The New Kid (Sander Sides Sto...

By ghostneeds0sleep

2.4K 127 25

-Completed- Book 1 Roman was known for his talent. He was an amazing singer and Football player. Everyone kne... More

Chapter 1 - The New Kid
Chapter 2 - Lunch and Ice Cream
Chapter 3 - Truth or Dare
Chapter 4 - The Fight
Chapter 5 - The Fort
Chapter 6 - The Walk
Chapter 7 - Dreams
Chapter 8 - Skinny Love
Chapter 9 - Food
Chapter 10 - I'm cold
Chapter 11 - The store
Chapter 12 - Moving
Chapter 13 - They are just Dreams
Chapter 14 - Ice cream
Chapter 15 - Pasta
Chapter 16 - Breakfast
Chapter 17 - The vister
Chapter 18 - Road trip
Chapter 19 - Road Trip 2
Chapter 20 - Yellow Bud Cafe
Chapter 21 - Drugged and afraid
Chapter 22 - Driving and Pizza
Chapter 23 - John
Chapter 24 - Some things are just not meant be said
Chapter 25 - Mary Moores
Chapter 26 - We need to talk
Chapter 27 - The festival
Chapter 28 - You did what!
Chapter 29 - Its a new day for a new chapter
Chapter 31 - I am not as think as you drunk I am.
Chapter 32 - Hang overs suck
Chapter 33 - Movies
Chapter 34 - Christmas Day

Chapter 30 - The Note

32 2 0
By ghostneeds0sleep

T/W - Fighting, Language, and Police.

Virgils POV
I wake up in my bed. It's Friday. Finally I am done with this week. One more day. I get up and go to the bathroom. My cuts are still there but they don't hurt as bad. I still have a few marks from the fight but I will fix that. I pull out my makeup bag and put on primer and foundation. I look at the eyeliner and put the bag back into its spot. I walk out of the bathroom and take out my hoodie and black ripped jeans and my shoes. I grab my bag, phone, and my ear buds and walk out of my door. I drive to school today. I get into my car and I drive to McDonald's.
"Hello what can I get for you today?"
"Can I get a French Vanilla Latte and a small order of fries."
"That will be $5.37."
I pay and get my food. I drive around school as I finish my drink and fries. I see Logan walking to school. Ugh I get I will give him a lift. I hate you Mortality why do you have to do nice. I pull up next to him and roll down my window.
"Yo Logan. Come on. I am driving you to school." I say
"No I can walk."
"Nope come in."
He goes to the other side of the car and hops into the passenger side.
"Thanks for the ride."
"It is no problem. Also I am sorry about how I reacted Tuesday. I was just upset I guess." I say
"I understand. I later understood why we were a little upset. I seen Roman and Patton kissing."
"Yeah. I don't care about them though. If Roman wants to breakup with me for Patton so be it. But I won't go begging for him."
"That's the spirit." Logan says
I laugh and we pull up to the school.
"Hey let me walk you to class." Logan says
"Well I I need to go to my locker first then i will meet you at yours." Logan says
We walk into the school and I throw away my food and I go to my locker and take my stuff for my classes. I shut my locker and Logan is standing there.
"Let's go." I say
"So are you going to the Halloween party next Friday?"
"Probably not. How about you."
"I don't know yet. It gives me a reason not to be at home though."
"Yeah. Well here is my class bye I will talk to you later."
I walk into the class room and I realize I was smiling. I quickly stop and walk to my seat.

After class

I walk out of the classroom and I see Roman and Patton talking. Then I see Logan.
"Logan wait up.'
"What's up Virgil?"
"Do you want to sit with me at lunch?"
The last few days I was eating all by myself but I ate really quick and I sit in front of my locker and listen to music till the bell.
I smile and walk to my next class with him.
"Bye." I say
"Bye." Logan says
I go into my class. Math. The easiest class I have. But it was with Roman. I hated being in the same room as him. But he moved on so shall I. I decided to sit right infront of Roman to be a bitch.
He didn't do or say anything about it. At the end of class he gives me a note or something. I leave it there and when he leaves the class room I put it in my stuff. I will read it at lunch.
I go to ally classes and then it is finally lunch. I sit down next to Logan.
"Hi Logan." I say
"Hi Virgil."
"How was class anything interesting happen."
"No not really. How about you?"
"Yeah. Roman have me a note."
"Oh yeah Patton gave me one in the hallway. I haven't read mine yet."
"Same. Do you want to read them to eachother?" I ask
"I will go first." I say "Dear Virgil, I am truly sorry for how this all played out. I did not mean to hurt you. I thought you would understand. By the way, I knew you were working at the movies Tuesday I just wanted to see you. I hope we can still be friends. Love Princy." I finish reading
"Wait you work at the movie theater?"
"Yeah. I do Drinks and Snacks."
"Okay read yours."
"Dear Logan, I am truly sorry for how this all played out. I knew our relationship wasn't going to work. I am sorry. I don't really know what to say so here are some drawings of cats and dogs. Love Patton. With a heart behind his name."
"I see. Well that was a waste of my time." I say
"Maybe we should be friends with them again." Logan says.
I look over to them. They look so happy without us. I don't want to ruin it.
"I don't want to ruin there happiness."
"Virgil you won't."
"Are you sure?"
"I don't believe you. Anyway I think we should give them a bit of space." I say as I look back at Logan.
"I understand."
We finish eating our food and we go to my locker.
"What are we doing here."
"We are going to listen to music." I say
We listen to music till the bell rings. I didn't realize that I had my head on Logan's shoulder. I feel safe with him. No Virgil you just broke up with Roman.
"Okay let's get ready for class." I say.
"Okay. See you after school." Logan says
I get my stuff for my classes and then I go to my classes. The bell rings to say school is over. I go to my locker and a paper falls out. I read the paper. It was for a Halloween party this weekend. I put it in my bookbag and I get all my books. I close my locker and there was Logan.
"Hey Virgil." He says
"Hi Logan. Hey did you get invited to his party for tonight?"
"You going?"
"Are you?"
"Here I will go if you go."
"Well I guess we are going then." Logan says.
"Hey do you want to spend the night at my house tonight?"
"Um sure. Can you take me to my house to get some stuff?"
"I was going to give you a ride to your house anyway." I say as I giggle.
I take Logan home. Then I sit in my car and wait for him. I hear yelling. I get out to check it out. I knock on Logan's door and go inside.
"Um is everything-" I see Logan on the floor with blood coming from his nose. And his dad with blood on his nose. I run to Logan.
"Are you okay?" I ask
I get up.
"What in the fuck did you do to Logan."
"I punched him. Would you like me to do the same with you?" He asks
"Hit me bitch." I say
He swings but I move. The I kick him in the dick. He punches me in the face.
"Call 911." I tell Logan.
"Hit me again." I yell
He keeps hitting me but I keep moving them I hear the police. This time I let him hit me.
"Get your hands off the kid." A officer yells
One comes to Logan and I.
"Are you guys okay?"
"Yeah." We both say
"Is this man your father?" She asks us
"Not mine." I say
"Okay thank you." She gets up and puts Logan's dad in cuffs.
"You are under arrest for child abuse."
They take him to there car. I help Logan put.
"Still wanna come over."
"Yeah." He says.
He gets stuff for the night and we walk to my car.
"Thank you for what you did there." Logan says
"It was nothing." I say
We get into the car.
"What do you want from McDonald's?" I ask him
"McFlurry and Fries." He says
I drive to McDonald's and order 2 Oreo McFlurrys and 1 large fries. We get out food and I drive us to my house.
"Okay let's go in." I say
I open the door and I plop onto my couch and eat my McFlurry.
Logan sits down next to me.
"Are you going to ask why he hit me."
"It isn't my business."
"Okay. Thanks."
"But I will ask. Does he do that a lot."
"First time in a long time. I think he was drunk."
"Okay. Well your safe now."
"How did you know what to do?"
"I didn't I just hoped it would work." I say
"Speaking of work I just realized I have to work today at 6:30."
"I will go to the movies with you.'
"You sure?"
"Yeah. I will watch whatever is on."
"Okay. Then we can go to that party for a bit."
We talk more and then I have to go to work. I work till 10.
"How was the movie?" I ask
"Pretty good. Let's go party now." Logan says

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