I Know

By El-Sanchez

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you are y/n y/l/n you and your daughter, Delilah, age 3- nearly four lived on your own, you were born on Octo... More

hello everybody :)


45 2 2
By El-Sanchez

*this is gonna take place after they stop the apocalypse ig*
"What am I thinking now mommy", your three year old, Delilah, giggled. She'd always been fascinated with your ability to read minds and your ability to speak to others telepathically.

  "You're thinking of asking daddy for ice cream for dinner", you said, nobody could hear you but her and she giggled loudly.

  You absolutely despised your "gift". That's what you called it around Delilah. She loved it, and it wasn't that bad if it put a smile on your little girl's face.

  You were born, along with others, on October 1st 1989. You were granted unexplainable powers along with multiple others. You remember the day Reginald Hargreeves came to your front door, asking for you in exchange for money. It wasn't your memory, it was your mother's, you read her mind. Your mother would allow you to be sold. Which you never understood because she left you and your older brother, James, as soon as he was old enough to legally care for you.

  You were on your way to Damien, Delilah's dad's, house. You and him were not together. And you didn't always get along great, and he's a drug dealer. It's likely you wouldn't have allowed him to see Delilah, if you weren't aware of how good of a person he really was.

  "We're here!", Delilah exclaimed. She loved her dad and spending time with her dad, but you knew she loved staying with you even more.

  Delilah ran up to the door Knocking loudly three times, waiting for her dad to open the door. It took a bit longer that usual for him to get to the door, you did come an hour early, maybe he was in the shower or something.

  "Daddy!", Delilah squealed, leaping up into Damien's arms. You raised an eyebrow at him.

  "I um, you're an hour early. I have someone over", he said turning Delilah in his arms so she wouldn't look inside the apartment.

  "Is it-" you trailed off, raising an eyebrow, asking if it was a customer.

  "Yeah", he said bouncing Delilah on his hip. You sighed. "Y/n, it was last minute he was supposed to be gone before you got here, you guys came an hour early", he explained.

  "I wanted to surprise you daddy!", she giggled. "Oh- Hello mister!", She shouted inside the building to someone.

  He was tall, extremely skinny, looked kinda roughed up, black eye liner smudged around his gorgeous green eyes, facial hair that would look ridiculous on anyone but him. He had a mop of dark curls on the top of his head and was wearing leather pants, laced up the sides, combat boots, and a black sweater that showed about an inch of his midriff.

  "Goodbye Damien, thank you dearly, I wouldn't want to impose on your family time", the man smiled. He was absolutely gorgeous.

  The two of you made eye contact and your eyes flashed white as his current thoughts and recent memories flooded into your head. Normally upon seeing someone new at Damien's house, it was some scumbag who thought it'd be fun to smoke weed in highschool and ended up a deadbeat pervert.

  But this man, Klaus was his name. He was different, his mind was filled with pain, screaming and yelling, conflict and very few happy thoughts. Your eyes even welled with tears before you snapped back to reality, he had already left.

  "I'm gonna get going.. I'll see you in a few days baby I love you", you said, leaning towards them to give your daughter a kiss on the forehead.

  You hopped down the steps of the entrance to Damien's house, rather quickly, you wanted to catch that guy- Klaus.

  You speed walked around the corner eventually seeing him, tall, lanky, and beautiful. "Hey", you smiled when you walked up by him.

  "What does she want?", "is she a cop?", "is she going to hurt me?", those thoughts flashed through your mind, they were Klaus' thoughts.

  "I'm not a cop, and I don't wanna hurt you, I just wanna talk a bit I guess, I'm lonely", you giggled. You never really spoke to anyone outside of Delilah and Damien, so you didn't realize how weirded out he'd be by you knowing exactly what he was thinking.

  But he wasn't. "So, you're a freak like me?", he laughed, his voice was dripping with bitterness and venom.

  "I suppose I am", you said looking down at your feet. You were nearly thirty, and during those thirty years, Klaus was the only person you'd met who wasn't fascinated by your abilities. Instead, he resented abilities, much like yourself. It was honestly refreshing.

  "I'm guessing you read minds or something. I was about to call you lucky. I see dead people. But it must be just horrible, knowing what everyone around you is thinking", he said, picking at his nails, they were coated in black paint that had begun chipping.

  "It's not the worse thing I suppose. Delilah loves it, and I love her, that makes it a bit easier", you smiled at him.

  "Delilah, is that your daughter?", he asked curiously. Most people asking about her were just making small talk to break silence. Klaus however, was genuinely curious, wanted to know all about you and wanted to hear everything you had to say. Why? You couldn't quite tell.

  "Yeah, she's gonna be four in another few months", you smiled. You noticed his skinny body, his joints jutted out and you'd began to wonder when he'd eaten last.

  "Do you um, do wanna get breakfast with me? I was thinking waffles maybe. I was already on my way to the diner, I'll pay?", you suggested. You weren't actually on your way to the diner, but you could tell he clearly hadn't eaten in a while.

  "Okay, you haven't got to though.. I can find the money to pay you back", he suggested, worried thoughts filled his mind.

  "It's my treat Klaus. I don't mind at all", you smiled. The two of you made your way to the diner, in about 5 minutes, nothing was said during those minutes, it was a comfortable silence, and if he had felt awkward, she'd know.

  "Alright. Hello y/n/n! It's good to see you!", an elderly waitress, Bonnie, smiled invitingly. You'd take Delilah there every other morning, it was her favourite place to get pancakes as Bonnie would always make them into cute little shapes, yesterday they were shaped like daisies.

  "Would you like the usual? (Insert what you would get)? And pancakes to bring home for the little one?", she said, she always looked so care free, like she had the perfect life, and maybe she did. She lived at home with her dog and husband of 42 years. They had three kids who lived in the city but would come back to visit regularly with her grand kids. Maybe you wanted a life like that. If not, you were fine living with Delilah until she left for the city and you were all alone. Perhaps you could get a cat?

  "Dear?", your thoughts were interrupted by Bonnie. You'd drifted off again.

  "Oh, um, sorry"

  "That's fine dear", every sentence the old woman spoke sounded like it should have a "<3" before the period.

  "The usual yes, thank you, and none for Delilah, she's with her dad today", you said, smiling as politely as possible, however you'd never be able to match the smile Bonnie wore on her face.

  "Of course, be sure to tell her I say hello for me, the next time you speak to her", the woman smiled, then she turned her attention to Klaus, who'd seemed fidgety, taping his coloured nails against the table.

  "Who's this?", she asked. "Have you found a man worthy of your love y/n?", she asked, a giggle in her voice, you watched a small blush appear on Klaus' pronounced cheeks.

  "Unfortunately, no. This is Klaus, he's a friend of Damien's.. we're just getting to know each other", you smiled, as did she.

   "Anywho, what can I get you dear?", she hummed, he looked at her for a brief moment.

  "Do I want waffles? Or pancakes?", "what if she drugs my food?", "she seems too nice to do that", "she must be senile, no way I could be good enough for Y/n" his thoughts surfaced in your brain.

  "Waffles", he said, after a few moments.

  "Sure thing dear, you've got such lovely eyes", Bonnie said before turning on her heal to get your food. She wasn't wrong, his eyes are gorgeous.

  "You um, come here a lot?", he questioned still tapping at the table, he seemed jittery, likely fixing for another dose of opioids.

  "Yeah, it's Delilah's favourite place to eat at. We get breakfast here every other day, we're basically family to the staff, especially Bonnie", you said, looking down, but smiling. "Damien takes her here too, but not as much as I do", you said smugly. "It's not a competition, between him and I. But if it were, I'd be winning.", that got a small laugh out of him as your plates were placed in front of you.

  "So, you and Damien? Aren't together?", he asked, immediately digging into his waffles. You'd no idea when the last time he ate could have possibly been.

  "No we're not. I used to be heavily addicted to a shit ton of stuff. Same with my older brother James. Damien was our supplier, and when James lost his job, I had to pay Damien in was that didn't involve money. I got sober when I found out I was pregnant with Delilah, so did Damien.", you said in a monotone expression.

  "And James?", Klaus asked, before shoving another bite of his waffles in his mouth.

  "Overdosed about eight months ago", you sighed. "Life's fun huh", you smiled bitterly, eating your breakfast.

  "But of course, you know, with your dead brother and magical gift", he laughed, his voice filled with surreal amounts of sarcasm.

  "It could be worse you know", he smiled. "You've got a place to call your own. Someone to say I love you to. Access to food and other necessities.", he signed. He wasn't wrong.

  "Klaus, where are you staying at the moment?", you asked. You were about to offer something. And it would either change your life for the better or worse.

  "Wherever I can really. My brother let's me stay in the room he lives in. I'll occasionally sleep at my sister's apartment, the streets aren't so bad on weekdays. I try and avoid my childhood home, although it's accessible. Bad memories. Y'know?", he laughed bitterly.

  "Stay with me"

  This is unedited so

  Also sorry my writing is so faulty ♡

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