When All is Said and Done

By theroxbox

354 12 15

He climbed in the window into her neat room. He got in her bed and kissed her in her sleep. "Elvis..." she m... More


Hasta Mañana

203 7 9
By theroxbox

Benny got out of the car at 1 am and went to Frida's bedroom window. Bjorn and Agnetha were in the car, just a few things packed in the trunk. Benny knew Frida kept her windows open in the summer, especially in the Georgia heat. He knew the way to open the screen to her window, and did it successfully. He climbed in the window into her neat room. He got in her bed and kissed her in her sleep.

"Elvis..." she moaned. Benny stopped kissing her and pulled her arm. She screamed as she woke up to a man over her, but realized it was her boyfriend.  "Shit, Benny!" She said sitting up. "What the hell are you doing in my house at 1 in the morning?"

"Let's go," He said pulling her arm.

"Wait, wait, WAIT." She said sitting him down, as she sat up. "Where are we going, why are you here, and what is happening?"

"Okay. I have a plan."

"Oh no," Frida said putting her hand on her head.

"Me, you, Agnetha, and Bjorn— travel the country. We leave this dumpy town. We go and explore, see the world a bit. We inherited a shit ton of money when all of our guardians died in that plane crash, plus the money from mine and Bjorn's band. We can live off what we have! Now there's no option, you are going and let's get packing, we have a half hour to grab everything you need." Benny said getting off the bed, pulling out Frida's backpack, and setting it by her feet. Benny went over to her dresser and pulled out five pairs of clothes.

"Wait Benny," Frida said putting up bed hand. "If I'm going and if you're helping me pack, I want my soft and comfortable striped pants, all five pairs of them. WITH the matching shirt."

"Yes baby, and you're going." Benny said pulling out her favorite pairs of pants and matching shirts. Frida got out of bed and grabbed her jar of money, and threw it in her backpack. She grabbed her vitamins, hairbrush, toothbrush, etc. Benny started pulling out Frida's bras, underwear, pads, and tampons.

"Woah, woah, woah." Frida said. "Hold up. How do you know where all my stuff is?" She asked changing her clothes into sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"I know everything about you," Benny said grabbing other things she needs like pajamas and her favorite pair of earrings. They both packed everything they thought she needed, which surprisingly fit into her one backpack, even with a little extra space.

"You're so weird I can't believe I'm doing this," Frida said as she locked up the house and grabbed a flashlight. They got out to the car and put her stuff in the back.

"Okay we have rules. Benny and Frida are not allowed to sleep in the same bed, or sit together in the car, because both could end up with... babies." Agnetha said straight out.

"Okay Agnetha we discussed this, me and Benny aren't total sex addicts."

Bjorn laughed as Agnetha forced Frida to sit up front with Bjorn, and Benny and Agnetha in the back.

"Anyways you two are the oldest and you know more. Like how to work a map." Agnetha said.

"Oh now we are getting roasted," Bjorn said.

"Whatever," Frida rolled her eyes. "Just let me sleep the rest of the night." Frida laid her head against the side of the car and fell asleep.

4:00 am

"We're here!" Bjorn shouted and everyone jerked awake. "Sorry guys I have to sleep. We can do more stuff later. I got us a hotel, let's go." He said as everyone followed behind him, tiredly.

"Where are we?" Agnetha asked tiredly as she held Bjorn's hand.

"We are in Alabama now," he said kissing her head.

"Okay," she said softly. Benny tried to wrap his arm around Frida but she pushed him away.

"Get away I'm to tired for physical contact," Frida said crossing her arms.

"Gosh, I can cuddle with Bjorn then," Benny rolled his eyes.

9:30 am

"Okay I'm almost done," Frida said yelling from the bathroom.

"Hurry up!" Benny yelled back. "Women," He said under his breath.

"Benny! I heard that!"

"You take so long and the free breakfast closes In a half hour!" Benny complained.

"Gosh, just fucking WAIT," Frida growled as she finished combing her hair.

"She's on her period," Benny said sitting down with his face in his hands. Frida stormed out of the bathroom and threw her hairbrush on the bed right next to Benny.

"Gosh you make me crazy, Frida said as she rolled her eyes and left the room, and everyone followed her. They went to breakfast and as soon as Frida ate, she was sweet as sugar. "I'm sorry for this morning," Frida mumbled.

"It's alright," Benny said.

"Okay so our plan is today to go to Birmingham, and go to the abandoned hospital." Bjorn said.

"You're kidding me." Agnetha said. "You have everything planned out?"

"Oh trust me baby, that's all I know. Knowing me, I'll probably sell the car and we'll probably jump on trains or something."

"Stop it! You can't joke around!"

"I'm not joking sweetie, I know what fun is, and you'll enjoy these next few years. Or the rest of our lives." Bjorn said kissing her.

"Oh my gosh I swear I didn't sign up for this," She said getting quite frightened and almost in tears.

"No it will be fun, and we won't make you do anything that you aren't comfortable with! You only live once, so you have to make the best!" Bjorn said.

"Stop, Bjorn the poor girl, you're scaring her!" Frida said.

They all went back to their room and packed up their things. Frida stood in the full length mirror looking at herself. She was wearing one of the striped pairs of pants Benny packed for her. They were insane colors and they laid perfectly on her body. "You look sexy," Benny said coming up behind her and putting his arms around her waist, kissing her neck.

"I look like a mess, Benny." She said looking at him in the mirror.

"You look like the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," He said swaying her side to side.

"Oh stop it," she giggled. "I think we better go, Bjorn is gonna wanna be settled into the hotel by noon."

"Okay baby," he said turning her around and giving her a quick kiss. They went to grab their backpacks and saw Bjorn and Agnetha kissing intensely on the bed.

"Woahhhhhh..... Hey illegal couple!" Frida said as Bjorn and Agnetha got off each other.

"Where did illegal couple come from?" Benny asked.

"You know, it was in the moment, Bjorn is over 18, and Agnetha is under 18...." Frida replied smiling.

"Okay Bjorn is only 5 years older than me." Agnetha said.

"And I'm not old Frida, you're almost as old as me," Bjorn said.

"Okay, whatever. Just, let's go I know how you all are." Frida said taking her backpack and Benny's hand.

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