" Doc " hawks×reader ✔

By SizzlerSixZero

301K 10.4K 8.5K

Animals are nice. Except for when they won't shut up... <3 contains: -cringe -cringe made by a middle school... More

◇37 out of 37◆


9K 341 282
By SizzlerSixZero


She should stop yelling but if I tell her to she'll probably get louder.

Y/n walked over to Blue and tapped on the other woman's shoulder. Blue turned to her and once she realized who it was she was visibly less tense. Not completely calm but closer to it then before.

"Oh hey, y/n. Have the movers got the next painting on stage?" she asked placing her hands on her hips and letting out a puff of air from her mouth.

"Yes they have. In fact, they're a little ahead." y/n said giving off a small smile to hopefully calm Blue down a little more.

Luckily, it did.

Blue let out a long sigh and relaxed her shoulders. "Y/n you are quite amazing."

What? Wait did Blue just say I'm amazing? Oh man, I need to cherish this moment for the rest of my life!

"Why do you say that Blue?"

Yeah! Just act cool. Don't overreact or she'll take it back.

"You somehow managed to get these piece of shit workers to actually do their jobs. I must applaud you for that."


"GOING ONCE! GOING TWICE! Sold, to the in the purple scarf!"

Hana's voice boomed through the room once again, though this time louder and more perky.

"She's really getting into it isn't she?" Blue asked with a smirk on her face and eyes looking to the back of the closed off stage.

"I guess she is. Well as much as I don't want to we should get back to managing the movers. See ya Blue, and good luck."

"Thank you for the luck I'll need it." she said as she left to continue to yell and shout at movers, but this time a few notches quieter. Not completely quiet but good enough.

Wait, that's one of my paintings going on stage! Shit I haven't mentally prepared to go through with this yet!

Y/n continued to silently suffer as she watched a few of the movers stroll the painting on stage.

I'm the boss of them right? So I can just tell them to stop and they have to listen. Should I? No I can't. But I can.

By the time she got to her conclusion, the painting was already on stage and getting introduced.

"And our next painting here is called 'Peachy'. It was painted by my clinics one and only, y/l/n y/n."

Oh my furry fluff, I forgot she was going to say my name! Now if no one wants it everyone will know that it's my painting.

"Miss. Y/l/n, are you okay?" a man with a full grown beard, asked you.

Crap, I must have been spacing out.

"Uhh, yeah yeah I'm fine man."

The fuck y/n?

"Good I just wanted to ask because you look sick." the man said with a stone cold face.

"I'm fine just thinking I guess. Have you guys moved the next painting for it to get on stage after the one on stage gets sold?"

"Yes, we have." The man said still stone cold.

"Oh, um okay. Do ya think you can get the next painting ready, and also have a few of the movers from your team help the one that's removing the paintings from the stage?" y/n ask the man while keeping her calm composer.

"Yes of course. I'll get back to work now." he said nodding his head with the stone face still showing.

"Wait, before you go I have a question." y/n said smiling to her self and giggling on the inside.

"Sure boss, what is it?" his cold expression not changing.

"Why did the bald man paint rabbit's on his head?" y/n asked.


"Because from afar they looked like hares!" y/n gave the older man finger guns and laughed at her own joke, hoping the man would join her.

Please laugh with me.

The man was speechless for a few seconds but erupted into laughter after the joke seemed to click in his head.

The two stood behind the stage, both laughing at what seemed to be the best joke of the century, before one spoke up.

"Okay, I'm sorry for the bad joke you just seemed so serious so I wanted to get you to laugh or something." y/n said while wiping a few tears, from laughing, out of her eyes.

"It's fine kid that was a great joke." the man said with a smile then left to continue his work.

That went well.


Wait what?


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