Cowboys and Angels

By books_bands_and_more

31.5K 943 207

Adeline Blackwell is 25 years old. When she was five, her parents died of Scarlet fever. She was shipped away... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Fifteen

1K 30 4
By books_bands_and_more

Author's note: this chapter's song is "the Gambler" by Kenny Rogers. I'll link it above.

Over the next few days, Adeline was finally getting used to camp. She especially enjoyed Abigail, Jack, and Hosea's company. Abigail was easy to talk to and she didn't fuss over Adeline. She acted like Adeline was a normal member of this camp and not like she had just lost everything and almost been killed. It was refreshing to not be babied constantly. And Jack, she just adored Jack. He was so sweet. He picked her and Abigail flowers almost everyday and he liked to ask Adeline about New York City. Hosea was a wise old man and Adeline loved listening to his stories. He was an outlaw but you would never have known if he didn't say it because he was so kind. He told her stories of the wild west, the gang's early days, and even Arthur.

There had been no trace of Arthur for days. He and some of the other men were going to rescue another member of named Sean. Mary-Beth had explained to Adeline that Karen and Sean were an on-again off-again type couple. If you could even call them a couple. Mary-Beth was glad that she could now tease Karen about Sean instead of herself always being the one getting made fun of for helping Kieran.

"Did I ever tell you about the time Arthur got bit by a snake and John had to suck out the venom?" Hosea asked Adeline. The two were sitting by the fire that evening eating their dinner. Abigail held a sleeping Jack in her arms next to Hosea and Mary-Beth next to her.

"No, I don't think so," Adeline answered.

"Oh, I've heard this one, alright." Abigail said.

Hosea smiled at her before turning back to Adeline. "Arthur and John got drunk one night and after they drank themselves silly, they fell asleep- both under the same tree. The snake had been there the entire time, they just thought it was a tree root sticking up from the ground." Adeline laughed at the image of a drunk Arthur. It sure seemed accurate. Hosea continued, "It bit Arthur's leg- and after shooting it, he insisted it was a rattlesnake. Drunken John offered to suck out the venom. Dutch and I just happened to walk by and see what was going on. I took one look at the dead snake and knew it wasn't deadly. But I wasn't going to tell Arthur and John that. We let John sit there, sucking at Arthur's leg. When they finally gave up, we eventually told them and boy were they embarrassed."

Adeline laughed at the story. She would have liked to see it happen in person. "That's hilarious. How long did they sit there, trying to suck the venom out?"

"Maybe fifteen minutes," Hosea answered with a laugh. Their fun story was interrupted by Pearson yelling something.

"We're gonna need more food, soon. One of you's is gonna have to go hunting or get us some food from Valentine." He said to their group, the only people that were still awake.

Adeline desperately wanted to prove her worth to the rest of camp. "I'll go," She announced. Pearson nodded his head and left, satisfied with finding somebody to go so easily.

"You can hunt?" Hosea asked.

"No," She began. "Well, I'm sure I could if I tried hard enough but I'll just go to Valentine for some supplies."

"By yourself?" He asked again. "It's awfully dangerous with all the O'Driscolls snooping about." Hosea informed.

"I won't be alone." She said. "Abigail, would you and Jack like to come?"

Abigail smiled. "I would love to, but what if something goes wrong. I can't endanger Jack like that."

"I'll watch over him. You two go and get everything we need. He'll be in good care here." Hosea offered.

Abigail's eyes lit up. "Are you sure?"

"Positive," Hosea answered, looking fondly at the boy.

"It's settled then," Adeline exclaimed.


The next morning, Adeline woke up and got ready for the day. She put her hair in two french braids and put on the cream blouse and brown skirt Miss Grimshaw had given her. Her hazel eyes were clear and ready for adventure. She left her tent without waking up the other girls. She grabbed a slice of bread for breakfast and met Abigail by the fire. Jack was still sleeping and Hosea would take care of him once he woke up.

"You ready?" She asked. They had already gotten Dutch's approval to go get food and he had given them some of the camp's funds for food. Adeline had other plans though.

"Sure am," Abigail answered. "I haven't left camp in a long time. Between John always being gone and having to watch Jack, I haven't had much chance."

"Well I guess today is your lucky day," Adeline answered. The two hopped up into the seat of the wagon and Adeline flicked the reigns to make the horses go. They were off towards Valentine.

Once they finally arrived at the general store, They hitched up the horses and went inside. Pearson had given them a list of everything they needed. "What in God's name does he need so much alcohol for?" Adeline asked, looking at the list. "This has gotta be enough to last the camp for three weeks."

Abigail laughed. "You underestimate Pearson. He can probably finish this all in two days." They both laughed at her joke.


Deer meat


several cans of corn, carrots, and peas

sack of potatoes

4 bottles of whiskey

2 bottles of bourbon


There were a few more miscellaneous items left on the list that they still had to get. And after finally getting everything on the list Adeline and Abigail took everything to the register. Dutch had given them twenty-five dollars and the total came out to twenty-three. Abigail had the money he had given them but Adeline began diggin in her pockets.

"What are you doing? I have the money Dutch gave us?" Abigail asked.

Adeline placed a few of her own bills on the counter before Abigail could get out Dutch's money. "I have other plans for that money," She answered and Abigail looked confused.

The clerk helped them load everything into their wagon and wished them a good day once they were done. The girls thanked him and got back into the wagon.

"So what is this plan you have?" Abigail asked.

"You any good at poker?" Adeline asked. Abigail laughed.

"That's your plan? Gamble with Dutch's money?" Abigail said in disbelief. "You can't do that, what if you lose?"

Adeline raised her eyebrow. "I only lose when I'm drunk and I'm sober as a priest on Sunday right now."

"But what if you lose? The camp needs that money." Abigail pressed.

"Abigail, I don't lose. And besides, I'm sitting on a small fortune. I can replace it." Adeline explained.

"Then whats the point of gambling if you can just give the money?" She asked.

"Well where's the fun in that?" Adeline asked. "Now, are you any good?"

Abigail finally sighed, giving in. "I'm alright."

The two headed into the saloon and Adeline soon joined a game at one table. She gave Abigail money from her own coin purse and Abigail joined a game at the table nearby. After only an hour, Adeline had almost quadrupled the money Dutch had given them and Abigail had made double what Adeline had given her. They decided to quit while they were ahead.

"Well, thank you for a good game, fellas." Adeline said, standing up as their game ended and she collected the pot. Abigail followed her lead and they left the saloon one-hundred and twenty-five dollars richer. They got back into the wagon and headed towards Horseshoe Overlook.

"I told you, I never lose," Adeline said.

"Did you see the dealers face when you won for the third time? He must have thought you were a witch or something." Abigail laughed.

"What about the men at your table? They were shocked." Adeline added with a laugh.

"They were all drunk. It was easy money." Abigail fired back barely able to keep herself from laughing more. The two laughed all the way back to camp. It was early afternoon by the time they returned and Pearson would get all of his supplies before dinner. They stopped the wagon in front of his tent and he helped them unload everything. The unhitched the horses from the wagon and tethered them to the posts near the edge of camp.

"Shall we go give Dutch his money?" Abigail asked, holding out her arm for Adeline to take. Adeline linked her arm through Abigail's and they went over to Dutch's tent. He was talking with Arthur who must have just returned. They stopped when they saw the two girls.

"How can we help you, Miss Roberts, Miss Blackwell?" Dutch asked, slightly irritated that his conversation with Arthur was interrupted.

"We've got something for you," Adeline said, holding out the wad of cash to Dutch. His eyes lit up but it was quickly replaced with confusion.

"I send you out to get food and you come back with a wad of cash? How much is even in here?" He asked. Arthur glancing from Adeline to Abigail and back.

"One-hundred and twenty-five." Adeline answered.

"Adeline made a hundred of it and I made twenty-five of it," Abigail explained. "And she even bought the supplies from the store with her own money."

Adeline jabbed Abigail lightly in the side with her elbow. "They weren't supposed to know about that. Can't have people thinking I'm nice." Adeline joked, earning a laugh from Arthur and Abigail.

"I appreciate it very much, Miss Blackwell, but I can't have you gambling with the camp's money like that." Dutch said sternly.

Adeline sighed. "It wasn't a gamble. I don't lose."

Arthur scoffed at that one. She had very much lost when they played a few weeks ago.

"You've got a lot of confidence but you don't know that. You could have lost all of our money." Dutch said, almost scolding her.

"No, I mean I don't lose." She said once more, digging into her pocket to grab something. She pulled out dice and handed them to Dutch as if to say 'take a look.'

He turned them over in his hand and a smile spread across his face. "Loaded dice..."

Abigail gasped. Dutch smiled proudly at her and Arthur only seemed angry. "You've got the makings of a great outlaw, Miss Blackburn." Dutch said with a smile.

"And where were those when we played a few weeks ago?" Arthur asked, taken aback.

Adeline only shrugged and said, "I was drunk. Guess I forgot about them." She smiled at Arthur's anger. He laughed at her a little.

Dutch thanked her for helping out and told her he was proud. Her and Abigail left shortly after to let the two men finish their talk. Abigail went to find Jack and check on him and Adeline went to tell Karen, Mary-Beth, and Tilly about her adventure today.

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