*{Fandom Imagines}*

By bulletproofice

5.1K 93 83

A bunch of imagines for different fandoms; Youtubers, Celebrities, Films, TV Shows, Books, Bands/Musicians et... More

*Request Page*
*Band Member Imagines*
➵ Ryan Ross - Wrong Number
➵ Party Poison - Bulletproof Heart
➵ Tyler Joseph - You Don't Belong Here
➵ Dominic Harrison (YUNGBLUD) - Warped Tour
➵ Josh Dun - Soulmate Tattoo AU
➵ Tyler Joseph - I'll Try To Save You
➵ Dallon Weekes - Can I Sit Here?
➵ Tyler Joseph - The Girl With The Purple Hair
➵ Awsten Knight - Livestream
*Youtuber Imagines*
➵ Damien Haas - Victorian Era AU
*Movie Character Imagines*
➵ Peter Parker - Pancakes or Waffles?
➵ Bucky Barnes - Kitchen Counter Conversations
➵ Richie Tozier - After
➵ Newt - I'll Always Be Here (Part 1)
➵ Legolas/Thranduil - Not Actually Imprisoned
*Celebrity Imagines*
➵ Skandar Keynes - Favourite Film
*TV Character Imagines*
➵ Jack Shephard - Rocks
➵ Merlin - Here Again?
*Video Game Character Imagines*
➵ Connor RK800 - Hurt
*Author's Notes*
A/N Dan Howell :)
A/N - Phil Lester
A/N - Stranger Things
A/N - Tyler and Jenna

➵ Mark Fischbach - Long Time Overdue

106 2 0
By bulletproofice

I am so bad at updating omg
Also I've stopped spell checking bc I'm lazy so sorry about that

Reader: Female
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of cheating, mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 2874


I sat on the couch, wearing nothing except an oversized t-shirt and some large shorts. I was eating ice cream straight out of the tub as I flipped mindlessly through different Netflix channels.
But my mind could only focus on one thing;
That fucking prick.

The door behind me clicked open and in walked my room mate.

"Oh, hi Mark." I said blankly. I didn't sound upset but I was surprised by how calm my voice came out. I guess it's because I'd seen it coming for so long.

He laughed before calling from the kitchen, "I didn't hit her!"

I smiled at how stupid he was sometimes and continued eating my ice cream.
Eventually he finished unpacking the groceries I'd told him to get earlier and immediately joined me on the couch.

"Where's Thomas? I thought he would be round here tonight?" he asked as he picked up the tv remote that I had thrown to the side previously.

I didn't answer for a minute, instead poking around my ice cream tub with the spoon, "Yeah... we broke up."

Mark turned to me with a stunned expression on his face, worry immediately washed over all of his features.

"Why? What happened? Shit, Y/N, are you okay?" He rambled as he turned my face towards his.

I only smiled and laughed dryly. Truth was, I didn't know how I was feeling. I had felt Thomas drifting away from me for about a month now, I wasn't really surprised that I had to end our relationship.

"I walked in his house to grab a jacket, walked into his bedroom... long story short he was not a faithful boyfriend."

I was quickly pulled into Mark's embrace, a gesture that I appreciated greatly. Wrapping my arms around his torso, I sighed. This wasn't how I planned spending my weekend.

"What a prick. You know, I'm against violence but if you want me to break his toes just say the word." He mumbled.

I giggled into his chest, shaking my head, "It's fine, I'm feeling a lot better than I thought I would. I just feel stupid for investing a year of my life into that relationship."

"If you think about it, he lost the whole 'investment deal'. Because while you invested a year of your life in his, he's lost the possibility of the rest of his life with you. At least now you can pick someone who deserves that spot." Mark said soothingly whilst drawing patterns into my back. I hummed in response, pulling away from the hug and picking my ice cream back up.

I was happy that I lived with Mark. Whenever I was in a bad place I didn't even have to ask him to come over, he was already there, completely willing to comfort me. He was good at giving advice, good at distracting me with fun activities and very good at giving hugs.

I watched as he flipped quickly through Netflix and pulled up Y/FM. I smiled at him and he turned around to me, giving me finger guns.

"You know me too well, Markus, King of Netflix."

"I try, Y/NN, Queen of the Couch."

I smirked, grabbing a pillow and stretching myself across both sofa cushions and Mark's lap.

"Damn right I am."


(A week later)

Collapsing on my sofa after coming home from work, I pulled off my shoes and relaxed into the cushions. As I pulled a blanket over myself, I felt myself slowly start to drift off.


I jolted awake.

"What the FUCK, Mark?!" I yelled at the man that had just burst into our apartment.

Before I could protest any further, he had climbed on top of the coffee table in front of me.


A large fluffy piece of green fabric whacked me in the face as he spoke.
I unfolded it, scanning the spikes on the hood I smiled.

"Mark, did you seriously buy me a dinosaur onesie?"

He jumped down from the table and stood in front of me, clutching a bag full of snacks.


He dramatically pulled another, larger onesie from his bag and grinned at me. I couldn't help laughing this time, pulling him into a hug.

"I love this, Mark. But you know you don't have to keep trying to cheer me up, I'm fine."

I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled deeply.

"Y/N, you're one of the strongest people I know. I have no doubt that you're doing fine. However, this is the first time that you've been single in a year, meaning that we can finally start up our college tradition of Movie Night Fridays. Unless you don't want to?" He trailed off with a smirk. I looked into his face with utter determination.

"I bet I can get changed into the onesie faster than you." I then bolted towards my room, grinning at the sound of Mark's laugh.

It didn't take long to change into my new PJs which meant that I was the first one back to the living room, as I had anticipated. A few seconds later, Mark came running in with a disappointed expression on his face.

"I thought I got changed quickly." He mumbled.

"Aww, poor Mark." I smiled condescendingly, ruffling his hair.
He scoffed, picking me up and throwing me into the couch.

"Shut up and choose a film."

I laughed lightly as he went to the kitchen, watching him walk off with a smile on my face. I then turned to the DVDs that he'd laid out on the coffee table. I scanned my options and smirked at the last one, picking it up instantly.

I waited patiently for Mark to get back with our snacks as an idea popped in my head. I climbed onto the table and prepared myself to imitate my roommate's voice from earlier.


His head of fluffy red hair poked out of the doorway, smirking to himself.

"I knew you'd pick that."


A couple of hours later, we sat cuddled up against each other.

"I've missed this. Why'd we stop doing it for so long?" I asked him timidly, looking up.

He looked down at me and shook his head, smiling, "Thomas and you made it 'date night', remember? I think he felt threatened by my awesomeness."

"Probably." I muttered, all too familiar with Thomas's jealousy issues.

"Hey Mark?" I asked after a short moment of silence.

"Yeah?" He responded softly.

"I don't think I ever loved him. Thomas. I liked him. I really liked him. He was charming, had good cheekbones, was tall. I think I liked the idea of him and the way he made me feel. But I didn't love him. That's why he was so easy to get over."

I looked up at him, my face was as hard to read as his was. I had noticed something in the past week that I'd noticed for a while, but never really thought much of.

"You dated him for a year?" He finally questioned, turning to me.

I only shrugged in response.
I did have a romantic interest in him, I enjoyed the kisses, the cuddles, the sex. All of it. If he wasn't a cheating bastard he would have been the picture perfect husband. The man you brought home to your parents and to office work parties. There had been off-moments in our relationship but I wasn't a paranoid person so I let them slide. Maybe I just hadn't acted as much about where he went some evenings because I didn't feel as strongly for him as I thought.

"I never really liked him. Sure, he was nice, but he never had as much charisma as your other friends." He said thoughtfully as he turned down the volume of the movie a little bit. 

We both sat there, lost in our thoughts for a while.

"I used to have a crush on you in college." I said quietly, unsure if I should spill all my thoughts now or save it for when I was more sure.

Mark turned to face me completely, his eyebrows raised slightly and lips parted.
I didn't meet his eyes.

"My friend said I was crazy. You were this short, nerdy guy with glasses and recovering from a childhood lisp. You majored in engineering and never got any sleep from spending so much time on your computer in your dorm room. Sometimes I could hear you laughing down the hall. She loved you, but said you were a loser and I could do a lot better. I told her to sleep in someone else's dorm for a night. We weren't in high school anymore, it didn't matter.
You were the best thing to ever walk into my life. I used to go out to parties to fill whatever gap I had inside of me, but when you bumped into me in one of the college hallways and started talking to me, it made me happier than I had been in a long time. You and your stupid scruffy hair, ugly T-shirts and loud voice. You and your stupid laugh, bright smile that still stretches up to your eyes. When you dropped out, I hated it. So when you asked if I wanted to move out of my dorm and stay with you I was ecstatic. Somehow, we became even closer friends. Sometimes I still feel so stupid not to tell you how I felt."

I felt Mark turn so that he was facing the TV again. His arm pressed up against mine, radiating heat.

"A couple months after moving into your apartment, my friend introduced me to Thomas. We both agreed that I needed to get over my little crush. You just wanted friendship, someone to share a house with - and we got along well. We were perfect housemates. But she said that Thomas was made to be a boyfriend. And he was, for a while. Then he just turned into habit. He was the familiar face that would pick me up for work, take me to dinner. He fit the box. But... I don't think I ever got over that crush. I just didn't realise until I stopped being the 'girlfriend'. Do you get what I'm saying?"

I finally turned to him.

His face was deep in thought, and I couldn't read him. Normally it was so easy, but tonight? Nothing.

I knew that no matter what, nothing would ever change for the bad between Mark and I - we were too close for that.

"I liked you in college too. A lot, actually. I had seen you around campus before we met properly. You didn't have a loud laugh, but for some reason my ears could pick it up from a mile away. I remember the first time I heard it I searched for the owner, and when I saw you laughing as you exited a lecture room, I thought you were the most beautiful person I had ever seen." He laughed as he reminisced.

I held my breath, still not sure how this would end.

"When I bumped into you that one day, it was so easy to crack a joke. I expected myself to be nervous or awkward, but you always make yourself so easy to talk to. I made a promise to myself that every time we talked I would try to get you to laugh.
After a couple of weeks I finally had the guts to invite you over. I never had the balls to ask you out on a date - your friend was right, you were- are way out of my league. We drank a bit and talked endlessly for hours. To this day I will swear that was one of the best nights of my life. We became close very easily - but when I dropped out of college I couldn't let myself lose you. Bob and Wade would have been my first choices for roommates, but I know that however long we stay apart, we'll still be friends. I couldn't stand the thought of suddenly not talking to you everyday. It was a hit or miss, but when you agreed to live here, I had never been happier."

He smiled to himself for a while. I didn't know what to say. Was I supposed to be talking now?

"When you started dating Thomas... I cried. A lot. Not because you had done anything, but because I hadn't. Knowing what I know now, I could have saved myself so much trouble by just bucking up some courage. I was so stupid."

He let out a long sigh, signalling that he was finally finished.

We sat in silence for a while. I thought I knew what he meant, but what if he was just trying to spare me the embarrassment of getting rejected completely?

"You haven't dated anyone since I've known you. Even when you became big on YouTube. Not a single date. No hookups. I don't even think you've kissed anyone."

I glanced over to Mark, who now had his eyes closed. He nodded gently.

I took a deep breath.

"So... is either one of us going to say it first or-"

"I love you, Y/N. A lot. And I'm so happy that Thomas cheated on you - because I think that was the only way you two would have ended. I was so gone by the time you started dating- I don't know how you didn't see that. Thomas did. I fucking hated him. But he made you happy, so I didn't say anything. But I'm going to be the first one of us to say it; I love you." He gushed passionately.

It was as if a switch had been flicked inside his head. He was no longer talking outwardly, his entire body was face towards me, his eyes glittering with a happiness that I hadn't seen in a long time.

I cupped his face, my thumb running over his stubble and then resting on his jawline. My other hand moved to his waist, gently pulling him towards me. The fluff of the dinosaur onesie was easy to grab onto. All I wanted was to stare deeply into his eyes, the deep colour mesmerising me. But as he got closer his eyes fluttered closed and he leaned into my touch. I realised what he was going to do and shut my own eyes in response.

His large hands found their way to my waist as I laid my back down on the sofa. I felt a breath come out of his nose and I could tell without looking that he was smiling. I couldn't stop myself from smiling back.

"I love you too, Mark."

Those five words were all he needed to close what little space was left between us.
His lips were soft and chapped, but so warm and inviting. A thousand butterflies exploded in my chest and our lips worked against each other in almost perfect sync. It was so easy to find a rhythm with him.

My hands moved from his cheek and waist to his hair, I ran my fingers through it, gently tugging him closer to me. I felt him smirk against my lips and I couldn't help but let out a soft giggle.

"God, I love that sound," he mumbled huskily against my lips before resuming the kiss. I didn't think it was possible to pour so much love into something until this very moment. We continued kissing for what could easily have been an eternity, occasionally breaking for air but never once fully parting from each other.
At some point he had run his tongue over my bottom lip before sliding it into my mouth, and I copied the action. Gradually it became a little more heated, he would give my waist a squeeze or pull himself a little closer, to which I would respond by rolling my hips against his or tugging his hair a little more forcefully. This would always result in a deep moan or occasionally a growl.

I couldn't tell you how long it was until we had stopped making out, but when we did I opened my eyes and smirked to see that Mark's lips were swollen red. I received the same smirk from him, telling me that my own mouth looked similar.

"That was a long time overdue," he smiled, his cheeks almost as red as his hair.

I giggled and pulled him into me, cuddling to him as we both laid there in our childish onesies, watching Jurassic Park.

Thomas had never made me feel this relaxed and at home. I knew then that I was irrevocably in love with Mark, and this was definitely real love.

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