" Doc " hawks×reader ✔

By SizzlerSixZero

301K 10.4K 8.5K

Animals are nice. Except for when they won't shut up... <3 contains: -cringe -cringe made by a middle school... More

◇37 out of 37◆


8.8K 351 435
By SizzlerSixZero


So now it's 9:37, and the movers are almost done. I should leave after 10:00 just because I'm getting sleepy and am starting to feel bad for leaving Sonnie.

"Miss. Y/n, we only have two more paintings to pack in the truck. I can handle the rest if you have something you need to do." the man with the beard said once he was in front of you.

"I don't really need to do anything other then talk to a couple of people but that can wait. All I've been doing is standing here and watching, so I think I can continue to do it for a few more minutes." you said in a friendly and calm tone while smiling.

"You've been a big help to us,
Miss. Y/n. You should take the rest of the event to relax and enjoy yourself." he said in a tone that seemed like he wasn't looking for a counterargument.

"Only if you insist. Also thank you for your help today. Make sure to tell the rest if the movers that I said thank you." you said ready to leave so you could talk to the few people you knew.

"Of course, now have a nice time."

With that you both went your separate ways.


Y/n walked out of the hallway to the art room, and into the main event hall/room.

This place is as big as always.

The number of people was less this time. Due to the art exhibition being the main event, after it there is not much to do other then eating and talking.

"Hey y/n! Over here!" a familiar voice called out to you from what seemed to be around the tables of food.

I can't remember who's voice that is, but it's really familiar. Definitely not Hakamata or not one of the girls, it could be Hawks or Hare, and Kumori doesn't come across as the type of person to yell out over a crowd of people.

You thought about all this while making your way through the crowd of people. Once finally at the place you thought the voice came from you looked around.

"Y/nnnn!" the voice spoke again, but this time they drug out your name.

You turned to the left and saw Hawks with a plate full of fried chicken.

He... you know what I'm not going to question it.

You started to walk over to the man as he plastered a huge smile on his face.

He is adorable.

"Hello Hawks. I'm glad to see you again." you said sitting in the seat across from him.

"Please don't tell me you talk formally all the time." he said dropping his smile and raising one of his eyebrows.

"No just in front of new people. Usually makes them leave me alone." you smiled and looked down at his plate. "How much chicken have you had since you got here?" you asked and glanced up to him, a smirk playing on your lips.

He looked down to his food then back to you.

He looks so nervous.

Hawks' red wings are now drooping slightly, while the man himself could be called constipated by the look on his face.

"Uhh, I don't know. I guess by some people's standards, a lot, but to me not that much." he said tilting his head to left and avoiding eye contact.

"Blue, the woman who probably greeted you at the doors, was yelling about needing to restock the chicken earlier. It was hilarious to watch." you said before continuing, "Mind if I have one?"

"Go ahead. I rather have you eat too that way it's not such a one-sided conversation." he said grabbing one and eating it in record time.

"Thank you."

I should get a plate of my own but who cares.


a/n: changing over to hawks

This is amazing. I think I'm in love.

"This chicken is great!" Hawks said smiling at the plate of mostly chicken bones.

"Yeah, I mean I new most of the food here would be great or at least good, but this chicken is awesome!" y/n said leaning back in her seat and yawning.

The last ten to twenty minutes were spent by Hawks and y/n eating more chicken then should be humanly possible.

"Are you tired?" Hawks said smirking, putting his elbows on the table and resting his head in his hands.

Y/n looked at the man with a raised brow. "Of course I am, it's like 9:50 and I'm not at home laying in my bed."

Her brows are now furrowed but she seems more joyful then mad or angry.

"What do you do on weekends? Stay home? Go out?" He asked, still smirking and more than a hint of teasing in his voice.

"I stay home and do research for my job. I also have a cat so I hangout with her." y/n said as her e/c eyes drifted over the sea of people.

"Sounds fun." Hawks said with sarcasm laced through his voice.

"And what do you do, captain red wings?" the h/c haired woman asked looking back to the man across from her and smirking.

"Captain red wings? What am I a pirate?" the man asked sitting up straight and crossing his arms.

"The pirate of the sky." y/n said slight giggles escaping her mouth.

Hawks' eyes grew slightly with excitement bubbling up inside of him.

"Wait, I actually really like that. Can I change my hero name?" he said, as his eyes shined with multiple new lights.

"I wouldn't know." y/n said her calm composer returning as she showed a small smile to the man in front of her.

How does she calm down so fast? Also, why is her smile cute?


a/n: back to y/n

The two adults continued to talk and talk, until y/n checked her phone and saw that it was almost 10:40.

Shit I should get home. Sonnie's probably worried.

"What's up? You look scared." Hawks asked taking a sip of his drink.

"It's getting late and I need to go home. It was nice meeting you Hawks." y/n said smiling and rising from her set.

Crap, I didn't even get to talk to Hare, Kumori or Hakamata. I'll just text Best Jeanist later and if I want I can have Hana email the other two on my behalf.

"Hey y/n, mind if I ask how do you plan to get home?" Hawks asked looking up to you from his seat at the table.

"I drove myself here so I can drive myself back." you said in a calm tone.

"Bummer, I was gonna offer a free flight home." he said closing his eyes and smirking.

Y/n smiled self-consciously and said, "As much as I would love to fly through the night sky, it's dark and I rather not run into a building."

"I have great vision!" Hawks squeaked out as he stood from his seat.

"Whatever you say, captain."

The two walked to the front doors of the event hall with a peaceful silence between them. Y/n didn't bother asking why Hawks decided to walk her out, and instead just went with it.

I hope most of the paparazzi left. They seemed interested in me and I don't think that leaving this place with a hero would be a reason to leave me alone.

Hawks yawned and slumped his shoulders as you both walked closer to the doors.

"Who's the tired one now." you said in a teasing tone not meaning it as a question.

"Oh hush. I'm not yawning because I'm tired, I'm yawning because I'm bored." the man said glancing over to y/n only to see her looking straight ahead.

"Well ouch." y/n said continuing to tease the man with a calm voice.

"I didn't mean it that way. Also I had fun hanging out with you. I thought this was going to be some boring fundraiser that I would have to try and rub elbows with a bunch of snobs." Hawks said.

He sounds honest, but also tired. He is a hero and I bet he spends his days flying around saving people or something.

"Well instead of snobs you got a less then exciting h/c haired lady, a woman who yells all the time, a hero who acts like a teenage girl during fashion week, and a lady who could probably rule the world if she wanted to." y/n said then continued after thinking for a minute. "Not to mention a few of the crazies you didn't get to meet."

Hawks looked over to her and scoffed. "I hope you did not just call yourself 'less then exciting'."

"And if I did?" y/n asked raising an eyebrow as the two bodyguards opened the front doors.

"I would have to disagree, obviously." Hawks said rolling his eyes.

"Okay no need of so much sass captain."

"Can I give you a nickname?"

"Why ask? I didn't." y/n said as the two walked to her car.

"I just wanted to be polite." Hawks said smirking.

"Well then my good sir, what shall I be called from now on?" y/n asked while digging in her purse for the keys to her car.

"I guess you'll have to wait and see till the next time we meet." Hawks said stopping a few feet away from the car that he guessed was y/n's.

"And if we don't meet again?" y/n asked with her keys now in hand as she turned to Hawks with an eyebrow raised.

"Trust me, fate is a bitch but she wouldn't do that." he said smiling with his eyes closed.

"Whatever you say captain."


"Goodbye and goodnight, have a safe flight."


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