The Rich Man's Blood *Maxwell...

By CupcakeCross

153 3 5

Many years after the events of Kindergarten, Felix Huxley is the newest boss in his father's company and is f... More

001- Huxley Under Pressure

148 3 5
By CupcakeCross

It all had been planned... His future, his success, his riches... His fate. What Mr. Huxley always wanted. But what fates did the Huxley twins receive?

Teddy Huxley, now aged 32, and happily married to his wife Carla and possibly expecting a child soon. He had the job at the company as the receptionist to welcome the employees when they come into work and earned about half of his pay which helped him actually afford a nice house in the countryside for his wife and his unborn child to live in.

Felix Huxley, now also aged 32, lived a complete and total opposite life to his joyful brother. He ruled the company with an iron fist under the watch of his father who made sure he was kept uptight and knew what to do with disrespectful employees. Felix wasn't married or had anybody he liked as he kept himself emotionally dead, not even laughing when his brother attempted a rather amusing joke or when he accidentally slipped which looked quite hilarious. He lived in an apartment in the city they lived in on the top floor that was meant for the higher class only.

Both twins, born on the selfsame day, but complete different fates. One lived his life gaily with his family, while the other was completely alone and unsure whether he's enjoying his life or not.

This was the life that was chosen by fate; for the Huxley twins.

"Mr. Huxley! I have a question for you, what do you expect the company to achieve?"

"Mr. Huxley, what do you think of those who are trying to shut your father's company down?"

"Mr. Huxley! What do you aspire for this company?"

So many questions, it made Felix's brain hurt just to listen while being blinded by millions of flashes left, right, and centre. Standing at a podium, answering questions, and avoid losing your sight from the cameras looked a lot easier as a child but now he felt like he was standing on a loose tile.

"Silence!" he cried into the mic causing a painfully loud echo to ring into all ears, "I will not be bombarded with such idiotic questions! What we achieve here at this company is the satisfaction of the customer and the production line to continue. As for those who dare try shutting us down can take their words and shove them up their arses!" Felix finished by standing tall and straightening his red tie, hearing the uproar of the people.

"Settle down!" Mr. Huxley, Felix's and Teddy's father, called out as he and Felix swapped places, "now I know you're eager but I'm afraid we're going to have to end this press conference here. Now, get lost before I call security!!"

Felix was left watching all the reporters leave like one big herd, it looked honestly like a scene from The Walking Dead. The blonde groaned under his breath as looked at his lap.

"Felix?" the said twin looked to find his brother standing there holding a coffee in his hands, "I've made coffee, would you like some?"

But before Felix could open his mouth to speak, Mr. Huxley stepped over.

"Begone, Ted, Felix has to be at a meeting at 6 PM sharp!" he glared.

Teddy frowned, "again? He's been at meetings all day, I never get to talk to my own brother anymore since our twentieth birthday..." the boy whined only to get rudely kicked out.

"Talk to me like that again, Ted, and I'll fire you!!" Mr. Huxely roared.

Felix remained to stare at his father with a usual poker face. Mr. Huxley looked at his son with his usual look as if he had stepped on a large thumbtack.

"What the hell are you waiting for, Felix? That meeting ain't going to do itself!" he snapped, shooing the boy out.

Felix nodded only to leave the conference room and quickly made his way to the office where he instantly saw the faint markings on the whiteboard from the last meeting. The blonde entered the room only to instantly began wiping it away.

"Felix!" Teddy cried running in, "sorry... but I just can't stand to wait any longer."

Felix looked at Teddy oddly only to sigh and finish up making the whiteboard more white.

"Please say something Felix, I hate this silence. Please talk to me..." Teddy placed his hand on Felix's shoulder.

The second Teddy's skin touched Felix the male instantly reacted by turning and shoving the boy down to the ground, the coffee in his hands ended up falling and spilling its contents all over Teddy's lap and shirt.

"Ow!! Hot! So very hot!!" Teddy suddenly sprang up and did a funny little dance while trying to keep his coffee-stained clothes touching his body, "Felix, why?" he whimpered as he looked at his blank staring brother, "I only came to see my twin brother, didn't know I came here to pay a visit to my father's puppet." he glared and rushed off, leaving the spilled coffee cup on the ground with some coffee still ruining the lush carpet.

"Teddy..." Felix sighed, not even feeling a slight bit of remorse for the twin didn't even feel a pang of guilt for what he had done.

The meeting soon came and went before Felix could even blink. It was so dull and boring that nobody really smiled. Felix looked at his notes he wrote only to place them in his bag.

"Mr. Huxley, what's up with Theodore today? He seems to be in pain, should I call an ambulance?" one of the employees asked Felix as the male got his coat on.

"Don't bother," was all he said, "it'll be over in a second." and with that, he stepped out.

The streets of the city were as gloomy as usual. Not much colour to be seen, the local citizens who seemingly walk around as if they're wearing a noose as a leash, and the weather always threatened to ruin everybody's day. Felix seemingly managed to fit in this crowd of lowlife zombies, not even caring if he got bumped or not, he didn't want to bother with the lower class.

Felix moved on with his life only to slip inside a small cafe that he usually went to during lunch hours, not too far from the company. He sat down and took out his notebook only to begin writing plans for the company down in his bullet black ink pen. The lady who took people's orders didn't bother Felix asking and just quickly got his order the minute she spotted him.

"Thank you," he said when she placed the cup of tea and a plate of thin-crusted ham and cheese sandwiches. He stopped writing and began to have his small lunch as he brainstormed while a storm outside began to rumble and quake.

"Did you hear? Another victim was found this morning!"

Felix stopped midchew as his ears picked up the sounds from the table not too far from his.

"Really? Where?"

"It was near the company where that Huxley guy works. One of the employees, can't recall his name."

"You don't think this killer was after Felix Huxley, right?"

Felix stopped dead. A murder? At his father's company? That did make sense why they were one man short on the team. Just thinking of what this person guessed made his blood run cold and his heart gets slightly faster with fear. Was someone really trying to kill him? Felix scanned over his notes, trying to get that stupid thought out of his own head, why should a man like him be thinking of silly thoughts like that. Suddenly, Felix heard a very loud crash come from right beside him, the suddenness of it made his heart leap into his throat and a pathetic yelp out of his throat.

"GAH!!" he looked at the source of the noise to find a woman had dropped some plates due to another woman shoving her.

"That's what you get for insulting my looks!" the blonde woman snapped and marched out angrily.

Felix soon calmed himself down from his sudden jump scare only to notice the cafe suddenly looking at him, small hints of snickers could be heard.

"Is that really Felix Huxley?"

"I didn't know he could squeak like that!"

"He seemed a lot more professional on the television but not in real life."

"Haha! Did you hear that scream? He was so scared hehehe!"

"I expected that noise to come out of his brother, Ted, not him!"

Felix looked around only to put back on his serious face but couldn't remove the blush of embarrassment he got after making a fearful noise like that. He finished up his food, put his notebook back, and stormed outright as it began to rain. He instantly began to run back to the company, seeing the massive building in the distance, but he failed to notice the other man in the black coat steps into his path. The two instantly collided and ended up both on the floor.

"Ugh..." Felix coughed only to push himself up.

"Ow... I'm terribly sorry..." the other man said as he sat up, "I wasn't watching where I was going and... heh." he got up only to offer Felix his hand. Felix stared at the male-only to slowly take his hand and was pulled up quickly.

"Err... Thank you, I must be going." Felix said and began to walk away only to flinch as he felt pain strike his knee, "ah fuck!"

"You alright?" the man asked.

"I'm fine!" Felix hissed and began to try and walk back despite feeling the tears enter his eyes as he began to walk. He slowly reached the company where people began to stop and stare at him, "as you were!" he cried at them, but they didn't and continued to stare in shock. When Felix entered the building he found Teddy sat behind his desk playing with a little self drinking bird as he munched on his sub sandwich. The twin instantly noticed the shadow Felix was casting and looked.

"Hello, Fel-- holy hell! What happened to you?" Teddy gasped.

"What are you talking about?" Felix cocked up his eyebrow at his horrified twin brother.

"Did you visit a farm and took a tumble into the pigpen, Felix?" the red brother asked, standing up, Felix could see the large coffee stain still there and ruined the vibrant red suit.

"Why would I travel to a stupid farm to fall in a pigpen, Ted?" Felix glared.

"Well..." but before Teddy could start, Mr. Huxley stormed in.

"Felix, good grief. What right mind would come in a state like that? Whose son are you?" he yelled, grabbing Felix via the wrist and held it up to Felix's face.

The male looked at it with wide eyes. His palm was scrapped and he could see dirt and a small bit of blood coming out. He then rushed to the toilets where he found a mirror and looked at himself. His blue shirt was ruined with mud, his hair was no longer the smooth style he put it in this morning but almost as if he had placed a bush on his head, his tie looked like it was trying to make a break for it as it was now pressed at an odd angle to the side like a compass arrow, his trousers were wrecked as one leg had ripped and he could see he had also scrapped his knee like his palm. He really did look like he fell into a pigpen. But, how did that man not stop him from going back as a complete mess?

"Get yourself cleaned up, you've got another meeting coming up!" his father yelled at Felix who was staring in awe at what he saw.

Felix winced and instantly got himself cleaned up, Teddy trying to help by getting his brother the first aid kit and helping Felix with cleaning and plastering the wounds.

"I guess this must've been karma for the coffee incident huh?" Teddy joked, "now that I am a mess, you two became a mess. Boy, I'm glad we're even again."

"I beg your pardon? I'm sorry, but I have a lot of important business to attend to so..." Felix glared and began to walk away only to flinch as his knee throbbed with pain, "agh!" he hissed only to look back at Teddy.

"You must've hit your knee pretty hard, it had way more blood than your palm. Let's get you to your meeting and see how you do." Teddy said walking over to his brother only to take his arm and wrapped it around his shoulders and Teddy placed his arm around Felix's hip, "now, we're going to walk as slowly as possible." he then began to help Felix walk through the company building without causing Felix any more pain than he already was in. The two made their way slowly up the stairs, slowly through the hall, and finally reaching where the meeting was only to find a very pissed off looking Mr. Huxley.

"And where were you two? I expect my son to be here before we are, sharply!" he yelled.

"But father, Felix's knee was badly hurting him. He would've taken way longer if I didn't..."

"Shut it, Ted, and get your arms off Felix! Now!!"

Teddy whimpered and did so. Felix groaned only to attempt to enter the room only for a squeak to escape his lips as his bad knee almost buckled under him.

"I... I think we wasted enough time here. We'll be back when your brat remembers he's not a little boy at kindergarten anymore." a large man in a smart suit said, standing up and left with five people.

"I hope you're proud of yourself, boy, now pull yourself together. Don't be such a clown. You have to remember where you stand with this company." Mr. Huxley hissed only to leave, shoving Teddy against the wall.

Felix attempted to go after his father to explain himself but found himself taking a very ungraceful and painful tumble to the ground as his leg buckled under him.

"Felix!!" Teddy gasped and rushed over to help his brother only to watch him get up.

"Ted! I'm fine." he puffed as he leaned against the desk for support, "why don't you go back to your wife, I'm sure she's having a tough time without you there supporting her with the baby..." he panted as he then got up and began to hobble away.

"But Felix, you're hurt!" Teddy tried to chase after him only to run face-first into a glass window, "Felix!" he moaned, rubbing his bashed nose.

 Felix continued to hop his way out only to finally feel the pain fade away and he could walk without wincing. He sighed as he finally began walking normally again.

"I think I just need some sleep." he moaned, his hand ran through his blonde hair. Felix didn't dare look back, to check if Teddy was chasing after him, as it would be a waste of two whole seconds. All Felix could conclude in his life; it's a living hell.

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