My Songs & poems :)

By mrshoran666

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Hey my lovelies!!! these are some of the songs and poems i've spent time writing over the years, some good so... More

Not cryin' (song, Not finished)
You Said (song, Finished)
Tell Me (song, not finished)

Please read!!!!!

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By mrshoran666

Hey my lovelies, before i start i just wanted to dedicate this to anyone reading :) even if you think no one cares, i may not know you, but i care about are always loved by someone unconditionally :) also sorry if there are any spelling

Keep your head held high and your dreams alive, you are smart, funny and might i add undeniablly cute. you can accomplish anthing you set out to do as long and you keep belief and faith in yourself. Keep your friends close and family even closer, for whatever way this journey takes you, you can not do it alone. And remember you are always loved. <3


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