The Inheritors [editing]

By fab_moon

8.3K 832 681

My flight was being called on for the last time. I turned to have one last look at Noah, or more properly to... More

First author's note evaaa!
1. Meet our Plain Jane
3. Meet the anonymous dude.
4. Rachel who !?
5. He's totally gay.
6. A day to remember
7. Goodbye it is.
8. Home sweet home
9. Good news. Or not.

2. LA, here I come !

1.1K 103 74
By fab_moon

Up here/ on the side a picture of Jason (Jay) and Brooke. Don't worry u will get to know them soon :P The cast is here as promised! Also, u don't have to look up the characters because i will be uploading pictures of each one of them as he/she takes part in the book's events. (That's how awesome i am! :D )



   My alarm clock goes off and, typically, I let out a deep groan. I reach out for the annoying piece of junk and shut it. I cover my head and deepen my body into the warm blanket. I'm not ready. Not yet.

   After what seemed like milli-seconds, I  find myself obliged to drag myself out of bed, before mom comes and does it herself, only more savagely. Well, I guess one's schooling is important after all. 

   I decide on skipping the shower. I am in no mood for that, nor do I have time. I would very much use a cold shower though, but oh well, the perks of being a heavy ass sleeper. 

    I wash my face in a hurry and brush my teeth. I put on my uniform. Yes, my school does require a uniform. Practically it consists of a navy skirt, a white shirt and a blazer the same color as the skirt. Typical school uniform I might say. Though luckily for us, a tie wasn't necessary. So overall the uniform was actually cute and quite attractive. I put on my black pair of converse, aka my babies, to perfect my look. I slid my fingers through my luckily untangled hair. It's moments like these that make me praise the Lord for my naturally straight hair.

What ? Not everyone is blessed in that matter. 

   I walk out the room and head to the kitchen. As expected my mom had already left to work. I'm about to open the fridge when I notice a sheet of paper hanging by its door. I snatch it to have a close look.

   It was an envelop with the name SILVER on it. Oh! So it was that time of the month. No, I am not talking about menstruation. Inside the envelop was the money that my mother sent every month to my fugitive sister. I say that because she did literally run away. And sending the money was technically my duty, which made her escape all the more unpleasent. I grab the envelop and head out.

   Today the weather was good to me: no usual wind blows, only what felt like a gentle breeze.  The sun was shining brightly and the gardens were outstandingly blossomed. You could feel the Spring spirit everywhere. People are going to be spending a lot of time outdoors.

  It was Friday. One more day till Spring break. Most teenagers would be thrilled to their bones. I, on the other hand, wasn't the slightest excited. Don't get me wrong though. I do not love school.. God no! The thing is, school break means more shifts at work, and I would trade that for anything, even school. And that is why I have my grumpy mode on today. 


  I stand by my locker as I apprehend my surroundings. Nothing unfamiliar.

  As predicted, all my classmates were remarkably cheerful. 

"- Hey you! " I turn around to meet a grinning Jason.

"- What's up Jay! " I respond with less enthusiasm.

He was about to respond when a very much jealous Brooke intrudes from behind. 

 "You again?" She says, obviously addressing me. "Will you quit flirting with my boyfriend?"

I couldn't help by laugh at her comment, as usual. Brooke was foolish and her jealous act very desperate but she was my best friend's girlfriend and Jason loved her very much, so I had to tolerate her, which obviously was no easy task. 

"- Don' be jealous, love. You know you're the only one for me. Although, you look so cute hen you act jealous". Jason tells her with a bit of amusement in his words.

Freaking love.

"Ughh, you guys come on! I don't want a romance show. I have a tv for that!" I whine before walking away from them. 

    Our school is one-of-a-kind. It is one of the subsidiaries of the Empire's Group.The headmaster is the Group's president's wife herself. Therefore, it is one of the fanciest schools of the republic; the luxuriousness that it holds was undeniable. The majority of its attendants were wealthy, privileged students whom parents run successful businesses partenered somehow with the Empire's Group.

Jay and Brooke were no exceptions.

   Brooke is the daughter of the CEO of one of the largest law firms in the country; she is very much spoiled but deep down has a good heart. She's remarkably devoted but also overly possessive towards Jason. She believes that "there is no way for a girl and a boy to just be friends"; and that's why she keeps nagging me.

   Jay, on the other hand, is the son of the Empire Group's secretary. I've known him for as long as I can remember. He's your typical childhood friend: protective, fun to be around, and the most  kind-hearted person you could ever come across. He's also terrifically smart and  the first in our class, which qualifies him to be the class president.

    Now you're probably wondering what's a girl like me, somewhat poor, doing in a similar school. The answer you're looking for is welfare scholarship.

   I was ranked amongst top 5 students in my old school. Therefore I got admitted in the Empire's High and got transferred straightaway.

   Luckily for me, I didn't have to endure the bullying that comes from being in the social care group. However I did witness other students getting picked on by the "rich ones", or at least that's what they're referred to as. As for me, I use the terms "arrogant bastards".

   The bell ring resounded through the halls, announcing the end of courses and I'm already halfway to the huge exit gate. I make my way out of the school and head to the closet cash transfer agency. 

   Walking the usual questions came popping in my mind. What was my sister really doing in the US? What does she need all that money?

   Surely enough, it wasn't university. There is no way a school can claim that amount of money, no matter how luxurious it is. Then why would she fool us? She is well aware of our financial conditions. Does she not care at all ?

   Right now, I could only think of one way to get the answers I needed. I stopped mid way and did a U turn.

-"This time", I sum up, "I ain't transferring that money."

I'm going to deliver it in person.

   I'm locked in my room attentively scrolling through the screen of my computer. I needed to get a ticket in the near future. Thus, i haven't filled mom in the plan yet.

   Knowing her, she was unlikely going to approve of it. I mean, what kind of a mother would she be if she let her seventeen years old daughter, who had never gotten out of town, travel to a foreign country by herself. Not the typical picture of a mom kind for sure.

   Despite that fact, I wasn't having second thoughts. I was still determined to execute my plan.

   An hour later, I had found the suitable ticket and printed it out. Sure thing i couldn't afford its cost. We were lacking money and my life savings were insufficient; meaning I had to go for the remaining option. Borrow. And the only person I could ask for money was Jay.

   What? They do say that a friend in need is a friend indeed.

   Besides, it's not like we haven't had loans before. At least that's what i had told mom earlier to win her over. Yes, I am not hallucinating.

   I had to think of every possible argument and justification to support my case, and I had used each and every joule of my body's energy. Luckily, all my efforts hadn't gone in vain. She was finally convinced. Though she wasn't happy about it, at all.

  I, on the other side, couldn't care less. Soon enough I'll be flying to freaking US and, nothing, absolutely nothing bad can come from that.

2 days later:

   The plane had landed about half an hour ago, and by now I had managed to make my way out of the airport. I was heedlessly walking, more specifically wandering, around the city, taking in its beauty. The view was terrific to say the least. For a while I just stood immobile, observing my surroundings. I was standing nearby a seashore. Gusts of wind were softly blowing making the weather cool and pleasant. A fresh scent wafted through the air. I recognized the salty scent of the sea breeze. I closed my eyes as to inhale it. It felt strange from the smoky poisonous fumes i've gotten used to. I looked ahead and saw the gleaming beach in the near distance. People were all over the dazzling white sand. Some were playing volleyball, others were swimming in the shallow sea. Kids trying to make something with the sand, others trying to break it.

   On the other hand, a bunch of guys were surfing; more likely showing off their tanned muscled bodies, messing up their hair in a casual move with one hand and holding their surfboards with the other.

   I finally manage to divert my eyes from the beach and direct my glare towards the other side of the city that stretched right beside me, opposite the shore. My eyes caught the giant skyscrapers that stood hundreds of meters tall, and they also captured the constant if not eternal movement of the individuals...

  I feel a glare being sent to my direction and I turn instantly.

  My instinct was right (Yes! I always knew I had psychic powers.)

  Effectively, a pair of eyes were observing me. Worst, they were checking me out! I take in the person's appearance.

   It was a guy. First thing that caught my attention was his Asian features; he was no doubt from Korea.

   Second thing I noticed was his bare chest, more specifically his six pack. His hair was hardly wet and all over his face. To be honest, he had some good looks. But that, I bet he already knows. His person was entirely screaming bad boy, as cliché as that sounds. Besides, he was carrying a surfboard. Ha! show off !

   For what seemed like minutes, the dude just stood there on the pier, his eyes not leaving my body. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. Shortly after, a devious grin plastered his face. Apparently my embarrassment was amusing him. I glance at him one last time and turn on my heels.

   Now, i do hate my sister. But i'm really glad she chose Los Angelos out of all the cities to move in. This city is breathtakingly beautiful. Speaking of Silver.. oh shit!

     I had almost forgotten the reason why I came here. I dig through my pocket and reach the sheet of paper. It's only a few hours until nightfall so I better take a cab. My feet were aching by now anyway.

   I got in and showed the driver the address scrawled on the paper.

    I stroke the bell and waited for an answer. I have to say I was taken by surprise when I eyed the location. I was facing a rundown house in a frankly disgusting neighborhood.

   Old, torn spider webs were all over the doorway. Roaches appeared here and there. Some odd-looking people were wandering the neighborhood. Though I could only see their shadows, seeing as their was no such thing as electricity around here. Spooky was a keyword.

   I was seriously considering to turn tail and run, and just then, the ancient wooden door cracked open and a man stepped out of the house. I eyed him attentively. Could this be the fiancé my sister has once mentioned? And God damn it! Why is he shirtless? Seriously, what's with the Americans and the nudity?

A young woman appeared behind him, answering both my questions. So he wasn't Silver's fiancé. And well I can see why has he been shirtless. Ew! I thought.

-"Um excuse me sir? I am looking for Silver Simmons. Do you happen to know her ?" I ask him hesitantly and hoping my English sounded correct.

-"I assume you're the rich sister, huh?"

Wait what? Rich? Now just because my mother and I work work our asses off to send her some money does not mean we are rich. " That bitch doesn't live here anymore. I kicked her out a long time ago!" He simply declared.

   Now I might be Korean and my English skills were way too modest. Duh! You have to carry an English phrasebook everywhere! My subconscious remarks mockingly.

But i sure as hell know what does the word bitch stand for.

  However, I manage to remain calm and not wanting to sound offended by that nickname. After all, there was this slight possibility that he could be right, calling her that.

-"Yes, i'm her sister; Ivy. Sir, do you know where is she currently living ? I really need to see her."

  He glared at me for a good five seconds, before answering, as if to wonder if it was worth it.

- "No, i don't. Although I could show you her workplace."

- "Workplace? No sir, you must be mistaken. My sister goes to California uni and she hates work more than anything in the world!"

  He burst into laughter and so does his girlfriend, and I'm left awkwardly standing in between, trying to think of what did i possibly say that was so amusing. He then notices my tension and attempts to explain his behavior:

  - "It's funny because that bitch never went to uni. Two years ago, she came here asking for housing. She also said that she was broke and could not afford the rent. I told her this wasn't a charity case. That's when she offered to pay me her own way." He winked at me and I instantly got the hint.

  Oh my God! Was he serious?

    Well i couldn't think of any other explanation. I had already checked the paper several times and it was indeed the correct address. The one to where we've been sending money for the last couple of years. And well he did mention me being rich, meaning she had been receiving that money.

    I thank the guy and reach for the paper he hands me, where was written the address of my sister's workplace. I examine it and sigh in relief. It was a café. Not some stripping club.

     I was standing outside the café. It turned out that it was near the shore where I had been earlier. I let my eyes wander the place, searching for that one particular waitress.

  Shortly after, my eyes captured her. My sister. My mouth does not dare to call her sister anymore.

    She is standing next to a customer, more likely leaning on his table. The man, who appears to be in his forties, is now flirting with her. She, on the other hand, doesn't seem to mind. I step closer to have a better view on the scene that is taking place in front of me. The man asks her if she wants to work for him later tonight and she casually nods.

     I stand there immobile, not knowing what to think. I was staring shockingly yet intensely at her. She really is a slut, i mutter to myself, recalling the man's reaction earlier.

    She must have noticed my presence because she is now walking towards me. A flash of anger and pain washed through me and i'm quite certain that we will be having an audience soon.

  "- Ivy, what are you-?" She is interrupted by the sound of my palm slamming her cheek, hard.

  "- You selfish little bitch, how could you do this to me? To our mother? Why would you make up all those stories about going to uni and being engaged?" She looks embarrassed to be caught up in her lies but i'm too busy fuming with anger than to give a damn.

   "You were my only hope in that goddamned miserable world. For the last two years I've been living in hell. I worked hard to provide you with money so you can graduate from uni and come back, while you've been "working" for some random bastards. You're disgusting i hope you realize that." I could taste the tears that were now running down my face, burning my cheeks.

  "- Look Ivy i know you're angry with me and that's totally understandable but you've got to believe me. I had no choice! I'm so sorry for everything, but I really need that money ! " She points to the envelop in between my hands. "Ivy you have to go back to Korea, you shouldn't have came here in the first place!"

  "- Don't you dare-" Before I could protest she reaches for the cash and snatches it from my hands. Just then, she started running at full speed. I was about to purchase her but decide against it, seeing as she had already disappeared among the crowds. I instantly reached for my phone in my pockets but it was nowhere to be found. I checked my purse then again my back pocket. Alas! It was gone.

   I fell to the ground. Tears were spilling from my eyes and a choked sob tore from my throat. I buried my face in my hands and felt my body violently shaking. I probably looked like a homeless drug addict right now but that was the least of my worries at the moment.

   I was in a foreign country. Also, not only was I homeless and penniless, but I was now 'phoneless' as well. Hallelujah !

    By now I was sobbing uncontrollably. I kept thinking how different my life would be if my sister hadn't left us to come here. Or how different it would be if I was an only child. My life would definitely be much easier.

   I was so deep in thoughts that I hadn't noticed the figure standing beside me. The person moved away as to touch my arm but I flinched away, weeping bitterly. I felt his hand make circles on my back. This time, I grip his shirt and sob harder. We stayed like that for a long while.

    Once my eyes had cried out every single tear they contained, I gently brush off the stranger's hand and adjust my position. I wipe away a few streaks of tears and I finally dare to look up at my comforter. To my surprise, I am greeted with a familiar face. I recognize him as the stalking guy on the pier. What? He was indeed stalking me.

  " - You know, you could at least pretend to be happy to see me." He spoke all of a sudden.

    YES! he speaks Korean!

Of course silly, he IS Korean. My subconscious had to add in a duh tone.

   - "We can also keep staring at each other for the rest of our lives, but you will need to sleep at some point. Now, come on. You're going with me." He announces in the most confident way.

  -" I'm not sure I can "go with you". I don't know you. You could be a kidnapper, a rapist, a gangster, a thief. a drug dealer. There's no way i'm coming with you." I stated.

   I glare around me. It was way past sunset. The darkness around me was frightening and sent chills flashing through me. Now that I think of it, this could be the perfect scene for a horror movie. No Ivy, you're a brave girl. You're going to survive. I mentally encouraged myself.

   "- You're right, there's always that possibility." He says as if to agree with me. "So you can just spend the night out here, I'm sure those delinquents coming over here would appreciate your company".

   I take a look to where he was pointing and I freeze. A bunch of guys were indeed approaching us. There were about 6 of them. They had the exact traits and characteristics of a gang. They were more likely criminals, than this guy next to me. I briefly study my choices and I come up with this conclusion.

  " -Okay, okay. I'll go with you. I guess I stand a better chance at confronting one gangster rather than six". I say trying to sound humorous, although I'm sure he could sense the fear behind my words. He chuckles unexpectedly and flushes me a wide toothy grin. Oh boy!

  "Get in my car, silly." He instructs.


Hello hello ! The second chapter is finally here, apparently. It wasn't going to take that long though. I wasn't expecting an entire week of exams. God! It was stressful. I'm glad it's over. The next chapter will be uploaded soon enough.. Hopefully :D

Anyway, what do you guys think of this ? Please please, let me know what you think. SO MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE COMMENTS !

I am not going to ask you to vote because i trust you, and i know you will, right? No?

Okay then, please please guys VOTE !

I'm going to need a lot of reads, comments + votes to write the next chapter. I need some sort of motivation. You feel me? :(

I hope you liked it anyway :P The real action starts next chapter ! R u excited as I am? :D

Good luck to y'all writing books, reading, having exams, giving birth out there ! :p

P.s: If you want a dedication on one of the chapters, all you need to do is vote. I'll be picking one of those who have voted! :) 


-Mouna ♡♡

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