The New Kid (Sander Sides Sto...

By ghostneeds0sleep

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-Completed- Book 1 Roman was known for his talent. He was an amazing singer and Football player. Everyone kne... More

Chapter 1 - The New Kid
Chapter 2 - Lunch and Ice Cream
Chapter 3 - Truth or Dare
Chapter 4 - The Fight
Chapter 5 - The Fort
Chapter 6 - The Walk
Chapter 7 - Dreams
Chapter 8 - Skinny Love
Chapter 9 - Food
Chapter 10 - I'm cold
Chapter 11 - The store
Chapter 12 - Moving
Chapter 13 - They are just Dreams
Chapter 14 - Ice cream
Chapter 15 - Pasta
Chapter 16 - Breakfast
Chapter 17 - The vister
Chapter 18 - Road trip
Chapter 19 - Road Trip 2
Chapter 20 - Yellow Bud Cafe
Chapter 21 - Drugged and afraid
Chapter 22 - Driving and Pizza
Chapter 23 - John
Chapter 25 - Mary Moores
Chapter 26 - We need to talk
Chapter 27 - The festival
Chapter 28 - You did what!
Chapter 29 - Its a new day for a new chapter
Chapter 30 - The Note
Chapter 31 - I am not as think as you drunk I am.
Chapter 32 - Hang overs suck
Chapter 33 - Movies
Chapter 34 - Christmas Day

Chapter 24 - Some things are just not meant be said

43 5 1
By ghostneeds0sleep

T/W - Funeral, car crash, homophobic, hate.

Virgils POV
I wake up in my hotel room. I look around to find that I am alone.
"Roman!" I don't hear anything. I look at the time it is 10:27am. Where is Roman. I call Logan. He picks up.
"Virgil. Everything is okay. Just come to my hotel room and I will tell you everything."
"Okay." I hang up. I put on my hoodie and go to Logan's hotel room.
*knock knock* the door flies open with Logan standing behind the door.
"Come on in." Logan says. I walk in and sit on his couch.
"Where is Roman and Patton?" I ask
"Um. Remy and Thomas, they were driving to DQ. Then a drunk driver hit them."
"Are they okay?"
"Yes. But Patton and Roman went to the hospital as soon as they heard."
"Why did Roman go and not you?"
"Patton wanted Roman to go. And someone needs to be with you to go to your moms funeral."
"Okay. Will they be there?"
"I am afraid not."
"Okay. Do you want to grab a bite to eat before we go?"
"Sure. What time do we have to be there?"
"Okay lets go get something to eat now."
Logan drives me to McDonald's.
"What do you want to eat?" He asks
"Plain Cheese Burger and Oreo McFlurry." I say.
"Hello what can I get for you today?" The person asks
"2 plain Cheese Burgers and 2 Oreo McFlurrys 2 Large Fries and 1 French Vanilla Latte. Please."
"Okay that will be $18.47." The person says. We pay for the food and sit down.
"2 large Fries?" I ask
"Yeah. If we don't eat them all we don't."
The person comes and gives as our food.
"Did you want to try some of my French Vanilla Latte?" Logan asks.
"Sure." I drink some of it.
"This is amazing." I say
"I know. This is my favorite thing they have here."
Logan and I finish our food and we leave. We go back to the hotel and get ready.
I put on black sunny jeans and a black hoodie. I forget about my makeup and I put on some shoes and comb my black to purple hair. Logan comes into my room all dressed. He is in a black shirt with his blue tie and black pants. He is also wearing some dress shoes.
"Wow Logan. You make me look like shit to my own mothers funeral."
"Well I like to look nice."
"Wait I need to fix something." I say
I walk closer to him and I fix his tie. Then I look at his hair. I smile then I fix it.
"Virgil." He says as he grabs my face softly.
"Do you have freakles?" Logan asks
"No I don't."
"Yes you do and it is adorable." Logan says. Then he kisses my head. I blush.
"We should go. We still have a 30 minute drive." I say
"Can we get an uber?" Logan asks
"I guess."
Logan orders an uber and they arrive at the hotel. Logan and I sit in the back of then car. Logan puts his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. He puts his head on mine.

*** (30 minutes later)

We are at the cemetery. We get out and walk to where we need to be. I didn't think anyone would be there but there are 2 men there. We get closer.
"Hey Virgil." I hear
"Kelly!" I say
"I can't believe you thought I wouldn't come. You know your mom was my dads sister." Kelly says.
"Hi Homosexual." I hear. I turn around to see my dad standing there.
"I thought you were dead!" I yelled.
"Nope. I faked my death so I could kill your mother."
I get closer to Logan. We sit down in the chairs Logan and I sit in the back.
"Is everything okay Virgil?"
"Kelly and my dad are here. My dad hates me. And Kelly he raped me when I was younger." I say crying into Logan's arms.
"Hello. We are all here for Mary's Death. Now I shall begin the will reading." They preacher says.
"I Mary Moores want everything to go to my loving homosexual son. I want him to know I never really loved him. But I hope he is in peace now with me being dead." The preacher says.
"Now does anyone want to say anything?" He adds
"I do." My father says.
"I want you to all know. I never wanted a kid. I only wanted Mary. But she wanted a kid. Getting her pregnant was the worst thing I have done in my life. I hate my son so much. He is a sinner and he should die in hell." He yells. I start to cry. I can't believe this was happening.
"I also would like to say something." Kelly says
"I loved Mary a lot. After I found out Virgil was born. I was exited to have a cousin. Then when he got older he got a boyfriend named John. Oh did we all get mad. See he only told me. So I told his dad. Ever since then we started hit him. One day I raped the kid. And we thought we got the gay out of him. But no. As you see here he is here with another boy." Kelly steps down. I didn't want to be here any more.
"Logan can we leave."
Logan carrys me away.
"You know I can walk."
"But I want you as close as you can be to me."
I smile at him. I look at his lips and he looks at mine. Then I kiss him. He kisses me back. We pull away and smile.
"That was amazing." I say
He gets an uber and we go to my hotel. I open the door to see Roman and Patton were sitting on the bed kissing. They pull away.
"I love you." Roman says
"I love you too." Patton says.
I look at Logan. He look back at me. I run from everything. I can't do this.
Homosexual. Sinner. Coward. Go to hell.
All these thoughts are running through my head. I fall to the floor with my head in my hands. I feel someone hug me. I look up to see Logan sitting in front of me.
"Patton and Roman they are sorry we had to find out this way." Logan says
"I loved him."
"I loved Patton too. But Virgil the truth is. I loved you more." He says as he grabs my hands. I freeze.
"Really?" I say
"Yes." He says as he helps me up.
Logan starts walking ahead of me. I see a car coming. I run out and push Logan out of the way. The car hits me instead.

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