Harry Potter One Shots

By LikeFireInWater

143K 2.8K 2.1K

Stories of love gathered from the Wizarding World... ( Character x Reader ) // ONGOING // Requests are closed More

1. How I See You || Sirius Black
2. Give It Time || Albus Severus Potter
4. Every Kind of Courage || Regulus Black
5. Knowing || Fred Weasley
6. A Welcome Presence || George Weasley
7. The Limits of Knowledge || Dean Thomas
8. Not Exactly Nargles || Lorcan Scamander
9. Secret Keeper || Oliver Wood
10. Just A Little Favor || James Potter
11. Back To What We Were || Remus Lupin
12. Uncertainty || Percy Weasley
13. Something Unbreakable || Bill Weasley
14. Together Is Enough || Harry Potter
15. An Erratic History || James Sirius Potter

3. Caving || James Sirius Potter

8.8K 138 140
By LikeFireInWater


June 2025

"Landon, could you move all these items to room 36A? They're all sorted out in the storage room so it shouldn't be too hard. We've finally got ourselves some work." Claudia, Head of the Magical Artifacts Department, shoved a piece of parchment to my chest, brushing past me to hand out some more papers to our co-workers. Looking down, I saw that it was a list and I skimmed my eyes over the information provided alongside the objects. My eyebrows rose.

Apparently, after more than a decade since it was last visited, the Ministry has succesfully rediscovered the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts, every item inside somehow unscorched by the Fiendfyre that ravaged the place during the war.

The reason of the room's sudden resurfacing was unknown, but it did leave us with one thing in certain: plenty of work for the people in the Magical Artifacts Department. That meant me, and every single one of my co-workers who have been itching to inspect something other than soon to be released wizarding products, was finally gifted with indulging work.

Examining the list, I proceeded to the storage room where all the items were just recently delivered. A few people scurried to and from, levitating books and portraits along with broken pieces of furniture, the vast space of the storage room suddenly bigger than ever before and something about it sparked excitement in my chest. I ventured further into the room, examining the seemingly endless variations of items in glee and I had to continuously remind myself to sort out my priorities.

Roaming the area, I checked the grouped items labeled with their respective room assignments, but my eyes strained to find the ones labeled 36A. I must have scoured through the room twice now, and I'm quite certain I didn't fail to miss a labeled card seeing as almost half of the objects were already brought to their examination rooms by their inspectors.

"Looking for something?" asked a voice from behind me and I froze.


I slowly turned around and held out the paper to James Potter's face, keeping a blank expression on my features.

He took it into his hand, gave it a once over, and returned it with a sheepish chuckle. I crossed my arms.

"About that..." he pressed a hand to his forehead. "I forgot to tell Claudia to tell you that I moved them to your room in advance. I thought I'd just save you the hassle and I left them in your working area. I'm sorry."

I sighed, gently waving off his apology. "It's fine." I pivoted on my heels and headed for the exit, completely aware of the pair of footsteps that followed me. "Although I am perfectly capable of moving the items on my own," I muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.

Having worked in the Ministry for almost three years, the repetitive nature of my job has lead me to consider quitting countless of times before, but I'd never actually gotten the final push I needed to do so. However, when James moved into the building as one of the Ministry's newest Aurors, he's taken to visiting me every chance he could and to be honest, I'm not sure how I managed to stay in my job for a whole year and see his carefree smile trying to return what used to be between us during our time at Hogwarts.

Finally emerging into the halls, I walked down the line of doors and found room 36A.

"Aberto," I casted wandlessly and the door swung open.

"Been practicing now, haven't we?" he said as I stepped into the space.

I shrugged. "Work gets boring sometimes."

Seeing the place twice as spacious than my previous working area, I grinned and my eyes instantly fell to the mahogany desk at the far end of the room. Approaching the desk, I saw all the items on the list lined up on its surface along with the tomes I was in charge of stored in the shelf beside it. Pulling out the chair, I sunk into the soft cushion and turned to James.

"Did you do this?" I asked, gesturing to the organized area. Usually, we would be provided with only a desk and a chair to do our inspections; I highly doubt the Ministry would take some time to provide us with a cozy working area.

"I did," he said, and drew closer, his footsteps echoing in the quiet room, "Do you like it?"

I nodded. "I do, thank you."

"You know," he said as he leaned against the desk, propping his hands on the edge, "I could tell you all about how we rediscovered the Room of Requirement but I think I'll just cut to the chase-"

I pursed my lips, heart clenching. "James, we've already talked about this," I interrupted, already knowing where this conversation would lead to.

"I know we have, but did you ever take time to think about it? It's just one date, Landon — you'll never know where it might take us," he said and wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. I scoffed and he continued, "Later today after you're finished with all that, we could go for a quick meal. I know a great place down in Diagon Alley if you want-"

"I don't think so," I said dismissively, eyeing the artifacts on my desk-a few glowing bottles and a handful's worth of jewels. "I think I'd be quite preoccupied for the day."

He laughed once and picked up a dull piece of what I'd assume was a diamond. "Hardworking as always, Landon. What could possibly change your mind?"

"About you?"

He hummed and nodded, spinning the rock between his fingers. I licked my lips, a weight settling itself in my chest the same way every time I had this conversation with him. I got to my feet.

"James, we both know what happened during Hogwarts, and I really don't think starting over is a good idea. We're great together, but just not that way." I released a breath and reached out for his hand, gently plucking out the stone from his fingers and placed it alongside the rest of the jewels.

"Well I'll have you know those were the best years of my life."

I looked up at him and he switched his features to form a pout. I chuckled, ignoring the way my heart jumped, and pushed him away by the shoulder. "Don't you have some papers to run or something?" I said, hoping to drive his attention away from our previous conversation.

"Just a few," he muttered, looking at his wristwatch. "I better get going."

With a pat on my head and a soft smile, he walked away. I released a heavy breath once the door clicked shut and I ran a hand through my hair.

Why does he have to make it so difficult?

.   .   .

Entering my work room at 8:30 in the morning, I most certainly did not expect the snoring figure slumped in my chair with his feet up the desk, an open book slapped on his chest. I sighed.

I gently closed the door behind me, making sure to be as quiet as possible. The door made a small 'click' when it locked, and it was enough to set his Auror reflexes into action. James looked frantically around the area, his eyes brightening when they settled on me.

"Good morning, Landon," he rasped.

I licked my lips, pushing down the resurfacing memories in my head and I acknowledged him with a nod. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, shrugging off my coat as I made my way towards the desk. I noticed the bottles and jewels I studied last night were gone from the table and instead were lined up on the shelf by it. The books were cluttered across the table's surface and I cocked my head at the mess, James scrambling to reorganize them.

"I'm sorry about that," he laughed, "I thought I might sort them out for you; try and list down their titles so you'll have an idea before you start..." He snatched a piece of paper from underneath a thick tome and held it out to me. His hand brushed mine and his ink-stained fingers left a mark on my skin.

I ran my eyes over the familiar titles, slightly dismayed at how I've already studied most of them prior.

"There's still a few I haven't gotten to, but it's nothing you shouldn't be able to handle."

I quirked an eyebrow. "How long have you been here?"

He shrugged. "Just an hour or two."

I sighed and let my arms fall to the side, finally allowing a smile to bloom on my face. "Thanks, James. I appreciate it."

"Anything for you, Landon."

"Look, if there's any way I can make up for this-"

"Have lunch with me?"

One glance at my expression, he already knew his answer. Why did I even ask him that?

"Of course. It was a long shot," he mumbled with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

My lips parted but I had nothing to say. Nothing he hasn't heard.

And James, not being one to let awkward silence take over, swiftly summoned his bag and zipping it open, pulled out a small bundle of bright yellow flowers tied with a ribbon. "Your room could use some color," he explained. "They're from my gran's backyard."

Taking them into my hands, I twisted the bunch and brought it to my nose, inhaling for scent; there was one, although faint. I wasn't an expert on flowers, but I could identify this particular bloom.


"Exactly." Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he reached out and ruffled my hair. "I'll see you around, Landon." Smiling once over his shoulder, he left the room.

I lowered the flowers once the door clicked shut and searched the leaves for a card that should be waiting inside. I gently dug through the flowers and felt around for a few moments until I concluded that there was none.

I muttered, "About time."

He was finally getting over us- or to be more specific, the idea of there ever being an 'us' again. My hands went slack for a split-second.

It's alright. He will still be my friend, after all.

Like I've been telling him to be for years.

I took one of the ribbons' ends and pulled on it, undoing the knot and unbinding the flowers. I laid them down one by one on the table, trimmed the ends of the stems, and transfigured one of the pencases into a transparent vase, filling it with an Aguamenti spell. I placed it on the shelf by the glowing bottles, making a faint rainbow of colors reflect on the vase's surface.

I took a step back and admired the way the colors made a strong contrast against the dull grey room. Satisfied, I decided it was time for work and I pulled out the chair. Taking the list of books James made, I took notes of the ones he identified and sorted them from the ones he hasn't.

Somebody knocked on the door and it swung open, Claudia's head poking in from the gap. "Landon," she said, her round dark eyes popping through her even rounder black glasses, "Potter had one of his friends deliver this to my desk. It's for you." She held up a plain white envelope with my name written on it and my heart leaped in excitement. I cursed myself for that.

Keeping a level face I invited her to come in and she passed me the letter.

"Is he still here?" I asked, keeping myself from eyeing hungrily at the envelope and its contents.

"I'm not sure. I just found that a few minutes ago."

I ran my thumb along the envelope's edges and gently extracted the paper inside. Carefully scanning my eyes over the words, my jaw went slack.

"He's leaving?"

Claudia tapped a finger to her chin. "Potter's in Carson's group, right?" At my nod, she continued, "I know they're scheduled for somewhere, but further details weren't announced."

Swallowing down a lump in my throat, I clutched the letter tight in my hand. It's a good thing, I told myself, It's good. Distance, it seemed, is what James and I both needed-though I reckon I might be needing it more than him.

"Landon, you can't keep this all in," she said gently, "I've been watching you two for the past year and honestly, it's killing me just as much as you."

I snorted, feigning ignorance. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Whatever happened back in Hogwarts is ancient history now, alright? Whoever fed lies about you and Potter to that old hag Skeeter, it won't happen anymore because people know better than to believe her writings-"

I scoffed. "If only that were the case seven years ago. I could have saved my family business a huge sack of troubles."

"The point is, Skeeter's retired and nobody gives a damn about you or your family's so-called intentions anymore so stop running away from him and just tell him how you feel."

I didn't believe her words. Not at all. Because there wasn't anything to feel.

Even so, I said, "Alright, I'll talk to him."

Claudia squealed, satisfied, and shooed me out of the room. "Great! Now hurry or he might leave." She squealed again.

I will talk to him. But only to say goodbye.

I made a beeline for one of the information counters on the Auror's Department and stationed in it was a young woman with pudgy cheeks. She sorted through some documents as a cup of coffee stirred itself on her desk. I tapped on the glass and she jumped in her seat.

"Good afternoon," she chirped sheepishly, her voice much higher than I'd expected. "What can I do for you?"

"I need to know when and where Nicholas Carson's group would be dispatched."

She eyed me curiously and without using her wand, she levitated out a file from one of the drawers behind her. She ran her eyes through the documents.

"Ah, yes... Sir Carson's group has left no more than fifteen minutes before by portkey for-no wait, that's classified information. Silly me," she snortled and batted her eyelashes at me. "I'm afraid I can't tell you where they're off to, sweetie. Why do you ask?"

Breathing out sharply, I answered, "I just needed to talk to one of the members."

"Is it something important?" she asked, her high-pitched voice taking on a songlike tune.

I shrugged helpessly. "I suppose it is. I'm not sure."

She sighed and snapped the file shut. "Well it seems that this quest is a particularly rare one. I mean, what usually requires both Aurors and Curse-breakers in one group? Not to mention the reinforcements from other countries, too."

"How long?"

"The duration is uncertain, but I can guarantee that it could take some time. Three years? Two years, at least. It spans out across the globe and that's only from the leads we've gathered so far. Who knows what else they might discover during this quest?" I brought a hand to my forehead and groaned. She payed me no attention as she continued, "Communication isn't allowed due to the risk of tipping the supposed 'magical forces' that could be surrounding their area of work. It's classified as one of the uh, higher level missions. I'm sure you've gathered that from the Auror, reinforcements and whatnots..." She peered up at me and chuckled nervously. "Alright there?"

No. Absolutely not.

"Just tell me, will this be dangerous?" I managed to say through a tight smile.

"Well, seeing as it's a classified A-level mission, I'd say it were but, you shouldn't worry too much. Sir Carson has been in this profession for decades now and he's led countless of missions with no deaths. He's quite a lucky man, if I'm to be honest."

I knew for certain that some things couldn't be resolved through sheer luck. But James could handle his own. He would.

"Is it really too late to deliver a message?"

She pursed her lips. "I'm afraid so. And if were you, I wouldn't count on a temporary break either. This is one of the biggest cases the Ministry has received in a decade after all."

"I understand. Thank you."

The way back to my workroom was a blur of emotions and biting my lip until it stung. It was the only way I could think of to not burst into tears in the middle of the Ministry of Magic. By the time I returned to the quieter level of the building where I worked, a few drops had already escaped my eyes and I balled my hands into tight fists. I reached 36A's door and I blinked away the tears before I took the doorknob and swung it open.

"So? How was it?" Claudia's voice echoed in my ears.

I shook my head.

"Oh..." she breathed out. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault, I shouldn't have encouraged you..."

"It's alright," I assured her firmly, keeping my eyes trained on the floor as I walked to my desk. "I finally got what I wanted. For him to stay away from me."

Taking the books that weren't on James's list, I stacked them atop one another and hauled them into my arms. "I think I'll go ahead and bring these to Davis." I swiftly exited the room and walked down the hallway in search of Davis's office.

"Runes?" Claudia asked, trailing behind me.

"Runes," I confirmed. "But do you think you've got anything else I could take care of? I'm out of work."

"Definitely. I've got just the portrait to get your mind off of everything."

"Thank you."

"Think you'll be alright?"

"Of course."

We came to a stop in front of room 31H and Claudia placed a hand on my shoulder, giving me a comforting smile before parting from me with a wave. Knocking on the door, I pushed away all thoughts of James to the back of my mind.

.   .   .

October 2027

I had awoken with a rush, bolting upright in my bed. The clock on the wall read that it was almost noon, which meant that I was very late for work. Cursing under my breath, I slipped out my pajamas and into a more casual attire. Completing my morning routine in record time, I dashed down the halls to the living room, greeting Mum who was hunched over the blueprints for her latest broom design as I rushed for the fireplace.

"Hey!" she cried, startled by my commotion, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Work," I answered, grabbing a handful of Floo Powder and I stepped into the fireplace.

"Work? Wasn't it Corner's turn to manage the shop this month?"

"No, I don't-" I stopped my wrist from flicking down and the powder trickled to the floor. It was the first day of October, which meant that it was no longer September. Which also meant that I had no work to do for the next thirty-one days.

Groaning, I exited the fireplace and returned the Floo Powder to its bowl, shaking off the excess from my palm. Pulling out the seat beside my mother, I slumped on the table and buried my face into my hands.

"I can't believe I forgot about that," I grumbled, a headache settling into my skull. It has been a few months since I decided to quit the Ministry and take in after Mum's footsteps in broom making, but that wouldn't give me a steady income right away. So I took a part-time job in one of the restaurants in Diagon Alley and honestly, the ever changing schedules the owner had for us workers has been giving me migraines.

"Well," Mum grinned at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes and pushed what I'd assume was today's newspaper in front of me, "Here's something you might want to believe."

Taking the Daily Prophet into my hands, I studied the first article printed in big, bold letters.


Scattered across the article were snippets of one of the plenty things the group discovered on their mission-including an ingredient that could lead to a definite cure for dragon pox- but I had no time to dwell on the questions popping up in my head once I saw the moving photograph of what I assumed was the team dispatched for this certain mission. My eyes darted back and forth between the uncountable faces in the photo and the words written by it.

...and Head Auror Carson once again leads a succesful mission with no severe casualties...

I sighed in relief; that meant he was alright. Scouring the picture for James, I gritted my teeth and wished that the sixty or so people in it would stay still for just one second-

"There!" I exclaimed, spotting his face as he stood in the front row of the group, grinning cheekily at the camera as if he were attending a birthday party. A laugh unknowingly escaped my lips and I held the newspaper closer, studying the way his lips curved upward and the slight hunch he did whenever he laughed.

"They're all alive and well from what I've read," remarked my mom. "As expected of Carson there. He's like a walking fountain of Felix Felicis when it comes to things like these."

"I know," I said, beaming at the papers, "I've heard."

"And don't you look lovestruck."

"And I don't know what you mean," I replied, mimicking her lilting tone. Still, I was unable to tame the smile on my face. I tore my eyes away from James's face and instead focused on the other members of the group. There were some recognizable people from the Ministry, but the rest I was unable to identify.

A roar sounded in the fireplace, wild green flames flaring, and Claudia stumbled out, coughing as she waved around a copy of the newspaper.

"Did you-" she heaved out another heavy cough, pressing a hand to her chest. "Did you see this? Have you read it?" She staggered over to my side and slammed the papers down on the table. Her eyes lit up in recognition as she saw the copy in my hands.

"So you have. Fantastic!" she exclaimed breathlessly, and I pulled out the chair beside me for her. She muttered a quick thanks and settled herself down, gaping at me incredulously. I braced myself.

"Could you believe it?" she cried, and Mum flinched from the corner of my eye, "I mean, when in the name of bloody Merlin did that happen?"

I chuckled lightly at her, too elated by the news of James's safety to tell her to calm down. "I know. They found a cure to Dragon Pox and everybody's turned out safe and-"

She narrowed her eyes at me, deep lines etched into her forehead. "What the hell are you going on about? Have you even read past the first page?"

Pressing my lips together, I shrugged. "I mean, I did just wake up about fifteen minutes ago so I haven't-"

She snatched the newspaper from me, turning it to the next page, and slapped it back down on the table. She pointed a finger to a photo in the top right corner. "This was what I meant."

I narrowed my eyes at the words written by the picture before I could take a proper look at what it was.


The photo showed James sitting on the grass by one of the camping tents with a woman around our age. She leaned in to him and planted a brief kiss onto his cheek, making a smile bloom on his face. She whispered something into his ear, and James laughed as he draped an arm around her shoulder.

I stopped watching.

"Do you have any idea who that is?" Claudia whispered.

I hummed, shaking my head, and proceeded to read the article by the photo. "What about her?" I mumbled, my eyes trailing over the words.

...the young Auror seems to have captured the heart of the eldest son of the famous Harry Potter...

"People just can't help but gossip nowadays, huh?" Turning the papers over, I tossed it to the side and ignored the dumbstruck look on Claudia's face.

"So," I said, mustering the most pleasant smile I could, "how have you been?"

.   .   .

"Sweetie, you've got mail," said Mum, waving around an envelope.

"Who's it from?" I mumbled, rubbing the sleep out my eyes as I trudged down the stairs.

"It's from that Potter kid."

And that was enough to have me darting for the paper in her hand. I bit my lip as I stared down at James's familiar handwriting. Breathing deeply, I gently tore the seal open and removed the letter waiting inside. Placing down the envelope on the table, I pulled out a chair and sat down.

Slowly, I unfolded the paper.

  Hi Landon, how have you been?

I want to start this off with an apology. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this job until the day I was actually supposed to leave for it. It must have thrown you off or something... But hey, I got out alive so I suppose that gives you the opportunity to come and kill me for leaving you so suddenly. And even though you won't (because let's face it, you love me,) I can't wait to see you again. Now I'm going to go ahead and assume that you'll be free this Wednesday, so expect a visit from me soon.

Yours, James.

P.S. There's somebody I want you to meet.

"What did it say?"

My chest was a few beats away from imploding and I shrugged at Mum who peeked at me from her broom designs. "He said he wanted me to meet somebody and that he's stopping by this Wednesday."

"Did he say which Wednesday?"

"No, just this Wednesday..." Counting the days in my head, I dropped the letter as I realized what today was. I crossed my arms at the fallen paper. "Well if that isn't today," I grumbled under my breath. Getting up from my chair, I returned upstairs to my room to make myself look presentable, and braced myself for the hurricane that is James Potter.

An hour after six, there was a knock on my door, and my heart leapt, a wave of nervousness washing over me and my hands felt cold as I closed the book I was reading. I pushed myself off the couch and went to the front door, slightly dismayed by the fact that James didn't show up in a burst of green flames like he always did. I patted down my hair and clothes, plastered on a smile, and swung the door open.

"I thought you'd use the Floo again today..." My words fell away and I blinked at the person standing in front of me.

"Good evening," the woman said, toying with the hem of her dark blue coat, "Is this the Landons' house?"

I blinked at the girl whose long auburn hair cascaded perfectly over her shoulders, her warm amber eyes staring up at me. The pieces clicked into place.

The first time I saw her, she was merely a moving image on a newspaper, but now, the girl shifted on her feet in the flesh, expecting an answer.

"Right, uh, come in." I opened the door for her to step through and she uttered a thanks. Her eyes traveled across the room, lips curling into a smile.

"Quite a lovely place you've got here," she said, and I narrowed my eyes. Something about the way she spoke was familiar. I should have been able to recognize that particular lilt in her voice-as if it was doused with honey- and I cursed internally when I failed to. I wiped the frown away from my face when she turned her head to me and replaced it with a weak smile as I shut the door.

"James should be here soon," she said. "He just got held up at the Ministry. I'm Dana, by the way." She stretched out a hand and I shook it, giving her my name in return.

"Why don't we go to the living room?" I said.

Thankfully, I didn't need to engage her into a conversation as she kept on pointing out the details she found interesting about my house. Having my mother's Quidditch achievements hanging on the walls made it all the more easier for her.

"That was quite an impressive hallway. It must be nice living with one of our greatest Chasers. Not to mention the maker of the Suntail," Dana said as we reached the living room.

"She's a great Mum," I agreed, and gestured for her to sit on one of the couches. She complied and settled down on the one I sat on, the book I left on the table catching her eye.

"The Tales of Beedle the Bard," Dana said fondly and a tiny laugh escaped her lips. "I haven't laid my hands on these stories for years."

"You can look through it while I go get us some drinks. I could make some cocoa if you want."

"I would, thanks." Dana pushed herself up and wandered around the room, studying the magical portraits on the walls.

I used my magic to prepare the drink and while I waited, my thoughts on Dana fostered. There was something really familiar about the way she spoke and moved; the tiniest gestures she made followed a pattern I'd seen before. I groaned and grabbed two mugs from the cupboard. I couldn't place a finger on whatever it was.

So I was left to wonder if it was something she was doing on purpose.

Stirring the drinks, I dropped a few marshmallows and they bobbed on the surface. I floated the mugs and brought them back to the living room where Dana sat snug in the sofa, humming a tune, her eyebrows rising at the sight of me and I handed her one of the mugs that were suspended in midair. The other one I placed on the coffee table.

Clasping my hands together, I said, "If there's anything else I could get you please feel free to-"

The fireplace burst into green flames and I may or may not have screamed through the fire's roar. "Holy Merlin," I whispered as he stumbled out the fireplace, soot clinging on to his clothes and cheeks.


"James!" Dana exclaimed, leaping to her feet and threw her arms around him.

"Hey," he greeted and she giggled in response, brushing some dirt off his face with her thumb. I wrinkled my nose at the sight. If this was how James and I looked like back in Hogwarts, then I suppose us breaking up wasn't such a bad thing after all. It definitely spared many bystanders' stomachs from twisiting unpleasantly like mine is doing right now. But even through the unpleasantness, I urged a playful smile on my lips.

"Should I just leave you two alone or what?" I crossed my arms and his lips parted at the sight of me.

He gently unwrapped Dana's arms from his shoulders and approached me, shaking his head as his eyes darted back and forth across my face. "I  didn't think I'd see you here."

"You didn't think you'd see me in my house?" I teased him and lightly punched his arm.

He breathed out a laugh and shook his head. "You look great as always," he said and swiftly scooped me up into a hug. I gladly returned it and we separated.

"So do you." I chuckled and Dana placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We're all happy to be here, aren't we?" she grinned. "The first time I met him he couldn't stop talking about you."

"That's true, but," he agreed, and raised a finger at me. "I did get over you like you wanted me to and now Dana and I are off to a really good start. I owe it to you, Landon, I really do."

I smiled and ignored the sudden weight in my chest. "That's great, James. For both of you."

Dana beamed at me and lowered her hand to James's, locking their fingers together.

"Good Merlin, is that James Potter I'm seeing?"

James answered almost instantly at the voice, "The one and only, Mrs. Landon."

Mum's eyes flashed Dana and then to me. I shrugged.

Mum came to my side and raised an eyebrow at her. "Dana Deverill," she said and pointed a finger back and forth between them, "You two are all over the papers. Job well done, by the way."

"It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am," Dana said, stretching out her hand. Slowly, Mum extended an arm and shook it. "Likewise."

"We were thinking of having a drink down Hogsmeade-the Three Broomsticks-of course. You could both join us if you want," said James and I exchanged a look with Mum.

"I think I'll sit out on this one," she with an apologetic smile, "Those designs won't finish themselves after all."

"Right," I nodded eagerly, "And I think I'll stay behind here, too. I wouldn't-"

"Nonsense," Mum said nonchalantly, and I raised an eyebrow. "You should go out for some fresh air. Merlin knows you'll just stay indoors for the rest of the month anyway."

"I think they're better off alone," I turned to James for confirmation, "right?"

He shook his head. "Not really. We'd love it if you came along."

"See? He doesn't mind," said Mum, and I bit my tongue in annoyance.

"Uh, why don't we just go ahead?" suggested Dana to James.

He glanced warily between me and my mum and eventually nodded. "Alright, we'll be there for about an hour so if you change your mind, don't be afraid to drop by."

"Right. Thank you."

"Great," Dana chipped, "Come on, James."

She pulled him past me and she seemed to have no trouble making it to the front door as I trailed after them. She swung it open and a breeze drifted in to the house. "Thanks for having us," she said and James nodded.

"Yeah, thanks Landon."

"It's nothing."

I closed the door once they apparated away and marched straight for the living room. I crossed my arms at Mum who was sipping leisurely at the cocoa I prepared for James and frowned as I realized I forgot to offer it to him. Quickly shaking away the cocoa from my thoughts, I returned my attention to her.

"I'm sorry, but what was that?" I asked breathlessly.

Mum looked at me, raising a perplexed eyebrow and shrugged. "I just thought you'd be more concerned for James since he's dating a veela and he doesn't even seem to know."

Veela. The word triggered something in my head and all the pieces snapped into place; the pleasantness of her voice, the little nuances in her every moment, her natural beauty. "So what if he's dating one?" I mumbled as I went to the sofa, surpressing the conflict from growing in my head. James was fine. He's doing well with her.

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out sooner; her voice reeked of their magic every time she spoke to James."

I licked my lips and considered going to the Three Broomsticks after all-just to confirm my mother's thoughts. I shook my head. James was an Auror; he'd be damned not to notice that his girlfriend was a veela.

"If you're that worried about her, then why don't you just go and find out for yourself ?" she suggested nonchalantly, sipping cocoa loudly.

"Do I have to? He seems happy enough with her."

"And I saw how happy he was when he saw you."

"Meaning?" I asked weakly.

She sighed. "It means exactly what it does. I'm not saying you should get in their way, it's just, you're going to have to start seeing him as nothing more than a friend now, won't you? Maybe a nice cup of Butterbeer should help you get on your feet."

"I honestly think I could do that without becoming the third wheel."

Mum stood up with the cocoa in hand, "Aren't you at all concerned by the fact that she kept on using her Veela magic everytime she spoke to him? She used it on us too but not as much as she did with James." She frowned into the mug. "I'd be more worried if I were you."

.   .   .

I never realized when Mum became such a convicing speaker, but considering the way she advertised our brooms, I was a little less surprised then. Still, I never thought she'd be convincing enough to actually make me go to Hogsmeade at eight in the evening.

Looking around the familiar streets, I felt out of place walking alone in the bustling area so I quickened my pace and reached the Three Broomsticks, the smell wafting out from the inside hitting me with a pang of nostalgia.

Patting down my hair, I drew in a breath and pushed the doors open. I jumped at the noise coming from the place and I saw a small crowd gathered around one of the tables at the far end of the pub. People clamored for whatever was there and I reluctantly stepped into the area, trying to sneak a glance at whatever the commotion was about whilst already having answer in my head.

"Of course," I muttered under my breath when I spotted James and Dana being bombarded by questions; the latter having the time of her life as she attended to their questions.

James on the other hand, simply leaned back into his chair, wearing a faint smile as he sipped some Butterbeer and watched the exchange between his veela companion and the crowd. Rolling his eyes at one of her answers, his eyes wandered around the room and inevitably landed on me, his face breaking out into a grin. He tugged on Dana's sleeve and whispered something into her ear. Her eyes met mine and they narrowed by a fraction of an inch as she nodded along to whatever he was saying.

One of the women surrounding their table looked over her shoulder and her eyebrows raised in clear recognition of me. Without a doubt, some of the answers Dana was feeding them would make their way into one of the Witch Weekly magazines by tomorrow morning and by then, the truth would have already been spun into something quite far from it. Remembering the incident during Hogwarts, I stumbled back, my hip bumping into one of the tables.

If anybody else recognizes me here at Three Broomsticks while James Potter and his girlfriend are on a date, it would be considered a great feat to put it off as a mere coincidence. If anything, I'll be earning myself a spot in one of the Witch Weekly articles stating that I'm plotting against them or some other absurd rumor I knew these people were capable of producing.

Throwing James an apologetic smile, I switfly turned around and slipped out the Three Broomsticks, emerging into the cool outside air. Rubbing my hands on my arms, I thanked myself for making the decision to wear a cardigan and plodded down the stone streets of Hogsmeade, considering my options. The best course of action was of course to go home, but with every shop I pass, nostalgia drives me out of control. Reaching into my pockets for the money I brought with me, I counted them and eyed the rows of shops.

I was still walking down the cobbled streets when somebody placed their hands on my shoulders, startling me three feet into the air. Pressing a hand to my chest, my ears were met with James's snickers and I crossed my arms at the boy who sported a wide grin.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" I asked with an incredulous laugh, earning me a pout from him.

"I just wanted to spend some alone time with you, Landon. Didn't you miss me at all?"

"I'm not answering that question," I teased lightheartedly. "But why on earth are you following me? And where's Dana?"

"Dana?" He snorted. "She's doing just fine back there. She likes the attention."

"And you don't?" I asked him with a smirk.

James sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Dana enjoys the attention, keeping their hopes high, and living up to their expectations, but let's face it; right now, I'm not here to live up to anybody's expectations. If anything, I'm just glad I came out that mission alive and..." He looked down to me, his eyes boring deep into mine.

"And?" I urged him to go on, all the cells in my body coming to a slow as I waited for the rest of his sentence.

His gaze landed on something behind me and his features brightened. "And that's Honeydukes right there!"

"James, I don't think that's what you were-hey!"

James looped his arm through mine and dragged me into the store, the thick scent of sugar and the bright array of colors engulfing my senses at once. He was already bolting up and down the aisles before I could protest any further and I shook my head in defeat.

.   .   .

"How long should I keep this burning?"

"About half an hour," I answered Dana as I moved around the kitchen, struggling to keep a steaming hot pot of soup from spilling as I settled it down on the counter. Taking out my wand, I pointed to the cupboards and floated out some plates and utensils, following them to the dining room and carefully arranged them on the table.

"You know, I'm quite excited to meet your father," Dana gushed from beside me, placing the roast turkey on the middle of the table.

I couldn't help but bite my lip when I heard her veela magic seeping through her words. It has been more than a week since I officially met Dana and she and James took to visiting me every once or twice a week; something I wouldn't have minded if it weren't for the constant dread gathering in my stomach everytime she spoke to him. Mother threw me wary glances whenever Dana used her magic on him during their visits, but there was little to no way of telling whether or not the magic in her voice was a mere act of habit, or something else.

"Believe me, I'm just as excited as you are. I haven't seen him in months," I eventually replied with a smile, and returned to the kitchen. I took out my wand, prepared to clean up whatever materials were left and slowed down at the sight of James leaning against the counter with his eyes shut, humming a familiar song.

"Sixth year's Celestial Ball," I said, "Brings back memories."

His eyes snapped open, surprised, and he smiled lightly at me. "What can I say, Landon? I can't help but miss the old days sometimes."

"That makes the two of us."

Pushing himself off the counter, he stood in front of me, eyes twinkling alongside a grin as he bowed slightly, holding out a hand. "I think I might have an idea," he sung lowly.

My eyes widened at his invitation. "We can't," I said, my hands burning to take his.

"Why not? It's just a dance."

"Because you have her."

He stared at me blankly for a few seconds until he straightened his posture. "Right, Dana," he murmured, although it seemed to be directed mostly to himself.

Almost as if the name triggered an alarm, the part-veela appeared by the kitchen's doorway. "Is everything alright here?" she said, her eyes flickering between me and James.

"Everything's fine," he answered lowly, his features taking on a frown and I could almost see the tension growing. I resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow as I wondered when this rough patch formed between them. Her eyes settled on me one last time and she jerked her head for James to follow her, him not missing a beat as he left the kitchen.

It was dinner when I next saw the couple. Dad was settled at the end of the table and he conversed lightly with Mum as James and Dana entered the dining room, the latter wearing a tight smile as James trailed after her. They sat across each other, with James beside me and Dana beside Mum who threw me a questioning look about the heavy air hanging between the couple. I shrugged, and Dad took immediate notice of them.

"Well if it isn't James Potter," he said with a deep laugh. "How have you been, son? I've seen you all over the papers." I cringed at Dad's use of his old nickname for James and I was about to comment on it, but James spoke.

"Quite well," he replied with a weak smile.

"I see... and who might this young lady be?"

"Dana Deverill, sir. A pleasure to meet you." I exchanged a look with Mum and her lips twitched in confirmation. It was no new knowledge that Dana used her magic on every new people she met, and this time was no different.

Dinner progressed unbelievably sluggish at first, but Dad eventually burst out with stories about the young Quidditch Team he was coaching in Australia halfway through, and I silently thanked him for the dissolving the tension. Whilst Mum and Dana were engaged in his stories, I could barely concentrate on Dad's words as James silently poked at the food on his plate, taking in small bites at a time. Usually, James would be the one to ask all the most ridiculous questions about Dad's stories through mouthfuls of food, and I would tell him to close his mouth and be quiet. Right now, I wanted nothing more than for him to say anything.

I nudged his foot with mine and he looked up from his plate, startled.

"You alright?" I whispered.

He nodded and dismissively tore his eyes away from me, crossing his feet by the ankles. I pursed my lips and made a mental note to talk to him later.

It turned out later had to wait when Dad decided to rid James of his glum demeanor once Mum declared dinner over. Dad wasted no time inviting James to a quick one-on-one game of Quidditch out in our backyard and James agreed instantly. When the men left to get the brooms, I successfully convinced Mum to retire to the bed-a bit of a miracle since she rarely ever lets me handle the dishes; the plates were worth a lot, apparently-I rose to my feet and stacked the dishes in midair.

Thanks to magic, doing basic chores became significantly easier and I finished tidying up the dining room in less than an hour. Cracking my knuckles, I sighed, satisfied. I pivoted on my heel to leave and started when I saw Dana a few feet away from me. She tipped her head side to side and studied me with curiosity; the action sparking momentary panic within me.

"I just-" she paused to purse her lips tightly, a frown growing on her features and she took a sudden stride forward, "I just can't figure out what it is about you that makes it so demanding..." Her breath hit my face and I clenched my fist.

"What's so demanding?" I said, rougher than intended.

"Him," she answered simply, "No matter what I do he just won't give in-not to me nor to my magic."

"So you admit it then? That you're a veela."

She nodded with a hum.

"What are you using your magic on him for?"

"Well," she started, tapping a finger to her chin, "He's a Potter; names like his are useful when it comes to many things."

"People wouldn't steep so low-"

"Then why did you?" she barked, crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry?"

"It's what you did. You had him wrapped around your little finger for so long, using him to promote your family's business even though the broom designs were just stolen, using him to gain leverage during the trial, getting yourself a job at the Ministry..." she ticked each accusation on her fingers and eyed me, asking if I wanted her to go on.

"Both parties came to an agreement during that trial; the designs were my mother's," I countered. "And the job was offered to me by a friend. James had nothing to do with it so stop trying to prove your point. You're using him, and that's the end of it."

She shrugged. "Whatever it was that you intended to do, you've clearly lost a golden opportunity. But no worries," she grinned, "I won't make the same mistakes you did. With just a few more pushes here and there I'll be sure to have him under full control of my magic."

My hand flew for my wand and I resisted the urge to hex her then and there. "You're disgusting. How could you even think of doing that to James? To anybody?"

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I've been doing this my whole life; I'm certain I'll find it hard to feel guilty now. Besides, I've been given a gift, and I intend to use it to the fullest."

"Don't think I won't hesitate to tell him everything you just told me-"

She scoffed, licking her lips as if I were prey, "You can tattle all you want but why should he believe you? He's spent years trying win you back but you rejected him every time. Now that he's finally found somebody he's happy with, do you really think he'll take you back just like that? With a little hint of magic, convincing him that you're speaking out in nothing more than a fit of jealousy would be no great task."

"I'm not jealous," I said through gritted teeth.

"You still love him don't you?"

A lump got caught in my throat, and I struggled to answer her question. Saying the truth out loud would only resurface every emotion I've been trying to surpress for the past few years.

"So what if I do?" I whispered, and a great weight was lifted from my chest. "After pushing him away for so long, it was only a matter of time before he found somebody else." I curled my lips at her, "I just can't believe it's to somebody like you."

A few empty seconds passed and her dark demeanor fell away, a bright smile replacing it instead. She clapped. "Well that sounds like an agreement! You won't tell James and I won't tell the public. I get his name, your family keeps theirs clean-"

Somebody cleared their throat.

Dana's eyes flashed with panic for a split second, but her face easily morphed into a sickeningly sweet smile.

"How much did you hear?" she asked.

"More than enough," he snapped, making her flinch. His eyes flickered to mine before returning to her. "We need to talk."

Dana complied without objection, leaving me alone in the kitchen with my heart thundering within my chest.

.   .   .

It was almost midnight, and I was sitting snug on one of the sofas when the plodding of footsteps reached the room. I whirled in my seat and my chest clenched. "James," I murmured, taking in his downcast eyes. "What happened?"

He shrugged, slowly shaking his head, "You already know."


"I think I'll head home for now." He turned on his heel and exited the room and it was only when I heard the creak of my front door did I scramble to my feet, dashing down the halls to reach him before he could leave.

"Wait!" I called out before he could cross my house's apparition borders.

James released a sharp breath and turned around, his shoulders tensing. "Landon?" he gritted out.

I jogged over to him, and meeting his eyes for a brief moment, I rose to my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into his clothes. "I'm so sorry. I should have told you about her sooner." We stood frozen for a few moments until he raised a reluctant hand to settle on my waist and pushed me away.

"Why didn't you then?"

"You looked so happy with her-"

"And what you saw was just her manipulating me with her magic. That means everything I thought I felt for her-all of it- it's nothing now!"

I wearily stepped back and lowered my eyes. "I know. I'm sorry."

James sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Landon," he said, his voice gentler, "do you know why I was able to resist her magic just now?"

I shook my head.

"It was because of what you said back there when you were talking to her." His brows creased and I could see the conflict growing stronger in him, his hand coming down to clutch tightly at his jacket's collar. "Is it true what you said? Do you still love me?" His voice broke, eyes pleading, and I swallowed thickly.

"It's true," I confessed and let out a bitter laugh. "Funny isn't it? I thought I didn't but when I found out about your group's mission I realized I could lose you. It's stupid, James. I've wasted so much time ."

"It's alright," he gently reassured me and drew closer, taking my chin to raise my face as his other hand engulfed mine. "I'm right here." His skin was cold.

"What about you?" I murmured, meeting his eyes, "It's been more than two years, we finally got some distance, and veela or not you found somebody..."

James tipped his forehead against mine and I could hear the smile in his voice as he said, "Right now, I feel like we have a chance to start over."


One Year Later

After the conversation that took place that night, we decided to rekindle our friendship before we ventured into anything beyond its boundaries. Within those months, we were able to fill in the gap that opened up after our Hogwarts years and by the end of it all, I felt like I had reunited with a best friend.

I ran after James as he sprinted for the backyard with my mother's second completed model of the Suntail in his hand. Although spending time with an Auror boyfriend was a little challenging, we managed to fit our schedules together and we were gifted with a whole weekend to ourselves.

"James!" I called out, worry manifesting in the pit of my stomach. "We should wait until Mum is here before you do anything!"

James threw me a grin over his shoulder as he reached the middle of my house's backyard and he mounted the broom. Kicking off the grass, he steadily rose to the air and halted a few feet from the ground, pulling up on the handle a few times. "It's fine!" he yelled, "I think it's perfect-"

The Suntail shot into the air, faster than either of us had anticipated, and I staggered back, his sudden takeoff leaving a rough gush of wind. James's scream receded further into the sky until he was merely a speck amongst the thick clouds and I held my breath, readying my wand.

Less than a minute later, I spotted his figure zooming down at a frightening pace and I struggled to see if it was another one of his perfected nose dives or a potential accident. I received my answer when I caught sight of the broom falling at a much slower rate a few meters above him.

"Bloody Merlin," I growled and pointed my wand to James's figure, trying to take proper aim of his body and once I did, I casted the slowing charm, cushioning his fall by a large margin and I jogged over to the heap of crumpled clothes.

"Does it hurt badly?" I asked, applying slight pressure to his hip. I took his tiny hiss as a yes, and brought an ice pack to the bruising area. "Hold this," I ordered and turned back to the first aid kit, reorganizing the materials that had become cluttered inside.

The second model of the Suntail has finally been created after the first design failed to meet the desired agility my Mum was aiming for and James, to no surprise, ever so willingly volunteered to put the broom through its paces only this time, the broom turned a little too sharp and threw him off from fifty feet in the air. If it weren't for the slowing charm, I highly doubt he'd have gotten away with only some scratches and a bruise on his hip.

I glanced at the boy sitting on the grass as he studied the reddening area on his hip with curiosity, making me frown. "Don't take the ice away," I chided him, and shut the first aid kit with a 'click'.

Pushing myself to my feet, I crossed the backyard to the Suntail. Almost as if it noticed my presence, it began to twitch and lifted itself off the ground by a few inches. I knitted my eyebrows together at the broom and swiftly grabbed it with both hands as it fought back. The bristles rustled in irritation a couple of times before falling lifeless in my hands.

Reaching James, I sank to the space beside him and settled the broom down on my other side, casting an Immobulus so it wouldn't attempt any escapes

I shifted closer to him and he jerked back with a yelp, an apology falling out of my mouth knowing that I'd hit his injured hip. He gently chuckled , though strained, and placed an arm around my shoulder, leaning his head on top of mine.

"Do you think your mum would be mad when she finds out I took her broom for a ride?"

I wrinkled my nose and answered, "I don't think so. She's tripled-checked every single spell on it-probably much more than that-so if anything, she'll probably bombard you with questions once she comes home."

James hummed and nodded, and I looked up at him as he met my eyes with a smile. He tipped his head downwards to press a chaste kiss to my lips. "The broom's wonderful, but a little less ego would be amazing. My bloody hip is killing me," he said, glancing down at the injured spot.

"Yeah, we probably should have waited until after Mum's tried it herself. They do tend to be safer then."

He crossed his arms and exclaimed in fake outrage, "Are you telling me that this is my fault? Landon! Don't you dare laugh at me like that!"

Hearing his outraged use of my surname, I pressed a hand to my nose to prevent some very unladylike snorts from escaping and I laughed at the idiot's silly expression.

"Are you asking for another break up, huh? Because I won't hesitate to-" His words died as I cut him off with another kiss.

"Don't say it," I mumbled against his lips and leaned back in. I raised a hand to curl in his hair and he placed his palm on the small of my back, deepening the kiss. I shifted my legs to climb onto his lap-which proved to be a mistake when he threw his head back with a hiss.

"Hip!" he choked out. My hands flew to my mouth and I stood up, apologies spilling endlessly from my lips.

"It's fine," he waved me off, trying to reassure me with a smile that in all honestly looked like a grimace.

"R-right," I stuttered, watching him poke at the bruise and flinching.

He looked up at me with a pained smile and said, "I think we should probably get back inside."

Nodding in agreement, I held out my hand for him to take and he pulled himself up with a quick thanks. James managed to rise to his feet and he staggered slightly when he took a step.

"Try not to move too much," I said as I picked up the broom. "Come on."

Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, James nuzzled his face into my hair as we made our way to the house.


So, how was that for an inaccurate veela interpretation? ( Please don't hate on them. Thank you. 🙂🙂🙂 ) As always, thoughts and questions are greatly appreciated. I'd love to know what you guys think...

There will be another one shot coming soon and although it might take some time, it should be uploaded around two weeks or so from now.

I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys next time 💫

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