Seph Jackson-Stark

By ShippingPrincess

63K 1.5K 490

So I messed up the tale of the big three then re-wrote PJO some what so that Percy is a girl(fem!percy=Seph)... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Five
Part Six

Part Four

8K 212 26
By ShippingPrincess


A giant flying battle ship came flying into the forum. Why didn't I think of that? Who ever made that boat must be some kind of genius. Like 'close-to-my-adoptive-dad's-mind' genius.

Suddenly the shadows started to elongate, turning into long, bony fingers then forming monstrous shapes. Skeletal soldiers came from the ground slowly coming towards us. A cackle filled the air.

I smiled the whole time, my smile getting wider as the show goes on. I see a figure in one of the shadows and start subtlety walking towards it.

"Hello demi-" I tackle him to the ground in a hug.

"Nico!" I scream. I hear him groan and role over looking at me with loving eyes.

"Seph!" He cries back and hugs me back tightly, like if he lets go I'll disappear,"I searched for you. All over. But your disappearing made me realize something very important." He starts off whispering, slowly making it to talking in his normal voice.

"What?" I ask with a laugh.

"I love you." He says and my heart stops. Okay, boy, you shalt be rewarded with a kiss. Plus he didn't stutter this time.

I kiss him, obviously, When I pull back for breath I gasp out,"I love you too."

He smiles. Someone clears their throat and I turn around to see my sister in everything but blood.

I immediately jump up and pull her into a hug.

"Hey, Annie." I'm the only one who can get away with it.

"Hey, Sephie." She answers back. She pulls away and I walk back over to Nico, he stood up, who wraps an arm around my waist.

"Intros are in order!" I announce happily and turn to the Romans,"Romans, Greeks. Greeks, Romans." I introduce, pointing to each in turn.

"Allow me. Sorry, Seph, but that isn't really introducing somebody, you know?" Annabeth says and I nod. I knew she would do it for me if I messed up,"This is Leo, Jason, Piper, and coach Hedge. That over there by Seph, is Nico and I'm Annabeth."

"Woo-hoo! Go Annie! You tell them who you all are!" I cheer and they look at me, I just shrug,"And now presenting: Frank, Hazel, Reyna, and Octavian." I say all of the names as fast as possible then look at Annie.

"9 seconds." She says and I do a little happy dance.

"New record!" I scream, jumping up and down,"Hey, Nico?" I say, calming down.

"Hmm?" He asks, looking down at me.

"Did you get taller?" I ask and he laughs.

"Yes. I did."

"Damn! I'm not taller than you anymore!" I say and he chuckles,"Growth spurts suck."

"Not if you're on the receiving end, hun." Nico says and I groan.

"Whatever." I say and grab his hand,"C'mon! Let me show you 'round the city!"

So I drag him around the city and we finally end up back at the forum, where everyone is.

"Hello, all!" I exclaim then look around and find the person I'm looking for and point to him,"You!" I scream, then gesture for him to come with me.

"Yes?" He asks uncertainly.

"I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Persephone Andromeda Jackson-Stark. I was adopted by Tony Stark when I was a baby. So naturally I have a big imagination. And I invent stuff." He gives me a look that says 'just get to the point,"I love your war ship! It's ingenious! Could you possibly give me like a manual on how to use it or teach me? I'm a fast learner!"

"Ummm, sure?" he says and I hug him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeal. Then I run back to Nico.

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