The Morning Wedding

By MarsHeaven

1.7M 45.1K 4.4K

Tak ada yang tahu seperti apa masa lalu Kejora, Dia hanyalah wanita ceria misterius yang sangat menyayangi a... More

Part 1 The Twins
Part 2 - The Daddy Long Legs
Part 3 - The Scary Angel
Part 4 - The Unexpected Meeting (1)
Part 4 - The Unexpected Meeting (2)
Part 5 - The Troubled Heart
Part 6 - The Painful Moment
Part 7 - The Decision
Part 8 - The Conquest Love
1Part 9 - The Doubt Between Two Man
Part 10 - The Open Scars
Part 11 - The Family Back Together
Part 12 - The Reason l
Part 12 - The Reason 2
Part 13 - The New Beginning of Life
Part 14 - The Goodbye for Beautiful Memories
Part 15 - The Place that We Called Home
Part 16 - The Beautiful Day
Part 17 - The Way She Looked at Us
Part 18 - The Days When We Were Alone 1
Part 19 - The Hurt feeling
Part 20 - The Confession
Part 21 - The Disaster 1
Part 21 - The Disaster 2
Part 22 - The Stubborn Man 1
Part 22 - The Stubborn Man 2
Part 23 - The Loved Back Again
Part 24 - The Truth Revealed
Part 25 - The Happily Ever After
The Story of Us
The winner dan penghapusan TMW

Part 18 - The Days When We Were Alone 2

39.9K 1.3K 160
By MarsHeaven

Contains Deleted

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