The Vampire Slayer Diaries

Από Irunwithwolves89

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Victoria Northman is a Dhampir born into a Lycan-vampire family but raised in a human world. She's also a vam... Περισσότερα

Northman House
When she was bad*
Some Assembly Required*
School hard*
Inca Mummy Girl*
Reptile Boy*
Lie To Me*
What's My Line*
Bad Eggs*
Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
I Only Have Eyes For You
Season Three: Victoria Northman
Season Three: Anne
Dead Man's Party
Beauty and the Beasts
Band Candy!
Lovers Walk
The Wish
The Helpless
The Zeppo
Bad Girls
Graduation Day Pt 1
Graduation Pt 2
Season Four :)
The Freshman
Living Conditions
The Harsh Light of Day
Fear It's Self
Beer Bad
Wild At Heart
The Initiative
Something Blue
A New Man
The I In Team
Goodbye Iowa
Who Are You?
Where The Wild Things Are
New Moon Raising
The Yoko Factor
Season Five
Real Me
The Replacement
Out Of My Mind
No Place Like Home
Fool For Love
Listening To Fear
Into The Woods
Blood Ties
I was made to love you
The Body
Tough Love
The Weight of the World
The Gift
Season Six
She's Back!
Life Serial
All The Way
Once More With Feeling
Tabula Rasa
Double Meat Palace
Dead Things
Older And Far Away
As You Were
Hells Bells
Normal Again
Seeing Red
Two To Go
Grave and a Blessing
Season Seven
Beneath You
Same Time, Same Place
Conversations With Dead People
Never Leave Me
Bring on the Night
Show Time
The Killer in Me
First Date
Get It Done
Lies My Parents Told Me
Dirty Girls
Empty Places
End Of Days

This Year's Girl

265 14 0
Από Irunwithwolves89

The gang were in Xander's basement, Xander was attempting to work on this blast rifle from the initiative.

"So here it is." Xander said. "The latest in state-of-the-art combat technology. I gotta say, it doesn't look that complicated."

I was beside him examining the weapon while Buffy watched us and Giles watched from his chair. Xander had a wrench like he was about to dig into it.

"So you can repair it?" Buffy asked.

"Sure. Just as soon as I get my master's degree in advanced star ship technology." Xander responded throwing down his wrench in disgust.

"Well why can't we just experiment then?" I asked looking at the weapon. "you know press some buttons, see what happens."

"I'd like to veto that." Giles said.

"Second" Xander said looking at me annoyed. 'It's called a 'blaster' Tor. The word that tends to discourage experimentation. Now if it was called 'The Orgasminator' I'd be first to try your basic button-press approach."

"You're cruising for a bruising." I told him glaring, making his eye twitch.

"Just tell me can you fix it or not?" Buffy said snapping.

"Working on it" Xander muttered. "Working on it but if I blow a hole into Mom's azalea patch, the neighbors will not be pleased." 

He switched to a needle-nose-pliers and went back to fiddling with the thing.

"Buffy you okay?" I asked noticing her emotions running wild. 'You've been patrolling three days straight maybe you need-"

"What? some rest?" Buffy said. "There's a demoniod killing machine out loose and it doesn't only work the night shift."

"I was going to say that let me back you up" I said shrugging. "But now that you mention it maybe you should take a nap I can handle patrol for a while, let you gather some strength."

"Just get the blaster working, that's all the strength I need."

"Are you sure?" Willow asked.

"Why, because ray guns aren't in the Slayer Handbook? You haven't seen this Adam thing, Will. He's the Terminator without the bashful charm. He's fast, he's deadly, and the last time we met he kicked my ass" Buffy said. "I don't think Tori's vamp strength will help either.."

"We don't know that" I whispered to myself.

"Oh. No, blast away, by all means, I only meant..." Willow said "No word about Riley?"

Buffy froze, closing her eyes in pain. 

"They keep telling me he's fine, and that's all they'll say."

"Maybe they're telling the truth." Will added.

"Maybe, but I don't even know what The Initiative version of "fine" is. They could be forcing him back onto medication, or torturing him for all I know." Buffy told us.

"I know it's hard" I told her. "but from all we've seen, I doubt they'd be trying to hurt him."

"The only thing I know for certain is my boyfriend is locked away and I'm not helping" Buffy said.

"Maybe Tori has a point" Willow said. "Riley is kind of their top gun guy it doesn't make sense that they'd hurt him."

"But the Initiative has a whole branch of brain-washy, behavior modification guys." Buffy said.


"Buffy's right" I said. "What happen' ll when they start not liking Riley's behavior?"


We headed to the woods with our flashlights patrolling together.

"Spread out?" Willow asked

"Not to far" I told them nodding. "Keep your eyes and ears open."

"So not a problem" Xander said he and Will started to walk in opposite directions, I smiled at Buffy before heading off.

I walked past a cluster of brush when a foul stench of rotten blood caught my attention, I looked up and my mouth fell open.


The three came running up behind me staring at the demon hung on in the tree it's arms splayed out on either side and guts were missing. If you looked at it you could see the demon had been screaming.


"Here" Buffy said handing me a mug of warmed up pig blood, I sat on the bed just not wanting to move curling up with a blanket.  I sniffled taking the warmy goodness and took a drink.

"I've never seen anything like it." I muttered quietly. "It's so sad even for a demon to be killed and then just left like that, it's disrespectful."

"And I could go on a long healthy stretch without seeing anything like it again." Xander said.

"It had to be Adam who killed that thing. But why?" Willow said. She and Buffy sat on either sides of me, I leaned my head over laying it on Will's shoulder.

"He's studying biology. Humans, demons" Buffy told us. "Whatever he can get his hands on and tear apart."

"Learning what makes things work." Willow said.

"I really don't want to be around for the final exam." I said starting to panic. "Oh god what if vampires are next?"

"It's not coming to that. The Initiative made this monster, now they can't stop it. But we will' Buffy said rubbing my back. "I promise Tori, we will get through this."

"Question" Xander said. "Will hiding in a cabin with stockpiled chocolate goods be any part of this plan?"

"No" Buffy said.

"Told you" Xander told Willow.

"What's first?" Will asked.

"Riley" I said pushing the blanket back and sitting up a bit. "We're gonna get him out."

Buffy looked over at me.

 "Really? You'll help me?"

"Of course I would Buff" I told her. "Like I said Riley's important to you and he kept my secret even though I don't approve of where he comes from, we're not going to leave him down there with them people. We're going in. It's your call."

Buffy smiled at me before she stood up going general Buffy mode and looked at all of us.

"Willow I need you to hack into the security mainframe and buy me a ten-minute shutdown of all operational systems."

"That could be." Willow said.

"Tricky but not impossible. If you can't do it online, use magic. Just get it done. Xander. Any gear you've been saving for a rainy day - you give to me."

"you want the stealthy-stuff?"

 "We tried sneaking in, this time it's force. Explosives, tear gas, grappling hooks. Tori and I will go in through the elevator shaft, use the cables for tow line." Buffy said looking at me I nodded in confirmation before catching a scent. "Blast open the main facility doors and find the infirmary."

I looked over finding Riley at the bottom of the stairs.

"Uh Buffy" I said raising my hand, Buffy ignored me and kept talking. 

"By now their reserve generator's kicked in so we take out the main guard fast and..."

Riley glanced at me and I shrugged.

"Am I really worth all that?" Riley asked.

Buffy quickly turned around spotting him. 


She threw her arms around him and squeezed, Riley let out a painful shout making her let go.

"Oh my god did I hurt you?"

"No, a giant skewer through the rib cage hurt me. That was just a reminder."

"How'd you get out?" Buffy asked.

"I walked" Riley told us.

"They didn't try to stop you?" Willow asked.

"They did. Repeatedly. But then I told them they couldn't keep me without a major ass-kicking one way or another... and here I am." Riley said.

"That's great Riley" Xander said. "And you know, there's no polite way to ask you this, but - did they put a chip in your brain?"

"Beg pardon?"

"Forget it" Buffy told him. "We're just happy to have you back."

'We were all pretty worried about you for a while there" I told him crossing my arms.

"Me too" He said. "My behavior was pretty out there...." He looked at me. "I'm sorry for the whole shocking you and everything."

"Forget it, Help us take down this unstoppable killer cyborg demon thing and we'll call it even." I told him waving him off and then glared deadly. "But if you ever cross me again be prepared to face the consequences."

Riley stared at me blinking before he gave a nervous chuckle. 

"Right um taking Adam down is gonna be tough no way to predict what he'll throw at us."

"You're here" Buffy said turning and embraced him again. "between us and Tori whatever comes we can handle it." 

Riley smiled at her.

"And just in case the whole thing blows up in our's good to have a friend with vamp speed." Xander said, I rolled my eyes hitting him upside the head and went back to drinking my blood.


Still at Xander's, Buffy. Riley and I stood together in the middle of our makeshift war room, Riley was sitting with the blaster cradled in his lap.

"The puzzle it seems to me." Giles said. "is why Adam would stay dormant the past few days."

"When he's not making performance art of of other demons, that is." Willow added.

"He's probably working off an autonomic power-source" I said making them all look at me. "What? everyone needs to charge up why do you think I feed all the time?"

"Okay" Buffy said. "But what's he charging up for?"

"Based on my clues?" Xander said. "I'll go with 'killing spree"

"And that's the best-case scenario I suppose a little firepower wouldn't hurt right now. Here." Riley said opening up a side panel on the blaster, pressing a few buttons and handed it to Buffy.

"How'd you do that?" Xander exclaimed. "Is there like an On/Off button somewhere in here?"

"So if Walsh designed Adam any chance she left instructions lying around?" I asked.

"if she did, they're in the Initiative" Buffy said.

"Which we can't get into without mounting a major offensive." Willow said.

"Speak for yourself" Riley told her grinning.

We all looked at him as the phone rang.

"I'm just saying..."

"Having a man on the inside working for us could be..."I said looking at Buffy.

"A really great idea" Buffy said looking over at Riley. "You sure you want to be double-agent guy?"

"I'm not exactly sure what you'd call me. But I will share information. Least I can do."

"Riley's right" Xander said. "It is the least he can do."

Giles answered the phone.

"Hello? yes?" Giles looked at me puzzled and held the phone out for me. 

"It's for you"

I blinked confused and took it from him.

"Hello? ....Chantry? what's the emergency?" I asked my face dropped. "How long?.....WHAT!?...WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU JUST NOW TELLING ME THIS?...." I paused suddenly remembering who I was talking too and calmed down. " Sorry... look forget it I'll take care of it and let you know."

 I hung up and turned to the gang who all stood staring at me with wide eyes.

"Uh Tor" Xander warned gesturing to my mouth, I glanced beside me into a mirror Xan had and noticed my fangs.

"What is it?" Giles asked.

"Faith. She's awake" I said, staring at them. "Beat someone up, took her clothes and disappeared out of the hospital, no one can find her not even Chantry. Her scent keeps leading them in circles."

"I'd say this qualifies for a worst-timing ever award." Xander said.

"What do we do?" Willow said.

"You must find her immediately" Giles said.

"But what about Adam?" Buffy asked.

"Yeah - I'd hate to see the pursuit of a homicidal lunatic get in the way of pursuing a homicidal lunatic."

"I'll handle Faith" I said looking at Buffy. "I'll patrol and let her make the first move."

"How do you know she will?" Willow asked.

"She'll come for me before Buffy" I told them. "But after I beat her up and trust that I will, do I turn her over to the cops? they couldn't handle a slayer even if they knew we existed and I can't excalty put her in vampire jail...well I could but it wouldn't be smart."

"There's a vampire jail?" Xander asked.

"Mhm, and believe me the Magister is much more cruel than a regular judge." I said.

"How so?"

"Well one time a fanger got his fangs ripped out now he drinks blood from a straw" I said shrugging they looked at me with wide eyes again.

"Well what about the slayer council?" Willow suggested.

"Been there, tried that. Not unlike smothering a forest fire with napalm, as I recall." Xander said.

"The initiative?" Giles said suggestively. "They do have containment facilitates."

"One word evil" Xander said and then looked at Riley. "No offense"

"Either way Faith is back" I said.

"We have no idea where Faith is right now though" Buffy said.

"no problem for me." I told her smirking. "I'll find her and we can deal with what to do with her later."


They all nodded.


"Any luck?" Willow asked when I ran into them back on campus later in the day.

"Couldn't find her" I said shaking my head. "every time I get close it turns into a dead end."

"At least you're not alone on this right now I bet every cop in Sunnydale's looking for her." Buffy said.

"Pressure's definitely high. If I were her, I'd get out of Dodge post-hasty." I said before I looked up ahead and pulled the girls to a stop, they looked at me I indicated in front of us.

Faith stood there, right there blocking our way, smiling cockily and arms folded waiting for us like she owned the campus.

"Well you're not me" She said smiling at me. "So check you two out. The 'big girls on campus' things really working for you."

I slowly approached her cautiously trying to figure her out. 

"I've been looking for you."

"I've been standing still for eight months, T. How hard you look?"

"Are you alright?" Buffy asked coming to my side.

"Five by five that's the thing about a coma" Faith told us. "You come out all rested and rejuvenated" She stepped up closer to me getting in my face, I had to bit my tongue to keep myself from doing anything. "And ready for pay back."

 She glanced between us.

"So much for the pleasantries huh?" Buffy said.

"What'd you think?" Faith said looking between us. "I'd wake up and we'd go for tea? you tried to gut me Blondie And you took the one person in the world who saw the real me."

"He only used you" I told her glaring. "A father loves their children unconditionally not bribe them so that they will fight their battles."

"You're wrong he did love me, he loved me enough to make me stronger not a whiny weakling like you Wilkins was right your entire family are just weak, you deserve to be slayed, maybe when I'm done here, I'll pay them a visit."  She taunted.

My glare turned dark stepping up to her and growled lightly.

"Okay guys" Buffy whispered lowering her voice. "Not here. Not now there are innocent people."

Looking up I had forgotten we were on campus in the middle of everyone, they just kept on their own buisness except the V club who stood in the shadows watching, some of them angry. I sighed knowing Buffy was right and backed down.

"It was too much to hope you'd used your down time to reflect and grow." Buffy added.

"Could say the same about you, you're still the same old better than thou Buffy and Victoria. I knew it somehow I kept having these dreams....not sure what it means the dream this self righteous blond chick stabbed me and you know why?"

"You had it coming." I told her.

"That's one interpretation" Faith said. "But in my dream, she does it for a guy if it weren't so corny it'd be beautiful. True love conquers all, and that but then...I wake up to find out this blonde chick isn't even dating the guy she was so nuts about before. She's moved on - to the first college beefstick she meets. Not only has she forgotten the "love of her life," she's forgotten all about the chick she nearly killed for him... so that's my dream then I find out her other blonde friend gutted my 'father'....Tell me college girls" Faith sauntered up to us leaning in close. "What does it mean?"

"To me?" I asked. "Mostly that you still mouth off about things you don't understand and another thing he was NEVER your FATHER I'm glad I killed him he was a monster who got everything he deserved and if I had to, I'd do it all again."

Before I could say anymore a hand came up punching me in the face, I smirked not feeling anything and punched her back much harder, Faith went down kicking my legs out from under me, I jumped over them but Buffy hit the ground.

Faith turned her attention to her, Willow threw a chair in her way and Faith staggered knocking the chair away, she snapped towards Will. I growled leaping between them and pushed Faith back.

Suddenly a police car went off, a couple officers got out fast and came towards us, I noticed them as Jareth and Kendall.

"You took everything from me." Faith said sneering. "Payback's a bitch."

"Look, who's talking." Buffy said.

"See ya"

 Faith bolted going straight toward the cops, they made grabs for her but she bowled through them and ran up over the squad car leaped off a truck and then hit the ground running.

I gave Buffy a quick look before I ran after her the one time I couldn't use my vampiness. I watched her scale a wall and jumped over the side, quickly following I jumped over and landed looking around to find that she was gone. I growled.


After reporting to Buffy, I told her I was going to patrol possibly try and track her scent sometimes it sucked when your prey was smarter than the hunter. I stopped short hearing a noise from one of the many alleyways and entered.

I let my game face come out to play just in case and walked down the alley, putting my hands in my pocket holding onto my dagger. Looking up I found Spike emerging from the shadows lighting a cigarette.

"Spike?" I asked annoyed. "Great of all the nights...what are you doing here?"

"Me? hey I'm not the one out of place here." He told me. "Although with those fangs you fit in right at home."

"I don't have for you." I muttered with a sigh and turned back the way I came heading down it.

"Hey..." Spike called after me, he rushed to keep up and walked with me. I looked over at him raising an eyebrow. "You can't just start a banter and then walk away."

"Did you not hear me?" I asked. "I'm busy got other things to do like track down a rogue slayer."

"Sounds serious."

I stopped hearing the tone in his voice and glared. 

"What do you know?"

"What do you need?" He retorted.

"Dark hair, this tall name of Faith completely insane."

"This bird after you?"

"In a bad way, yeah" I said quietly. "She's part of a past I really don't want to revisit."

"Tell you what I'll do, then. Head out, find this girl, tell her exactly where all of you are, and then watch as she kills you." Spike said and then stared laughing. "Why do you keep forgetting that I HATE YOU " He pointed to his head. " Just because I can't do the damage myself doesn't stop me from aiming a loose cannon your way."

He shoved past me and stormed out of the alley.

"I don't care what Mom says." I muttered to myself. "There's no way I'll ever accept him as my mate." 

I sighed shaking my head and walked out.


Edited (10-4-19) Short Chapter

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