Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x D...

By EarthAngelGirl20

92.2K 2.8K 2.8K

Darcy has a habit of making questionable decisions, but when she's offered a job that she'll actually be paid... More

Taser vs Trickster
Space Omelettes
Fun And Games
Coffee And Confessions
Trust Issues
A Strange Situation
Get Help
Undomestic Bliss
A Perfect Day
Under My Skin
The Right Kind Of Wrong
Covering All Bases
Talking Tactics
Bizarre Love Triangle
Lost In France
The Importance Of Being Pragmatic
Piece Of Mind
Love The Way You Lie
Risky Business
Epilogue: Part One

Epilogue: Part Two

2.7K 114 80
By EarthAngelGirl20

One Year Later

Darcy stood leaning idly against the doorframe, the late afternoon sunlight caressing her skin.

The air was cool, fresh, crisp and smelled  of salt, a scent that was now reassuring and comfortingly familiar to her.

It smelled like home.

Above, gulls circled, cawing their usual chorus as they made their way inland, heading for the cliffs that lay just beyond the quaint fishing village of New Asgard, the coastal community that was now home to the Sakaaran gladiators and Asgardian refugees.

This settlement in Norway, was set in a flat, sweeping valley surrounded by steep mountains which gave the place an extraordinary, desolated kind of beauty. The small town, which was made up of charming little houses, also bordered a sandy bay.
For six months of the year, sparkling snow covered the dramatic rocky landscape, and in the evenings the aurora borealis painted the sky like a magical, enchanting canopy.

But unlike any other relatively small township, New Asgard was also a veritable kingdom. A kingdom prospering under a fair government, and of course, their newly appointed ruler.

Following the battle against Thanos and the Black Order, Thor had made the somewhat shocking decision to step down, and even though as the rightful heir he still held the official position of King, his adoptive brother now reigned on his behalf as 'Prince Regent'.

Initially, Darcy had had some difficulty understanding the title, but Loki was more than happy to enlighten her.

"The definition of a Prince Regent is a prince who rules a monarchy due to the sovereign being either incapacitated or absent."

"And the sovereign is the King, right?" She'd asked, just be sure they were both on the same page.

"That is correct. And at some point in the not-so-distant future, Thor will be an absent King, seeing as he wishes to devote his time to travelling the world with our future sister-in-law."

He had said this in a way which suggested he found Thor's reasoning mystifying, tiresome, and even downright idiotic.

Though Darcy had her own theories. Secretly she suspected that Thor had happily given the kingdom to Loki as repayment for his bravery during the battle, and quite possibly by way of rewarding him for his loyalty, for not having double-crossed Team Earth.
And then Jane had told her that Thor was more than just a bit disenchanted with the entire concept of being tied to his magisterial duties. He had absolutely no intention of taking up his position or interfering, as long as Loki behaved himself and didn't neglect the subjects of New Asgard.

Loki was determined to prove even the most harshest of his critics wrong. Intent on embodying the role of the people's saviour, he was content to rule peacefully and relatively quietly, basking contentedly in the power and glory that his newfound status afforded him. And Darcy could not have been more proud of him.

His first act as Prince Regent had been to use his sorcery to enchant the pips from the golden apples of Idun's orchard, in order to speed-up the growth of the saplings the Nature Goddess had planted. Fortunately for the Asgardian Natives, who relied on the magic of the apples to maintain a youthful appearance during their longevity, Idun had had the forethought to salvage some of the previous harvest before Hela had begun her vengeful quest.

The part Loki had played in providing the necessary help for the new orchard to flourish, undoubtedly helped him gain favour with his subjects.
And when he had given one of the apples to Darcy, presenting it to her as a wedding gift, she had been deeply touched by the significance of his gesture. For not only would the apple keep her young, it would also prolong her life.

"Does this mean I'm stuck with you for all eternity?" She'd asked in mock-horror.

He'd arched a dark brow, feigning apology. "Yes I'm afraid it does, love. Do you think you can withstand such a fate?"

"Oh I think I can just about cope with it. I'm willing to give it my best shot anyway. I'm kinda awesome like that."

"And that is why I love you, Miss Lewis."

"Um, excuse me? It's Missus Laufeyson now, or have you forgotten that already you gorgeous pain in the ass?" She had teased, poking him in the belly.

He hadn't been able to return the playful gesture, as she had been six months pregnant at the time.
Initially she had cringed at the thought of getting married whilst so heavily pregnant. Not wanting to waddle unattractively down the isle. But Loki had persuaded her in the end, reassuring her that she looked beautiful.

He was nothing if not persuasive.

Her thoughts drifted back to the present, as she suddenly spotted the unmissable figure of a lone rider sat atop a magnificent black steed, framed against the backdrop of the spectacular scenery.

Think of the devil, and he will appear, as her granma always said.

Darcy smiled to herself contentedly, absently likening the sight of her handsome husband to some Fairytale Prince, the likes that any Disney heroine could only dream about in their wildest fantasies.

But he wasn't a fantasy, he was gloriously real.

Whilst his countenance and posture betrayed centuries of aristocratic breeding, the shiny gold helm he wore ensured that there was no mistaking his identity or air of authority. And much to his secret delight, the people -- his people -- had accepted him as their ruler without bias, once they learned that he was in actual fact a fair and capable leader. He had earned their trust, and it meant everything to him.

Although he had secretly ruled on Asgard for years before the revelation of his true identity. But that was a different story, perhaps one best less forgotten. Maybe at best, a story to tell the grandkids one day. Along with how Grandpa Loki also once tried to enslave the human race, and wipe out another one entirely.


Well, at least the tales of his colourful past would provide endless hours of entertainment for generations to come. No one would ever be able to accuse Loki of Asgard, Rightful King of Jotunheim, the God of Mischief, of being boring.
Darcy only prayed that their grandchildren never picked up a Norse Mythology book. If they did they could end up being emotionally scarred for life.

Still, he had at least now redeemed himself. That was an irrefutable fact.
Even Brunhilde, the cynical Valkyrie, who'd been appointed as Chief councillor and Royal advisor, had reluctantly admitted -- albeit grudgingly -- that Loki deserved some credit for having left his shady past behind him. Once she'd been able to assuage her concerns and biased opinion, the feisty former Sakaaran scrapper had grown accustomed to his somewhat derisive manner, and even the arrogant tilt of his head and judgemental gaze, which had previously made her want to knock his perfect teeth down his throat.

They still butted-heads of course, but to Darcy's relief their perpetual discord was now tempered with a bantering sort of playfulness which wasn't cruelly meant, and their disagreements thankfully didn't escalate to violence anymore. The last time having been at a security council meeting, when Loki had proposed that a gold statue be erected in his likeness, to commemorate his recent acts of bravery.

As Loki reached the brow of the hill now, his keen eyes swept the horizon and came to rest on his wife. With a gentle nudge of his booted heel, he urged his steed from it's leisurely trot into a purposeful canter.

Hastily she attempted to smooth the snarls from her hair by dragging her fingers through it. There was a brisk wind rolling in from the ocean, and it had tousled her hair into an unruly cats-cradle.
Not that Loki ever seemed to mind her being dishevelled. It sort of came with the territory when one was caring for a teething baby.
Similarly, Loki didn't mind the way in which she still wore regular clothes, save for when there was a lavish banquet being held, or some other grand affair, in which case she would then don one of the many beautiful Grecian-style gowns he had purchased for her, specifically designed for such occasions.

Yes, he was still proving himself to be an absolute darling. A caring, attentive, loving husband and father. Darcy, like their daughter, was loved, cherished, spoiled rotten, and excessively happy.

Loki entered the small cobbled courtyard at the front of their grand home, and a groom appeared right on cue, bowing benevolently and taking the reins as Loki dropped down from the saddle with an effortless elegance that Darcy still marvelled at.

"Hello honey, I'm home." He flashed a foxy grin as he ascended the steps. "Have you missed me?"

"Yeah but my aim is improving." She joked, smiling goofily at him like a smitten idiot.

"Ouch! You wound me, wife."

Embracing her tightly, he bent his head to catch her mouth in a deep kiss, which made her liquefy in his arms.

"How has your day been, love?"

"Great actually. Jane dropped by and we took a walk down to the bay. Which reminds me, Mister, I've got a bone to pick with you." Darcy prodded him in the chest as they made their way into the house.

"Oh dear, sounds ominous. Am I in trouble? That's a rhetorical question of course. What have I done now dearest?"

"You neglected to mention that you've given Korg a new job."

Loki's mouth crooked up at the corner. "Did I? Sorry it must've slipped my mind."

"Liar. You just didn't tell me because you knew I'd object!"


"As much as I love Korg, I don't need a bodyguard, Loki. I can take care of myself and Freya."

"I know that better than anyone, but I'd rather you be accompanied when you go out, for my own peace of mind. You do get along with the Kronan after all, and besides....I thought he'd benefit from being given a sense of purpose, rather than him spending all day playing those loathsome computer games."

"Aww, so you offered him the job so that he'd feel useful? That's so sweet!" She cooed, giving him a squeeze as they walked side by side along the hallway.

"It is not sweet." Loki protested, as if he found the concept repugnant. "I'm paying him in gaming vouchers, whatever the hell they are."

"You're just a big ol' softy really aren't you, your highness?"

"Keep pushing your luck, wench, and I'll be forced to punish you for your insolence." He warned.

"Ooh, promises promises."

"Where is Freya? Is she still sleeping?"

Darcy nodded. "Yup, I put her down for her midday nap and she hasn't woken up yet. She was pretty beat by the time we got back from our walk. The sea air really wipes her out, bless her."

"In that case..." Reaching for her again, Loki tugged Darcy toward him, threading his arms around her waist. "....might I suggest we make the most of this rare opportunity and waste no further time conversing? As much as I love our little talks, I'd much rather be ravishing you."

A languid heat flushed through her body, and her tingling nerves stood to attention. Along with a certain part of Loki's virile anatomy.
God he was so damn sexy and adorable it made her wild. How he managed to be both naughty and nice was beyond her. Though granted, he was looking and acting more naughtier than nice right now.

"But I'm a complete mess." She pointed out, self-consciously, running her hands across his sturdy, leather-clad chest.

"Nonsense. You're dazzling." He assured her kindly.

Darcy shot him a sceptical look. "Loki, my hair is full of knots, I smell like banana pudding, and I'm covered in baby drool."

"Mmm, banana pudding. Yum. Doubtless you'll smell good enough to eat then, love."

"Is that right?" She snickered.

His eyes latched onto hers, glistening with mirth. "Absolutely. If you doubt me I'd be more than happy to prove it to you."

"Oh really?"

"Really. And I'll leave the horns on for you. They'll give you something to hang on to."

She giggled girlishly, as he nuzzled her neck, kissing the most sensitive spot beneath her ear, which he knew had an immobilising effect on her limbs.

She gasped unsteadily. "You're a very bad space boy. Damn I wish you wasn't so tempting. You know I can't resist the horns!"

"Then don't." He purred salaciously, causing Darcy's stomach to cramp with lust.

Unable to fight it anymore, she fisted her hands into the material of his cape, pulling him flush to her, and he responded immediately by pushing her up almost aggressively against the wall.

His fierce sexual restraint thrilled her. He wasn't unlike a tame, but potentially lethal, big cat. All long, lean, powerful limbs, he prowled around languidly, then a predatory glint would appear in his eye and he would pounce.

He brought a hand up to her face, his thumb easing her bottom lip open so he could explore the recesses of her mouth with his velvety tongue.
He tasted amazing. Sweet, sinful and rich, dark chocolate.
With a soft creak of leather, he deliberately pushed his knee between her thighs, lifting it until he felt the heat of her through his trousers. His breath was uneven, all hot and racing in her mouth as he swallowed her whimpers, relishing the pleasurable sounds he drew from her. Surrendering herself to pure physical sensation, she trembled against him as their kisses grew hungrier and more frantic, aching for him with a burning, desperate need.

And then just like that, the familiar sound of their six month old child wailing, shattered the moment, jolting them from their passionate reverie.

"It would appear the baby is awake." Loki husked, smiling against Darcy's lips.

"She has the worst timing in the world!" She harrumphed. "If I didn't know any better I'd swear she does it on purpose."

"Allow me to tend to her." He said, removing his horned helm.

Darcy smiled as she took it from him. "Be my guest. You'll be happy to know that I'm pretty sure she won't need her diaper changing just yet. She's probably hungry now."

Loki sighed with relief which made Darcy chuckle. She knew there was only three things in the world that truly scared Loki. One of them had been Thanos, but he was now thankfully out of the picture, which left only Thor when he was really angry at him, and dirty diaper duty. Which Loki affectionately referred to as 'the three dreaded D's.'

But she also recognised the bond he had already forged with Freya. She was in every sense of the word, daddy's little princess. Of course Darcy loved her with all her heart and soul, but Loki had taken to parenthood like a duck to water, and there was no questioning how deeply he adored her. Never one for displaying emotions outright, he did not prattle on endlessly to their friends and family about her like Darcy had a tendency to do. Instead Loki expressed his love in many different ways. Affectionate, heart-melting ways, such as singing her a lullaby each night before she went to sleep.

Darcy only wished she could sing like that, but she was to her dismay, completely tone deaf. A fine example of her inability to hold a note had been when she'd sang a drunken rendition of  'Unconditionally' by Katy Perry to Loki, during an impromptu karaoke night at the Avengers Tower. Tony had likened her efforts to a tortured animal that needed to be put out of it's misery, and Loki had gallantly defended her.
Even though he had sat inwardly cringing, whilst forcing a brilliant smile. And she couldn't help love him for that.

To Darcy's unexpected delight, he on the other hand, had been blessed with a surprisingly good, smooth, tuneful voice. Having now been introduced to the wonderful world of Disney, he had memorised the words to 'Baby Mine' from Dumbo, and hearing her beloved sing it to his little girl with such heartfelt sincerity, never failed to move her to tears. Every night without fail she would hear him through the wall, or sometimes she would observe quietly from the door of the nursery, as he cradled their little bundle of joy and mischief so tenderly in his strong arms, rocking her gently whilst reciting the lyrics...

"Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart, never to part, baby of mine.
Little one, when you play, pay no heed what they say. Let your eyes sparkle and shine, never a tear, baby of mine.
If they knew all about you, they'd end up loving you too. All those same people who scold you, what they'd give just for the right to hold you.
From your hair down to your toes, You're not much, goodness knows. But you're so precious to me. Sweet as can be, baby of mine."

God it hit her right in the feels every time.

He disappeared now off up the stairs eagerly, whilst Darcy headed for the kitchen to prepare a bottle, and make Loki a pumpkin spiced latte.
She heard Freya's cries subsiding over the baby monitor, as Loki gently shushed her until she quietened, snuffling softly instead as he spoke to her gently.

"Daughter of mine, how do you suppose your mother and I are ever going to produce a younger sibling for you to torment if you insist on interrupting at the most inconvenient moments? Perhaps we can come to some arrangement, hm?"

Fifteen minutes later he was sat reclining on his favoured, wing-backed leather chair, their daughter bouncing happily on his lap, gurgling with delight as he sang the Asgardian nursery rhyme that she seemed to love so much....

"The Bony King of Nowhere, he sat upon his throne. He didn't much like sitting there because his throne was made of stone
His throne was made of marble white, it's feet were made of gold, it was a royal throne all right but it was extremely cold.

That skinny king of Nowhere, was feeling very chilly, he said to go on sitting there was really very silly.
He jumped up on the table, and said "Please will you find, a seat that's soft and suitable to warm a king's behi--"

"Loki!" She interjected with a giggle, and he quickly corrected himself, his voice gilded with amusement.

"....just see what you can find.
They fetched him up a hammock, but they couldn't keep it still. They put him on a rocking horse but rocking made him ill. They sat him on a woolsack, but that rubbed up his knees, they rolled him on a feather bed but that simply made him sneeze.

That poor old king of Nowhere, just sat there looking sad. He said "If you could help me, I'd be oh so very very glad."
Two mice came up from somewhere, behind their royal chum. They said "Dear king, here is a thing to warm your royal bu--"

"Loki!" She repeated, and he fought to keep from bursting into one of his wild laughs.

" stop you feeling numb"
The thing, it was a cushion, of silk and gold brocade. So square and soft and small and light, and very neatly made.
Now the happy king of Nowhere, is smiling on his throne. His smile is rosy, his seat is cosy, although his throne is stone."

Darcy applauded and whooped, much to Freya's enjoyment, and she joined in by clapping her small hands together.
She was so perfect. Intelligent, beautiful and mischievous just like her father, she had also inherited his striking raven hair. As she snuggled into him, her large blue eyes goggled up at his adoring face in wonderment, her tiny fingers curling into his own black locks.

Darcy's heart swelled with happiness, filling her with a warmth, a sense of stability and comfort, that could never be rivalled. Watching Loki, now having cast off his Asgardian illusion as he so often did when in the privacy of their home, his beautiful azure skin was a pleasant reminder that he now felt comfortable enough with himself, and Darcy, to simply forgo the need for any pretence, and be himself completely. Safe in the knowledge that he was accepted, desired and loved.

And like Darcy, everything he ever wanted and needed was right here in this room.
They hadn't been looking of course, hadn't even realised what they were missing or stopped to consider how empty and incomplete their lives, their hearts were. That was until they both found immeasurable happiness in the most unlikeliest of places.

In each other.

The End

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