New Units - 2p!Hetalia x Read...

By RoseFiammotta

338K 11.6K 9.2K

She really thought it was just going to be a small package or maybe even a small box, but she really didn't e... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~ Chapter Four ~
~ Chapter Five ~
~ Chapter Six ~
~ Chapter Seven ~
House Layout
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty Øne~
~Chapter Twenty Two~
~Chapter Twenty Three~
~Chapter Twenty Four~
~Chapter Twenty Five~
~Chapter Twenty Six~
~Chapter Twenty Seven~
~Chapter Twenty Eight~
~Chapter Twenty Nine~
~Chapter Thirty~
~Chapter Thirty One~
Ay ay ay What up my friends
~Chapter Thirty Two~
~Chapter Thirty Three~
~Chapter Thirty Four~
~Chapter Thirty Five~
~Chapter Thirty Six~
~Chapter Thirty Seven ~ SPECIAL EDITION~
~Chapter Thirty Seven~
~Chapter Thirty Eight~
~Chapter Thirty Nine~
~Chapter Forty~
~Chapter Forty One~
~Chapter Forty Two~
~Chapter Forty Three~
~Chapter Forty Four~
~Chapter Forty Five ~
End of 2018 - Author's Note
~ Chapter Forty-Six ~
~ Chapter Forty Seven ~ SUPER SPECIAL EDITION ~
~ Chapter Forty Seven ~
~Chapter Forty-Eight ~
Happy 3 Years! - Author's Note
~Chapter Forty-Nine~
~Chapter Fifty~
~Chapter Fifty Two~
~Chapter Fifty Three~
~Chapter Fifty Four~
~Chapter Fifty Five~ FINALE~Part One ~
~Chapter Fifty-Five~ FINALE ~ Part Two
~ Allen Ending ~

~Chapter Fifty One~

2.1K 95 101
By RoseFiammotta

The Flying Mint Bunny Inc.

I had no plan. I was pretty much just driving straight into the unknown, right for the belly of the beast. Yet, my whole body felt so free. I was worried of course, but I was happier than sad, cause I just couldn't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see me walk through those doors. The dumbstruck, look of awe that will just be plastered on their expressions and I wouldn't be able to contain my laughter. Just the idea of it makes me smile, and that in itself is what makes all of this worth it.

I drove for hours, driving until I physically couldn't. And then, out in the distance far off the highway and deep in the woods, there it stood. It was already five times bigger than it's sister location, having at least 4 floors in its massive volume. The whole thing full of glass windows, all tinted. There were cars and vans and a BUNCH of people, mainly people in lab coats and suits which made my whole operation feel that much more intense. And with the outpour of people, there was security. Big, brawny men all in black standing intimidatingly in front of massive sliding doors. This was a covert operation and suddenly all of those spy scenes in the movies flicker through my head, the cute spy music ringing through my ears. I squinted my gaze towards my target, I had to find a way to stealthily make my way in, and I knew just what would work.

Sneaking around to the back of the building I scan the massive garage doors with large boxes and trucks being filled with said boxes. I went to the place with the least guards, casually walking my way in, looking like I knew exactly what I was doing.

I had no idea what I was doing.

Sure enough, I passed by just as the guard had turned their face and crept my way into the facility. The first event of the mission was stealth and to stay stealthy I needed a disguise, that disguise was called "Oh hell yeah the locker room is right there and I'm totally just stealing an empty lab coat." Waiting just as someone was leaving the room, I sneaked through the open door and went straight for the nearest locker. I paused in front of it, pondering, do I go on with my crime? I mean, I've come this far I might as well. Opening it up, I stole the person's precious lab coat along with their name tag, round glasses, and their extra granola bar. Did I feel slightly guilty of stealing? Yes. Was I going to continue? Absolutely. With a newly stolen name tag and granola bar in my mouth, I ventured out into the unknown.

As far as the eye could see were long white halls with tiny labels all around. I tried my best to look casual, constantly pressing the glasses up the bridge of my nose. Every person who passed me made my pulse rush and each time I'd look back I hoped they weren't doing the same. Each arrow I followed filled me with dread, not knowing where I was headed was a bad feeling but the fear of being caught was even worse. Following the arrows left me at a desolate elevator. Beside it was a map of the whole building, yet even with this map I still didn't know where I needed to go.

(Name) groaned at the sight of its tiny numbers and letter. "I mean, what the heck is '21B Harvest Floor' supposed to be?!" I mumbled beneath my breath. Although "Harvest Floor" sounded creepy maybe in "Matinence Floor" I'd have more luck. Pressing the bright button I waited as the ding slowly went off and entered the confined space. My warm finger quickly tapped on the touch screen button and I wormed my way to the corner, silently praying no one would come in.


The dreadful sound of the elevator went off and just as the doors opened my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. In came two brawny guards, upon seeing my face smirked and walked in.

"Good evening." Says the guard to my left, somehow squeezing me in the middle. I flinch but keep my cool, "Yeah."

The guard on my right peeks over to my name tag, "Ms. Schneeblee?"

Reading over my own stolen name tag I reiterate his question. "Actually it's pronounced Schneeblay."


The dark silver doors open slowly but I'm more than eager to hop out. It's not my floor but it'll do for now.

"Would'a look at that, it's my stop. GOTTA BLAST." I squeak out.

The guards glare suspiciously and just before I step out they reread my name tag. With a sheepish grin, I scram out of the elevator and rush down the nearest hall constantly looking over my shoulder and nearly losing my mind when one of them turns the corner.

"Hey! Miss wait!" He yells, right arm outstretched.

My eyes widen as my pace quickens, turning a corner quickly without looking. And per my clumsiness, I bump right into someone.

"Oof." My air gets knocked out of my lungs but the person I've bumped into quickly holds onto me to keep me steady.

"Woah there, dudette." The soft American accent raises my brows and makes me completely still.

My jaw nearly drops at the strangely foreign but also familiar sight.

Blonde. Ocean blue. Suit and tie. Bomber jacket. Puppy dog looking expression.

There's no way.



The two strangers lock eyes and with fear in her eyes, (Name) whispered, "Help me."

Widening a goofy grin he gleams, "No need to tell me twice." Her new American friend snatches her wrist and they barrel down another hallway until he rushes into a room.

Shutting the door behind them (Name) began to feel the pain in her lungs. The fragile girl placed her hands on her knees and began huffing, shutting her eyes and solely focusing on the steady airflow reaching her brain. Heaving out her words she mumbled unconsciously, "Woah there, Steve Rogers."

Without missing a beat he perks up and practically shouts, "YOU REALLY THINK IM LIKE STEVE ROGERS?"

"Oh please, don't make his head any bigger than it already is, love." Says another, much more foreign voice.

"What like yours?"

"How dare you!"

"Clearly not as perfect as mine." Says a third luscious voice.

Oh my god

The girl rolls her eyes before standing up straight and placing a hand on either of her hips.

It was them.

A room full of the 1ps, originals if you will. All in their original outfits and all just like she would've imagined them to be. And as thrilled as she would've been to see them she was on another mission. They stood bickering amongst one another, about what she couldn't tell.

"HEY!" Throwing her arms in the air certainly caught all of their attentions.

"Si, Bella?" Said the lighter version of Luci, also known as Feliciano.

She takes one good breath of confidence and starts again, "Listen, this is all fine and dandy but I've got a job to do."

"Yeah, I think we can see that Captain Obvious." South Italy/Lovino says arrogantly, crossing his arms and pointing at her lab coat.

Holding back her glare and annoyed eyebrow raise, she bites her tongue and reiterates herself once again. "I don't mean that kind of job."

"Catering?" Said a squeaky spoken American.

"NO, YOU-" She bites her tongue once more, keeping herself from saying some pretty colorful words.

She composes herself, readjusts her fake glasses and straightens her lab coat.

"Look, my name is (First Name) (Last Name) and I'm here for the Second Players." She speaks calmly, slowly, making sure to make direct eye contact with everyone. They looked just as surprised as she thought they would be and yet in her eyes, there's actually a tinge of anger within those stares as well.

"Yes, you heard me correctly."

With a push of his glasses, America looked dumbfounded at her answer, replying with, "The Second players? You sure?"

"I mean I've been living with them for a little while now, yeah I think I know who I'm talkin' about here." Growing annoyed at their hesitation she hinted her annoyance with her voice.

"Are you absolutely sure you're not talking about somebody else mademoiselle?" Spoke the much lighter version of France, Francis.

Breaking her cool she waltzed up to the man, pointing her finger his way. "Listen up French Toast, yeah! The Second Players alright! Allen, Luciano, Matt, Oliver, Francois, Kuro, Flavio, Gillen, Lutz, Xiao, Viktor, Andres."

Although impressed by the fact she was telling the truth, the little nickname of hers fascinated him more.

"F-french Toast?"

Doing a complete 180 she brightens up and begins to giggle, a sweet sound echoing the cold room. "Get it? Cause you're much sweeter than your counterpart which makes you french toast while he's french fries. Isn't it clever!" She says, her whole face full of a smile.

It made a couple of the others chuckle around them, the girl surprising them with her witty humor. She dropped her gleaming grin and returned to her composed state. "But yes, I am indeed here for the Second Players."

"Why?" Said, the less friendly version of England, Arthur.

That, of course, was the elephant in the room. The big unanswered question.

Slowly but surely, that soft grin on her face began to grow once more. She couldn't help it, she couldn't hide it.

"The simple answer? I love them."

That, of course, earned her some very shocked expressions.

"The long answer?"

With a parted lipped smile and soft expression, the others stood in wonder as this stranger began pouring out her heart to them.

"They need me and if I'm being honest? I need them just as much as they do." She paused, looking delicately into her palms.

"They've been there for me when no one else has, times when I didn't feel myself or when no one wanted to see me for who I truly was. We all need people, we all need someone who understands them more than anyone. And for me, that someone is out there right now, probably hurting. They need me, and I can't abandon them now. Not when they need me the most. They believe I'm not coming for them, and I want to prove them wrong. I mean, they mean so much more to me than words can describe and they don't even know it! I wanna show them I'm not moving on, I can't, not without them."

No longer looking down she looks up at them, smiling with purity and innocence. Her eyes did all the talking, it was as if the room just lit up as she was standing there. Any bad thing in the world could've been whished away by her very word, that's how much power they saw in her.

She was, lovely. Someone they wished they could've known sooner.

"You are a very, very, strange young woman. " Began Arthur, speaking for his comrades around him.

"And although we strongly dislike our counterparts, there's no denying they're a part of us. We've seen through the years how fate has treated them and it has not been kind. But you barge in here, with your sweet words and soft tone and believe you can change all of the evil that is inside them. That takes true courage, a strength I don't even believe some of us possess. But I believe, that with you around you'll bring the best out in them."

They all brightened up to her, truly seeing her pure intentions but feeling the slightest bit of jealousy.

"I'm sorry I'm not here for you, although I'm sure there's someone waiting." (Name) turns her head to the readers and winks, as if looking into the camera and breaking the fourth wall(for the millionth time).

"But I need to get to them, so would you please help me?" She ponders, her tender words striking a match within them.

Despite the deep coarse tone of Germany/Ludwig, his words were gentle, "Of course."

Her eyes lit up at their support. It wasn't part of the plan, but it sure is a helpful hand.

"Now, let's go get em!"




Just want to state that the whole "French Toast(1P France), French Fries(2P France)" joke isn't actually mine but it's from a comment a long time ago so if you made that joke please come forward so I can credit you!! 

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