If We Could Only Turn Back Ti...

By SeducingZouis

5.3K 30 19

What would you do when the love of your life leaves to chase his dreams? What would you do if he completely f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirteen

177 0 0
By SeducingZouis

You graoned as you heard knocking on your door. "Cheyenne? You awake? Can I come in?", said a voice behind the door. You shoved your face into your pillow, "Who is it?". You heard the door open across the room, then gently shut. You didn't feel like lifting your head to look at who it was, "Ugh it's too early". You heard a chuckle and the person climb onto your bed. They wrapped their arms around you. You looked up from your pillow when they started kissing your neck, making you jump, "Zayn? What are you doing here? Who let you in?".  He let go of you and laid down on the other side of the bed next to you, "Louis did. Do you think he knows about us?". You sat up looking at Zayn, "I would think he does after I came home in your clothes the other night". Zayn chuckled, "Well you looked good in my clothes, I think Louis can keep a secret". You smiled as he sat up along with you, and pulled you in for a kiss.

The kiss was broken when there was more knocking at the door, "Hey guys. Can I talk to you?". You and Zayn sat yourselves farther apart, "Yes", you shouted. Louis walked in, "Hey Cheyenne do you mind driving one of the cars to the aiport? We need another person besides Paul". You scratched your head, "Uh yeah, no problem. Which car?". "Harry's Range Rover", he replied, "Well you better get ready, We're leaving in a half an hour". You groaned and flung yourself into your pillow once more. You felt Zayn press a kiss to your cheek, before getting off the bed and following Louis out of your flat.

You ran down the hall to the bathroom to squeeze in a quick hair wash. You walked back into your room to get dressed. You knew today was supposed to be colder so you slipped on some jeans, a sweater, scarf, and a pair of boots. You quickly put on make-up. You phone began ringing so you walked over and picked it up, seeing that Harry was calling you, "Hello?". There was a couple second pause on the other end of the line, "Oh Cheyenne, Sorry bout that. Are you ready?". You grabbed your bracelet, put it on and then grabbed your flat keys, "Yeah, I'll meet you guys at your car". You hung up with Harry and walked out your front door, locking it behind you. You were startled when you heard a voice behind you, "Cheyenne, all ready?". You saw a smiling Harry behind you, "Thought you were at your car already?". "Nah, I had a few extra bags to bring out, everyone else it out there already", he replied still smiling.

Harry walked you out of the the complex, and down the steps to his car where Zayn, and Louis were standing. Zayn watched intently as he walked you out. Once at the car, Harry turned to you nd dangled his car keys infront of you, "Now Cheyenne, please don't crash my baby. I know how you drive sometimes". You scoffed and grab the keys out of his hands, "You're delusional Styles. I drive just fine". You recieved a few chuckles from Zayn and Louis before you got into the driver's seat of the car. Harry got into the passenger seat while Louis and Zayn climbed into the back. You started the ignition and pulled out after Paul who was driving Liam and Niall. Paul guided the way through the directioners stationed outfront of the complex. "Don't run anybody over Cheyenne", Louis  laughed. You shook your head, "Thanks for the confidence Lou".

The crowd of directioners neveer seemed to end. "What the hell are they doing?", you laugh, the boys all look up. You rolled down your's and Harry's window and the sun roof. Harry turned to you, "What are you talking about?", Harry said confused. You  smiled, "Liam and Niall......Loook at the sun roof.....Listen, They're blasting One Thing". The boys begin laughing hysterically, and Louis climbs up into the sun roof of Harry's car. You glance at him quickly, "Louis get down, you're making me nervous". He leaned down, "Hold on, I want to take a picture of this". Louis went back up into the sun roof and took out his phone and took a picture of Niall and Liam dancing out of the sun roof to One Thing. Louis, still in the sun roof, quicky tweeted the picture to Niall and waited for him to answer. You could see Niall pick up his phone and read the tweet. Niall looked to your car and flashed Louis the finger. Zayn pushed Louis' but, "Get that out of my face already". Louis plopped down into his seat laughing. "I'm guessing Niall didn't notice you took that picture", you said giggling.

Finally the sea of directioners ended once you and Paul drove onto the highway. You reached over to the radio and turned it on, Wings started to play. You rolled down your window and slipped on your red Ray Bans, and began singing the lyrics outloud. Zayn looked up at you, a smiling forming on his face. He took out his IPhone and started recording your reflection off the side mirror of Harry's car. Harry and Louis began watching you as well. You sang the ending notes of the song and just happened to glance at each of the boys for a split second. You raised an eyebrow, "What?". Louis leaned forward, "You're really good, did you know that?". You pushed your sunglasses up to the top of your head, "You were watching me?". Harry smiled, "Of course, wasn't expecting that to come from you". Your cheeks began to burn red, "Well that's embarrassing". Zayn leaned forward, "And it'll be more embarrassing seeing it on twitter then love". You quick turned to him and back to the road, "ZAYN! You didn't". Zayn sat back down chuckling to himself, "Oh but I did". You groaned and bit and pulled your sunglasses back down.

If felt like you were driving forever. You finally saw the exit sign for the airport pass by. You sighed. Harry looked at you, "What's wrong?". You shook your head, "Nothing". He watched as you gripped the steering wheel tigher, "Cheyenne....No it's not nothing". Zayn and Louis became intruged. Zayn leaned forward, "Cheyenne? Are you okay love?". "I'm fine!", you shouted as you slammed a fist into the steering wheel, causing the horn to blow. You noticed Niall in Paul's car infront of you pop his head out of the car and shoot you a glare.

The airport finally came into view and Paul led you into a reserved spot, blocked off by security from directioners. Cameras flashed as you and Paul pulled the cars into park. The boys filed out of both cars. As you got out, you felt almost blinded by the cameras. You rubbed your eyes, Harry noticing. He walked up to you and wrapping his arms around you, "Cheyene, you're definitly not okay". You cuddled into Harry's chest, sheeding a few tears, "I don't want you guys to leave". Cameras took photos of this moment as Harry said nothing, but ran his fingers up and down your back. Zayn walked up besides the two of you and leaned against Harry's car, wanting to hold you but not wanting anyone to know about you and him. Harry released the hug and grabbed your hand, pulling you along to the back of the car where Louis was unloading the bags. Harry let go of your hand to help Louis. Zayn stood next to you and rubbed your back. You walked next to Zayn into the airport.

The boys stopped in the middle of the airport to say their goodbyes. Louis walked up to you and gave you a hug and a peck on the cheek, then Harry, then Niall, and then Liam. Louis, Harry and Niall all walked up to the gates. Zayn was the last to say goodbye, he pulled you in for a hug and when you thought was was going to walk away you saw him look at the boys before grasping your face and pulling you in for a kiss. Nothing broke the kiss, until you heard Liam shout, "HOLY CRAP ZAYN". Zayn quickly let go of you. You saw Louis, Harry and Niall all turn around and look at the two of you. You lowered your head, "I think you have to go". Liam watched the two of you, waiting for Zayn. Zayn leaned in for a hug and whispered in your ear, "Text you later". You watched as he walked off with Liam to the other boys, and watched as they questioned him and Liam. You stood in the same spot watching as they walked through the gates onto the plane.

Paul walked up to you, "Do you need to follow me back to the Complex?". You shook your head, "Nah, I have to run some errands". Paul shook his head approvingly, "Alright, just be careful with Harry's car, paps will be all over you". You smiled, "I will, I promise". Paul walked out of the airport and drove away. You stood there for a few more minutes before deciding you should go. You walked out of the airport and to Harry's car, paps and directioners still swarming the area. You laughed at how ridiculous they were. It was unbelieveable though how you were in a position every girl dreamed to be.

You opened the door and climbed in. You decided to watch the video Zayn posted of you on Twitter. You read the comment "@ZaynMalik: Who else thinks she is amazing?". You laughed and watched the video shaking your head. You then set your phone on the dash. You put the keys in the ignition, slipped on your glasses back on, and turned on the radio once again. You started the car and let off the brakes. Suddenly, your phone on the dash buzzed, not once but twice. You put the break back on and picked up your phone. The first from Zayn, "Love you boo, text you when we land". You smiled before opening the next text. This one from Harry, your eyes of happiness turned wide as you read the text, "I Love You Cheyenne ".

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