossed my greatsword up and formed a second one colored dark red. As soon as this was done I began to fire rapidly into the killer on my left with my right hand moving under my left arm as I then use left hand sidearm to begin firing into Leatherface while my right hand sidearm fired into one I didn't care to identify.

The night then echoed on and on with gunshots rapidly heard as I whirled about and fired into a constant wave after wave of various killers that tried to get me. But as they dragged on I noticed many had crimson armor upon them, drawn in by the shots no doubt..they'd all die the same.

With a bullet in their hearts.

**Timeskip of (Y/n) slaughtering hostile killers while remnant crimson fang warriors try to get close to damage him while rifles began firing upon him. (Y/n) Accumulating many injuries but not injured by that much. However as the dead had piled around him enough, the armor was battered, blood dripping from the helm and gauntlets.**

**3rd person pov**

Slenda and Zalga lead Jackie, Angel, Jess, Benny, Jane, and Ann through the forest, with Sevria and Sherika quickly ahead when they suddenly all stopped and their eyes widened at the sight before them.

Two banners were near the pile of corpses, a greatblade lodged into the top of the pile, with a heavily armored figure wielding two bloodied and bladed sidearms. Their helmet slipped from their head into their lap to show it was (Y/n). Unmoving.

Ann rushed up to him and then quickly held two fingers to his neck, but his body only hunched over slightly as Ann actually watched this with widened eyes as well. Tears streaming from her eyes. Slowly her hand fell as she tried to shake him, hoping this wasn't true.

Slenda and Zalga both walked up soon as well and then as they did so (Y/n) hand weakly grabbed Ann's hand, he groaned as he sat up with one eye shut with blood over it as he then looked at everyone gathered and then seemed like he was about to pass out. Ann however slapped him to keep him awake and tightly hugged him.

(Y/n) was definitely awake but the slap did NOT help the pain at all. He didn't bother talking now as it was a struggle to even breathe. Slenda and Zalga looked around at all of the bodies around the area. Sevria spoke up first. "Three hundred. There's at least three hundred bodies and.." She holds up a shattered remnant of Jason's mask. "A fair few dead slashers.."

At this Slenda and Zalga looked in disbelief, as did the others aside from Ann who was doing her damnedest to keep (Y/n) from passing out and dying.

While this was all done Jess spoke up. "Well. Guess we've got (Y/n) to slay three hundred!" Then everyone laughed at this and everyone gathered up what they could from the bodies. After all, they wouldn't need anything anymore.

(Y/n) thinks it over a bit as he was soon picked up by Sevria, his arm around her shoulders as she acted as his crutch. A faint giggle came from his left and he looked to see Jackie. "If you wanted to get food you didn't have to go through all of this." She gestured at the bodies and (Y/n) shrugged ever so slightly. "Felt like it fit for you..but..I guess, you're welcome for the food?" She giggled and playfully punched his shoulder which made him grit his teeth and wince and she noticed that. "Shit..sorry, (Y/n)." He rubbed his shoulder as best he could but then shook his head. "Eh..just..not so hard." Jackie snickered and so did he as they walked back to the mansion.

They all walked away, leaving a scene of mangled bodies and slashers behind them while the crows were feasting on the bodies gathered.

**Timeskip brought to you by (Y/n) sitting in the living room with a young Benny on his lap and a young Jess on his shoulder with a look of 'Seriously?' on his face as Slenda and Zalga laughed at him. Meanwhile (Y/n) still being carried by Sevria and Sherika, while he is smiling in his daydreaming state.**

-{(Y/n) pov}-

I woke up on a medical bed, shielding my eyes as best as I could but then it dawned on me, I held my hand up to my right eye and noticed that it hadn't opened yet, I tried to open it and noticed it could see but having my right eye open hurt like a fucking bitch! I gritted my teeth and made a mental note to not do that again. However as I moved my hand back I felt something tightly wrapping around my waist.

Once I felt it, I looked down to see Ann, crying into my chest. I slowly wrapped my right arm around her and she looked up at me, and I felt bad. What had happened? Why was she crying? I held at my head a bit but. Then she climbed up to me and looked me in the eye. She then lowered her facial mask and planted her lips against mine.

I doubt my face could get any redder than it was at that moment. I wrapped my arms around her and held the kiss with her. She leaned into it slightly. We both parted as we heard the door open and she quickly stood next to the medical bed. Smoothing her clothing a bit. She was blushing as well.

He snickered as he sat there and couldn't help but just sit up and watch as everyone had walked downstairs. Scaria was holding a plate of brownies which she then set on a table next to the medical bed. Everyone seemed to have had some aside from him. He snickered a bit.

Slowly he looked up and nodded to each of them as he got up and walked upstairs, and then outside of the mansion. Looking out at the forest as he stood there with his greatblade lodged in the ground in front of him on the path. He took note of this and slowly picked it up. A voice whispering in his ears.

'I'll be watching, (Y/n). Perform well and..I may just have to come see you.' As he looked around he saw a pair of dark red eyes not far from him and a brief flash of white.

As he saw this he rested his greatblade across his shoulders. A smirk on his face.

(Music began to play now as he spoke up the next words.)

"Well. Guess I'm the hot spot of everything now." As he turned back and walked into the mansion he walked over to the couch and laid down on it, closing his eyes to rest now.

Once he did he stood in a field with a towering creature made of black flesh and wearing bone armor all along it's body. Dark red veins running along it's whole body. It was in the shape of a gorilla but it stood on it's hind legs with it's arms at its sides.

A woman stood next to it with a hood over her head and he grinned as he stared down the beringel.

(Y/n) spoke calmly as he readied his greatsword. "Bring it on you ugly ape.." As he said this the music kicked in heavy as he charged it and it charged him at slower speed. It was it's undoing. He waited till it got close and as it went to strike, he lunged forward and sliced through it's mid-section.

As he did this, Beowolves and Ursa's rose all around as he looked around at all of them and then to the woman on the crystal throne. She grinned from under her hood. Having cracked pale white skin and he grinned. And charged into the mass of creatures around him. Immediately striking in a wide arc which cleared a wide clearing around him and then sliced to his right to cut a beowolf in half.

Moving his greatsword into his right hand, then grabbing his sidearm into his left hand and firing into two beowolves on his side. The horde had thinned but he was not one to bow down and die. And this was a great chance to test out his powers.

As they all continued to swarm him he took in a deep breath as his scales flared and spikes grew from his body on his arms and then a crown formed from them on his head. He then exhaled, letting out a large gout of black flames which consumed the grimm.

How he had come here in his dreams. He had no clue. But as he then sliced through the next and final grimm he walked up to the crystal throne and the woman formed a set of armor upon herself now. Her hood lowered and she only stood there not far from him with a smirk.

As they stood there he cracked his neck and grabbed his greatsword with both hands as she formed a greatsword as well. This one however was made of pure essence of the Grimm. The ones he had just killed and he grinned at her now.

"Looks like this will be one hell of a dream spar." She only hummed a chuckle as she readied herself as well. "Let's see if you're worth my attention and time then, (Y/n)."

They both then began to run towards each other and as (Y/n) came close they both leapt forward and their blades clashed. The dreamscape going black as the two locked into a long battle, both training each other in this battle. One that would last for hours on end.

**The title 'Blade of the damned.' comes up. (Y/n) standing with his blade locked with Salems now. Both grinning happily as a flame burned below the title, blood flowing down it slowly. Music playing in the background.**


WOO! First ten REAL chapters all done! That is the end of the first saga guys. That was the Secret World saga, and if you are wondering. I plan to put THREE sagas. The Creepy pasta saga which is next. Then there is the Salem Saga as the third one. The second saga will be all about you and the creepypasta's with Sevria and Sherika being more on the side. While the Salem Saga will be about, you guessed it. You and learning about how Salem came to be into this world of yours.

The reason I put this little bit of Rwby into the mix was because I needed inspiration for the final part of this chapter. Like always guys, thank you SO much for reading! I hope to see you all in the next two saga's for this! After that I will create a second volume and it will have a real title to it.

However this second volume will depend on LATER! For now. Enjoy these chapters. I hope you all are having a WONDERFUL life! And if not, well I do hope it gets better.

Take care everyone and I will see you all. In the next chapter!

Hl2 Citizen - "Good luck out there!"

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