Silver Lining

By DontConcealTheFeelz

12.1K 438 17

This will not be your typical Sterek fanfiction ~When all is bad,and when everything goes wrong-there love is... More

Chapter1:New beginnings
Chapter 2:Your What
Chapter 3
One Week To Go
Chapter 5
Assumptions and Falling Action
The Irony Of The Situation pt.1
The Irony Of The Situation pt.2
The Irony Of The Situation pt.3
One Way Or Another Im Gonna Find Ya!
Trust Who Can Be Trusted
Mood Swings
Unexpected Surprises
Unexpected Surprises: Part 2
Do you like it?
Unexpected Surprises:Part 4
ThankYou My Children
Trapped In A Personal Hell
Different Day,Every Day
Goodbyes Are Hard
Who's There? Fate?!?!

Unexpected Surprises:Part 3

321 13 0
By DontConcealTheFeelz

Cyrus's POV

"So,your telling me that your mother,the one who died,is a ghost and can see you and Liam because you are family",i ask,still dumbfounded about this whole situation.It's one thing to take in werewolves being real,but now ghost."Yep,thats exactly what I'm telling you",Stiles sighs.My eyes widen."Is there more supernatural creatures,or is that it",i ask.He shakes his head and chuckles."Well there is a thing called a Kanima",he tells me."You know what,say no more,i don't even want to know",i reply laughing breathlessly.

"Another thing",he says looking down.I look at him confused before I lift his chin up so his eyes can meet mine."You can tell me anything",i tell him.He smiles before taking my hands in his and lowering them from his face."I want,no,i need to go home.My mother was right,i need to face Derek,and my feelings for him.Plus tonight is the full moon and this is my last chance to win Derek back and I ,I'm falling hard and I can't loose him.Cyrus the past couple of weeks or month has been great--besides ninja Kate and all.I love being here with you and I'm so glad that I met you again.We have grown close and I'm so thankful for that.I don't want to be giving this long mushy speech,but when we get back there will be drama and I just want you to know that I care so much about you and I thankyou for getting me through this.But,i think it's time to go home",he finishes.I smile at him sadly.

"I figured you'd want to leave soon.I respect that.And,i care about you too,a lot.But,we both need to face reality.I need to face Luca,i miss him.So,since we've got everything out into the air,let's get packing.We've got six hours".

Derek's POV

"Don't,dont say stuff like that Peter the full moon is close and I have no clue why I'm loosing my control",i growl at my idiot uncle who is taunting me for no exact reason.I swear in times like these I want to rip his head off-or rip his throat out."Ok,ok I apologize.I understand that taunting is not....right at this time.Is there anything I can do dear nephew",he asks me.Curse him for his wordage."Call Deaton",i growl banging my head on the wall my eyes flashing through red,blue and there original.I have no clue why I'm loosing control this full moon.The last time I lost control was when I was fifteen.Fifteen for Christ sake.

I look out of the corner of my eye as I see Peter taking out his phone and taking his sweet precious time to dial Deatons number.I groan snatching the phone out of his hands and dialling his number as quickly as possible while Peter just smirks.I swear I'm gonna kill him--again.When Deaton answers I sigh in delight.

"I take it someone's happy that I answered",Deaton says."Very,now can you tell me why I can't control the shift",i growl into the phone,my voice wavering."Tonight is an eclipse young wolf.All alphas who have not experienced a full moon eclipse yet will not be in control.How is Luca holding up,he shouldn't be in control on his first full moon.I take it he didn't change the last full moon",Deaton spills out information like a waterfall.And why am I so stupid.I should've called Deaton when Luca didn't change last month.Great Derek Great.

"I'll check on Luca,you figure out...this",Peter tells me before running out of the room.

"Peters checking on him,now about me,how do I gain control",i ask him,all my patience nearly running out."Well,remember when I showed Stiles how Ultra Mates calm each other down",he asks.I nod,forgetting that he can't see me."Yeah",i reply confusedly."Well,that is literally the only way on planet earth for you to gain control and not kill someone",he tells me.Shit.I bang my head against the wall once again."What are you saying Deaton",i ask."Im saying that Stiles has about 5 hours and 45 minutes to be back at the pack house before you lose complete and utter control."

Ethan's POV

"Do you have to chain me up now",Garret grunts as his eyes change from green to yellow.I nod."Oh yeah.I have no clue why the full moon is affecting you sooner than it should be,but it is.And unless you want to do a killing spree running with the wolves I'm tying you up.",i reply tightening the bonds on his arms and legs."Ah,perfect.You will get a lot stronger so think of nice things and don't break the chains",i mutter sarcastically."Ok,so.Have you thought of a trigger",i ask the boy bound in front of me,hoping he had thought of a trigger.I seriously don't want newbie werewolves destroying Beacon Hills.He shakes his head and I groan."I couldn't think of anyone sorry.But if it comes to mind I will let you know",he tells me.I nod.

"So,what do we do until the full moon",he asks."Sit and wait",i reply."Thats no fun",he says.I laugh at the clueless boy."Oh,you'll see".

Stiles POV

I stand in the door frame of the hotel we had stayed in.I was really going to miss this place.It was my temporary escape and now it's over.It's fine though I guess,i was going to have to come back eventually,i just never thought I'd be leaving so soon.Liam had gave me his phone number and address.He only lives fifteen minutes away from Beacon Hills--which is awesome.The pack is definitely meeting my brother.

I'm glad to be going home though.I miss Scott as much as I hate to admit it.I miss Lyds and I even miss Jackson and Isaac,which is weird.But all In all it'll be great to be back home.

I feel a hand on my shoulder making me flinch and turn around."You ready,everything packed",Cyrus asks.I sigh and nod."Yeah,let's go",i say reluctantly."Oh cheer up,your about to go get your man".

Authors Note

Unexpected Surprises Part 4 will be up tonight with the sterek! YAY!!!


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