Creepypasta boyfriend scenari...

By KreepyKitten2000

942K 12.7K 11.8K

This is a creepypasta boyfriend scenarios book. Accepting new characters and chapter ideas. When suggesting... More

Creepypasta boyfriend scenarios
First Meeting Him
Hanging out
This weird feeling around him
When he confesses
When he asks you out
Authors note (sorry!)
First date/Seeing his human form
Christmas Special/first kiss Part 1
Christmas Special/First kiss part 2
First Kiss (Redo)
When you snuggle
When he yells at you
When he apologizes
Time of the month
When he meets your parents O.o
Meeting Your Parents Part 2
Author's note
When you kill someone
Happy Easter!
When He Has To Leave
When He Comes Back
When You Help Him Relax
When he catches you reading a fanfic about him
Happy Appy
Bloody Painter
Jane the Killer
When You Get Jealous
When he walks in on you while you're changing
When he tries to be/is sexy
When he catches you fangirling
His friend catches you making out
He catches you singing
Slenderman One Shot
Slenderman One Shot
Slenderman Oneshot
Slenderman Oneshot
When He Reads Your Diary

When he gets jealous

37.6K 440 369
By KreepyKitten2000


You and Jack decided to go to a movie. You got dressed in a light blue and white striped long sleeve with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and black flats. You ran a brush through our hair and put mascara on. Taking a look at yourself you smiled and went downstairs to wait for Jack to pick you up. About 5 minutes later there was a knock at your door. You got up and answered it and saw Jack in his human form. He came in and took off his jacket. He was wearing a dark blue and black checkered button up long sleeve with a pair of black skinny jeans and black and white converses. You gave him a quick kiss on the lips and went to grab your purse and jacket. When you came back he looked at you and smiled. "Don't you look all cute and adorable today." You blushed and then smirked. "Don't I look cute and adorable all the time?" He shook his head no. "No you look hot and sexy all the time." You chuckled kissed his cheek. "Alright kiss up, ready to go?" He chuckled and grabbed his jacket and slipped it on. The two of you went to the car and drove to the theater. Once you got there you entered and went to the counter to order your tickets. The cashier had short ginger hair and glasses and piercing green eyes. You and Jack ordered 2 tickets to go see Seventh Son then the cashier smiled at you and handed you your tickets and 'accidentally' brushed hands. Jack noticed and pulled you closer and you grabbed his hand and led him to get something to drink. "Jealous much?" He blushed and shook his head no. "Haha whatever."


You and Masky went to the park to take a walk and get some fresh air. Masky had left his mask at your house since he wanted you to feel like you had a normal boyfriend. You were walking on the sidewalk holding hands, and talking and laughing. You made the loop and decided to walk it again. Once you got back to the park you went and sat on the swings. It was gently snowing and the snowflakes got caught in your hair, making Masky smile and blush. A little boy around the age of maybe 8 came up to you two and looked at you. He had flaming red hair and deep blue eyes. "You're pretty." He said and you smiled and blushed. "Thank you, what's your name? I'm (Y/N)." He blushed and said "I''m Blaze, who's he?" He pointed to Masky and you looked over at him, and noticed that he had narrow eyes and he was grabbing the chains of the swing tightly. "This is my boyfriend Tim." Blaze nodded his head and looked at him. "Sir, you're lucky to have her." He said and then ran off. You smiled and looked back at Masky who looked like he was going to kill him. "Masky, calm down." "Can I kill him?" You laughed and shook your head no. "Calm down, he's too young for me. Besides, why would I leave my awesome killer boyfriend for a player like him?" Masky smiled at that and he got a look in his eyes. Narrowing your own you glared at him. "If he dies, we're done." The look of killing was replace with fear and he quickly nodded his head. You chuckled and said with humor, "Masky, control your jealousy."


Hoodie wanted to be nice since the whole washing his hoodie thing and took you shopping. You put on a plane black t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans with black boots, while Hoodie went with a clean hoodie, jeans, and tennis shoes, and no mask. You went to Hot Topic and started looking at hoodies that you would like. A guy that was also shopping noticed you and started checking out cloths closer to you. Hoodie noticed him staring and shot him a glare. You didn't take any notice of what was happening and continued looking. After a while of shopping you started to get cold and rubbed your arms. You looked over at the guy that was staring and forced a shiver and rubbed your arms with your hands again. This caught Hoodie's attention and he took off his hoodie and put it on you. Underneath he had on a black tight muscle shirt that showed how fit he was. You blushed at the sight and Hoodie smiled. At the end you found 2 new hoodies and and left with Hoodie to do some more shopping. You stopped walking and Hoodie stopped by you. "Hoodie..." He looked down at you and tilted his head. "Jealousy doesn't suit you like your shirt does." And then you continued to walk, leaving Hoodie smiling and blushing.


Grinny had been coming over a lot lately. All he would do is stay in his cat form and sit on your lap while you played video games or did your homework. "Grinny, why are you here again?" He yawned and looked up at you. "It iz becauze of de houze I live in. Everyone dere iz zo loud. Here it iz quiet and I can get zome sleep. You nodded your head and continued doing your math. "Grinny, are you any good at math?" He looked up at you and shook his head. "Zadly not, zorry I could not have been in assistance." "That's ok, I'll just ask Ben once he gets here... Which should be soon." About a minute later your phone vibrated and you set it on the floor and watched as Ben came out of the screen. He was about to kiss you when he saw Grinny on your lap. He narrowed his eyes and sent Grinny a glare. "Why is he here? And more importantly, why is he taking my place on your lap?" You chuckled at his jealousy. "He needs some peace and quiet." Ben crossed his arms and picked him up and threw him out of your room. "Grinny!" You exclaimed. "Ben, that wasn't very nice." The door opened and a mad looking human Grinny stood there. "Ben, get your pixelated ass over here." He said with his accent lost and anger replaced. "Whatcha gonna do about it hairball?" Ben smirked and Grinny growled. Ben took out his sword and you stepped in. "Alright, no fighting, no killing each other, and no talking to each other. Grinny that corner, Ben that corner. NOW!" You said, pointing to opposite corners. Both boys jumped at the sudden outburst and did as they were told. You sat back on your chair by your desk and continued your homework. "Don't. Look at each other." You said and made the hair on the back of their necks stand up. 'How did she know!' They both thought and did as they were told. You quickly finished your math and put it away. "Now, if you two will behave you can come out of the corner. Both did as they were told, but Grinny decided to leave. You chuckled at Ben's face and kissed his nose. "You're so cute when your jealous." He blushed and tried denying that he was jealous, which in respond you just chuckled.


"Ahhh, Smile you're so dang cute!" You squealed as you scratched his belly. Jeff had introduced you to Smile and you instantly fell in love with him. "(Y/N)-" "5 more minutes!" You asked and Jeff just rolled his eyes. "Fine, five-" "Ahh I just want to take you home with me!" Smile barked and licked your face. Jeff was starting to get irritated since he knew Smile was doing this just to annoy him. "Alright let's go (Y/N)." You pouted and Smile whined and put on the cutest puppy face you had ever seen. Jeff grabbed your arm and started dragging you away from the cute puppy. "Jeff, no need to be jealous you know." Jeff looked at you and glared, but it didn't faze you in the least bit. You started walking a faster pace then Jeff and the two of you heard a noise from behind you. "Damn it Smile." Jeff muttered under his breath. You giggled and a boy came out from the bushes. He had black shoulder length hair with layers and red at the tips. He was tall and had red eyes. He was wearing black skinny jeans with tears in them and a red shirt with a black leather jacket over it unzipped and black combat boots. "Did Jeffy not like me taking dear (Y/N)'s attention?" He asked and started laughing. Jeff growled and you rolled your eyes. "Jealousy!!!" You yelled as you started walking away from the two boys.


Liu had taken you shopping since the two of you have't gone together yet. You were looking around in the stores at anything that caught your interest. Liu was looking around as well and kept looking at other guys. You noticed this and finally said something about it. "Liu, you do know that I love you right?" He nodded his head and Sully pointed out "Yes captain Obvious." Well then Sully, tell Liu to stop glaring at other guys." You said with your hands on your hips. Liu chuckled and said, "(Y/N), that's not me, that's Sully." You looked at him with a look of shock, but your eyes held happiness in them. You always thought that Sully didn't exactly care about you. Sully took over Liu again and blushed, "Well, Liu would get mad if something happened between you and another guy..." "Oh and you wouldn't Sully?" You asked sounding hurt. His face softened and he brought you into a hug. "Ok, so maybe I would be mad as well, but I'm just looking out for you." You smiled in his hug and let Liu take over again. "He does love you (Y/N), he just likes to act tough." You chuckled and grabbed Liu's hand and the two of you started shopping again.


"Hello everybody and welcome to Cry plays "Catherine." A voice said from your phone. You sighed a dreamy sigh and continued listening to the angel's voice. Toby walked in and saw that you had a dreamy look on your face and tilted his head to the side. "(Y-Y/N), what's that l-look for?" You paused the video and looked at him and patted the spot down next you you on the couch. "Toby, this is Cryaotic, better known as Cry. He is a mysterious gaming commenter on YouTube with a dreamy voice." Toby looked at you and frowned. You continued to watch Cry play "Catherine" and Toby started to get jealous. " (Y/N)..." Toby said and poked your shoulder. He kept repeating your name and poking your shoulder until you started to smile. Pausing the game you looked at him and he blushed. "(Y-Y/N)..." You kept on smiling and put your phone down and tackle hugged him. "Toby! You're so cute when you're jealous!!" "I'm not jealous!" "Awe~ You're so cute." Toby blushed even more and sighed. "Wanna make pancakes?" You were about to answer when he continued. "Without Cry." You chuckled and nodded you head and the two of you had pancakes...But afterwards you went back to the video. ;)


You were on your way to the mansion to hang out with Sally. Ever since the night Slenderman lifted your ban you would hang out at the mansion and play with Sally. You saw the mansion in view and ran towards it. You went inside and went to the living room, seeing Slenderman sitting in his chair reading, and everyone else doing their own thing. "Hey (Y/N)." Some of them said and you smiled and said hello back. You walked over to Slenderman and kissed him on the cheek and said your hello and then left to go to the staircase. When you got to the staircase you heard a 'Thump' followed by the voice of an angry Jeff. "Damn it Slendy! Don't take your jealousy out on us!" You giggled and went upstairs to Sally's room. Once entering her room you saw a table set up and ready for a tea party. When she saw you she got up and hugged you yelling "Mommy!" You hugged back and the two of you started your tea party. Once it was 4:30 you went to the kitchen to help Slenderman with dinner. You entered and saw him in the fridge looking for ingredients. You could feel the irritation radiating off of him and you gently touched his shoulder. He looked at you and you gently asked "You Ok?" He continued looking at you and quickly grabbed your shoulders making it so you couldn't move. His lips were instantly on yours and you felt his tongue slip in your mouth. Moaning at his action, you two fought for dominance. When he pulled away your face was red and you missed his touch. "Better?" You asked with a chuckled and he sighed and nodded his head and then went back to getting ingredients. You hugged him from behind and giggled. "You know that it's ok to be jealous, right?" He stiffened and straightened his posture. "I don't know what you mean by jealousy, I was simply just showing you my love for you." And then he shooed you out of the kitchen with a red face.


You were laying on your bed with your head hanging over the side next to Red's, while he sat on the floor leaning against your bed. He was playing on your DS. "Hey Red, do you get jealous easily?" You asked him and he paused his game and looked up at you. "No, why do you ask?" You shrugged your shoulders and sat up and fixed your hair. "I guess I was just wondering." He nodded his head and went back to his game. You looked around your room and grabbed your phone as it vibrated on your desk. You got a text message from Silver asking if you wanted to hang out since he needed to ask you a question about (Silver's Girlfriend's Name). You sat on your bed and thought about what day it was today. Seeing that you didn't have any plans and Red certainly wasn't going to make any anytime soon. You texted back a 'sure, when and where do you want to meet?' Red saw you texting and paused his game and looked at what you were texting. He narrowed his eyes at the messages and grabbed your phone from your hands. You watched as he went through the messages that you've had with Silver, which was not a lot. They were mostly just questions about (Silver's Girlfriend's Name). You watched him and when he gave your phone back to you he saw you smirking. "No, I don't get jealous, that wasn't just jealousy." You mocked him and he turned away blushing and continued to play his game. "Just checking." He mumbled.


You and Silver were walking around town and the two of you decided to go to the pet shop that was near. You had always wanted a (Dog/Cat/Bunny/Bird/Any animal). You awed as you looked at the puppies play fighting. Silver was watching you and started blushing after thinking how cute you looked looking at the animals. You dragged him over to the kittens next. The pet shop owner asked if you wanted to play with any of the animals and you gladly accepted. You and Silver started playing with the kittens and puppies, well you did anyways. After a while Silver poked you and asked if you wanted to leave and you said "5 more minutes please." He looked at you and sighed and nodded. You gave him a kitten and he held it as you got a picture of it nuzzling his face and him smiling at it. "C-Can we go n-now?" You sighed and got up and looked at the animals. "Do you l-like them m-more than me?" Silver asked in an adorable tiny voice. You looked at him and kissed his cheek. "Awe, is my Silver jealous of the pets?" He blushed furiously and shook his head. "N-No, I just don't l-like how your p-paying more a-attention to them th-than me." You softly laughed and looked him in the eye. "Silver, that's jealousy." He blushed and looked away and you grabbed his hand and the two of you walked out of the pet shop.


"Ben, please play fairly." You asked Ben as he cheated in the game. "Ben you ass! Stop it!" (Ben's Girlfriend's Name) said furiously. Lately Sonic has been taking you to the mansion and when you're there you play video games with whoever. Ben stuck his tongue out at the two of you and you pouted. "Meanie." (Ben's Girlfriend's Name) chuckled and the three of you continued playing. Sonic was sitting on the couch in a grumpy state. He didn't have any time of you to himself, and it was making him mad. "(Y/N) let's go." You looked back at him with a curiosity written over your face. "One more game, then we can." He glared at you as the three of you played your last game. Once you were done he said again. "Let's go (Y/N), now." You put your controller away and looked at Ben and (Ben's Girlfriend's Name). "Bye guys, see you whenever." Sonic had had enough and picked you up bridal style and started to run back to your house. "S-Sonic? You OK?" You quietly asked him and he shook his head. "I would be if you didn't spend so much time with everyone but me." You looked at him guiltily before saying in a quiet, "I'm sorry, but there's no need to get jealous over it. If you wanted me to yourself all you had to do was quit bringing me with to the mansion." He stopped and looked at you, his red eyes staring into your (Eye Color) ones. "Humph, whatever..." He said before running again.


You and Dark were sitting on the couch, you playing LOZ and Dark's head resting on your lap. Whenever a cut scene would appear you would put the controller down and run your fingers through his hair. "Hey Dark, remember how on our first date you said you would teach me how to fight?" You asked while attacking a golden skulltula. He looked at you and nodded his head. Killing the golden skulltula you paused the game and looked down at him. "Can we do that soon?" You asked him with a puppy face. He blushed and nodded his head. You smiled and kissed his forehead which made him smile. "Save your game and we can go right now." You looked at him and quickly saved your game and he grabbed you bridal style. You closed your eyes and felt the same feeling of needles poking you came back. You didn't grip his shoulders like last time but your eyes squeezed together hard and you felt Dark kiss your forehead. Dark set you down and again you opened your eyes to be met with the beautiful scenery of Hyrule. Dark was in his human form again and you smiled at the sight. He led you to an area in the woods where there was a clearing and pond next to it. He started teaching you all the basics of sword fighting. Link came and watched you as you fought Dark, Dark going easy on you. His eyes widened and he unsheathed his sword and pushed you out of the way and started attacking Dark. He caught Dark off guard and asked you with the sword tip pressed against Dark's throat. You gasped and huffed. "Get off of him!" You yelled and helped Dark up after you pushed Link away. Link narrowed his eyes and started to talk to you. You replied and the two of you had a conversation. Dark started to get mad and growled softly at him. You looked at him and quickly kissed him on the lips, causing his and Link's eyes to open widely. "Sorry Link, it's getting late and Dark needs to take me home. Talk to you some other time!" You said and pulled Dark away and he brought you home. You chuckled and asked "Jealous much?"

~Laughing and Percy~

L.J had brought you to the mansion to see everyone again. You had met Pirate Percy and his girlfriend and the you two girls started talking. Turns out you both have a lot in common. You completely ignored everyone and the two of you just talked.

(Laughing's Pov)

I shouldn't have introduced her to (Percy's Girlfriend's Name). They're just talking and ignoring us! I wanted to spend some time with her but nooo... Huh, wonder how Percy's taking this.

(Percy's Pov)

She's just ignoring me... Do they really have that much in common? "(Y/N), can I talk to you?" She gave (Laughing's Girlfriend's Name) a look and came over to me and kissed me. "You don't have to be jealous of her you know? We just really hit it off, that's all." I blushed knowing that she knew I was jealous. "I'm sorry, I can't help it." She smiled and kissed me again, "We'll go in a bit, I promise." She said and then went back to Laughing. I smiled and leaned against the nearby wall.

(Laughing's Pov)

(Y/N) came over to me when Percy called his girlfriend over to talk to her. "L.J, what's wrong?" She asked me with a look of concern on her face. I looked at her and blushed. She had such a cute expression when she was worried. "L.J..." I snapped out of my daze and looked at her. "I-It's nothing, just that you're spending all of our time with her." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Awe, is my widdle Jackie jealous?" She asked and I blushed. "Of course not...Ok maybe a little." She giggled and told me that we would go do anything I wanted in a bit. I smiled and pushed her towards (Percy's Girlfriend's Name). "OK, Ok, I'm going L.J!" She laughed and then started talking to (Percy's Girlfriend's Name) again.

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