Falling To Peices

By DarkThoughts22

894 27 2

After her Mothers strange death, Blake Colby is led back to her childhood town, Boulder Colorado. She returns... More

Feeling Her
Familiar Faces
Dirty Looks and Unusual Talks
Days Never End
Deep Thoughts
Never Ending News Part 2
Company Loves its Misery
Early Mornings
Answers Spill Out
Rude Awakenings
News to Me
A Surprise at the End
A Day with Jayden
Stories That Explain All
To Grandmother's House We Go
A Visitor To Stay
Don't Get Ahead Of Yourself Kid
Being Free
Try to Behave
Hunt or be Hunted
Hiding From The Boogey Man, Or So To Speak
Time to Die
Saying Goodbye

Never Ending News

31 1 0
By DarkThoughts22

I've been updating like crazy! Just trying to everything out there! Don't forget to comment!(: Thanks!

Chapter 5

I wake up with an excrusiating headache. My eyes feel swollen so I rub them continuously until I know I have to get out of bed. I push the covers off of me and practically roll out of bed. It is the third day I have been living in my fathers house and already I am being distracted. I havent unpacked my bathroom stuff nor the rest of my clothes to fit in my closet.

I grab my basket of bathroom things, my necesaries like a shaver, shaving cream, tooth brush, some lotion, and toothpaste from the house. I take them with me along with my towel wrapped around my arm carrying it across the hall toward the bathroom. I close the door behind me and turn on the fan and flip the water so the steam fills the area of the bathroom. I quickly take the band out of my hair and let the knots fall down and while I strip my clothes off. I test the water with my toes and turn the shower head on and climb right in feeling the hot water refresh my body of the tiring couple of days.

When I arrive downstairs Dad and a strange but beautiful women sits at the kitchen table sipping coffee out of Colorado cups. "Oh look whos up." Dad says obviously talking to me.

I wave my hand afraid of what might come out of my mouth. "Blake, this is Jenna. She is an old friend of mine." Dad continues when I have nothing else to say. I grab a cup of coffee and sit down across the table from my Dad and kitty cornered from the new visitor Jenna.

I sip and drink my coffee while being stared at by the two of them. When I finally get irritated enough, I finally say something. "Whats up?" I ask looking at the both of them.

Jenna has green eyes with rich dark red hair. She is very attractive. She wears a black shirt along with a light blue sweater. Her fluffy white coat sits behind her hanging on the chair. She must be rich.

"Blake, we need to talk about something. About our relationship." Dad says after taking a sip and then looking back at Jenna. About "our" relationship. Mine and his, or Jenna and his? That was cool if he was dating again. No big deal to me, Im glad he moved on but where did she come from and why hadn't he said something before? There you go making it a big deal! My subconscious tells me. I erase her from my thoughts and focus on my father's moving lips.

"A baby." He finishes. What? What did I miss?

"Wait, what?" I ask honestly confused.

"Maybe its too soon." Jenna says more to my father than me. "No, No I just didn't hear you." I go on without her permission.

"Blake, we are having a baby together." Dad repeats himself. A baby? How long have they known eachother? A couple months? A year? Where does she sleep? Will she sleep in his room? Again none of my business.

"Well, thats good Dad. That you have moved on and all but you honestly don't need my permission. Im really fine with it-"

"Blake, slow down. Are you sure? Just give it a couple days and let it sink in. Okay?" Dad tells me holding onto Jenna's hand now. Wow. A baby? Living in this house? I take a quick glance at Jenna's belly and she is skinny, I don't see any bump or anything that looks like a form of a belly. Maybe they just found out? Of course.

"Well, Im going to be late for school. I'll talk to you later." I eye them both before i grab my bag and coat and head out toward the truck.

As I drive to school with the heater blasted and the music a little quiet I begin to think about what it would be like to have a younger sister or brother. Even though he or she would only be a half to a women I barely even know, I hope she doesn't try to replace my Mom.

Even though I have been an only child for all my life, by the time the squirt gets here I will be leaving for college in less than a year, so will I even have time to get to know him or her let alone the mother? Jenna. She seemed, unique. She didn't really give off a bad vibe nor a good one. Maybe she will come around more, why hadn't Dad told me about her sooner? I mean I have been here for like three days and nothing, not even a word that he had a girlfriend let alone got her pregnant. Hmm, a brother from another mother.

I dread climbing out of the truck into the cold winter air. Its snowing now even more than yesterday. Great. I need to find a job so I can buy my own car instead of showing up in this old thing. Maybe a jeep, or a mustang. Yeah.

I finally get the nerve to climb out of the truck and bow my head down toward the ground so the snow doesn't hit me in the face. I watch my boots crunch against the snow, it sends chills up my spine. I feel the footprints of the other person before me as my feet sink into theirs.

"Hey, watch where your goi-" I look up instantly and notice I have run into Cassidy.

Her eyes are filled with hate but mine are full of much worse. She gives me a weird look and then walks off as if she is in a hurry. What the hell is her problem?

"Hey! Cassidy!" I yell after her. I'm not sure if she hears me but she turns around and stalks back toward me. "What the hell do you want Blake? Can't you just go back to where every the hell you came from and stay there!" She yells at my face and I think I see tears form in her eyes. 

What have I done so badly to make her hate me? "Wait Cassidy. I don't know what I did. Please tell me." I ask her before she stalks off one more time. This time I grab her arm so she can't go anywhere. She looks at my hand and I let go immediatley.

"You want to know what you did to me that makes me hate you so bad? Why don't you ask your fucking father?" And that was it, she walks off and I am frozen where I stand wondering what my father had to do with anything, and then my mind goes straight to Jenna.

First Hour zooms by and second hour becomes more and more boring as I listen to Mrs. Barns talk about History of Rosa Parks. Why are we even reading about her? I read about her in like eighth grade.  I listen doubtedly and wait for the bell to ring. I quickly rush to third hour so i can get a seat at the front of the class. Yesterday I could barely hear my computer teacher talk.

The day goes on boring as ever, I sit alone at lunch once again and accompanied by some weird boy with nerd glasses and kahkis. Why is he wearing those pants during the dead of winter?

I leave sixth hour happy, I love my Chemistry teacher, Mr. Wattcott. He explains things so temporary. He is so sure of himself and if hes wrong he will check himself once more. I instantly check him off my teacher hate list.

I walk down the hall and turn a bit and find myself infront of my Geometry room. I finally get to see Christian. But I shouldn't be so extatic. He rejected me the last time I seen him and it left me in a daze. I don't know what to expect when Im around him. He makes me so, tenso, so unsure of myself. Why, why does he-

"You going to open the door?" I whip around and find Christian in a blue tight shirt that brings out his eyes. Oh my god, he is breathtaking. I can't believe he stands before me with such ease.

"Umm, yeah." Is all I can say. But I just stand there frozen in his gaze. And all he does is smile at me. He doesn't even move his eyes. His glued to mine and I feel an electric shock go up my spin and shock me. "Ouch!" I yell out. That really did hurt, and it really did happen.

"You felt it too." He akss me. "Well yeah I felt it, but what was it?" I ask curiously.

"Later, now we have to learn some Geo." He ends it with a smile.

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