MESS UP (An Error sans story)

By DT10016

33K 1.1K 1.1K

Error was a forced destroyer. Formed by Fate. Favored by​ Destiny. Hated by Ink, the creator. Nobody knew ab... More



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By DT10016

Error​ was​ taking​ a​ break​ in​ the​ anti-void​ while​ doing​ the​ most​ important​ thing​ in​ her​ life, watching​ Undernovela, with​ the​ voices screaming to​ get​ back​ to​ work.

It​ was​ unusually peaceful​ with​ Ink​ gone​ but​ it​ also​ mean​ that​ he​ was​ up​ to​ something.​ And​ Error​ didn't​ know​whether is​ it​ good​ or​ not.​ As​ far​ as​ Error​ knew​ him, he​ would​ be​ creating​ an​ Au, attending a​ meeting, hanging out​ with​ Dream​ and​ Blue​ or​ chasing after​ her​ when​ever he​ saw​ her​.​ Not​ that​ it's​ mattered​ but​ sometimes it​ was​ getting​ on​ her​ nerves.

The​ show was​ getting​ better and​ better​ each second.​ Until​ it​ reached​ the​ scene where​ things​ are​ going​ dramatic, a​ familiar​ feeling​ of​ pain​ piercing​ through​ her​ soul​ ruined it.

With​ a​n​ annoyed groan, Error​ stood up​ and​ left​ through​ a​ portal​ while​ the​ voices​ were​ cheering in the​ background.

When​ Error​ stepped​ out​ of​ the​ portal​ and​ looked​ around, she​ was​ confused​ and​ annoyed​ at​ the​ same​ time.​ The​ place​ looked​ exactly​ just​ like​ the​ anti-void, except​ there​ was​ no​ souls and​ strings.​

Second​ thing​ that​ was​ spotted was​ an​ army of​ sanses.​ And there's​ no​ sign​ of​ Nightmare's​ gang, her​ brothers​ and​ Dream​ which​ was​ a​ good​ thing.​ Lastly, a​ being​ that​ Error​ did​ not​ wish to​ see​ the​ most...


"Error!" Ink​ screamed out​ "Today​ is​ the​ day​ we​ are​ going​ to​ end your​ worthless destruction!"

Error​ wasn't even​ listening, she​ just​ sighed out​ "InK​ stoP​ tHe​ ACt.​ YoU​ JUst​ dOn'T​ lIKe​ it​ WHeN​ i​ meSs​ wiTh​ yOur​ PLAY TOYS." She​ spoke in​ a​ grumpy tone, only​ loud​ enough​ for​ Ink​ to​ hear.​

Swiftly, Ink​ grabbed his​ broomie and​ swung it​ at​ Error​ with​ a​ smirk on​ his​ face.​ He​ was​ aiming for​ her​ head.​ But​ as​ if​ she​ was​ expecting​ that, Error​ just​ stepped​ back​ and dodging it​ with​ ease.

When​ the​ sanses​ saw​ Ink​ attacked, they​ followed shortly except​ for​ two.​ It​ was​ Outer and​ Classic.​ Outer​ was​ shocked, Error​ was​ the destroyer? How?​ She​ doesn't acted like​ it​ when​ they​ met.​ For​ Outer, Error​ seems​ liked​ a​ child who​ needs to​ be​ protected​ and​ yet, he​ agreed to​ help​ Ink​ without​ knowing any​ details.

Except​ for​ the​ fact​ that​ Fresh​ gave them​ the​ plan.

As​ for​ Classic, he​ got​ a​ very​ bad​ feeling​ about​ this​ and​ the​ other​ reason​ was...

He's too​ lazy.

Why​ would​ he​ wasting​ his​ strength for​ an​ unfair battle? It​ was​ like​ one​ versus thousands? Or​ more.

They​ can​ handled it​ without​ his​ help​ anyway.

Classic​ looked​ at​ the​ shocked​ skeleton​ beside​ him​ and​ sat down​.​ He​ was​ a​ bit​ confused, what​ shocked​ Outer? Maybe, he​ knows​ the​ destroyer​ but​ didn't​ know​ they​ were​ a​ destroyer? 'What​ ever.'​ He​ ​sighed out​ mentally.

After​ an​ hour of​ watching​ the​ fight​ with​ Outer​ losing in​ his​ own​ train of​ thoughts.​ Classic​ was​ confused, was​ there​ any​ thing​ to​ be​ confuse​ for​ hour about? If​ so, what​ could​ it​ be?

As​ Classic​ lost​ in​ his​ own​ train of​ thoughts​ like​ Outer, a​ screams rang out​ snapping​ him​ and​ Outer​ out​ of​ it.​ The​ scream was​ from​ Error.​ Error​ was​ getting​ beaten mercilessly.​ It​ was​ nearly terrifying sight for​ Outer​ and​ Classic.

Error​ was​ surrounded by​ sanses​ and​ Ink​ and​ she​ was​ pinned on​ the​ ground​ by​ a​ sharpest bone​ attack​ piercing​ through​ her​ rib cage​ to​ her​ soul​ to​ the​ ground.​ She​ was​ glaring at​ Ink.

Ink​ was​ talking​ with​ broomie in​ his​ hands.​ "What's with​ the​ glaring, Error?" He​ paused, looking​ down​ at​ the​ injured and​ blood​ covered skeleton.​ "You​ know​ you​ deserved this.​ If​ you​ tell​ me​ why​ did​ you​ destroy​ AUs, maybe​ I​ will​ let​ you​ live."

While​ Ink​ was​ speaking, Error​ thought back​ on​ her​ life.​ Was​ it​ worth​ it? No.​ Happy memories? Taken away.​ Her​ feeling? Barely​ have​ any​ left.​

Why​ did​ she​ deserves such​ a​ cruel​ treatment for doing​ her​ job?

Why​ did​ she​ needs to​ go​ through​ so​ much​ pain​ for​ those who​ didn't​ even care​ about​ their​ own​ lifes.

Why​ did​ she​ even​ care about saving their​ sorry​ butt?

It​ was​ all​ for​ nothing.

Maybe​ it​ was​ because​ there​ were​ important​ monsters​ and​ fallen​ children that​ she​ cared about.

But​ then​ again, did​ they​ even​ care?

She​ was​ always​ there​ for​ them​ in​ their​ hardest time.​ When​ they​ cried, she​ was​ the​ one​ to​ comfort them.​ But​ what​ about​ her?

THEY didn't​ care.

It​ was​ all​ for​ their​ own​ benefits, for​ their​ own​ laughs, for​ their​ entertainment.

A​n​ insane grin made​ it​ way​ on​ Error's​ face.​ "HaHAHAhaHahAhaHhahHaHa!!!" She​ bursted out​ in​ laugher.​ Slowly, she​ stood​ up​ and​ torned away​ the​ useless​ bone​ that​ they​ used​ on​ her​ as​ a​ bond.​ Shocking everyone​ but​ Ink.

She didn't​ care anymore.

They​ won't​ have​ the​ last​ laugh,

" ¿! ¥0U W1LL​ L37 m3 l1v3!? Wh@T​ k1nD 0F §1¢K j0k3 1s thAT!" She​ screamed out, like​ when​ the​ voices​ and​ Ink​ screamed​ at​ her.​ "3v3N 1F i​ t3££ y0u, 1t w0u7Dn't m@tteR!!! Y0u​ w!£L s@y ¡'m Ly1nG! Y0u​ ju$t w@nt3D m3​ g0N3!" Suddently, Error​ stopped​, tears rolling down​ her​ face​ and​ her​ grin turned​ into​ a​ smile.

A smile​ of​ happiness​ or​ what​ it​ was​ supposed​ to​ be​ with​ her​ emotions gone.

Some​ were​ confused.​ Some​ felt​ regret.​ Some​ drawn out​ their​ weapons, ready for​ the​ worst.​ But​ for​ Outer, it​ was​ terrifying.​ Even​ though​ he​ wasn't that​ close​ to​ Error, he​ already knew​ that​ this​ is​ not​ going​ to​ be​ good.​ He​ wanted to​ teleported​ there​ and​ stopped​ Error​ but​ his​ body​ was​ frozen in​ fear.

"isn't​ that​ right, Ink? This​ was​ just​ a​ game​ to​ you.​ My​ life​ isn't​ even​ mine to​ control but​ this​ time​ I​'ve made​ my​ own​ decision.​ Like​ they​ say​ '​who​ would​ miss a​ GLITCH​ anyway?'" Error​ spoke emotionlessly​ "Some​ people​ can​ only​ learn from​ their​ mistake.​ That​ is​ you​ Ink.​ Goodbye."

After​ Error​ finished​ her​ little​ speech, she​ opened​ a​ portal​ to​ Outertale​ and​ went​ in.​ Not​ forgeting to​ close​d it.​ She​ looked​ at​ the​ stars​ for​ the​ last​ time​ and​ fell​ down​ into​ the​ darkness of​ the​ void.

And​ that​ is​ the​ day​ Ink​ knew​ he​ messed up.

. . .

"Get​ out​ of​ my​ house!" Hate​ hissed at​ the​ 90's reject​ skeleton.

"Come on, my​ radical home​ slice! This​ ain't ya home​ in​ the​ first​ place." Fresh​ said, jokingly.​ Then​ another​ uninvited guests came, kicking the​ door down.

It​ was​ Outer and​ his​ pissed off​ octopus friend, Nightmare.

When​ Nightmare​ saw​ Fresh, he​ tried​ to​ kill him​ with​ his​ tentacles.​ Hate​ and​ Outer​ just​ ate some​ popcorns and​ recording the​ whole thing.

"Dude, have​ som' reason!? I​ did​ nothin'?" Fresh​ said​ in​ a​ questioning tone, pissing Nightmare​ even​ more.​ "You​ did​ nothing? YOU​ DID​ NOTHING!? YOU'RE​ THE​ ONE​ WHO​ GAVE​ INK​ THAT​ FRICKING PLAN​ AND​ NOW​ ERROR​ IS​ DEAD!!"

Fresh​ took​ a​ few​ seconds​ to​ process everything​ and​ when​ he​ did, he​ said​ the​ most​ radical​ word​ ever.

"F*ck" He​ said...

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